1,679 research outputs found

    La LOMCE, un callejón sin salida

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    The article analyses the new Education Law in Spain, named LOMCE. It is focused on the budget cuts that LOMCE proposes, taking into consideration the consequences this new law will have on teachers, students and the society as a whole. The article does not miss the current economic weakness of our country and tries to show how these budgetary aspects affect education. It also reflects the possibilities that these new proposals will offer to citizens by establishing a comparison between our educational system and one whose success is proved, the Finnish one.ReiDoCrea. Departamento de Psicología Social. Universidad de Granada

    Behavior of H-FABP-fatty acid complex in a protein crystal simulation

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    Crystallographic data comes from a space-time average over all the unit cells within the crystal, so dynamic phenomena do not contribute significantly to the diffraction data. Many efforts have been made to reconstitute the movement of the macromolecules and explore the microstates that the confined proteins can adopt in the crystalline network. In this paper, we explored different strategies to simulate a heart fatty acid binding proteins (H-FABP) crystal starting from high resolution coordinates obtained at room temperature, describing in detail the procedure to study protein crystals (in particular H-FABP) by means of Molecular Dynamics simulations, and exploring the role of ethanol as a co-solute that can modify the stability of the protein and facilitate the interchange of fatty acids. Also, we introduced crystallographic restraints in our crystal models, according to experimental isotropic B-factors and analyzed the H-FABP crystal motions using Principal Component Analysis, isotropic and anisotropic B-factors. Our results suggest that restrained MD simulations based in experimental B?factors produce lower simulated B-factors than simulations without restraints,leading to more accurate predictions of the temperature factors. However, the systems without positional restraints represent a higher microscopic heterogeneity in the crystal.Instituto de Física de Líquidos y Sistemas Biológico

    Brønsted Acid-Catalyzed Cascade Reactions Involving 1,2-Indole Migration

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    A cascade reaction of indoles with propargylic diols involving an unprecedented metal-free 1,2-indole migration onto an alkyne is here described. DFT calculations support a mechanism consisting in a concerted nucleophilic attack of the indole nucleus with loss of water followed by the 1,2-migration and subsequent Nazarov cyclization. This Brønsted acid-catalyzed protocol affords indole-functionalized benzofulvene derivatives in high yields.Junta de Castilla y León(BU237U13) and Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) and FEDER (CTQ2013-48937-C2-1P and 2-P

    Composición y abundancia del zooplancton de la laguna de Coyuca, Guerrero, México

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    The composition and abundance of zooplankton in the Coyuca lagoon, in the Mexican Pacific coast, was analyzed during four months of 1999. Zooplankton samples obtained at 10 stations from surface tows were analyzed. Twelve species of copepods, one of Chaetognatha, and two Tunicata, six larval forms belonging to Polychaeta, Copepoda, Brachyura, Thalassinidae, and fish eggs and larvae were identified. In all months monitored copepods were the most representative group of zooplankton, ranging between 79.5% and 100% of the total abundance. The species deemed as resident were Ergasilus sp. and Pseudodiaptomus culebrensis, whereas Oithona nana, Acartia tonsa, and A. lilljeborgii are temporal euryhaline forms. Other zooplankters, including the siphonophorae Diphyes dispar, the Chaetognatha Sagitta sp., and the copepod Canthocalanus pauper outline the influence of coastal marine waters in Coyuca. Significant positive correlations (p < 0.05) were determined between temperature and salinity with the abundance of zooplankton.Se estudio la composición y abundancia del zooplancton en la laguna de Coyuca, en la costa del Pacífico Mexicano, durante cuatro meses de 1999. Se analizaron muestras de zooplancton obtenidas en 10 estaciones mediante arrastres superficiales. Se identificaron doce especies de copépodos, un género de Chaetognatha, dos de Tunicata y seis formas larvarias pertenecientes a Polychaeta, Copepoda, Brachyura, Thalassinidae así como larvas y huevos de peces. En todos los meses monitoreados, los copépodos fueron el grupo más representativo del zooplancton, oscilando entre el 79.5% y el 100% de la abundancia total. Las especies consideradas como residentes fueron: Ergasilus sp. y Pseudodiaptomus culebrensis, mientras que Oithona nana, Acartia tonsa y A. lilljeborgii fueron temporales. Otros zoopláncteres, incluyendo al copépodo Canthocalanus pauper, al sifonóforo Diphyes dispar y al quetognato Sagitta sp., corresponden a especies neríticas que muestran el ingreso de aguas marinas costeras a la laguna de Coyuca. Se determinaron correlaciones positivas significativas (p < 0.05) entre la temperatura y la salinidad con la abundancia del zooplancton

    Adding tightly-integrated task scheduling acceleration to a RISC-V multi-core processor

