98 research outputs found

    Menstrual cycle and exogenous attention toward emotional expressions

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    Several studies suggest that the menstrual cycle affects emotional processing. However, these results may be biased by including women with premenstrual syndrome (PMS) in the samples. PMS is characterized by negative emotional symptomatology, such as depression and/or anxiety, during the luteal phase. This study aimed to explore the modulation of exogenous attention to emotional facial expressions as a function of the menstrual cycle in women without PMS. For this purpose, 55 women were selected (from an original volunteer sample of 790) according to rigorous exclusion criteria. Happy, angry, and neutral faces were presented as distractors, while both behavioral performance in a perceptual task and event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded. This task was applied during both phases of the menstrual cycle (luteal and follicular, counterbalanced), and premenstrual symptomatology was monitored daily. Traditional and Bayesian ANOVAs on behavioral data (reaction times and errors in the task) and ERP indices (P1, N170, N2, and LPP amplitudes) confirmed the expected lack of an interaction of phase and emotion. Taken together, these results indicate that women free of PMS present steady exogenous attention levels to emotionally positive and negative stimuli regardless of the menstrual phaseThis research was supported by Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion ´ y Universidades of Spain (Grant no. PID2021-124420NB-100) and Comunidad de Madrid (Grants no. HUM19-HUM5705 and SI1-PJI-2019- 00011) in collaboration with the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (Grant no. 2017-T2/SOC-5569

    Fast unconscious processing of emotional stimuli in early stages of the visual cortex

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    Several cortical and subcortical brain areas have been reported to be sensitive to the emotional content of subliminal stimuli. However, the timing of these activations remains unclear. Our scope was to detect the earliest cortical traces of emotional unconscious processing of visual stimuli by recording event-related potentials (ERPs) from 43 participants. Subliminal spiders (emotional) and wheels (neutral), sharing similar low-level visual parameters, were presented at two different locations (fixation and periphery). The differential (peak-to-peak) amplitude from CP1 (77 ms from stimulus onset) to C2 (100 ms), two early visual ERP components originated in V1/V2 according to source localization analyses, was analyzed via Bayesian and traditional frequentist analyses. Spiders elicited greater CP1–C2 amplitudes than wheels when presented at fixation. This fast effect of subliminal stimulation—not reported previously to the best of our knowledge—has implications in several debates: 1) The amygdala cannot be mediating these effects, 2) latency of other evaluative structures recently proposed, such as the visual thalamus, is compatible with these results, 3) the absence of peripheral stimuli effects points to a relevant role of the parvocellular visual system in unconscious processingMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) (grant PGC2018-093570-B-I00) and the Comunidad de Madrid (grants HUM19-HUM5705 and, in collaboration with the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, SI1-PJI-2019-00011 and 2017-T2/SOC-5569

    Exogenous Attention to Emotional Stimuli Presenting Realistic (3D) Looming Motion

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    Previous research shows that dynamic stimuli, on the one hand, and emotional stimuli, on the other, capture exogenous attention due to their biological relevance. Through neural (ERPs) and behavioral measures (reaction times and errors), the present study explored the combined effect of looming motion and emotional content on attentional capture. To this end, 3D-recreated static and dynamic animals assessed as emotional (positive or negative) or neutral were presented as distractors while 71 volunteers performed a line orientation task. We observed a two-phase effect: firstly (before 300 ms), early components of ERPs (P1p and N2po) showed enhanced exogenous attentional capture by looming positive distractors and static threatening animals. Thereafter, dynamic and static threatening distractors received enhanced endogenous attention as revealed by both late ERP activity (LPC) and behavioral (errors) responses. These effects are likely explained by both the emotional valence and the distance of the stimulus at each momentOpen Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This work was supported by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of Spain (MICINN) [Grant Number PGC2018-093570-B-I00], and from the Comunidad de Madrid [Grant Number HUM19-HUM5705

    Conviviendo con la incertidumbre: intervención psicológica en una mujer con un problema de adaptación en lista de espera para trasplante de pulmón

