1,176 research outputs found

    Barriers of Attendance For The Syracuse Crunch

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    The main purpose of this research was to identify the different barriers that could impact attendance for the Syracuse Crunch, a minor league hockey team (AHL). The results of this study provided the Syracuse Crunch front office with information that could have the possibility of improving marketing and promotional strategies to its varying consumer database. Prior to this study, a great amount of research has been conducted that identifies the factors that contribute to one’s attendance at other professional sporting events, however, there are limited amounts of research that have looked to uncover what effects attendance at the minor league level. Furthermore, past research hasn’t looked greatly in detail on what effects attendance at minor league hockey games. This study utilized a survey based design using quantitative data in order to identify which barriers more frequently effect the attendance of Syracuse Crunch fans. The survey was sent to initial participants, and in turn, was distributed by these participants to other people that were interested in participating in this study. Results from this research identified that in-game atmosphere had the greatest impact on attendance as well as friends and family influence, and ease of access being among other contributing factors of attendance at Syracuse Crunch games. With renovations set to occur during 2017-2018 offseason, knowing that in-game atmosphere is such a great determinant will have a strong influence on what is done to create a better experience at Syracuse Crunch games

    Semiclassical theory of anisotropic transport at LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interfaces under in-plane magnetic field

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    The unconventional magnetotransport at the interface between transition-metal oxides LaAlO3LaAlO_3 (LAO) and SrTiO3SrTiO_3 (STO) is frequently related to mobile electrons interacting with localized magnetic moments. However nature and properties of magnetism at this interface are not well understood so far. In this paper, we focus on transport effects driven by spin-orbit coupling and intentionally neglect possible strong correlations. The electrical resistivity tensor is calculated as a function of the magnitude and orientation of an external magnetic field parallel to the interface. The semiclassical Boltzmann equation is solved numerically for the two-dimensional system of spin-orbit coupled electrons accelerated by an electric field and scattered by spatially-correlated impurities. At temperatures of a few Kelvin and densities such that the chemical potential crosses the second pair of spin-orbit split bands, we find a strongly anisotropic modulation of the (negative) magnetoresistance above 10 T, characterized by multiple maxima and minima away from the crystalline axes. Along with the drop of the magnetoresistance, an abrupt enhancement of the transverse resistivity occurs. The angular modulation of the latter considerably deviates from a (low-field) sinusoidal dependence to a (high-field) step-like behaviour. These peculiar features are the consequences of the anisotropy of both (intra-band and inter-band ) scattering-amplitudes in the Brillouin zone when the relevant energy scales in the system - chemical potential, spin-orbit interaction and Zeeman energy - are all comparable to each other. The theory provides good qualitative agreement with experimental data in the literature.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, 2 appendices. Extended version with discussion section widely revised, additional results for different parameters in Appendix B, theoretical model presented in details in Appendix A. To be published in Phys. Rev.

    Minutiae 973.1

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    The law of conservation of mass states that matter can neither be created nor destroyed. If something is taken from the earth, it has to be replaced, or else the universe will fall into disharmony

    A prospective cohort study of neck and shoulder pain in professional drivers

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    In a three-year follow-up study, the occurrence of neck and shoulder pain (NSP) in terms of frequency, duration and intensity was investigated in a population of 537 male professional drivers. Over the follow-up period, the cumulative incidences for neck and shoulder pain were 31.9% and 21.4%, respectively. After adjustment for potential confounders, a measure of cumulative whole-body vibration exposure was significantly associated with all NSP outcomes. Lifting loads and work with hands above shoulder level were significantly related to shoulder outcomes, while driving with trunk bent or twisted was associated with neck pain. Limited job decision, low social support and job dissatisfaction were significant predictors of neck outcomes. Psychological distress was associated with all NSP outcomes. The findings of this cohort study suggest that NSP outcomes are of multifactorial origin in driving occupations

    Servant Leadership and Cultural Characteristics as Predictors of Follower Engagement

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    Servant leadership theory, introduced in the 1970s, has gained in popularity in recent years. Servant leadership’s roots in serving, caring, and behaving ethically makes it a leadership model that is timely and relevant in light of today’s global, organizational, and political challenges. Additionally, an engaged workforce is considered to be a key lever that organizations utilize to gain an advantage in the marketplace while disengaged employees present a significant cost to companies. Nevertheless, servant leadership’s impact on organizations and specifically its ability to engage employees has received limited research. This quantitative study was undertaken in a multinational manufacturing organization and utilized survey instruments to examine individual contributors’, or followers’, perceptions of their immediate supervisor’s servant leader characteristics and how these characteristics predicted engagement in their work. Furthermore, this study also examined cultural characteristics as predictors of follower engagement in the same context. The results of the study demonstrated that both servant leadership and cultural characteristics significantly contributed to the prediction, however, servant leadership significantly predicted more of the variance over and above cultural characteristics. Important then is understanding how servant leadership influences employee engagement as organizations establish presence in other parts of the world. It behooves leaders to acknowledge that their organizations’ cultural surroundings can predict employee engagement. Of particular importance though, is recognizing that beyond these cultural ix influences, practicing a servant leadership management model can have an even greater influence on employee engagement. This study may assist other servant led, multinational, and multicultural organizations in informing how servant leadership and cultural characteristics serve as predictors of follower engagement. As a result of this study, recommendations for practice are provided including the adoption of the servant leadership model to have a positive impact on social justice


