684 research outputs found

    Demarcación de la psicología cultural

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    Both in the academic domain and in its attempts to explain human behaviour, psychology seems to have turned its back on culture, adopting an almost exclusively biological perspective. But it is fundamentally culture that gives meaning to human conduct. For this reason psychology should be considered from a dual dimension, incorporating both biologyand culture; hence the need for un anthropological basis for psychology, via the construction of a cultural psychology. This study, after analysing cultural psychology from a historical perspective, from Wundt to the present day, analyses its theoretical construction, distinguishing betweenpsychologicalanthropology and ethnopsychology. It seems clear that cultural psychology plays a decisive role in developmental psychology (cultures of the life cycle), educational psychology, (initiation, enculturation), social psychology (groups, organizations, institutions), and psychopathology(psychosomatics, symptoms, eating disorders, depression, etc.). The great problem with a biologically oriented psychology is that it reduces the study of a human, historical and symbolic conduct to a merely naturalistic endeavour.La psicologia, académicamente y de cara a explicar el comportamiento humano, parece haber dado la espalda a la cultura para adoptar una perspectiva casi exclusivamente biológica. Pero es, fundamentalmente, la cultura la que da sentido a la conducta humana. Por eso, es necesarioreplantear la psicologia, al menos desde la doble dimensión biológico-cultural, y de ahi la importancia de fundarnentar antropológicamente la psicologia a través de la construcción de una psicologia cultural. En el presente trabajo, después de analizar la psicologia cultural desde una perspectiva histórica, desde Wundt a nuestros dius, se analiza su construcciónteórica, distinguiéndola de la antropologia psicológica y de la etnopsicologia. Parece claro que la psicologia cultural tiene una decisiva importancia en el planteamiento de la psicologia evolutiva (culturas del ciclo vital), en la psicologia de la educación (iniciación, enculturación), en la psicologia social (grupos, organizaciones, instituciones) y en la psicopatologia(psicosomática, síntomas, patologia alimentaria, depresión,etc.). El gran problema de la psicologia biologista es el de "reducir" un comportamiento humano, histórico y simbólico, a una mera consideración naturalista

    Els rituals en l'empresa

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    Landau parameters for isospin asymmetric nuclear matter based on a relativistic model of composite and finite extension nucleons

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    We study the properties of cold asymmetric nuclear matter at high density, applying the quark meson coupling model with excluded volume corrections in the framework of the Landau theory of relativistic Fermi liquids. We discuss the role of the finite spatial extension of composite baryons on dynamical and statistical properties such as the Landau parameters, the compressibility, and the symmetry energy. We have also calculated the low-lying collective eigenfrequencies arising from the collisionless quasiparticle transport equation, considering both unstable and stable modes. An overall analysis of the excluded volume correlations on the collective properties is performed.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Neutron star structure in a quark model with excluded volume correction

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    We study the effects of the finite size of baryons on the equation of state of homogeneous hadronic matter. The finite extension of hadrons is introduced in order to improve the performance of field theoretical models at very high densities. We simulate the in-medium averaged baryon-baryon strong repulsion at very short distances by introducing a Van der Waals like normalization of the fields. This is done in the framework of the Quark Meson Coupling model, that allows to take care of the quark structure of baryons. Since within this model the confinement volume evolves with the fields configuration, the treatment is not equivalent to a simple hard-core potential. We investigate the phase transition to quark matter and the structure of neutron stars. We have found significant corrections at high densities.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    El personaje femenino en tres obras teatrales de Manuel y Antonio Machado.

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    El campamento educativo en la educación física escolar.

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    Este campamento educativo es una herramienta pedagógica muy completa, destinada a los alumnos de 5º de educación primaria, que engloba y aborda aprendizajes de carácter académico, social, motriz y personal. En este trabajo se refleja la planificación y diseño de un campamento educativo mediante una justificación de las enseñanzas propuestas, con unos objetivos y contenidos contrastados con el currículum oficial de educación primaria y unas conclusiones dotando de importancia su elaboración.This educational camp is a complete educational tool aimed at students in grades 5 of primary education, which includes learning and address academic, social, motor and personal. In this work the planning and designing of an educational camp is reflected by a justification of the teachings proposals with objectives and contrasts with the official curriculum of primary education content and conclusions providing significant processing.Grado en Educación Primari

    Selective Harmonic Mitigation Technique for High-Power Converters

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    In high-power applications, the maximum switching frequency is limited due to thermal losses. This leads to highly distorted output waveforms. In such applications, it is necessary to filter the output waveforms using bulky passive filtering systems. The recently presented selective harmonic mitigation pulsewidth modulation (SHMPWM) technique produces output waveforms where the harmonic distortion is limited, fulfilling specific grid codes when the number of switching angles is high enough. The related technique has been previously presented using a switching frequency that is equal to 750 Hz. In this paper, a special implementation of the SHMPWM technique optimized for very low switching frequency is studied. Experimental results obtained applying SHMPWM to a three-level neutral-point-clamped converter using a switching frequency that is equal to 350 Hz are presented. The obtained results show that the SHMPWM technique improves the results of previous selective harmonic elimination pulsewidth modulation techniques for very low switching frequencies. This fact highlights that the SHMPWM technique is very useful in high-power applications, leading its use to an important reduction of the bulky and expensive filtering elements.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TEC2006-03863Junta de Andalucía EXC/2005/TIC-117

    Alfonso X y los poderes del reino

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    Las relaciones entre el rey Alfonso X y los poderes del reino, articulados en estamentos con representación en las Cortes, fueron relaciones entre cuatro interpretaciones del ideal de monarca. El rey se consideraba una autoridad de origen divino con poder autoritario sobre todos los demás. Por el contrario, los tres estamentos estimaban que el poder del rey debía sujetarse a algún tipo de pacto. La nobleza pensaba que el rey debía ser un primus inter pares. El clero deseaba sujetar al rey a los principios del agustinismo político. Las oligarquías de las ciudades querían incrementar sus privilegios y limitar la autoridad del rey. Mientras éste condescendió a sus deseos, los tres estamentos respetaron a Alfonso X. Cuando éste no lo hizo, se alzaron contra él y acabaron destronándolo.The relationship between the king Alfonso X and the kingdom forces, organized in representative states in the Cortes, was a relationship between four interpretations of monarchy notion. The king thought that his was an authority of divine source, with a absolute power above the population of the kingdom. Unlike, the three states of Castile reckoned that the monarch´s powers must keep under a covenant with other forces. For the nobility, the king was a primus inter pares. The high clergy aimed to subordinate the king to the hierocratic doctrine principles. The urban oligarchies wished to amplify his immunities and to cut down the king´s authority. As long as Alfonso X agreed to their aspirations, the three states respected the monarchy proposals. But, when the king wished to impose his will, the parliamentary states revolted against Alfonso X and they dethrone him