3,371 research outputs found

    Fine structure in the large n limit of the non-hermitian Penner matrix model

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    In this paper we apply results on the asymptotic zero distribution of the Laguerre polynomials to discuss generalizations of the standard large nn limit in the non-hermitian Penner matrix model. In these generalizations gnntg_n n\to t, but the product gnng_n n is not necessarily fixed to the value of the 't Hooft coupling tt. If t>1t>1 and the limit l=limnsin(π/gn)1/nl = \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty} |\sin(\pi/g_n)|^{1/n} exists, then the large nn limit is well-defined but depends both on tt and on ll. This result implies that for t>1t>1 the standard large nn limit with gnn=tg_n n=t fixed is not well-defined. The parameter ll determines a fine structure of the asymptotic eigenvalue support: for l0l\neq 0 the support consists of an interval on the real axis with charge fraction Q=11/tQ=1-1/t and an ll-dependent oval around the origin with charge fraction 1/t1/t. For l=1l=1 these two components meet, and for l=0l=0 the oval collapses to the origin. We also calculate the total electrostatic energy E\mathcal{E}, which turns out to be independent of ll, and the free energy F=EQlnl\mathcal{F}=\mathcal{E}-Q\ln l, which does depend of the fine structure parameter ll. The existence of large nn asymptotic expansions of F\mathcal{F} beyond the planar limit as well as the double-scaling limit are also discussed

    Spin wave theory for 2D disordered hard-core bosons

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    A spin-wave (SW) approach for hard-core bosons is presented to treat the problem of two dimensional boson localization in a random potential. After a short review of the method to compute 1/S-corrected observables, the case of random on-site energy is discussed. Whereas the mean-field solution does not display a Bose glass (BG) phase, 1/S corrections do capture BG physics. In particular, the localization of SW excitations is discussed through the inverse participation ratio.Comment: TIDS15 conferenc

    Le statut juridique du travail des enfants au Chili

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    The article aims to approach the legal treatment performed to the issue of child labor in Chile, being required to answer a few questions. What are the historical legal background of legal regime of child labour in Chile? What child labor means? What constitutional and legal rules say about the matter? We used a documentary research method, analyzing constitutional and legal sources, which allow us to think about the topic.El artículo tiene como objetivo aproximarse al tratamiento jurídico que se ha hecho al problema del trabajo infantil en Chile, para ello es necesario responder una serie de preguntas, entre ellas: ¿cuáles son los antecedentes histórico-jurídicos del régimen jurídico del trabajo infantil en Chile? ¿Qué se entiende por trabajo infantil? ¿Qué dicen las normas constitucionales y legales respecto de la materia? La metodología de la investigación fue documental, analizando fuentes constitucionales y legales, que permiten reflexionar sobre la materia.L’article vise à aborder le traitement juridique du problème du travail des enfants au Chili, pour y arriver il est nécessaire de répondre à une série de questions, y compris: Quel est le contexte historique et juridique de régime juridique du travail des enfants au Chili? Qu’est-ce qu’on comprend par travail des enfants? et quelles sont les règles constitutionnelles et juridiques à propos du sujet? La méthodologie de recherche èa été documentaire, et l’analyse des sources constitutionnelles et juridiques qui nous ont permis de réfléchir sur la question

    Estado actual de la investigación sobre el retorno

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    La cualificación de maestro en Europa: aportaciones a partir del análisis de las influencias supranacionales y los modelos europeos

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    La importancia del profesorado en la calidad de la enseñanza es una constante indiscutible en la literatura académica y científica internacional. En este sentido, cobra especial relevancia el estudio de cómo se forman y bajo qué métodos y criterios acreditan su entrada en la carrera docente los aspirantes a maestros, teniendo en cuenta que la puesta en marcha del EEES ha contribuido a la actualización y la mejora de los sistemas formativos y selectivos de los maestros en Europa. El objetivo de este artículo es contribuir, pues, al conocimiento del funcionamiento de estos sistemas a través del análisis de las recomendaciones que emanan de los organismos supranacionales y de los modelos empleados en algunos de los países europeos El texto finaliza examinando el caso español con el fin de estudiar en qué punto se encuentra en relación con el resto de países europeos y extraer algunas conclusiones que puedan ser útiles a los policymarkers en las sucesivas reformasThe importance of teachers in the quality of teaching is an undeniable constant in academic and international scientific literature. In this sense, it becomes especially relevant to study how aspiring teachers are trained and under what methods and criteria their entry in to the teaching profession is credited. It is relevant to keep in mind that the implementation of the EHEA has contributed to the upgrading and improvement of training and selective systems of teachers in Europe. The aim of this article is to contribute the knowledge of how these systems function through the analysis of the recommendations emanating from supranational organizations and models used in some European countries. Finally, the Spanish case is analyzed in relation to other European countries in order to draw some conclusions that may be useful to policymakers in successive reform

    Agricultural Institutions, Industrialization and Growth: the Case of New Zealand and Uruguay in 1870-1940

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    Abstract In this paper we apply a model of early industrialization to the case of New Zealand and Uruguay in 1870-1940. We show how di_erences in agricultural institutions may have produced di_erent development paths in two countries which were similar under many respects. While in New Zealand the active role of the Crown in regulating the land market facilitated access to land, in Uruguay land was seized by a small group of large landowners. Our model shows that land concentration may have negatively inuenced industrialization and growth by impeding the formation of a large group of middle-income landowners and, as a consequence, the development of a domestic demand for basic manufactures. We support this view with a comparative analysis of agricultural institutions and industrial development in New Zealand and Uruguaygricultural Institutions; Industrialization; Growth; New Zealand; Uruguay; Functional Distribution; Agricultural surplus;