35 research outputs found

    The gender wage gap and Covid-19

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    Klarer ikke gjennomføre sak: Failed to perform step 1 in Navigate Stage 'Activate Adobe Reader + Click Center' on page 'Read PDF' - Unable to match any windows with the query termsThe Covid-19 lockdown affected both the global and local economies and led to wage loss and wage inequality. This study explains traditional wage differences between women and men and examines the impact of the Covid-19 on women’s and men’s wages and working hours during the initial stages of the pandemic. The study uses differences-in-differences estimation. Yearly and monthly panel data from Statistic Norway, hours worked, earnings and wages of women and men are compared. My findings suggest that while there in 2020 was a negative and unsignificant impact on women’s wages, the analysis shows that 2019 also had a negative effect on women’s wages but it is significant. Therefore, covid-19 did not affect wage inequality between women and men in Norway. My research findings explains that factors like different participation rates in work industries for men and women may be an important explanation on the gender wage gap between women and men in Norway. As expected Covid-19 affected working hours. In April 2020 both men and women decreased weekly working hours. women still worked less than men, but the reduction was smaller for women than men after the covid-19 lockdown. In addition, I did not find any negative effect on either mother’s or father’s wages in 2020. Keywords: Wage gender inequality, Covid-19, Difference-in-difference, Labor marke


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    We have developed rotationally symmetrical coaxial chambers for measurements of dielectric parameters of disk-shaped samples, in the frequency range from 1 MHz to several hundred MHz. The reflection coefficient of the chamber is measured and the dielectric parameters are hence extracted utilizing a high-accuracy quasistatic numerical model of the chamber and the sample. We present this model, which is based on the method-of-moments solution of a set of integral equations for composite metallic and dielectric bodies. The equations are tailored to bodies of revolution. The model is efficient and accurate so that the major contribution of the measurement uncertainty comes from the measurement hardware

    Nonuniformly-wound helical antennas

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    Microstructural and Electrical Properties of Cordierite-based Ceramics Obtained After Two-step Sintering Technique

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    Cordierite-based ceramic materials are attracting much interest for their various applications in industry, for manufacturing multilayer circuit boards, catalytic converters, filters, thermal insulation, kiln furniture, components of portable electronic devices, etc. In order to reduce production costs and modify cordierite-based materials, mechanical activation can be used. In this study, microstructural and electrical properties of mechanically activated MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 system have been analyzed. The mixtures of MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 powders were mechanically activated in a planetary ball mill for the time periods from 0 to 160 min. Morphological investigations have been performed on the obtained powders. The effects of activation and two-step sintering process on microstructure were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Electrical measurements showed variations of the dielectric constant (epsilon(r)) and loss tangent (tan delta) as a function of time of mechanical treatment

    Processing and properties of dense cordierite ceramics obtained through solid-state reaction and pressure-less sintering

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    Sintering of pure cordierite 2MgO:2Al(2)O(3):5SiO(2), and cordierite with the addition of 5 mass % TeO2 was studied. Green bodies were prepared from powder mixtures mechanically activated in a high-energy planetary mill, shaped by uniaxial (20 MPa) and cold isostatic pressing (1000 MPa). The pressure-less sintering of these specimens was performed at 1350 degrees C for 1 h. High relative density over 95% of the theoretical value was obtained through solid-state reaction and pressure-less sintering of powder activated for 40 min, and for the first time reported in the literature. Phase composition and microstructures of sintered samples were determined by XRD and SEM, coupled with EDS mapping. The real part of the complex relative permittivity of the samples was measured at 200 MHz. The loss tangent of all samples was below the resolution of the measurement setup. A strong correlation between the relative permittivity and the density agrees with previously published data

    Forecasting Solar Radiation With Fuzzy Time Series And Optimization Application In Photovoltaic Irrigation System

