41 research outputs found

    EduBridge social - bridging social networks and learning management systems

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    The exponential growth of social media usage and the integration of digital natives in Higher Education Institutions (HEI) have been posing new challenges to both traditional and technology-mediated learning environments. Nowadays social media plays an important, if not central, role in society, for professional and personal purposes. However, it’s important to highlight that in the mind of a digital native, social media is not just a tool, it is a place that is as real and as natural as any real-life world place where formal/informal social interactions happen. Still, formal higher education contexts are still mostly imprisoned in locked up institutional Learning Management Systems (LMS), while a new world of social connections grows and develops itself outside schools. One of the main reasons we believe to be persisting in the origin of the matter is the absence of a suitable management, monitoring and analysis tools to legitimize and to efficiently manage the relationship with stud ents in social networks. In this paper we discuss the growing relevance of the “Social Student Relationship Management” concept and introduce the EduBridge Social system, which aims at connecting the most commonly used LMS, Moodle, and the most popular social network, Facebook.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Analyzing social media discourse - an approach using semi-supervised learning

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    The ability to handle large amounts of unstructured information, to optimize strategic business opportunities, and to identify fundamental lessons among competitors through benchmarking, are essential skills of every business sector. Currently, there are dozens of social media analytics’ applications aiming at providing organizations with informed decision making tools. However, these applications rely on providing quantitative information, rather than qualitative information that is relevant and intelligible for managers. In order to address these aspects, we propose a semi-supervised learning procedure that discovers and compiles information taken from online social media, organizing it in a scheme that can be strategically relevant. We illustrate our procedure using a case study where we collected and analysed the social media discourse of 43 organizations operating on the Higher Public Polytechnic Education Sector. During the analysis we created an “editorial model” that character izes the posts in the area. We describe in detail the training and the execution of an ensemble of classifying algorithms. In this study we focus on the techniques used to increase the accuracy and stability of the classifiers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Capital social e o processo de participação no desenvolvimento local

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    Fluxos e Riscos : Revista de Estudos SociaisO presente artigo analisa e discute o conceito de capital social no âmbito do processo de participação das comunidades no seu Desenvolvimento, tomado este como um processo sustentável. Parte do pressuposto que o “Desenvolvimento sustentável” requer a promoção e desenvolvimento, em interacção”, de três tipos de capital: (1) natural, (2) físico ou produzido, e (3) capital humano. Nesta perspectiva, defende que a eficácia e sustentabilidade de uma estratégia de Desenvolvimento requerem, para além do aumento de cada um dos três tipos de capital, a sua interacção e complementaridade com o mesmo propósito e finalidade. Isto é, para que o Desenvolvimento território/comunidade seja sustentável é indispensável existir uma interacção forte entre aqueles três tipos de capital, ou seja, é necessário existir um quarto tipo de capital: capital social. Este conceito assenta no pressuposto central de que as relações e as redes sociais têm valor “de per si” e são indispensáveis para a promoção do Desenvolvimento sustentável de qualquer território e respectiva comunidade. Neste sentido, capital social é visto como o valor das redes sociais e dos relacionamentos entre os indivíduos que integram aquelas redes para fazer coisas para a comunidade e seus constituintes. This article examines and discusses the concept of social capital in the frame of the community participation in its development, taking this as a sustainable process. It assumes that the “sustainable development” requires the promotion and development, in interaction “, of three types of capital: (1) natural, (2) physical or produced, and (3) human capital. In this perspective, argues that the effectiveness and sustainability of a development strategy requires, in addition to the increase in each of the three types of capital, their interaction and complementarity with the same intention and purpose. That is, the sustainability of the community development requires an existence of a fourth type of capital: social capital. This concept relies on the central assumption that the relationships and social networks have value “per se” and are indispensable for promoting the sustainable development in any territory and community. In this sense, social capital is seen as the value of social networks and relationships between individuals within those networks to do things for the community and its constituents

    CTT - Correios de Portugal S.A.: an analysis before the IPO and subsequent stock price evolution

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    Os serviços postais têm registado uma tendência negativa na Europa e em Portugal devido à substituição latente do correio físico por meios de comunicação eletrónica. Por outro lado, apesar da diminuição do volume no setor do expresso e encomendas, este é considerado uma das principais fontes de potencial crescimento devido à proliferação do e-commerce. Em 2013, em resultado de determinadas ações impostas pela Comissão Europeia, pelo Banco Central Europeu e pelo Fundo Monetário Internacional, o Estado Português foi obrigado a privatizar um largo conjunto de ativos por si , onde se incluíam os CTT. Neste contexto, e no quadro da privatização dos , CTT a solução definida para esta Empresa foi a de fazer uma Oferta Pública Inicial onde a empresa passaria a estar cotada no mercado bolsista Português (EURONEXT Lisboa). O presente projeto visa, analisar e definir o intervalo de preço de ação que deveria ser apresentado aos investidores e, posteriormente, avaliar se o preço da ação oferecido é abaixo do preço justo, como defendido pela literatura. A análise do caso CTT baseia-se numa metodologia assente na valorização do negócio através da análise dos fluxos de caixa descontados e através de uma análise de empresas e transações comparáveis no setor. No caso vertente, atingiu-se um intervalo de preço [€4.5;€7.9] que compara com o intervalo definido pela Empresa e pelos seus assessores financeiros [€4.1;€5.5]. Tendo em conta os resultados obtidos e posterior evolução do preço no mercado, há evidência de que o fenómeno da subavaliação do preço da ação dos CTT verificou-se.The shipping and mailing services have registered a negative trend in Europe and in Portugal due to a latent substitution of the physical mail for electronic communication channels. On the other hand, besides the volumes decrease on the express and parcels sector, this is considered one of the main sources of potential growth due to e-commerce proliferation. In 2013, as a result of several measures imposed by the European Commission, the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund, the Portuguese Government was obligated to privatize a set of assets held by itself, where CTT was included. In this context, and in CTT’s privatization scenario, the solution defined for this Company was to make an Initial Public Offering (IPO) where the Company would become publicly traded in the Portuguese stock market (EURONEXT Lisbon). The present project intends to analyse and establish analyse and define the range price that should be offered to investors and, subsequently, assess if the share price offered is below the fair price, as argued by several literature The analysis of CTT’s case is based a methodology of establishing the Company’s operation value throughout a discounted cash flow approach and by an analysis of comparable firms and past transactions in the sector. In the present case, there was reached a range price of [€4.5;€7.9] which compares with the range price settled by the Company and its financial advisers [€4.1;€5.5]. With the results obtained and the subsequent stock price evolution on the market, there are evidences that the IPO underpricing phenomenon of CTT’s stock price has occurred

