6 research outputs found

    Perubahan Orientasi Penggunaan Rumah Tinggal Di Desa Bangunharjo Dan Panggungharjo

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    The development of the city of Yogyakarta to Bantul Regency influences the use of existing land. This can lead to the possible transfer of land functions such as paddy fields, forests, and other productive lands, which are still quite prevalent in Bantul Regency transformed into residential or settlement areas along with infrastructure and other supporting facilities such as in the social, economic, educational and health. This indicates that the development of residential areas can affect the surrounding land use. Village Bangunharjo and Panggungharjo Sewon district Bantul regency Yogyakarta is an area located in the southern city of Yogyakarta. Besides the existence of industrial areas in this region and the existence of educational facilities of Higher Education affect the land use pattern of research areas such as the function of vacant land that turned into a boarding house, shop and shop. In well-resourced homes it significantly changes its function, as once a non-commercial house changed its function into a combination of commercial and non-commercial. The development of Bangunharjo and Panggungharjo villages encouraged the emergence of various community activities and attracted the migration of the population from other regions to make the area more crowded. This fact demands the existence of adequate accommodation facilities in the area, triggering awareness of local residents to change the orientation of home use (OPR) from non commercial to commercial that can increase household income. Hadi Sabari Yunus (1994) argues that the activities of urban population have influenced the behavior of the inhabitants of the surrounding rural-urban areas, especially in the socio-economic field. The purpose of this research is to know the variation of house use in Panggungharjo and Bangunharjo Village, Sewon District, 2) to know the variation of house usage in Panggungharjo and Bangunharjo and Bangunharjo Sub-districts of Sewon District in 2009 and 2014. The method used in this research is method survey research to identify objects of home use as well as the reasons for using their homes. The survey method is a research method that takes samples from one population and uses questionnaires as a means of collecting data and basic information. Identification is obtained from the field by way of structured interviews directly to the homeowner community. Sampling is done by Stratified Random Sampling method

    Pengaruh Pemekaran Kecamatan Terhadap Persepsi Masyarakat Tentang Pelayanan Publik dan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat : Studi di Kecamatan Ngusikan Kabupaten Jombang Jawa Timur

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    District of Ngusikan a new sub-district, which is a division of the District Kudu based Jombang District Regulation No. 15 of 2000. The purpose of this study were: 1) to analyze the effect of splitting districts on public perception of public services and social welfare; 2) to analyze the effect of splitting districts against public perceptions of rural development. The method used is descriptive analysis. The population in this research that the villagers and village Mojodanu Ngampel as rural sample of 91 respondents with data collection techniques used are observation, documentation, and questionnaire. The results showed that 86.6% of respondents said the level of public services after the separation increases and decreases of 13.4% of respondents stated. 78% of respondents stated that the level of social welfare after separation increased, while 22% of respondents stated decrease. Ngampel village with a number of respondents 39 people, 71.8% of them declared rural development increased after the enlargement, and 28.2% said declines. Mojodanu village with a number of respondents 52 people, 86.5% of them declared rural development increased after splitting districts and 13.5% of respondents stated decrease


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    Map is the once of the learning media which had necessary contribute to increase the learning quality in school, specially social knowledgement. This far, the usage of the map isnt interesting for student, only memorize step, and unreach the logicly step. According by the condition, increasing the map understanding by the areas close probably create the logicly meaning, its because the areas closes could deeply combining the life aspect and the uniqueses that lifes aspect and the uniqueses that exist in the area also could create the setted understanding about problem as teritorial. The reserch subjects area the scouts organization student in SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta. The experiment model which use is one group pretest and posttest compare the material that which after and before its develope

    Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Materi Ips Terpadu Kelas Vii Smp Sub Tema Keadaan Alam Di Indonesia