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    Tez (Doktora) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2015Thesis (PhD) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2015Bir yüzeye ulaşan güneş ışınları, Dünya atmosferinin dinamik özelliklerine göre rastsal olarak değişkenlik göstermektedir. Güneş enerjisi uygulamalarını verimli şekilde planlamak, yönetmek ve sistem tasarımcılarına rehber olabilmek amacıyla, güneş radyasyonunun doğru tahminleri gerekli olmaktadır. Bu kapsamda, tez çalışmasında çeşitli zaman serisi modelleri ve bulanık mantıkla entegre edilmiş yöntemler incelenmiştir. Test verileri kullanılarak deneysel analizler gerçekleştirilmiş ve tahmin yöntemlerinin performansı istatistiksel tahmin hatalarına göre karşılaştırılmıştır. Bulanık zaman serileri, belirsiz veriler için etkin tahmin araçlarıdır ve ekonomi, eğitim gibi alanlarda sıklıkla kullanılmıştır. Bu çalışma, bulanık zaman serilerini düzensiz ve rastsal yapıya sahip radyasyon tahmininde uygulayan ilk çalışmadır. Ek olarak mevcut bulanık modeller 8 farklı hibrid model şeklinde iyileştirilmiş, orijinal modellerin başarılı olan aşamaları birleştirilmiş ve geliştirilmiştir. Radyasyon verisi mevsimsel dalgalanmalar içerdiği için, tahmin hatasını azaltmak amacıyla mevsimsellikten arındırma süreci uygulanmıştır. Sonuçlara göre geliştirilen Deneme-8 modeli, diğer bulanık modeller ve klasik zaman serisi yöntemlerine kıyasla en yüksek performansı göstermiştir. Güneş radyasyonu ve benzer şekilde sıcaklık tahminleri, birçok güneş enerjisi uygulamasında girdi olarak kullanılmaktadır. Tek başına fotovoltaik (PV) su pompalama sistemleri, uzak bölgelerde sulama amacıyla güneş enerjisinden etkin şekilde faydalanmaktadır. Ancak güneş enerjisinin rastsal değişkenliği ve tahmin edilemezliği nedeniyle, PV uygulamaların yayılması zorlaşmakta ve sistem tasarımı karmaşıklaşmaktadır. Bu tür sistemlerin optimal boyutlandırılması başlıca görevlerden biridir. Bu nedenle tez çalışmasında tekno-ekonomik optimizasyon modelleri de önerilmiştir. Böylece su depolama tankı veya pilleri kullanan PV su pompalama sistemi bileşenlerinin kapasitelerini optimal şekilde belirlemek amaçlanmıştır. Önerilen modeller güvenilirlik ve maliyet göstergelerine göre geliştirilmiştir. Güvenilirlik, güç tedarik eksikliği olasılığıyla, maliyet ise yaşam döngüsü maliyetleriyle ifade edilmiştir. Burada önerilen ikinci optimizasyon modeliyle literatüre yenilik getirilmiş ve iki amaç fonksiyonu analitik olarak tanımlanmıştır. Çok amaçlı optimizasyon yöntemlerinden olan ağırlıklandırma tekniği ile uzlaşık çözüm araştırılmıştır. Mevcut boyutlandırma çalışmalarında çok amaçlı boyutlandırma yöntemleri genellikle simülasyonlar ve sezgiseller ile uygulanmıştır. Analitik boyutlandırma yöntemleri ise tek bir amaç fonksiyonuna odaklanmıştır. PV su pompalama sisteminin boyutlandırılması, bitki su ihtiyaçları ve optimal eğim açısı için detaylı analizleri de kapsamaktadır. Uzun dönemli güneş radyasyonu ve sıcaklık zaman serileri gerekliliğinin yanı sıra, sulama ihtiyaçlarının doğru tahminleri belirlenmelidir. PV dizisinin eğimi çoğunlukla enleme eşit bir açıyla kabul edilmektedir. Fakat yıllık, mevsimlik ve hatta aylık sıklıkta optimal eğim açısının hesaplanması ve sistemin bu eğime göre yerleştirilmesi, daha yüksek sistem verimiyle sonuçlanmaktadır. Bu nedenle eğim açısının düzenli olarak değiştirilmesi ve güneş enerjisi çıktısının en büyüklenmesi önerilmiştir. Geliştirilen optimal boyutlandırma modelleri tüm bu iyileştirmeleri içermektedir ve PV su pompalama veya sulama sistemlerinin kapsamlı şekilde optimizasyonunu gerçekleştirmektedir. Eğim açıları yıllık ve mevsimsel olarak farklı senaryolarda değiştirilmiştir. Ayrıca depolama birimi, su tankı ve piller olarak farklılaştırılmış, bu senaryoların performansları karşılaştırılmıştır. Antalya’da yerleştirilen limon bahçesi PV sulama sistemi örnek uygulama olarak varsayılmıştır. Önerilen analitik model (Model-2) sayısal algoritmaya dayanan modelle (Model-1) karşılaştırılmıştır. Boyutlandırma sonuçları 25 yıllık analiz için benzer elde edilmiştir. Böylece analitik modelin sonuçlarının doğruluğu gösterilmiştir. Çeşitli performans parametrelerine göre performans analizi gerçekleştirilmiş, seçilen güneş radyasyonu tahmin yöntemlerinin optimal boyutlandırma sonuçlarına etkisi incelenmiştir.Renewable and environmentally friendly green technologies are more preferable and currently show an increasing importance over traditional energy sources such as fossil fuels and nuclear energy. Solar energy is one of the cleanest among renewable resources and has lower maintenance costs compared to other alternatives, e.g. wind, biomass. Prevention of contaminating gases’ emissions and low maintenance costs are the benefits of solar energy whereas high investment costs, dependency on weather conditions and hourly changes in day-time are the main disadvantages. Solar radiation incident on a surface varies randomly due to the dynamic characteristics of Earth’s atmosphere. This random variability and unpredictability of solar radiation makes difficult the penetration of solar energy implementations and complicate the system design. In order to plan, manage solar energy installations efficiently and to guide system designers, accurate solar radiation forecasting is essential. For this purpose, this study analyzes various time series and fuzzy integrated forecasting methods. Solar radiation forecasting methods are generally classified in three types: physical models that depend on meteorological parameters, statistical methods that depend on past radiation values and new approaches including non-parametric statistical methods and stochastic forecasting methods. Besides the literature review of solar radiation forecasting methods, time series models and Box-Jenkins methodology have been described in details. Fuzzy time series (FTS) models have been developed for linguistic and nonlinear data where the assumption of stationarity is no longer needed. FTS are effective forecasting tools with uncertain data and they are widely used in economics, education, etc. This study is the first successful attempt at implementing FTS on radiation which possesses