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    ResumenEl Modelo Español de Trasplante es un referente mundial dada su óptima eficacia y eficiencia. Habitualmente el trasplante de órganos es la única opción para sobrevivir, convirtiendo a este proceso en un suceso vital estresante dividido en fases que deben irse afrontando. La fase de lista de espera suele asociarse a una mayor vulnerabilidad psicológica, debido a que ésta suele ser larga y constituye una amenaza real a la supervivencia, asociándose a una alta incertidumbre. Se presenta el caso de una mujer con un problema de adaptación con sintomatología mixta ansiosa y depresiva, asociado a la espera para un trasplante de pulmón. Tras la aplicación de un programa de tratamiento cognitivo-conductual dirigido al desarrollo de un afrontamiento más adaptativo, al manejo de la preocupación y a aprender a convivir con la incertidumbre, se observaron cambios clínicamente significativos en las variables implicadas, logros que se mantuvieron tras un mes de seguimiento.AbstractThe Spanish Model of Transplantation has achieved global recognition, because of its efficacy and efficiency levels. Almost always, organ transplant is the person's only chance of survival. So, organ transplantation could be considered a stage-process related to a stressful life event which individuals must cope with. The waiting list stage probably is associated to a higher psychological vulnerability, as it is usually a long process and a real risk to survival, characterized by high uncertainty. The case of a woman diagnosed with an adjustment disorder with mixed anxiety and depressed mood associated with being on a waiting list for two years is presented. A cognitive-behavioral intervention was applied to develop more adaptive coping-skills, to manage rumination, and to learn to live with uncertainty. Results showed significant clinical outcomes in those mechanisms and also in anxiety and depression levels. These changes were maintained in the follow-up stage, one month later

    The mineralizing effect of zinc oxide-modified hydroxyapatite-based sealer on radicular dentin

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    Objective To evaluate the remineralization ability of three endodontic sealer materials at different root dentin regions. Material and methods Cervical, medial and apical root dentin surfaces were treated with two experimental hydroxyapatite-based cements, containing sodium hydroxide (calcypatite) or zinc oxide (oxipatite); an epoxy resin-based canal sealer, AH Plus; and gutta-percha. Remineralization, at the inner and outer zones of dentin disk surfaces, was studied by nanohardness (Hi) and Raman analysis. Nano-roughness and collagen fibrils width measurements were performed. Numerical data, at 24 h or 12 m, were analyzed by ANOVA and Student-Newman-Keuls (P<0.05). Results At the outer and inner zones of cervical dentin treated with oxipatite, the highest Hi after 12 m of immersion was achieved. The same group showed the highest intensity of phosphate peak, markers for calcification and crystallinity. Nanoroughness was lower and fibrils diameter was higher at the inner zone of dentin treated with oxipatite. Dentin mineralization occurred in every region of root dentin treated with oxipatite and calcypatite, especially at inner zone of dentin after 12 m. Conclusions Oxipatite, reinforced the inner root zone at any third of radicular dentin, by increasing both nanohardness and remineralization. When using calcypatite, the highest nanohardness was found at the apical third of the inner root dentin, but the lowest mechanical performance was obtained at the cervical and the medial thirds of the roots. Therefore, application of oxipatite as sealing cement of root canals is recommended. Clinical relevance Oxipatite, when used as endodontic sealing material, strengthens radicular dentin.Project MAT2017-85999-P MINECO/AEI/FEDER/UE supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) and European Regional Development Fund (FEDER)

    A zinc oxide-modified hydroxyapatite-based cement favored sealing ability in endodontically treated teeth

