410 research outputs found

    Changes on the nutritional compositions of the sand smelt (Atherina Boyeri Risso, 1810) marinade during storage

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    This study was carried out to evaluate the chemical and sensory quality of sand smelt (Atherina boyeri) treated with marinating solution containing either 10% NaCl+2% acetic acid or 10% NaCl+3% acetic acid at 4°C for 120 days. The fish-to-marinating solution ratio was 1:1. According to the results of the chemical composition analysis of the fresh and marinated sand smelt, a significant increase (P<0.05) in ash and fat content and a decrease (P<0.05) in protein and moisture content were determined. In fatty acid analysis results, it was seen that there existed a decrease in unsaturated fatty acids in the marinated samples, and it was understood that the samples which had been marinated by using 2 and 3% acetic acid at the end of the storage period for 120 days were not spoilt according to the results obtained from the pH, thiobarbituric acid (TBA) and total volatile basic-nitrogen (TVB-N) analysis and sensory analysis. When comparing all parameters of group 2% with group 3%, the differences were statistically insignificant (P>0.05). However, it has been thought that only 3% acetic acid was suitable for marination of sand smelt because of the pH value of group 2%.Key words: Sand smelt, Atherina boyeri, marinade, acetic acid, nutritional composition

    Growth and Characterization of CuO Nanostructures on Si for the Fabrication of CuO/p-Si Schottky Diodes

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    CuO interlayers in the CuO/p-Si Schottky diodes were fabricated by using CBD and sol-gel methods. Deposited CuO layers were characterized by SEM and XRD techniques. From the SEM images, it was seen that the film grown by CBD method is denser than the film grown by sol-gel method. This result is compatible with XRD results which show that the crystallization in CBD method is higher than it is in sol-gel method. For the electrical investigations, current-voltage characteristics of the diodes have been studied at room temperature. Conventional I-V and Norde’s methods were used in order to determine the ideality factor, barrier height, and series resistance values. It was seen that the morphological and structural analysis are compatible with the results of electrical investigations

    Contractual agreements for coordination and vendor-managed delivery under explicit transportation considerations

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    We consider the coordination problem between a vendor and a buyer operating under generalized replenishment costs that include fixed costs as well as stepwise freight costs. We study the stochastic demand, single-period setting where the buyer must decide on the order quantity to satisfy random demand for a single item with a short product life cycle. The full order for the cycle is placed before the cycle begins and no additional orders are accepted by the vendor. Due to the nonrecurring nature of the problem, the vendor's replenishment quantity is determined by the buyer's order quantity. Consequently, by using an appropriate pricing schedule to influence the buyer's ordering behavior, there is an opportunity for the vendor to achieve substantial savings from transportation expenses, which are represented in the generalized replenishment cost function. For the problem of interest, we prove that the vendor's expected profit is not increasing in buyer's order quantity. Therefore, unlike the earlier work in the area, it is not necessarily profitable for the vendor to encourage larger order quantities. Using this nontraditional result, we demonstrate that the concept of economies of scale may or may not work by identifying the cases where the vendor can increase his/her profits either by increasing or decreasing the buyer's order quantity. We prove useful properties of the expected profit functions in the centralized and decentralized models of the problem, and we utilize these properties to develop alternative incentive schemes for win-win solutions. Our analysis allows us to quantify the value of coordination and, hence, to identify additional opportunities for the vendor to improve his/her profits by potentially turning a nonprofitable transaction into a profitable one through the use of an appropriate tariff schedule or a vendor-managed delivery contract. We demonstrate that financial gain associated with these opportunities is truly tangible under a vendor-managed delivery arrangement that potentially improves the centralized solution. Although we take the viewpoint of supply chain coordination and our goal is to provide insights about the effect of transportation considerations on the channel coordination objective and contractual agreements, the paper also contributes to the literature by analyzing and developing efficient approaches for solving the centralized problem with stepwise freight costs in the single-period setting. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Synthesis and structural characterization of trans-bis[1,3-bis(methoxy- ethyl)-4,5-bis(2,4,6-trimethylphenyl)imidazolidin-2-ylidene]dichloro- palladium(II)

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    A Pd(II) complex of a new N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) ligand with bulky substituents and functionalized methoxy-donor side arms has been synthesized and characterized by elemental analyses, 1H and 13C NMR, and IR spectroscopy. Molecular and crystal structures of the title complex have been determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction. The compound crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P21/c, with a = 15.927(2), b = 8.489(2), c = 20.309(5) Å, β = 99.213(2)°, Z = 2, Dx = 1.253 g cm-3. The palladium atom is situated on an inversion center. There are several weak intramolecular C-H⋯N/O interactions. © 2007 Verlag der Zeitschrift für Naturforschung

    Determination of the recreational park users satisfactions and dissatisfactions factorsRekreasyonel amaçlı park kullanıcılarının memnuniyet ve memnuniyetsizlik faktörlerinin belirlenmesi

