9 research outputs found

    Espacio y territorios: razón, pasión e imaginarios

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    En este caleidoscopio de acercamientos hacia lo espacial y territorial, las visiones se mueven desde aquellas románticas y existencialistas, pasando por aquellas objetivistas y positivistas, hasta las estructuralistas y postestructuralistas. Por el espacio y el territorio se interesan con enfoques diversos numerosas disciplinas, desde la psicología, la etología o la literatura, y las ciencias naturales como la biología o la ecología, hasta las ciencias sociales y políticas, como la geografía, la antropología, la economía y la sociología. Este interés multidisciplinario demuestra la importancia y la complejidad del tema espacial y territorial, y reclama la necesidad de su estudio y comprensión interdisciplinarios, como se intenta con esta publicación

    Potencial productivo de Cedrela odorata L.: estimación mediante el modelo 3-PG

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    The productivity of forest systems in the Mexican tropics has been severely constrained by the lack of silvicultural practices that promote their competitiveness. Red cedar wood is an economically important specie in the Mexican tropics, and little is known about yields and how to improve its productivity. The 3-PG model (Physiological Processes Predicting Growth) allows to predict the growth of a stand even in areas where the species has not grown, estimating the productivity of the site. The present study estimated the growth and effect of nutrition on the species through the 3-PG model from the physiological variables of the species and similar one. Foliage biomass mean diameter at breast height, in the fertilized condition increased when fertilization was considered in the stand. The year five was the one that registered the highest volume in the condition with fertilization (FR = 0.6) of 66.9 m3 ha-1 vs without fertilization (FR = 0.3), 51.9 m3 ha-1. In addition, the stem volume (m3 ha-1), trunk biomass (Mg ha-1) and height (cm) also increased with the age of the stand in the fertilization treatment. The 3-PG model is applied for the first time in this species and in Mexico, so it is necessary to continue with ecophysiological studies of the species and aspects of nutrition, to achieve a better prediction of growth and to be a useful tool in decision making of forest management.La productividad de los sistemas forestales en el trópico mexicano ha tenido serias restricciones por la carencia de prácticas silvícolas que promuevan su competitividad. Cedrela odorata L. (cedro rojo) es una especie económicamente importante en el trópico mexicano y se conoce poco acerca de sus rendimientos y de cómo mejorar su productividad. El modelo 3-PG (Principios fisiológicos de predicción del crecimiento) permite predecir el crecimiento de un rodal, incluso en áreas donde no ha crecido la especie, estimando la productividad del sitio. En el presente trabajo se estimó, mediante el modelo 3-PG, el crecimiento de C. odorata y el efecto que tiene la nutrición sobre la especie a partir de variables fisiológicas de esta y de especies similares. La biomasa de follaje y el diámetro promedio a la altura del pecho fueron mayores en la condición con fertilización. En el año cinco se registró el mayor volumen en la condición con fertilización (FR = 0.6): 66.9 m3 ha-1; en ese mismo año, el incremento en volumen sin fertilización (FR = 0.3) fue 51.9 m3 ha-1. Además, el volumen del rodal, la biomasa de tronco y la altura también incrementaron con la edad del rodal en el tratamiento con fertilización. El modelo 3-PG se aplica por vez primera en esta especie y en México, por lo que se requiere continuar con estudios ecofisiológicos de la especie y aspectos de nutrición, para lograr una mejor predicción del crecimiento y, de ese modo, que este modelo sea una herramienta útil en la toma de decisiones de manejo forestal

    Method for the characterization of Fresnel lens flux transfer performance

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    Fresnel lenses and other faceted or micro-optic devices are increasingly used in multiple applications like solar light concentrators and illumination devices, just to name some representative. However, it seems to be a certain lack of adequate techniques for the assessment of the performance of final fabricated devices. As applications are more exigent this characterization is a must. We provide a technique to characterize the performance of Fresnel lenses, as light collection devices. The basis for the method is a configuration where a camera images the Fresnel lens aperture. The entrance pupil of the camera is situated at the focal spot or the conjugate of a simulated solar source. In this manner, detailed maps of the performance of different Fresnel lenses are obtained for different acceptance angles

    Epicardial adipose tissue thickness is related to early subclinical myocardial dysfunction, particularly in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a case control study