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    Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of different endodontic canal sealers for dentin permeability reduction and to determine the viscoelastic performance of root dentin after their application. Methods: Cervical, medial and apical root dentin surfaces were treated with two experimental hydroxyapatite-based cements, containing sodium hydroxide (calcypatite) or zinc oxide (oxipatite); an epoxy resin- based canal sealer, AH Plus; and gutta-percha. Root dentin was evaluated for fluid filtration. Field emission scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive analysis, AFM, Young’s modulus and Nano-DMA analysis were also performed, at the inner and outer zones of dentin. Results: Dentin treated with oxipatite showed the lowest microleakage among groups with hermetically sealed tubules and zinc-based salt formations. Samples treated with oxipatite showed the highest Ei at the cervical dentin third among groups, at 6 m of storage. Oxipatite promoted the highest complex modulus and tan delta values at the inner zone of both cervical and medial root dentin. Calcypatite favored the lowest tan delta outcomes at the inner zone of apical dentin at 6 m. Conclusions: Specimens treated with oxipatite showed the highest sealing ability, based on the highest Young’s modulus and dentin mineralization, achieved by closing dentinal tubules, voids and pores that reinforced the inner zone of root dentin. The homogeneity of viscoelastic properties among the different root dentin thirds favored the energy dissipation without creating zones of stress concentration and micro-cracking which would have challenge micropermeability. Thereby, among the tested materials oxipatite is proposed as canal filling material and sealer in endodontics. Clinical Significance: Oxipatite could be considered a good candidate for root canal filling material and sealer due to its improved long-term sealing ability and to the advanced remineralization, and so to the enhanced energy dissipation achieved at the inner zone of the radicular dentin.This work was supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) and European Regional Development Fund (FEDER). Project MAT2017-85999-P MINECO/AEI/FEDER/UE

    ¿Qué es ser universitario? El Derecho Constitucional a través de los ojos de David Foster Wallace

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    El Proyecto pretendía acercar al alumno de Grado y Doble Grado la lectura de un discurso universitario pronunciado en el año 2005 por el malogrado escritor David Foster Wallace, publicado entre nosotros bajo el título: "Esto es agua" (Random House, Barcelona, 2009). Este proyecto tenía como objetivo desarrollar una metodología de docencia que unifique la adquisición de conocimientos de materias complejas –como las ciencias jurídicas- y el desarrollo de habilidades lectoras–como la capacidad de ponerse en la piel del escritor. De esta manera se perseguía que los alumnos necesiten adquirir previamente los conocimientos teóricos para superar los retos, a la vez que desarrollan habilidades propias de las profesiones de la comunicación, como la investigación de fuentes y la capacidad resolutiva de problemas, para alcanzar los objetivos de los retos planteados. Por otra parte, este proyecto buscaba dinamizar asignaturas con importantes cargas teóricas dentro de carreras con un perfil o carácter predominantemente práctico, como resulta ser la materia de Derechos Fundamentales o, hasta cierto punto, la materia objeto de Derecho Constitucional II, específicamente la parte institucionalDepto. de Derecho ConstitucionalFac. de DerechoFALSEsubmitte

    Modelo prolab: SOS Woman, una propuesta de seguridad para las mujeres de Lima

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    La tesis presenta el proyecto empresarial denominado SOS WOMAN, el cual tiene como objetivo mitigar uno de los principales problemas que aquejan a la sociedad peruana: la violencia contra la mujer, vinculado con el Objetivo de Desarrollo Social (ODS) número cinco, concerniente a la igualdad de género. La propuesta constituye una solución que consiste en un artículo de bisutería con un botón de pánico diseñado de manera discreta, elegante y práctica, así como un servicio de monitoreo en tiempo real y de atención a emergencias, cuya finalidad es mantener a las mujeres localizadas para que reciban auxilio. A fin de validar las hipótesis del negocio, se han realizado encuestas, entrevistas y pruebas de usabilidad, determinándose que el negocio es deseable para el público objetivo, debido a que el 81% de las mujeres encuestadas ha experimentado una situación de violencia, y el 84% consideran que la solución les resultaría atractiva, al constituir un artículo que las haría estar más conectadas y seguras. A nivel financiero, el negocio es viable, al contar con un VAN positivo de USD 874,469, con una recuperación de la inversión a partir del tercer año y generando un saldo positivo al término del quinto año. Por otro lado, la solución es socialmente relevante, al abordar cinco metas del ODS-5, teniendo un Índice de Responsabilidad Social (IRS) del 56%. Además, gracias al bajo costo y a las promociones por afiliación, al comparar los beneficios y los costos sociales se obtiene un VAN social positivo de USD 1'198,596. En conclusión, esta solución es única e ideal para afrontar la problemática de la violencia de género en el país.The thesis presents the business project called SOS WOMAN, which aims to mitigate one of the main problems that afflict Peruvian society: violence against women, linked to the Social Development Goal (SDG) number five, concerning the gender equality. The proposal constitutes a solution that consists of a jewelry item with a panic button designed in a discreet, elegant and practical way, as well as a real-time monitoring service and emergency care, whose purpose is to keep women located for that they receive help. In order to validate the business hypotheses, surveys, interviews and usability tests have been carried out, determining that the business is desirable for the target audience, because 81% of the women surveyed have experienced a situation of violence, and the 84% consider that the solution would be attractive to them, as it constitutes an article that would make them more connected and secure. At a financial level, the business is viable, having a positive NPV of USD 874,469, with a recovery of the investment from the third year and generating a positive balance at the end of the fifth year. On the other hand, the solution is socially relevant, by addressing five goals of SDG-5, having a Social Responsibility Index (IRS) of 56%. In addition, thanks to the low cost and affiliate promotions, when comparing the benefits and social costs, a positive social NPV of USD 1,198,596 is obtained. In conclusion, this solution is unique and ideal to address the problem of violence against women in the country