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    Task Parallelism is a parallel programming model that provides code annotation constructs to outline tasks and describe how their pointer parameters are accessed so that they might be executed in parallel, and asynchronously, by a runtime capable of inferring and honoring their data dependence relationships. It is supported by several parallelization frameworks, as OpenMP and StarSs. Overhead related to automatic dependence inference and to the scheduling of ready-to-run tasks is a major performance limiting factor of Task Parallel systems. To amortize this overhead, programmers usually trade the higher parallelism that could be leveraged from finer-grained work partitions for the higher runtime-efficiency of coarser-grained work partitions. Such problems are even more severe for systems with many cores, as the task spawning frequency required for preserving cores from starvation grows linearly with their number. To mitigate these problems, researchers have designed hardware accelerators to improve runtime performance. Nevertheless, the high CPU-accelerator communication overheads of these solutions hampered their gains. We thus propose a RISC-V based architecture that minimizes communication overhead between the HW Task Scheduler and the CPU by allowing Task Scheduling software to directly interact with the former through custom instructions. Empirical evaluation of the architecture is made possible by an FPGA prototype featuring an eight-core Linux-capable Rocket Chip implementing such instructions. To evaluate the prototype performance, we both (1) adapted Nanos, a mature Task Scheduling runtime, to benefit from the new task-scheduling-accelerating instructions; and (2) developed Phentos, a new HW-accelerated light weight Task Scheduling runtime. Our experiments show that task parallel programs using Nanos-RV --- the Nanos version ported to our system --- are on average 2.13 times faster than those being serviced by baseline Nanos, while programs running on Phentos are 13.19 times faster, considering geometric means. Using eight cores, Nanos-RV is able to deliver speedups with respect to serial execution of up to 5.62 times, while Phentos produces speedups of up to 5.72 times.This work was supported by the Spanish Government (projects SEV-2015-0493 and TIN2015-65316-P), the Generalitat de Catalunya (2017-SGR-1414 and 2017-SGR1328), FAPESP (grants 2017/02682-2, 2018/00687-0, and 2014/25694-8), CNPq (grant 408782/2016-1), and CAPES.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Listado actualizado de las medusas de la Laguna de Términos, Campeche, México

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    The composition and abundance of the jellyfish present in 42 zooplankton samples obtained from the Laguna de Terminos, Campeche, during March and October 2009 and November 2010, were analyzed. Seven species were identified, six of them are new geographic records for the zone, and one (Phialopsis diegensis) is also a new record for the Mexican Atlantic. Considering the entire study period, the most abundant species was Helgicirrha schulzei with 52.24% followed by Bougainvillia muscus with 18.04%. The presence of P. diegensis and other previously unrecorded species in the area could be the result of the oceanic influence in the system or are invasive non-indigenous species derived from the impact of human activities and ship traffic, both activities mainly affecting the zooplankton communities of coastal lagoons.Se analizó la composición y abundancia de las medusas presentes en 42 muestras de zooplancton de la Laguna de Términos, Campeche que fueron recolectadas durante marzo y octubre de 2009 y noviembre de 2010. Se identificaron siete especies, seis de ellas son nuevos registros geográficos para este sistema costero y una (Phialopsis diegensis) es también un nuevo registro para el Atlántico mexicano. Considerando todo el periodo estudiado, la especie más abundante fue Helgicirrha schulzei con el 52.24% del total de medusas examinadas, seguida por Bougainvillia muscus con el 18.04%. La presencia de P. diegensis y otras especies no registradas anteriormente en la zona, pueden ser resultado de la influencia oceánica en este sistema o bien son posibles especies invasoras derivadas del impacto de las actividades humanas y el tráfico marítimo, actividades que afectan principalmente a las comunidades del zooplancton en las lagunas costeras

    Multivariate analysis of soil fertility in organic Coffee systems in puente abadia villavicencio

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    Puente Abadía es una zona cafetera por excelencia, del mu-nicipio de Villavicencio, Departamento del Meta, Colombia, donde se cultivan sistemas de café orgánico (SCO). El ma-nejo agronómico del cultivo puede influir en las propiedades químicas de sus suelos. El análisis multivariado permitirá definir algunas limitantes químicas de los suelos y será un insumo futuro importante, para optimizar el manejo de nu-trientes. Se muestrearon en la zona 12 SCO, que presenta-ban similitud en cuanto a tipo de sistema de producción, manejo agronómico y condiciones ambientales. Los datos fueron analizados, a través de estadística descriptiva, corre-laciones lineales y los métodos multivariados de clúster y análisis de componentes principales (ACPs). En los SCO, se confirmó que existe una alta heterogeneidad en las propie-dades químicas de los suelos. El Mg presentó el coeficiente de variación (CV) más alto (135,09%). El ACPs mostró que los dos primeros componentes principales explicaron más del 50% de la varianza total. El análisis de clúster de los SCO mostró alta heterogeneidad en las propiedades químicas de los suelos, conformándose dos grupos: el grupo 1 reunió a los SCO, dominados por una alta acidez intercambiable, incluyendo 3 de los 12 SCO y, el grupo 2, reunió a 9 de los SCO, definidos, principalmente, por altos contenidos de materia orgánica del suelo (MOS). La alta variabilidad en-contrada fue influenciada, posiblemente, por el encalado y la fertilización orgánica.Puente Abadía is for excellence a coffee growing area of the municipality of Villavicencio, department Meta, Colombia, where organic coffee systems OCS are cultivated. The agronomic management of the crop can influence its soil chemical properties. Multivariate analysis can permit to define some chemical soil limits and will be a future input to optimize the nutrient management. Twelve OCS were sampled in the zone that showed similarity in terms of production system, agronomic management and environmental conditions. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, linear correlations and multivariate clustered and principal components PC methods. High variability in OCS chemical properties were detected. The highest variation coefficient CV was presented in Mg 135.09%. The analysis of the principal components (APCs) showed that the first two PC explained more than 50% of the total variance. The cluster analysis of the OCS revealed high variability, defined in two large groups: group 1 brought together OCS dominated by interchangeable Al3+including 3 of the 12 OCSs and group 2 brought together 9 of the OCS, mainly defined by high content in soil organic matter (SOM). The variability showed was possibly influenced by liming and organic fertilization.Incluye referencias bibliográfica