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    Abstract Background Cardiac myofibrillary dysfunction, which can be measure by echocardiographical strain value, represents an early subclinical manifestation of heart failure. Epicardial Adipose tissue (EAT) is related to low degree inflammation and oxidative damage in the adjacent tissue. Aim To explore whether EAT affects early myocardial dysfunction, as assessed strain values. Methods Case–Control design. Patients lacking clinical significant heart failure, thyroid or renal disease or malignant abnormalities were included. Clinical-demographic and biochemical data were collected. EAT and myofibril deformation were measured by echocardiography. Results A total of 71 patients were analyzed, and further subdivided according to type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (t2DM). Higher strain value (higher than -22.4%cut-off value) was associated with male sex and higher anthropometric and metabolic risk measures; particularly those with t2DM. Higher EAT was also associated higher strain value (AUC = 0.92 ± 0.06, p = 0.004), and further correlation was evidenced (rho = 0.488, p < 0.001), with significant influence of t2DM. Conclusion EAT was related to strain value, suggesting the influence of cardiac adipose tissue on the deformability of cardiac myofibril, with a more significant effect in the population with t2DM

    Functional effects of a missense mutation in HERG associated with type 2 long QT syndrome

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    Background: Long QT syndrome (LQTS) is characterized by a prolonged QT interval that can lead to severe ventricular arrhythmias (torsades de pointes) and sudden death. Congenital LQTS type 2 (LQT2) is due to loss-of-function mutations in the KCNH2 gene encoding Kv11.1 channels responsible for the rapid component of the delayed rectifier current. Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the functional properties of the LQT2-associated mutation p.E637G found in a Spanish family. Methods: Wild-type (WT) and p.E637G Kv11.1 channels were transiently transfected in Chinese hamster ovary cells, and currents were recorded using the patch-clamp technique. Results: The p.E637G channels lost inward rectification and K(+) selectivity, generating small but measurable slowly activating, noninactivating currents. These important alterations were corrected neither by cotransfection with WT channels nor by incubation at low temperatures or with pharmacological chaperones. As a consequence of its effects on channel gating, the mutation significantly reduced the outward repolarizing current during the action potential (AP), resulting in a marked lengthening of the duration of a simulated human ventricular AP. Conclusion: We have identified and characterized an LQT2-associated mutation that through removal of C-type inactivation and reduction of K(+) selectivity causes the QT prolongation observed in the patients carrying the mutation. Moreover, the results obtained demonstrate the importance of the glutamic acid at position 637 for the inactivation process and K(+) selectivity of Kv11.1 channels.Depto. de Farmacología y ToxicologíaFac. de MedicinaTRUEpu

    Learning by educating: Service learning experience of oral health promotion integrated into a subject. Pilot project

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    Después de dos años desarrollando la metodología ApS, este proyecto estaba propuesto con la intención de integrar esta metodología en una asignatura de 5º curso del Grado de Odontología. Varios alumnos de la asignatura participaron en el proyecto, pero ante su bajo número se brindó la oportunidad al resto de cursos, para todos aquellos estudiantes que quisieran participar de forma voluntaria. Los objetivos propuestos en el proyecto fueron alcanzados con entera satisfacción.After two years developing the SL methodology, this project was proposed with the intention of integrating this methodology in a 5th year subject of the Degree in Dentistry. Several students participated in the project, but due to its low number, an opportunity was provided other students, for those who wanted to participate voluntarily. The objectives proposed in the project were successfully achieved.Depto. de Especialidades Clínicas OdontológicasFac. de OdontologíaUniversidad Complutense de Madrid. Proyectos ApSunpu

    Anuario del Centro de Estudios Martianos (Vol. 15 1992)

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    El Anuario del Centro de Estudios Martianos es la publicación insignia de esta institución y heredera directa del Anuario Martiano de la Biblioteca Nacional José Martí, que se publicó entre 1969 y 1977, bajo la dirección del poeta y ensayista Cintio Vitier. Desde que salió a la luz su primera entrega, en 1978, se han publicado treinta y cinco números, en los que aparecen artículos y ensayos de importantes estudiosos de la vida y obra del Apóstol, en Cuba y el resto del mundo. En sus secciones fijas (Otros textos de José Martí, Documentos, Estudios y aproximaciones, Vigencias, Publicaciones, Bibliografía, Constante) y los apartados especiales, los lectores pueden conocer disímiles temas del quehacer martiano internacional, en el año que termina además de mantenerse al tanto de las últimas contribuciones de los promotores e investigadores de la obra martiana en el orbe