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    The aim of this study was to determine the satisfaction and dissatisfaction factors of the park users. The survey applied on Atatürk Culture Parks, Karaalioğlu Parks and Kepez Urbun Forest which have been selected as the sample areas in three different regions of Antalya. 600 subject were (303 female, 297 male) carried out in this study. Uzun’s (2005) questionnaire which prepared to Dawson, Newman & Watson (1997) and Newman & Dawson’s (1998) studies were used to the determined of user’s satisfaction and dissatisfaction factors in the study. Frequency and percentage analysis were used to analyze participant demographic traits and park user’s characteristics. Independent sample t-test and Oneway Anova tests were used to assess the mean differences in user’s satisfaction and dissatisfaction factors with participant demographic traits and users characteristics. According the findings were park participants’ age range is 26-40, level of education is high school and college, income level is 1000-1500 TL, living time in city is more than 16 years and living place is apartment. According to the results of study the important satisfaction sub-dimensions were accessibility and physical activity, and the important dissatisfaction sub-dimension of park users are maintenance. The findings of the study reveal that participant demographic traits and park user’s characteristics affected the user satisfaction and dissatisfaction level in the park. It’s suggested that when parks designed and being managed with consider these results. ÖzetÇalışmanın amacı, rekreasyonel amaçlı park kullanıcılarının, park kullanımlarına yönelik memnuniyet ve memnuniyetsizlik faktörlerinin belirlenmesidir. Bu çalışmada, Antalya ili merkezinde 3 farklı bölgede bulunan Atatürk Kültür Parkı, Karaalioğlu Parkı ve Kepez Kent Ormanı örneklem alanları olarak seçilmiştir. Her bir alanda 200 olmak üzere toplamda 600 (303 kadın, 297 erkek) kişiye anket uygulaması yapılmıştır. Çalışmada park kullanıcılarının memnuniyet ve memnuniyetsizlik faktörlerini belirlemek amacıyla Uzun’un (2005), Dawson, Newman ve Watson’ın (1997) ve Newman ve Dawson’ın (1998) çalışmalarından yararlanılmıştır. Katılımcıların demografik özellikleri ve park kullanım özelliklerinin analizinde frekans ve yüzde analizi kullanılmıştır. Park alanlarına ait memnuniyet ve memnuniyetsizlik faktörleri ile demografik özellikler ve park kullanım özellikleri arasındaki farkları ortaya koymak için Bağımsız Örneklem t-testi ve Tek Yönlü ANOVA analizi yapılmıştır. Çalışmada park kullanıcılarının, 26-40 yaş aralığında, lise ve üniversite düzeyinde eğitimi olan, çoğunlukla 1000-1500 TL gelire sahip, 16 yıldan uzun süredir kentte ikamet eden, apartman dairesinde ve sitede yaşayan bireyler olduğu görülmektedir. Çalışma sonuçunda, park kullanıcılarının memnuniyetini etkileyen en önemli faktörlerin ulaşılabilirlik ve fiziksel aktivite faktörleri olduğu, memnuniyetsizliği etkileyen en önemli faktörünün ise bakım-onarım faktörü olduğu belirlenmiştir. Katılımcıların demografik özelliklerinin ve park kullanım özelliklerinin memnuniyet ve memnuniyetsizlik fakörlerini etkilediği görülmektedir. Bu doğrultuda yapılacak olan park tasarımlarında ve bu alanların yönetilmesinde bu özelliklerin göz önünde bulundurulması önerilmektedir

    Functional Assessment of Variants Associated with Wolfram Syndrome

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    Wolfram Syndrome (WS) is a heterogeneous multisystem neurodegenerative disorder with two allelic variations in addition to a separate subtype known as WS type 2. The wide phenotypic spectrum of WS includes diabetes mellitus and optic atrophy which is often accompanied by diabetes insipidus, deafness, urological and neurological complications in combination or in isolation. To date, the understanding of the genotype phenotype relationship in this complex syndrome remains poorly understood. In this study we identified and explored the functionality of rare and novel variants in the two causative WS genes WFS1 and CISD2 by assessing the effects of the mutations on the encoded proteins Wolframin and ERIS, in a cohort of 12 patients with autosomal recessive WS, dominant WS and WS type 2. The identified pathogenic variants included missense changes, frameshift deletions and insertions in WFS1 and an exonic deletion in CISD2 which all altered the respective encoded protein in a manner that did not correlate to the phenome previously described. These observations suggest the lack of genotype phenotype correlation in this complex syndrome and the need to explore other molecular genetic mechanisms. Additionally, our findings highlight the importance of functionally assessing variants for their pathogenicity to tackle the problem of increasing variants of unknown significance (VUS) in the public genetic databases

    A cobalt arylphosphonate MOF – superior stability, sorption and magnetism

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    We report a novel metal-organic framework (MOF) based on a cobalt arylphosphonate, namely, [Co2(H4-MTPPA)]·3NMP·H2O (1·3NMP·H2O), which was prepared solvothermically from the tetrahedral linker tetraphenylmethane tetrakis-4-phosphonic acid (H8-MTPPA) and CoSO4·7H2O in N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP). Compound 1 has the highest porosity (BET surface area of 1034 m2 g−1) ever reported for a MOF based on an aryl phosphonic acid linker. The indigo blue crystals of 1·3NMP·H2O are composed of edge-shared eight-membered Co2P2O4 rings, and are thermally very stable up to 500 °C.TU Berlin, Open-Access-Mittel - 201

    Ion source and LEBT of KAHVELab proton beamline

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    The KAHVE Laboratory, at Bo\u{g}azi\c{c}i University, Istanbul, Turkey is home to an educational proton linac project. The proton beam will originate from a 20 keV H+ source and will be delivered to a two module Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) operating at 800 MHz via a low energy beam transport (LEBT) line. Currently, the design phase being over, commissioning and stability tests are ongoing for the proton beamline which is already produced and installed except the RFQ which is being manufactured. This work summarizes the design, production and test phases of the ion source and LEBT line components