96 research outputs found

    Development of good practices database of European regions for prevention of work related musculoskeletal disorders: TIAM project

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    Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) are extremely common health problem and have important consequences for the individual and the society which are affecting millions of European workers across all employment sectors. One of the main objectives of TIAM is to collect good practices in prevention of WMSDs and disseminate the good practice to all the regions. Three documents related to collect good practices (Good practices definition, Good practices report form and Questionnaire form for regional policy) had been sent to all the participant regions. Good practices and successful experiences or innovations in WMSDs prevention have been collected from 5 European regions. A good practice database has been developed based on 8 categories: TIAM region; Sector; Topic; WMSDs relevance; Work activities; Risk assessment methodology; Results of reassessment and Impact on performance. Finally, the database has been successfully uploaded onto the website (www.TIAM.eu) in order to share knowledge and promote good practices in WMSDs prevention. Collecting good practices based on a collaborative platform for preventing WMSDs will not only help companies improve and maintain healthy and safe working conditions, but will also promote the creation of new solutions in the field of WMSD and injuries preventionPostprint (published version

    Análisis de la exposición al riesgo por levantamiento manual de cargas en condiciones de alta variabilidad

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    El levantamiento manual de cargas es un requerimiento de trabajo muy frecuente en Europa y su exposición puede originar importantes daños a la salud, comportando un gran coste socio-económico. En esta investigación, mediante la valoración de expertos y delegados de prevención, se caracterizan las exposiciones a levantamientos manuales de cargas más presentes en las empresas y las prácticas comunes para su evaluación. Se analiza la validez, las limitaciones y la aplicabilidad de los modelos matemáticos actuales para evaluar la exposición al riesgo que comporta ante condiciones de levantamiento de alta variabilidad. Se propone un nuevo modelo matemático para analizar la exposición al riesgo, el índice de levantamiento variable (VLI), y se plantean y analizan diferentes estrategias de aplicación basadas en la reducción de la dimensión de los atributos que la caracterizan, definiendo los indicadores que permiten valorar las estrategias de aplicación del modelo más adecuadas.L’aixecament manual de càrregues és un requeriment de treball molt freqüent a Europa, i la seva exposició pot generar importants danys a la salut amb un alt cost sòcio-econòmic. En aquesta recerca, mitjançant la valoració d’experts i delegats de prevenció, es caracteritzen les exposicions a aixecaments manuals de càrregues més presents en les empreses i les pràctiques més comuns per a la seva avaluació. S’analitza la validesa, les limitacions i la aplicabilitat dels models matemàtics actuals per avaluar l’exposició al risc en condicions d’alta variabilitat. Es proposa un nou model matemàtic per analitzar l’exposició al risc, l’índex d’aixecament variable (VLI), i es plantegen i analitzen diferents estratègies d’aplicació basades en la reducció de la dimensió dels atributs que la caracteritzen, definint els indicadors que permeten valorar les estratègies d’aplicació del model més adients.Manual lifting loads is a widely extended requirement at work in Europe. The exposure to this hazard is producing significant work-related musculoskeletal disorders and a high social and economic cost. In this study, the most common characteristics of tasks involving manual lifting loads in companies and how they are currently analyzed are identified, based on perception and opinions of ergonomists and health and safety representatives. The validity, applicability and limitations of current mathematical models for assessing this risk in highly variable conditions are analyzed. A new mathematical model, called variable lifting index (VLI), is proposed. Different strategies for applying the model based on attribute reduction are analyzed. Finally, new indicators to evaluate the goodness of each strategy have been defined

    Goal-driven agent-oriented software processes

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    The quality of software processes is acknowledged as a critical factor for delivering quality software systems. Any initiative for improving the quality of software processes requires their explicit representation and management. A current representational metaphor for systems is agent orientation, which has become one of the recently recognized engineering paradigms. In this article, we argue for the convenience of representing the software process using an agent-oriented language to model it and a goal-driven procedure to design it. Particularly we propose using the i* framework which is both an agent- and a goal-oriented modeling language. We review the possibilities of i* as a software process modeling language, and we also show how success factors can be made explicit in i* representations of the software processes. Finally, we illustrate the approach with an example based on the development of a set of ergonomic and safety software tools.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Using ergonomics Digital Human Modeling in Evaluation of workplace Design and Prevention of work related musculoeskeletal disorders aboard small fishing vessels r

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    This article seeks to presentmethods for preventing work-relatedmusculoskeletal disorders of Spanish fishermen and for redesigning the workplace aboard small fishing vessels. To achieve its objective, the research project was designed in four steps. First, the equipment and procedures for catching, handling, and storing fish were studied. Second, the work postures of all the fishermen were simulated and assessed by using an ergonomic digital human modeling system (ManneQuin Pro). Third, the work environment design aboard vessels was modified on the basis of acceptable simulated work postures to prevent repetitive movements, awkward working postures, and lower back biomechanical stresses. In the fourth step, ergonomic design parameters were provided to vessel designers.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Using ergonomics digital human modeling in evaluation of workplaces design and prevention of occupational hazards onboard fishing vessel

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    This paper seeks to present methods for improving the occupational health and safety of Spanish fishermen, and for redesigning the workplace onboard small fishing vessels. To achieve its objective, the research project was designed in four steps: First, the equipment and procedures for catching, handling, and storing fish was studied. Second, the work postures of all the fishermen were simulated and assessed by using an ergonomic digital human modeling system (ManneQuin Pro). Third, the work environment design on board vessels was modified on the basis of acceptable simulated work postures to prevent repetitive movements and lower back biomechanical stresses. In the fourth and final step, ergonomic design parameters were provided to vessel designers.Postprint (published version