an irregular and random nature. The aim is to find the methods having higher accuracy of forecasting for solar radiation. Therefore experimental tests have been carried out with test data and the performances of forecasting methods are compared according to statistical forecasting errors. These methods are traditional time series, seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average models and fuzzy time series models. Additionally, existing fuzzy models have been improved using 8 different hybrid models which combine and develop aspects of the original FTSs. As the radiation contains seasonal pattern, a deseasonalization procedure has been performed in order to reduce errors. The forecasts were produced with deseasonalized data after seasonal index calculations were performed. To calculate seasonal indices, a “ratio to moving averages” technique was used. The experimental tests have been also realized for original and deseasonalized data. The calculations of fuzzy forecasts have been applied easily with codings developed in MATLAB and time series forecasts using statistical softwares. The results have proved that the proposed Hybrid Model-8 shows higher performance compared to other fuzzy models and traditional time series methods. Furthermore, the deseasonalization procedure applied to fuzzy models has been founded more successful considering the decrease in the forecasting error results. After determining the models which have smaller errors especially with solar radiation test data, the real datasets of both radiation and temperature have been obtained from Turkish State Meteorological Service. Then the missing values have been estimated with interpolation and the forecasting models have been applied with real data of 7 provinces of Turkey for a period 25 years which is considered in this study as the lifetime of solar energy systems. These forecasts of solar radiation and similarly of temperature are utilizable in many solar energy applications. Once solar radiation is properly forecasted, many applications are possible in energy systems that transform solar beams into electrical energy. Designing, planning, optimal sizing and decision making, site selection or optimal allocation of energy systems and also meteorological forecasting need solar radiation data. Accurate prediction of radiation improves the efficiency of these applications and prevents unnecessary expenses with the appropriate sizing of the system’s components. Photovoltaic (PV) systems are developed as stand-alone, grid-connected or hybrid systems. In stand-alone systems, all the electricity demand is supplied by the PV system. Stand-alone PV water pumping systems effectively use solar energy for irrigation purposes in remote areas. However the random variability and unpredictability of solar energy makes difficult the penetration of PV implementations and complicate the system design. An optimal sizing of these systems proves to be essential. The optimal sizing and techno-economic evaluation of PV water pumping systems is basically dependent to the required hydraulic energy and its relation to monthly average daily solar radiation. In general, optimal sizing methods which commonly considered single objective are carried out with simulations and heuristic methods. In the present study, multi-objective optimization is handled and a mathematical model is defined according to reliability and cost parameters. This study also recommends techno-economic optimization models to determine optimally the capacity of the components of PV water pumping system using a water storage tank or batteries. The proposed models are developed regarding the reliability and cost indicators, which are the deficiency of power supply probability and life-cycle costs, respectively. The technical performance of the system is quantified by the ratio of actual power supplied and total power required for pumping water to meet irrigation requirements. It is obvious that to increase the reliability, i.e. minimize the energy deficit, PV system size must be greater in order to cover water supply requirements, while the costs also increase. Therefore a compromise solution of these two objectives is requisite to guide the system designers and investors. The novelty of this study is that the second proposed optimization model is analytically defined for two-objectives and it is able to find a compromise solution using the weighting method, whereas existing sizing methods are carried out with simulations or heuristics and analytical methods are only focused on single objective function. Although solving in analytical way is harder than computational methods, a better approximation to the optimal is effectively reached. The sizing of a stand-alone PV water pumping system comprises a detailed analysis of crop water requirements and optimal tilt angles. Besides the necessity to long solar radiation and temperature time series, the accurate forecasts of irrigation needs have to be determined. The tilt of PV array is commonly set to an angle equal to the latitude. However the calculation of the optimal tilt angle for yearly, seasonally and monthly frequencies, and install the system accordingly results in higher system efficiency. It is, therefore, suggested to change regularly the tilt angle in order to maximize solar energy output. The proposed optimal sizing models incorporate all these improvements and can accomplish a comprehensive optimization of PV water pumping systems. The tilt angles are changed yearly and seasonally in different scenarios. Also the storage units are differed as water tank and batteries in order to compare the performances. A case study is conducted considering the irrigation of citrus trees yard located in Antalya, Turkey. The proposed analytical model (Model-2) is compared with the computational model (Model-1) and it is shown that sizing results are similar for an analysis of 25 years. Thus the accuracy of the results of Model-2 is pointed out. A performance analysis is carried out using several performance parameters and the impact of chosen solar radiation forecasting methods to the optimal sizing results is investigated.DoktoraPh