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    Kenyataan di lapangan buku teks yang beredar baik itu pegangan wajib untuk guru dan siswa masih ditemukan adanya permasalahan. Permasalahan yang mendasar yaitu tentang aspek kebenaran bahasa, fakta/data, konsep, generalisasi, penyajian gambar, serta kejelasan materi. Oleh karena itu perlu dikembangkan bahan ajar yang mengarah dalam perbaikan dari tiap aspek tersebut. Bahan ajar yang dikembangkan berupa produk bahan ajar dari materi keadaan alam Indonesia. Produk bahan ajar yang dikembangkan dalam penelitian ini berdasarkan kaidah keilmuan geografi dan kurikulum 2013 melalui modifikasi model Dick And Carey dengan tahap 1) Identifikasi Tujuan, 2) Melakukan Analisis Instruksional, 3) Mengidentifikasi Karakteristik Siswa, 4) Merumuskan Tujuan Kinerja, 5) Pengembangan Tes Patokan, 6) Pengembangan Strategi, 7) Pengembangan Memilih Pembelajaran, 8) Merancang dan Melaksanakan Evaluasi Formatif, 9) Merancang dan Melaksanakan Evaluasi Sumatif, 10) Revisi pengajaran. Hasil pengembangan dalam bentuk respon siswa dan guru tergolong dalam kriteria baik serta telah teruji validitas dosen tim ahli bahan ajar dan materi. Efektivitas pengembangan bahan ajar ini diperoleh dari data kelas eksperimen dan dibandingkan dengan kelas kontrol. Hasil perhitungan Uji Paired Sample T Test memberikan nilai pada kelas eksperimen dengan nilai rata-rata untuk pre-test adalah 69,68 dan nilai rata-rata untuk post-test adalah 77,39. Nilai probabilitas (sig. 2-tailed) 0,003 < 0,05, berarti nilai rata-rata untuk pre-test dan post-test adalah ada terdapat perbedaan. Sedangkan kelas kontrol nilai rata-rata untuk pre- test adalah 68,69 dan nilai rata-rata untuk post-test adalah 76,21. Nilai probabilitas (sig. 2-tailed) 0,023 < 0,05, berarti nilai rata-rata untuk pre-test dan post-test adalah ada terdapat perbedaan. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan signifikan untuk prestasi belajar siswa sebelum dan sesudah diberi bahan ajar “Mengenal Keadaan Alam Indonesia” pada kelas eksperimen

    Pengembangan Media Animasi menggunakan Adobe Flash CS5 untuk Materi Pembelajaran Masalah Lingkungan Hidup dan Penanggulangannya Pada Mata Pelajaran IPS Kelas VIII Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP)

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    Current technology has undergone rapid development, including in the field of education. The teacher is a person who manages the learning activities should be able to utilize the technology to design and develop the media in the process of learning. This research aims to know the criteria, the process of development and the effectiveness of learning media animation material environmental issues and its countermeasures. The methods used in the research is the research and development (RD) is a research method that is used to produce a particular product and test the effectiveness of these products. With this stage of the procedure that refers to the model of development of the Dick and Carey. research results indicate that the criteria should be colored animation learning media (full color), there are the accompaniment music, there are sound effects, there are texts/explanation, there is motivation, and apply the KD, KI, and learning objectives. The research results of the experiment indicated at average value of Pretest and posttest control class (not given special treatment) and a class experiment (given the special treatment "Media learning animation"), namely 35.36 (grade control) and 34.05 (ex-class perimen) on an average pretest, 48.29 (grade control) and 66.48 (experimental class) to posttest average. Mann Whitney Test based on showed that there is a difference between learning outcomes grade control and experimental classes, i.e. classes of experiments has increased on average by 32.43 whereas class controls only experienced an increase in average of 12.98 the average results of studying experimental class higher than the class of the control. Thus it can be concluded that the use of the media learning animation on environmental problems and material countermeasures of his more effective than conventional learning (using methods lecture)

    Karakteristik Pemekaran Kota Bogor Dan Evaluasinya Terhadap Pola Ruang

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    The rising of activities and population growth in Bogor City, are major causes of increased need for land. In order to provide the land, city will tend to spread into areas. This sprending called urban sprawl. This study aims to: (1) determine the urban sprawl characteristics (level, direction and type of urban sprawl) of Bogor City during 2005-2014 and 2) evaluate the suistability between landuse and regional spatial planning in 2014. The secondary data was used to analysis spatial built up areas and survey. Survey method using purphosive sampling. Analysis method using spatial analysis overlay, to get spatial built up areas deviation. Bogor City characteristics of urban sprawl during 2005-214 showed that 35 villages have a vey low-level of urban sprawl, 27 village has a low-level of urban sprawl, 2 villages have a middle-level of urban sprawl, 3 villages have a high-level of urban sprawl and 1 village has a very high-level of urban sprawl. The type of urban sprawl is ribbon development along the main road. Development of built up area during 2005-2014 leads to the south (31.06%) and north (28.62%). Bogor city landuse in 2014 covering 6382,56 Ha (54.50% ) has suitability with regional spatial planning. Land use covering 4.330,57 Ha (36,93 %) has not been realized and land use covering 1.003,86 Ha (8,57%) has unsuitability with regional spatial planning. Class Domination unsuitability is medium-density settlement that located in the low-density settlement of 162.02 ha (16.14%)