    Using ergonomics digital human modeling in evaluation of workplaces design and prevention of occupational hazards onboard fishing vessel

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    This paper seeks to present methods for improving the occupational health and safety of Spanish fishermen, and for redesigning the workplace onboard small fishing vessels. To achieve its objective, the research project was designed in four steps: First, the equipment and procedures for catching, handling, and storing fish was studied. Second, the work postures of all the fishermen were simulated and assessed by using an ergonomic digital human modeling system (ManneQuin Pro). Third, the work environment design on board vessels was modified on the basis of acceptable simulated work postures to prevent repetitive movements and lower back biomechanical stresses. In the fourth and final step, ergonomic design parameters were provided to vessel designers.Postprint (published version

    Toolkits for hazard identification, risk assessment and prevention of work-related musculoskeletal disorders based on a collaborative platform

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    Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) is currently not only a health problem in enterprises across six European regions which are Catalonia (ES), Lombardy (IT), South-West Bohemia (CZ) Upper Austria (AU), Estonia (EE), Provincie Noord-Brabantv(NL), but also impacts negatively on productivity and on the competitiveness of enterprises. This project, granted by Innovation 4 Welfare (I4W), will provide a high value to enterprises in the participating regions. However, although EU-legislation has established new and highly innovative technical standards the area of “physical ergonomics, specifically aimed at protecting the “working population” from biomechanical and organizational risks for WMSDs, it is still not easy for users to find a suitable tool or strategy for identifying hazards and assessing risks for purposes of WMSDs prevention effectively. Additionally, there are no criteria or guidelines for teaching users how to select the best method for a specific case. Hence, this project proposes to develop a set of toolkits to help users find the most suitable and effective solution to the problem at hand. Developing toolkits based on a collaborative platform for preventing WMSDs will not only help companies improve and maintain healthy and safe working conditions, but will also promote the creation of new solutions in the field of WMSD and injuries prevention. As a result, it will significantly enhance worker health, life quality and productivity, as well as reduce sick leave absences and economic/social costs connected to work-related muscular disorders and injuries. This paper seeks to illustrate the methodology of developing toolkits for hazard identification, risk assessment and prevention of WMSDs based on a collaborative platform. In order to demonstrate this, the paper presents an analysis of the approaches and the implementation plan for toolkits development. Additionally, the paper closes by suggesting that an essential element for successful prevention of WMSDs is the interaction between the workers and the policy makers, knowledge providersPreprin

    Using ergonomic digital human modeling in evaluation of workplace design and prevention of occupational hazards onboard fishing vessels

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    This paper seeks to present methods for improving the occupational health and safety of Spanish fishermen, and for redesigning the workplace onboard small fishing vessels. To achieve its objective, the research project was designed in four steps: First, the equipment and procedures for catching, handling, and storing fish was studied. Second, the work postures of all the fishermen were simulated and assessed by using an ergonomic digital human modeling system (ManneQuin Pro). Third, the work environment design on board vessels was modified on the basis of acceptable simulated work postures to prevent repetitive movements and lower back biomechanical stresses. In the fourth and final step, ergonomic design parameters were provided to vessel designersPreprin

    Using ergonomic digital human modeling in evaluation of workplace design and prevention of occupational hazards onboard fishing vessels

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    This paper seeks to present methods for improving the occupational health and safety of Spanish fishermen, and for redesigning the workplace onboard small fishing vessels. To achieve its objective, the research project was designed in four steps: First, the equipment and procedures for catching, handling, and storing fish was studied. Second, the work postures of all the fishermen were simulated and assessed by using an ergonomic digital human modeling system (ManneQuin Pro). Third, the work environment design on board vessels was modified on the basis of acceptable simulated work postures to prevent repetitive movements and lower back biomechanical stresses. In the fourth and final step, ergonomic design parameters were provided to vessel designersPreprin

    Caracterización de la sobrecarga biomecánica en trabajadores de barcos pesqueros de cerco en bajura

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    La European Agency for Safety and Health at Work incluye a los pescadores dentro de los grupos de trabajadores que corren un mayor riesgo de sufrir trastornos musculoesqueléticos, argumento confirmado en diversos estudios (Fulmer, et al, 2002) (Jensen, 2000) (Jensen,2006). En España, en el año 2007, este tipo de lesiones fueron las más frecuentes entre la población de pescadores y la zona del cuerpo afectada en el 40% de los casos fue la extremidad superior. Aún así, debido a la complejidad de estudio y la alta variabilidad de tareas en comparación con el sector industrial, la exposición a la sobrecarga biomecánica de la extremidad superior en los barcos pesqueros no se ha investigado suficientemente. En este estudio, se analizó la organización del trabajo en barcos pesqueros de cerco en bajura de la costa del Mediterráneo. Del análisis realizado, todas las tareas tienen índices de riesgo intrínsecos check-list OCRA significativos, valores entre niveles medio y elevado. Por otro lado, se ha comprobado que las tareas que se realizan a bordo relacionadas con la selección, el almacenamiento y el paletizado de la captura tienen una repercusión en el nivel de exposición al riesgo por sobrecarga biomecánica de extremidad superior igual o incluso mayor que las tareas relacionadas con la pesca en sí (captura de peces y extracción del agua).Postprint (published version