1,992 research outputs found

    Kako je znanost transformirala Descartesov filozofski diskurs: Neobičan slučaj životinjskih duhova

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    This paper is about the relationship between science and philosophy, or about the naturalization of philosophy. In the first part of the paper, we aim to present Quineā€™s theoretical framework related to the scientific impact on philosophical discourse and inquiry. In his philosophical writings, Quine emphasized the importance of science, in naturalized or normative epistemology forms. The idea of a more tenable, scienceā€“dependent knowledge position, is often seen as central to Quineā€™s epistemology. Far from any form of cosmic exile, philosophers, according to Quine, adopt the best knowledge available to them at a given time. Something very similar occurs in Descartesā€™ concept of animal spirits, showing that the use of the best available scientific knowledge at a given moment can easily be found in the French philosopherā€™s work. Quineā€™s conception, developed in the field of analytic philosophy, is found in Descartesā€™ notion of animal spirits, demonstrating the influence of the dominant scientific paradigm on philosophical discourse. Since we consider the Quinean framework very relevant, we have adopted his view as a sort of interpretative paradigm that helps us to better understand a particular problem from the domain of history of philosophy. The second part of the paper presents the notion of animal spirits seen in Descartesā€™ philosophy as intermediary entities linking mind and body. Once a powerful scientific notion, animal spirits withered away with the advancement of science and were substituted with other scientific paradigms. The notion of animal spirits was seen as Descartesā€™ critical point and was often neglected in philosophical analysis. In this paper, we advance a hypothesis on how science transformed Descartesā€™ philosophical discourse by analyzing the curious case of animal spirits, showing at the same time the limitations and shortcomings of this new modus philosophandi.Ovaj rad govori o odnosu znanosti i filozofije ili, preciznije, o naturalizaciji filozofije. U prvom dijelu rada namjeravamo predstaviti Quineov teorijski okvir vezan za znanstveni utjecaj na filozofski diskurs i istraživanje. Quine je u svojim filozofskim spisima naglaÅ”avao važnost znanosti, u naturaliziranim ili normativnim epistemoloÅ”kim oblicima. Ideja jedne održivije pozicije znanja utemeljene na znanosti često se smatra srediÅ”njom idejom Quineove epistemologije. Daleko od bilo kakvog oblika kozmičkog egzila, i filozofi, prema Quineu, prihvaćaju najbolje znanje koje im je u određenom trenutku dostupno. Sličan fenomen pronalazimo u Descartesovom konceptu životinjskih duhova te se time potvrđuje teza o upotrebi najboljeg dostupnog znanstvenog znanja u određenom trenutku. Quineovu koncepciju, razvijenu u području analitičke filozofije, analiziramo na primjeru Descartesovog pojma životinjskih duhova, gdje se pokazuje utjecaj dominantne znanstvene paradigme na filozofski diskurs. Budući da Quineov okvir smatramo vrlo relevantnim, njegovo smo stajaliÅ”te usvojili kao svojevrsnu interpretativnu paradigmu koja nam pomaže da bolje razumijemo određeni problem iz domene povijesti filozofije. Drugi dio rada analizira pojam životinjskih duhova koji su u Descartesovoj filozofiji shvaćeni kao posrednički entiteti koji povezuju um i tijelo. Nekoć snažna znanstvena ideja, životinjski duhovi su gotovo iŔčezli s napretkom znanosti te su zamijenjeni drugim znanstvenim paradigmama. Pojam životinjskih duhova smatran je Descartesovom kritičkom točkom i stoga je često zanemaren u filozofskim analizama. U ovom radu iznosimo hipotezu o tome kako je znanost preobrazila Descartesov filozofski diskurs analizirajući neobičan slučaj životinjskih duhova, pokazujući u isto vrijeme ograničenja i nedostatke novog modusa philosophandi


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    International collaboration in teaching and research has expanded as a result of the widespread accessibility and use of the World Wide Web. While on-line education has experienced the greatest growth, the use of remote laboratories in research and teaching is relatively new. The development of a remote ergonomics laboratory using a new Internet technology is described. The purpose of the remote laboratory is to provide international access to an advanced thermal manikin technology which provides a platform for measuring the thermodynamic properties of protective clothing during exposure to controlled environmental conditions. To date, the laboratory has generated global interest and promoted international collaboration in ergonomics teaching and research.Međunarodna suradnja u nastavi i istraživanjima porasla je kao rezultat raÅ”irenosti i dostupnosti globalne mreže. Iako je primjena e-obrazovanja iznimno poraslo, uporaba daljinskih laboratorija u istraživanju i nastavi relativno je nova. Opisan je razvoj daljinskog ergonomijskog laboratorija pomoću internetske tehnologije. Svrha daljinskog laboratorija jest da se diljem svijeta omogući pristup naprednoj tehnologiji manekena na termalno napuhavanje koja nudi temelj za mjerenje termodinamičkih svojstava zaÅ”titne odjeće tijekom izlaganja kontroliranim uvjetima okoline. Laboratorij je izazvao opće zanimanje te promiče međunarodnu suradnju na području nastave i istraživanja u ergonomiji

