113 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKTempat pembuangan akhir (TPA) di Desa Tlekung, Kota Batu, telah memberikan manfaat bagi para peternak bebek di Desa tersebut. Masyarakat setempat dapat memanfaatkan sampah organik sebagai pakan bebek. Akan tetapi penggunaan sampah tersebut untuk pakan bebek menimbulkan masalah, yaitu timbulnya cemaran bau yang berasal dari sampah yang belum terfermentasi dengan sempurna, dan rata-rata tingkat kematian bebek cukup tinggi. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk melakukan transfer teknologi fermentasi sampah organik sebagai pakan bebek. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dalam beberapa tahap, yaitu (i) survei lapangan, (ii) penyampaian materi teori disampaikan secara klasikal , (iii) penyampaian materi keterampilan dalam bentuk praktik/ demonstrasi pembuatan pakan organik secara fermentasi dan (iv) pendampingan kepada para peternak serta (v) monitoring dan evaluasi kegiatan. Hasil yang diperoleh sangat menggembirakan dan memberikan kepuasan tersendiri bagi peternak. Feses bebek yang diberi pakan hasil proses fermentasi sudah tidak bebau seperti semula, bulu bebek dapat tumbuh dengan baik, dan bebek yang dihasilkan tampak lebih gemuk dan lebih sehat dan memiliki pertambahan berat badan lebih baik dibandingkan dengan yang diberi pakan yang tidak diferementasi. Disamping itu, penggunaan pakan fermentasi dari sampah organik diketahui dapat menghemat biaya pakan sampai sebesar 60%, sehingga keuntungan peternak menjadi meningkat. Kata kunci: tempat pembuangan akhir; sampah organik; pakan organik. ABSTRACTThe landfill in Tlekung Village, Batu City, has provided benefits for duck farmers in the village. Local people can use organic waste as duck feed. However, the use of organic waste as duck feed causes some problems, that is odor contaminant from unfinished fermentation, also high average rate duck mortality. This community service program is carried out to transferring organic waste fermentation technology knowledge in feed duck production. Program consist of (i) field survey, (ii) classical theory sharing, (iii) skill sharing by practice/ demonstration of organic duck fermented feed production, (iv)  assistance of duck farmers, and (v) monitoring and evaluation of program. The results obtained are very encouraging and give satisfaction to farmers. The duck feces which fed with fermentation organic production have no smell like before, duck feathers can grow well, also duck look healthier and have better weigh gain than duck which fed with unfermented fed. In addition, the use of fermented feed from organic waste is known to save feed cost up to 60%. So, it is increasing farmer’s profit. Keywords: organic waste; duck feed; fermented feed

    Kajian Aktivitas Antioksidan Mi Basah Substitusi Tepung Umbi Kimpul dengan Penambahan Ekstrak Klorofil Batang Bayam dan Kangkung

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    Consuming noodles with health benefits is becoming a trend in the pandemic. Noodles with chlorophyll sourced from spinach and kale are thought to increase antioxidants. Utilization of chlorophyll extract of spinach and kale stems can reduce vegetable waste and substitution of kimpul flour can reduce the use of wheat flour. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of the addition of spinach and kale chlorophyll extract on the physicochemical properties of wet noodle products and the best results from the addition of chlorophyll extract in various concentrations from spinach and kale stems. The research consists of several stages. First, the manufacture of kimpul tuber flour, followed by the manufacture of chlorophyll extract of spinach and kale, then the manufacture of wet noodles, then physicochemical analysis and organoleptic tests (color, taste and preference). The method used is a simple randomized block design (RBD) experimental method with a ratio of the proportions of wheat flour (50%): kimpul tuber flour (40%): spinach chlorophyll extract: kale chlorophyll extract, which consists of 5 treatment combinations, namely BK1: 5% , BK2 : 10%, BK3 : 10%, BK4 : 7%, BK5 : 7% and repeated 2 times. The results showed that the addition of chlorophyll extract of spinach and kale had a significant effect on antioxidant activity and fat. However, it did not significantly affect the analysis of water content, ash, fat, carbohydrates and organoleptic taste, color and preference. The best treatment according to the de garmo test is the BK2 treatment with the addition of 10% spinach chlorophyll extract, with the results of water content 31.95%, ash 2.11%, protein 10.82%, fat 8.45%, carbohydrates 47.63% , antioxidant activity 73.73%, then organoleptic taste 5.04, color 5.6 and preference 5.56