3,552 research outputs found

    Marketing of fishing gear materials and fishing gear making in parts of Kainji Lake basin

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    The importance of fishing gear in fishing cannot be over-emphasized; as without it fish cannot be obtained. The method used to catch fish affects the condition in which the product is landed. This means that a bad-catching method would produced bad fish to the consumer. To achieve the goal of self-sufficiency in fish production in Nigeria, there is need to address the lingering problems of fishing gear and craft technology, especially in terms of availability of materials and their cost. The sale and making of fishing gear materials are two areas of fisheries, which are yet to be exploited by the general public as forms of businesses for livelihood. The study is conducted in villages around the lower part of Kainji Lake, towards the dam, including New Bussa. It reveals that only the fishermen themselves are involved in making their own fishing gears while those involved in the selling of fishing gear materials like the sheet netting, ropes, twines, floats, sinkers etc are business men and women who may not have any experience of fishing. Also considered in the study is the art of making fishing crafts like the canoe and gourd. Very few entrepreneurs are involved and they are so skilled that each is specialized in the making of only one kind of craft or gea

    Measurements of POI-based mixed use and their relationships with neighbourhood vibrancy

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    How to Treat The Complication of Silicone Nasal Injection

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    using topical silicone, particularly cosmetic products that contain silicone. Bioavailability of silicone in skin tissues and long-term complications of silicone use in cosmetic products must be evaluated for safety reasons. Silicone can penetrate to the skin by injection. Because of economic issues and the rarity of medical grade silicone, various developing countries use industrial silicone, which results in even more complications. Patients with liquid silicone injected to their nose will usually visit a doctor after experiencing complication issues such as granuloma, edema, redness with telangiectasia. Usually the patients want to remove the silicone and treat the complication. Unfortunately, silicone is difficult to be removed completely. Some complications are difficult to treat. To handle this complication issue, the doctor has to create a specific design of nose implant, performed curratage, or remove silicone and granuloma, and then a laser treatment and steroid injection will be performe


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    Pada kemajuan zaman dewasa ini atau yang sering disebut era globalisasi, batasan-batasan dan wilayah satu tempat dengan wilayah yang lain hampir tidak ada. Demikian juga dengan proses komunikasi yang dulu dilakukan dengan cara konvensional dengan berbicara secara langsung, sekarang sekarang sudah dapat dilakukan dari jarak jauh dengan menggunakan produk-produk teknologi informasi, dimana orang-orang akan lebih mudah melakukan komunikasi tanpa harus terganggu oleh jarak antar orang yang akan berkomunikasi. Salah satu jasa dari teknologi informasi yang banyak digunakan dan dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat pada saat ini adalah sarana internet, melalui perusahaan kecil jasa layanan informasi. Sebagai perusahaan jasa, untuk dapat menciptakan nilai lebih pada konsumen, maka perlu diperhatikan faktor-faktor kualitas layanan jasa seperti harga, pelayanan, dan fasilitas yang ada pada warnet tersebut. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh secara simultan antara harga, pelayanan, dan fasilitas terhadap kepuasan konsumen. Dan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh secara parsial antara haga, pelayanan, dan fasilitas terhadap kepuasan konsumen dalam menggunakan jasa internet. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah pelanggan warnet Java Net Di Surabaya tidak diketahui. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel sebanyak 100 orang yang diambil dengan menggunakan teknik penarikan sampel Purpossive sampling. Jenis data dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer. Sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuisioner. Selanjutnya data dianalisis menggunakan teknik regresi linier berganda. Berdasarkan analisis data disimpulkan bahwa 1) Hasil uji F menunjukkan bahwa variabel harga, pelayanan dan fasilitas secara simultan berpengaruh nyata terhadap kepuasan konsumen, 2) Hasil uji t menunjukkan bahwa secara parsial variabel harga, pelayanan dan fasilitas berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan konsumen, 3) Dari seluruh variabel bebas yang berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan konsumen adalah variabel pelayanan yang memiliki pengaruh paling dominan

    Basic Laser Science for Tattoo Removal

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    Tattooing has been an ancient art and practice starting in the Stone Age in approximately 12,000 BCE. They used the skin as it served as a useful canvas. Trend of decorative tattooing has led to an increase in the number of patients requesting tattoo removal. 50% of individuals regret their tattoos. According to Candela Laser Corporation Data in the US, 9-11% of men have tattoos and 50,000-100,000 women are tattooed each year. But still tattoos are not well received by the public.

    Mati Kröönström, Eesti sõjaväe juhtivkoosseis Vabadussõjas 1918–1920

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    Erkki Tuomioja, Jaan Tõnisson ja Eesti iseseisvus

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    Breakthrough in present-day Uralistics

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