    Sistemas de gestão técnica aplicados a projetos de automação industrial : estágio na RC Automação

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    Numa perspetiva de consolidação de conhecimentos nas áreas da Automação Industrial, congregadas com a vertente residencial, surgiu a oportunidade de estagiar na empresa RC Automação. As pretensões inerentes ao estágio prendem-se com o objetivo de adquirir conhecimentos, para uma melhor compreensão, projeto, desenvolvimento e posterior implementação de sistemas de Automação integrados com sistemas de Gestão Técnica. Durante o estágio foram elaborados projetos de Automação, mais propriamente de controlo de processos de AVAC, contemplando sistemas de Gestão Técnica. Para a concretização desta relação na solução desenvolvida, foram tidas em conta as especificidades dos projetos, associando-os com as características dos programas em utilização. As componentes de Automação e Gestão Técnica foram analisadas em pormenor nas obras de ampliação do Hospital Dr. Nélio Mendonça, mais concretamente na seção das Urgências Pediátricas e da Central Térmica, englobando o estudo e o projeto do quadro elétrico a instalar. A vertente residencial de automação foi explorada na execução de um projeto de domótica numa moradia situada na Áustria, tendo sido realizada a programação e posterior fornecimento dos módulos

    The occurence of Megninia ginglymura in gallus gallus in the Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil

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    Relata-se a ocorrência de Megninia ginglymura (Megnin, 1877) parasitando Gallus gallus no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. A identificação do ácaro baseou-se no exame de 160 espécimes, fixados em álcool a 70%, clarificados em ácido acético glacial, diafanizados pelo creosoto e montados entre lâmina e lamínula contendo Entellan. As características morfológicas, tais como epímeros I não fundidos e cerdas adanais infladas e maiores, permitiram classificá-lo como Megninia giglymura (Megnin, 1877).The occurence of Megninia ginglymura (Megnin, 1877) on Gallus gallus in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is reported. The identification of the mite was based on the examination of 160 specimens fixed in alcohol 70%, clarified in glacial acetic acid, cleared in creosote, and mounted between slides in Entelann. The morphological characteristics like 1st epimera not fused and adanal bristles inflated and bigger than the others let us classify it as Megninia ginglymura (Megnin, 1877)

    Analysis of the population structure of a gorgonian forest (Placogorgia sp.) using a photogrammetric 3D modeling approach at Le Danois Bank, Cantabrian Sea

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    The presence of gorgonian forests and deep-sea sponge aggregations in the Le Danois Bank promoted its declaration as the “El Cachucho” Marine Protected Area (MPA) by the Spanish Ministry of Environment, and its inclusion in the Natura 2000 network. Both habitats are considered vulnerable, so follow-up surveys are being performed to monitor their conservation in compliance with the EU Habitats Directive. The use of a non-invasive methodology, which does not cause damage or alterations on benthic communities, is particularly necessary in vulnerable ecosystem studies and MPA monitoring. This study analyzed the assemblage structure of a Placogorgia sp. population using a 3D photogrammetry-based method. The study was carried out through the analysis of the video transects obtained at the Le Danois Bank, using the Politolana underwater towed vehicle during the July 2017 ECOMARG survey. Recent developments in specific software of photogrammetric image analysis allowed extracting valuable information from these video transects. Using the Pix4D Mapper Pro software, 3D point clouds were obtained, and the size and morphometry of yellow fan-shaped gorgonian population structure could be evaluated. Due to gorgonian's high structural complexity, the use of length (i.e. height) as the morphometric descriptor of the real size of the colonies is not appropriate. Instead of length, the fan surface area covered by each gorgonian colony was selected as a suitable parameter of size. The direct measurement of this parameter was possible through a complete 3D reconstruction of the gorgonian forest. A total of 426 colonies of Placogorgia sp. were digitalized to obtain surface measurements and fan spread orientation calculations in 3D models. The results show that gorgonian populations were mostly composed of a high proportion of small colonies (0–0.10 m2). The population structure distribution shows a high proportion (~27%) of recruits (0.5 m2). In 78% of the gorgonian colonies, facing angles were grouped inside the first quadrant (0°-90°), in accordance with the main current direction in this zone. Colony distribution and fan orientation inside the gorgonian forest can be used as data sources to improve monitoring and management programs of these unique habitats in MPAs