    Boron toxicity in Lemna gibba

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    Total soluble phenols and total chlorophylls content, changes of biomass and concentration factor in Lemna gibba exposed to different concentrations of boron were measured. Day six soluble phenols showed significant differences in treatment with 10 mg/L of boron. At day ten, chlorophylls content in treatment 2 mg/L concentration increased respect to other experimental groups and control group, there were no significant differences. Biomass of Lemna gibba decreased significant in treatments with 1.5 and 2.5 mg/L treatments of boron. The highest Bioconcentration factor was found in 0.25 mg/L of boron, this accumulation is not relevant. Lemna gibba showed tolerance in the presence of boron in concentrations used here. Suggesting that this aquatic macrophyte could be used for tertiary treatment and the possible renewal wastewater contaminated with boron

    Primer registro de Mesocyclops brasilianus Kiefer, 1933 (Copepoda: Cyclopidae) en el Estado de Tamaulipas, México

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    The freshwater copepod Mesocyclops brasilianus is recorded for the first time from Tamaulipas State, Mexico. Until now, this species had only been recorded from Tabasco State; thus, this is the second report of this species in Mexico.Se reconoce por primera vez la presencia del copépodo de agua dulce Mesocyclops brasilianus en Tamaulipas, México. Hasta el momento esta especie sólo se había reportado en el Estado de Tabasco, por lo que éste constituye el segundo reporte de esta especie en México

    Estudio geoarqueológico de cuevas mortuorias en Tamaulipas: análisis e interpretación de los restos materiales, bioculturales y paleoambientales

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    La investigación desarrollada en diferentes cavidades del estado de Tamaulipas (México), ha proporcionado numerosos restos óseos en muy buen estado de conservación, fragmentos de textiles, cestería y cordelería. Los resultados presentes de este proyecto de investigación suponen una importante aportación al conocimiento de las sociedades indígenas de la región y su entorno natural, contribuyendo a la caracterización e interpretación de sus componentes culturales. En el momento actual se está llevando a cabo el estudio de los datos obtenidos en las cuevas de la Sepultura y de las Calaveras, tanto en laboratorio (análisis físicoquímicos, sedimentológicos y cronológicos) como en gabinete (análisis cartográficos, de cerá- mica, óseos, bioclimáticos y geomorfológicos, topografía de cavidades). Entre las actividades que se han realizado destacamos: a) Localización y georreferenciación de las cavidades; b) Levantamientos espeleotopográficos; c) Prospección y recuperación de materiales arqueoló- gicos y muestreo geoarqueológico; d) Análisis bioclimático. Finalmente se constata que estas cavidades y sus yacimientos arqueológicos constituyen un sitio de gran potencial geoarqueológico clave en la investigación arqueológica futura del Estado de Tamaulipas (México).The research taken place in various caves in Tamaulipas Estate (Mexico), provide a lot of bone evidences in an excellent state of conservation, as well as fabrics, basketwork and twine-work fragments. The current results of this research project mean an important contribution to the knowledge of indigenous societies of the region and his natural environment what therefore contributes to the characterization and interpretation of their cultural components. At present it is carrying out the study of the obtained information in the Sepultura’s cave, the Calaveras’ cave, so much in laboratory (physic-chemical, sedimentologic and chronological analyses) as in geoarchaeological office (cartographic, of pottery, of bones, bioclimatic and geomorphological analyses; topography of caves). Among the activities that it is realized they stand out: a) Localization and georeference of caves; b) Geomorphological and speleo-topographic mappings; c) Prospecting and recovery of archaeological materials and geoarchaeological sampling; d) Bioclimatic analysis. Finally it is established that these caves and their archaeological sites are a place with a great archaeological potential, a key place in future archaeological research of Tamaulipas’ Estate (Mexico)