7 research outputs found

    Contribution of community health workers to primary health care performance in Brazil

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    OBJECTIVE: To associate the strength of community health workers interventions with primary health care strategies for women’s and children’s health, diabetes, and hypertension. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study assessing 29,778 family health teams working in primary health care in Brazil in 2014. The association between community health workers activity levels and primary health care facilities was analyzed using multiple logistic regression. RESULTS: We found higher levels of community health workers activities strongly associated with primary health care practices (OR = 6.88) for those activities targeting hypertension management, followed by children’s health (OR = 6.56), and women’s health (OR = 6.21). CONCLUSIONS: At a time when Brazil discusses whether community health workers should or should not remain in the same scale-up and skill level as they currently are, our results reinforce the importance of these workers for the care model advocated by the Brazilian Unified Health System

    Institutional and matrix support and its relationship with primary healthcare

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    OBJECTIVE To analyze whether the level of institutional and matrix support is associated with better certification of primary healthcare teams.METHODS In this cross-sectional study, we evaluated two kinds of primary healthcare support – 14,489 teams received institutional support and 14,306 teams received matrix support. Logistic regression models were applied. In the institutional support model, the independent variable was “level of support” (as calculated by the sum of supporting activities for both modalities). In the matrix support model, in turn, the independent variables were the supporting activities. The multivariate analysis has considered variables with p RESULTS The teams had institutional and matrix supporting activities (84.0% and 85.0%), respectively, with 55.0% of them performing between six and eight activities. For the institutional support, we have observed 1.96 and 3.77 chances for teams who had medium and high levels of support to have very good or good certification, respectively. For the matrix support, the chances of their having very good or good certification were 1.79 and 3.29, respectively. Regarding to the association between institutional support activities and the certification, the very good or good certification was positively associated with self-assessment (OR = 1.95), permanent education (OR = 1.43), shared evaluation (OR = 1.40), and supervision and evaluation of indicators (OR = 1.37). In regards to the matrix support, the very good or good certification was positively associated with permanent education (OR = 1.50), interventions in the territory (OR = 1.30), and discussion in the work processes (OR = 1.23).CONCLUSIONS In Brazil, supporting activities are being incorporated in primary healthcare, and there is an association between the level of support, both matrix and institutional, and the certification result.</sec

    Percepção dos usuários sobre o cuidado prestado por equipes participantes do Programa Nacional de Melhoria do Acesso e da Qualidade da Atenção Básica no Brasil

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    Resumo Objetivo: analisar a percepção dos usuários sobre o cuidado prestado por equipes participantes do Programa Nacional de Melhoria do Acesso e da Qualidade da Atenção Básica (PMAQ-AB) no Brasil. Métodos: estudo transversal com dados de entrevistas com usuários das equipes, em 2012. Empregou-se regressão logística multinomial para analisar a associação entre nível de percepção (muito bom/bom, regular, ruim/muito ruim) e variáveis de quatro atributos da atenção básica: acessibilidade, integralidade, longitudinalidade e coordenação do cuidado. Resultados: dos 65.391 entrevistados, 78,9% avaliaram o atendimento como muito bom/bom, 19,0% como regular e 2,1% como ruim/muito ruim. A avaliação muito bom/bom foi associada a questões sobre os quatro atributos estudados. Destacam-se as associações com atendimento pelo mesmo médico (OR 3,21; IC95% 2,68; 3,83) e realização do exame físico na consulta (OR 3,08; IC95% 2,50; 3,79). Conclusão: a maioria dos usuários avaliou positivamente o atendimento, contudo existe percepção de problemas no cuidado conforme os atributos recomendados

    Análise espacial da qualidade da Atenção Básica em Saúde no Brasil

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    RESUMO Este artigo teve como objetivo analisar a distribuição espacial das equipes de Atenção Básica em Saúde (ABS) avaliadas pelo Programa Nacional de Melhoria do Acesso e Qualidade da Atenção Básica (PMAQ-AB) segundo as categorias de desempenho para certificação no Programa. Realizou-se uma caracterização da distribuição espacial dos municípios mediante a avaliação do PMAQ-AB, bem como a identificação da presença de padrões espaciais a partir de um indicador de correlação espacial para avaliar o grau de influência do espaço para a certificação das equipes de ABS. Observou-se presença de padrões de natureza espacial em relação à qualidade da ABS. Municípios com valor baixo no indicador cujos vizinhos também apresentam nível baixo foram encontrados em boa parte dos estados do Acre, do Amazonas, de Roraima e do Amapá, bem como no Rio de Janeiro e no Espírito Santo. Foram observados clusters de padrão alto-alto em municípios de São Paulo, Minas Gerais e Rio Grande do Sul, com destaque para Santa Catarina. A identificação de padrões espaciais de qualidade da ABS pode representar um recurso valioso para o aperfeiçoamento do PMAQ-AB. Com isso, é possível desenvolver análises que incorporem variáveis com potencial explicativo para os padrões espaciais de qualidade de ABS encontrados em municípios brasileiros

    Institutional and matrix support and its relationship with primary healthcare

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    OBJECTIVE To analyze whether the level of institutional and matrix support is associated with better certification of primary healthcare teams.METHODS In this cross-sectional study, we evaluated two kinds of primary healthcare support &#8211; 14,489 teams received institutional support and 14,306 teams received matrix support. Logistic regression models were applied. In the institutional support model, the independent variable was &#8220;level of support&#8221; (as calculated by the sum of supporting activities for both modalities). In the matrix support model, in turn, the independent variables were the supporting activities. The multivariate analysis has considered variables with p < 0.20. The model was adjusted by the Hosmer-Lemeshow test.RESULTS The teams had institutional and matrix supporting activities (84.0% and 85.0%), respectively, with 55.0% of them performing between six and eight activities. For the institutional support, we have observed 1.96 and 3.77 chances for teams who had medium and high levels of support to have very good or good certification, respectively. For the matrix support, the chances of their having very good or good certification were 1.79 and 3.29, respectively. Regarding to the association between institutional support activities and the certification, the very good or good certification was positively associated with self-assessment (OR = 1.95), permanent education (OR = 1.43), shared evaluation (OR = 1.40), and supervision and evaluation of indicators (OR = 1.37). In regards to the matrix support, the very good or good certification was positively associated with permanent education (OR = 1.50), interventions in the territory (OR = 1.30), and discussion in the work processes (OR = 1.23).CONCLUSIONS In Brazil, supporting activities are being incorporated in primary healthcare, and there is an association between the level of support, both matrix and institutional, and the certification result

    Compreendendo o apoio matricial e o resultado da certificação de qualidade nas áreas de atenção à criança, mulher, diabetes/hipertensão e saúde mental

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    Este artigo apresenta a distribuição do apoio matricial (AM) no Brasil, identificando relações entre as atividades de AM e a certificação do PMAQ-AB. Utilizaram-se dois modelos de regressão logística múltipla. As atividades de AM na Atenção Básica são significativas mas desiguais, com altos graus de AM em lugares desenvolvidos. Existe associação positiva entre o grau de apoio e o resultado obtido na certificação. Elevados graus de AM correspondem a 89%, 80%, 89% e 63% de chances de as equipes obterem uma melhor certificação na atenção à mulher, criança, hipertensão e diabetes e saúde mental, respectivamente. O AM tem ajudado a melhorar a qualidade da Atenção Básica no Brasil

    Música, raça e preconceito no ensino fundamental: notas iniciais sobre hierarquia da cor entre adolescentes

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