869 research outputs found


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    Today, the role of women in society has significantly changed, they work as men so they have their own income that they can spend as they wish and as necessary. We need to pay particular importance to consumer behaviour of female and as such it should be treated as a particular segment. This paper aims to study the simultaneous effects - based on data from quantitative marketing research – that the independent variables generate on the dependent variable. The variables introduced in the analysis of variance are: How often do you drink coffee /tea every day?, Age, Income, Last graduated school. We applied the hi square test we in order to analyze the links between two variables measured with nominal scale. The variables analyzed are: Do you always buy the some brand and The highest level of education achieved.analysis of hypothesis, brand, loyalty, behaviour, squared hi, ANOVA

    Élővé tenni nyelvünk múltját az iskolai neveléssel

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    Városkutatás és rezidenciakutatás. Európai helyzetkép és magyar eredmények

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    Iván Fónagy (1920–2005) leitmotifs in his œuvre

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    The central motif of Iván Fónagy’s “extra-vagant” linguistics — in terms of his own metaphor — was the idea of “languages within language”: the issue of mapping the ontogenesis of language onto a particular language of the present. In other words: what is the consistent ontogenetic interpretation of a given fact of language? In his oeuvre, the inventively documented solution to that problem is the theory of “double encoding”: the claim that, after being linguistically encoded, a linguistic expression goes through a second encoding phase during implementation in which it gets saturated by supplementary aspects of content. The latter are imprints of ancient gestures in language. On the other hand, the mechanism is also the source of the historical emergence of demotivated linguistic signs. The application of the principle not only makes it possible to resolve intricate problems in theoretical linguistics but also to explain remotivation in poetic language and to use it as a tool in stylistic analysis

    The Hungarian Atlas of Historic Towns

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    Az új magyar szakos képzés a párizsi Inalco-n

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    Intervocalic affricates in present-day Hungarian

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    No abstrac

    A fonetika nyelvpedagógiai vetülete

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