    Intrapericardial Administration of Secretomes from Menstrual Blood-Derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells: Effects on Immune-Related Genes in a Porcine Model of Myocardial Infarction.

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    Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is a manifestation of ischemic heart disease where the immune system plays an important role in the re-establishment of homeostasis. We hypothesize that the anti-inflammatory activity of secretomes from menstrual blood-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (S-MenSCs) and IFNγ/TNFα-primed MenSCs (S-MenSCs*) may be considered a therapeutic option for the treatment of AMI. To assess this hypothesis, we have evaluated the effect of S-MenSCs and S-MenSCs* on cardiac function parameters and the involvement of immune-related genes using a porcine model of AMI. Twelve pigs were randomly divided into three biogroups: AMI/Placebo, AMI/S-MenSCs, and AMI/S-MenSCs*. AMI models were generated using a closed chest coronary occlusion-reperfusion procedure and, after 72 h, the different treatments were intrapericardially administered. Cardiac function parameters were monitored by magnetic resonance imaging before and 7 days post-therapy. Transcriptomic analyses in the infarcted tissue identified 571 transcripts associated with the Gene Ontology term Immune response, of which 57 were differentially expressed when different biogroups were compared. Moreover, a prediction of the interactions between differentially expressed genes (DEGs) and miRNAs from secretomes revealed that some DEGs in the infarction area, such as STAT3, IGFR1, or BCL6 could be targeted by previously identified miRNAs in secretomes from MenSCs. In conclusion, the intrapericardial administration of secretome early after infarction has a significant impact on the expression of immune-related genes in the infarcted myocardium. This confirms the immunomodulatory potential of intrapericardially delivered secretomes and opens new therapeutic perspectives in myocardial infarction treatment.This study was supported by competitive grants, such as: “PFIS” contract (FI19/00041) from the National Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII, 2019 Call Strategic Action in Health 2019) to M.Á.d.P.; Santander Bank “Convenio de colaboración empresarial en actividades de interés general” to F.M.; “Sara Borrell” grant (CD19/00048) from ISCIII to E.L.; grant “TE-0001-19” from Consejería de Educación y Empleo (co-funded by European Social Fund -ESF- “Investing in your future”), ayuda para el fomento de la contratación de personal de apoyo a la investigación en la Comunidad Autónoma de Extremadura to M.P. Costs for experimental development were funded by grant “CB16/11/00494” from CIBER-CV ISCIII, RD21/0017/0014 from ISCIII (co-funded by NextGenerationEU. Plan de Recuperación Transformación y Resiliencia) and Ayuda Grupos catalogados de la Junta de Extremadura (GR21201) from Junta de Extremadura, Consejería de Economía, Ciencia y Agenda Digital (co-funded by European Regional Development Fund—ERDF) to F.M.S.-M.; J.G.C. received fundings from the ISCIII through a “Miguel Servet I” grant (MS17/00021) co-funded by ERDF/ESF “A way to make Europe” “Investing in your future”, funding from the projects “CP17/00021” and “PI18/0911” (co-funded by ERDF/ESF), and by Junta de Extremadura. V.C. received fundings from ISCIII (grant number “PI16/01172” and “PI20/00247”). E.L. received fundings from Junta de Extremadura through a “IB20184” grant (co-funded by ERDF/ESF). The funders had no role in study designs, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.S