    Use of Robotic Controls in Ergonomics Laboratories

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    International collaboration in teaching and research has expanded as a result of the widespread accessibility and use of the World Wide Web. While on-line education has experienced the greatest growth, the use of remote laboratories in research and teaching is relatively new. The development of a remote ergonomics laboratory using a new Internet technology is described. The purpose of the remote laboratory is to provide international access to an advanced thermal manikin technology which provides a platform for measuring the thermodynamic properties of protective clothing during exposure to controlled environmental conditions. To date, the laboratory has generated global interest and promoted international collaboration in ergonomics teaching and research

    Study on the Inuence of Calendaring Process on Thermal Resistance of Polypropylene Nonwoven Fabric Structure

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    Thepurposeofthispaperistoinvestigatetheinuenceofcalenderingprocessonpolypropylenenonwoven structureandthermalresistance. Thestudywasfocusedontheinuenceofmassperunitarea, thickness, density, porosity, characteristic opening size and additional thermal bonding by calendering. Thermal resistance of polypropylene nonwoven fabric manufactured using the mechanical carding process and bonding using the needling process, where a part of the samples was additionally bonded by the thermal calendering process, were investigated. The nonwoven fabrics were tested for thermal resistance on the guarded hot plate. Statistical analyses were performed to examine the signicance between the observed parameters. Correlation matrix analyses were used to reveal relationship behaviour among the variables. A change in structure of the calendered samples caused a considerably lower thermal resistance i.e. better thermal conductivity. A change of the average value of thermal resistance after calendering related to non-calendered fabric mass between 150 and 500 g/m2 ranged from 53.9 to 41.0%. With increasing nonwoven fabric mass, the dierence between thermal resistances of needled and needled as well as additionally bonded by calendering the nonwoven fabric was reduced

    Impact insulation as a footwear design criterion

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    In addition to aesthetic conditions, sports footwear also meets a number of functional conditions (comfort, vibro-impact insulation, thermal-diffusion protection). The construction of certain types of sports footwear must withstand intense dynamic loads, so in the construction of sports footwear, priority is given to meeting the criteria of impact and vibration insulation. Modern techniques of injection molding of the bottom have enabled the realization of a number of new constructive solutions of the sole of the shoes

    Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor of the larynx

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    Background/Aim. Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor (IMT) of the larynx is a rare borderline lesion composed of myofibroblastic and inflammatory cells. Case report. We presented a case of 77-year-old male with hoarseness for about three months. Laryngoscopy showed a polypoid tumor originated from the anterior commissure with glottic projection. Grossly, the tumor was 22 Ɨ 15 mm, whitish, oval nodus with firm consistency. Histologically, the lesion was composed of spindled to stellate cells arranged in a fascicular to storiform pattern and inflammatory cells: lymphocytes, histiocytes, plasma cells and neutrophils. The stroma was fibromyxoid and collagenous. Immunohistochemically, tumor cells showed strong positivity for actin and vimentin and negativity for cytokeratin, CD34, S100 and desmin. The proliferation (Ki67) was less than 10%. Conclusion. Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor may be mistaken as a malignancy and the differential diagnosis can be difficult without immunohistochemistry. It is critical to recognize this uncommon entity to avoid unnecessary aggressive treatment

    Population dynamics of the species Plantago major L. and Poa annua L. in a replacement series experiment

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    Population dynamics of the species Plantago major L. and Poa annua L., typical representatives of ruderal vegetation, was analyzed in a replacement series experiment. The analyzed species were sown in an area with meadow vegetation, where the vegetation present had been previously removed by a total herbicide and additionally by hoeing. The objective of the experiment was to monitor growth dynamics and the effect of intra- and inter-specific interaction of the species Plantago major and Poa annua in conditions of different sowing densities and proportions. The effects of intra- and inter-specific interference and the density-dependent responses were assessed on the basis of several parameters (natality, mortality, age structure, and measures of ontogenetic changes). Based on the study results, it can be concluded that the responses of the species in the experiment were different, which is explained by different adaptive mechanisms, i.e., strategies, in the specific environmental conditions. An effect of the density dependent response was present in both species in the replacement series experiment. The response was amplified by water deficit caused by intensive evaporaĀ­tion of the bare soil. No effect of inter-specific interference was observed at the given densities of the study species on the sample plots. An effect of intra-specific interference of the species Plantago major and Poa annua was observed in the guise of a density-negative response of the rate of ontogenetic changes and fecundity

    Foot Anthropometry and Morphology Phenomena

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    Foot structure description is important for many reasons. The foot anthropometric morphology phenomena are analyzed together with hidden biomechanical functionality in order to fully characterize foot structure and function. For younger Croatian population the scatter data of the individual foot variables were interpolated by multivariate statistics. Foot structure descriptors are influenced by many factors, as a style of life, race, climate, and things of the great importance in human society. Dominant descriptors are determined by principal component analysis. Some practical recommendation and conclusion for medical, sportswear and footwear practice are highlighted
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