137 research outputs found

    (Trans)cribing History: The Oral Histories of Transgender Clergy in America

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    Popular American rhetoric around religion and LGBTQ issues puts the two at odds. The Bible has been the center of many debates over sexuality, gender identity, and faith. However, very few conversations have included or revolved around the authentic experiences of LGBTQ people of faith. Nine participants from various Protestant backgrounds shared their narratives with me and spoke on issues of gender and faith. This report is an in-depth summary of a short oral history project of transgender clergy (as well as candidates for ordination or exemplary church members)


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    Pandemic influenza (PI) might be seen in the people who has no immunity against the new influenza virus (H1N1) previously. In the past, PI has caused many mortality and morbidity. Although antiviral therapy is not recommended for most of the patients with mild illness, it is strongly recommended for some group of the patients who are under 2 year-old, >65 year-old, pregnant and younger than 19 and also being taken aspirin for a long time. Neuraminidase inhibitors (NI) (oseltamivir, zanamivir) are preferred for the antiviral therapy. New drugs are expected to be turned out in this area

    Sepsis: genel kavramlar ve epidemiyoloji

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    Sepsis, enfeksiyonun sistemik olarak belirmesi ile birlikte olan olası ya da kanıtlanmış enfeksiyonun gelişmesi olarak tanımlanır. Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nde ağır sepsis insidansının 100,000 kişide 300 kişi olduğu tahmin edilmektedir. Bu hastaların yarısı yoğun bakım birimi (YBB) dışındadır. Ağır sepsis gelişen hastaların dörtte biri yatışları sırasında ölmektedir. Etyolojik açıdan Gram-pozitif mikroorganizmalara bağlı gelişen sepsis sıklığında son zamanlarda artış bildirilmektedir ve şimdilerde ise Gram-negatif etkenler kadar sık görüldüğü söylenebilir. Bu durum invazif işlemler ve hastane kökenli enfeksiyonların oranlarında artışa bağlanabilir. Genetik eğilime ek olarak, yaş, cinsiyet, siyah ırk, malignite ve kronik hastalık yükünün (diyabetes mellitus, kronik böbrek yetmezliği) artması ağır sepsis gelişmesi için önemli risk faktörleridir

    Comparison of microbiological results of superficial swab cultures vs deep tissue samples and aspiration fluids cultures in patients with chronic osteomyelitis and prosthetic joint infections

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    Prosthetic joint infections and chronic osteomyelitis are hard to treat infections, generally requiring surgical intervention with a high morbidity and financial cost. Besides surgical interventions, at least six-eight weeks of antibiotherapy is required. The cost of antibiotherapy, hospitalization and side effects which are requiring laboratory studies are high. The real etiologic agent is to be identified as much as possible, providing rational therapy. Rational therapy, even, can effect the type of surgical intervention. In this study, microbiologic results of superficial swabs were compared with the results of deep tissue cultures (tru-cut biopsy and/or curettage materials). A total of 107 patients, 58 women (54%) and 49 men (46%), were included. Of 107 patients, 54 (50.5%) had prosthetic joint infection and 53 (49.5%) had chronic osteomyelitis. While in 77 patients the etiologic agent was identified, it was not identified in one third of the cases. Of the agents identified, 59 (76%) were Gram-positive cocci, 19 (24%) were Gram-negative bacilli. Gram-positive cocci were identified in 32 (86.5%) cases of prosthetic joint infection, and in 27 (65.8%) cases of chronic osteomyelitis. 93.2% of Gram-positive cocci was staphylococci. In 66 patients (61.7%) there was a discordance between the culture results of superficial swabs and deep tissue/pus materials. In 37 (34.6%) patients, an agent was identified in deep tissue/pus material, but not in superficial swab cultures. In nine (8.4%) patients, no agent was identified in tissue/pus culture but identified in superficial swab culture. In 20 (18.7%) patients, different isolates were identified between the deep tissue/pus material and superficial swabs. In 41 (28.4%) patients, the results were in accordance. Of these, in 19 (17.8%) patients, the same agent was obtained. In 22 patients (20.6%), no isolate was identified in superficial swab nor deep tissue/pus cultures. As a result, superficial swab cultures are not in accordance with the deep tissue/pus cultures. It would not be wise to direct the treatment via only superficial swab cultures