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    Çalışmanın amacı, farklı kültürlerde yetişmiş Y kuşağı bireylerin etkili bir liderde bulunması gereken yetkinliklere ilişkin görüşlerini öğrenmek ve kültürler arası karşılaştırma yaparak örtüşen ve farklılaşan beklentileri ortaya koymaktır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda, üç kıtadan ve 16 ülkeden 96 Y kuşağı bireye ulaşılarak nitel bir araştırma gerçekleştirilmiştir. Kültürler arası karşılaştırma için GLOBE araştırmasındaki bölgesel sınıflandırma esas alınmış ve böylece Latin Amerika, Latin Avrupa, Doğu Avrupa ile Türkiye kümeleri oluşturulmuştur. Veriler MAXQDA 2022 programı ile içerik analizine tabi tutulmuştur. İçerik analizi sonucunda 2446 kod ve altı yetkinlik kategorisi elde edilmiştir. Çapraz tablo analizi sonucunda, Doğu ve Latin Avrupa’da en sık dile getirilen yetkinliklerin psiko-sosyal yetkinlikler olduğu; Latin Amerika’da yönetsel yetkinliklerin ve Türkiye’de ise girişimcilik yetkinliklerinin öne çıktığı görülmüştür. Türkiye kümesinin diğer üç kültür kümesi ile ikili biçimde karşılaştırıldığı iki vaka modeli analizi sonucunda ise yönetsel yetkinlik kategorisi dışındaki tüm kategorilerde Türkiye-Doğu Avrupa arasındaki yakınsamanın yüksek olduğu saptanmıştır.</p

    The Excess Attenuation of Electric Field in the Presence of Deciduous Trees

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    Excess attenuation of electric field of an electromagnetic wave propagating through deciduous forest is approximated with two novel analytical formulas. The coefficients of those formulas were obtained through a computationally intensive optimization process by fitting the simulation results obtained from stochastic 3D and 2D models of forests. The electric field was either vertically or horizontally polarized, at frequencies 30 MHz, 60 MHz and 100 MHz. According to numerical experiments, these formulas predicted the excess attenuation within several decibels, up to at least 100 MHz. Nevertheless, the proposed formulas matched very well the measured data from literature below 1 GHz, and neatly followed the measurements even up to 10 GHz. Therefore, the frequency range considered in the numerical experiments can be extrapolated at least tenfold