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    Maybe it\u27s grotesque That I think of them like flashers

    Density inhomogeneities and Rashba spin-orbit coupling interplay in oxide interfaces

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    There is steadily increasing evidence that the two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) formed at the interface of some insulating oxides like LaAlO3/SrTiO3 and LaTiO3/SrTiO3 is strongly inhomogeneous. The inhomogeneous distribution of electron density is accompanied by an inhomogeneous distribution of the (self-consistent) electric field confining the electrons at the interface. In turn this inhomogeneous transverse electric field induces an inhomogeneous Rashba spin-orbit coupling (RSOC). After an introductory summary on two mechanisms possibly giving rise to an electronic phase separation accounting for the above inhomogeneity,we introduce a phenomenological model to describe the density-dependent RSOC and its consequences. Besides being itself a possible source of inhomogeneity or charge-density waves, the density-dependent RSOC gives rise to interesting physical effects like the occurrence of inhomogeneous spin-current distributions and inhomogeneous quantum-Hall states with chiral "edge" states taking place in the bulk of the 2DEG. The inhomogeneous RSOC can also be exploited for spintronic devices since it can be used to produce a disorder-robust spin Hall effect.Comment: 13 pages, 15 figure

    Effects of different vibration frequencies, amplitudes and contraction levels on lower limb muscles during graded isometric contractions superimposed on whole body vibration stimulation

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    Background: Indirect vibration stimulation, i.e., whole body vibration or upper limb vibration, has been investigated increasingly as an exercise intervention for rehabilitation applications. However, there is a lack of evidence regarding the effects of graded isometric contractions superimposed on whole body vibration stimulation. Hence, the objective of this study was to quantify and analyse the effects of variations in the vibration parameters and contraction levels on the neuromuscular responses to isometric exercise superimposed on whole body vibration stimulation. Methods: In this study, we assessed the 'neuromuscular effects' of graded isometric contractions, of 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% of maximum voluntary contraction, superimposed on whole body vibration stimulation (V) and control (C), i.e., no-vibration in 12 healthy volunteers. Vibration stimuli tested were 30 Hz and 50 Hz frequencies and 0.5 mm and 1.5 mm amplitude. Surface electromyographic activity of the vastus lateralis, vastus medialis and biceps femoris were measured during V and C conditions with electromyographic root mean square and electromyographic mean frequency values used to quantify muscle activity and their fatigue levels, respectively. Results: Both the prime mover (vastus lateralis) and the antagonist (biceps femoris) displayed significantly higher (P < 0.05) electromyographic activity with the V than the C condition with varying percentage increases in EMG root-mean-square (EMGrms) values ranging from 20% to 200%. For both the vastus lateralis and biceps femoris, the increase in mean EMGrms values depended on the frequency, amplitude and muscle contraction level with 50 Hz-0.5 mm stimulation inducing the largest neuromuscular activity. Conclusions: These results show that the isometric contraction superimposed on vibration stimulation leads to higher neuromuscular activity compared to isometric contraction alone in the lower limbs. The combination of the vibration frequency with the amplitude and the muscle tension together grades the final neuromuscular output.Peer reviewe

    Twisted Fermi surface of a thin-film Weyl semimetal

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    The Fermi surface of a conventional two-dimensional electron gas is equivalent to a circle, up to smooth deformations that preserve the orientation of the equi-energy contour. Here we show that a Weyl semimetal confined to a thin film with an in-plane magnetization and broken spatial inversion symmetry can have a topologically distinct Fermi surface that is twisted into a \mbox{figure-8} - opposite orientations are coupled at a crossing which is protected up to an exponentially small gap. The twisted spectral response to a perpendicular magnetic field BB is distinct from that of a deformed Fermi circle, because the two lobes of a \mbox{figure-8} cyclotron orbit give opposite contributions to the Aharonov-Bohm phase. The magnetic edge channels come in two counterpropagating types, a wide channel of width βlm21/B\beta l_m^2\propto 1/B and a narrow channel of width lm1/Bl_m\propto 1/\sqrt B (with lm=/eBl_m=\sqrt{\hbar/eB} the magnetic length and β\beta the momentum separation of the Weyl points). Only one of the two is transmitted into a metallic contact, providing unique magnetotransport signatures.Comment: V4: 10 pages, 14 figures. Added figure and discussion about "uncrossing deformations" of oriented contours, plus minor corrections. Published in NJ