126 research outputs found

    Persepsi Variasi Mengajar Guru dan Pemanfaatan Museum Trinil terhadap Minat Belajar Sejarah Siswa Kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Kedunggalar Ngawi Tahun Ajaran 2012/2013

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    Perception about teacher\u27s teaching variation and the utilization of museums trinil to the history learning interest of 10th grade students of SMA N 1 Kedunggalar. The purpose of this research is to know the correlation between: (1) perception about teacher\u27s teaching variation to to the history learning interest; (2) the utilization of museums trinil to the history learning interest; (3) Perception about teacher\u27s teaching variation and the utilization of museums trinil to the history learning interest. This research used quantitative method with survey approach and descriptive analysis method. The samples of research are 51 students from 2 classes of SMAN 1 Kedunggalar. In taking of the samples used sample random sampling techniques from 221 students in population. The data were collected by using questionnaire in the form of likert scale. The techniques of data analysis were correlation and double analysis regression techniques. The research show that perception about teacher\u27s teaching variation and the history learning interest have positive and significant correlation. it is proved with the result of calculation ro > rt or 0,551 > 0,279 and the value of t > t table or 4,627 > 1,684. The utilization of museums trinil and the history learning interest have positive and significant correlation. it is proved with the result of calculation ro > rt or 0,558 > 0,279 and the value of t > t table or 4,708 >1,684. Perception about teacher\u27s teaching variation and the utilization of museums trinil with the history learning interest in together have positive and significant correlation. it is proved with the result of calculation ro > rt or 0,681 > 0,279 with the probability of 0,000 < 0,05. The significance of the F test with db = 2 opponents 48, the obtained Fht > Ft or 20.766> 3.19 and the regression Y = -2.367 + 0.530 X1 + 0.493 X2

    A Study on the Ability of the Second Year Students of SMP N 18 Pekanbaru in Comprehending Procedure Texts

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    The objective of this study is to find out the ability of thesecond year students of SMP N 18 Pekanbaru in comprehendingprocedure texts. Based on the result of the data analysis in chapter IV,the writer makes some conclusions. Among 40 students, no studentis in excellent level and very poor level, 13 students (32.5%) are ingood level, 25 students (62.5%) are in mediocre level, 2 students (5%)are in poor level. The mean score of the whole students incomprehending procedure texts is 57.81. In conclusion, the ability ofthe second year students of SMP N 18 Pekanbaru in comprehendingprocedure texts is at mediocre level. Since the research dealt withcomprehending procedure texts, the writer drew conclusions for eachclassification of comprehending procedure texts. In terms of findingmain idea, from 40 students, 5 students (12.5%) are in excellent level,24 students (60%) are in good level, 3 students (7.5%) are inmediocre level, 7 students (17.5%) are in poor level and 1 student(2.5%) is in very poor level. In terms of finding factual information, 4students (10%) are in excellent level, 24 students (60.%) are in goodlevel, 8 students (20%) are in mediocre level, 3 students (7.5%) are inpoor level and 1 student (2,5%) is in very poor level. In terms offinding meaning of difficult word, 6 students (15%) are in excellentlevel, 21 students (52,5%) are in good level, 10 students (25%) are inmediocre level, 2 students (5%) are in poor level and 1 students(2.5%) is in verypoor level. In terms of identifying reference, nostudent (0%) is in excellent level, 11 students (27.5%) are in goodlevel, 13 students (32.5%) are in mediocre level, 14 students (35%) arein poor level and 2 students (5%) are in very poor level. In terms ofmaking restatement, from 2 students (5%) are inexcellentlevel, 10students (25%) are in good level, 12 students (30%) are in mediocrelevel, 16 students (40%) are in poor level and no student (0%) is invery poor level

    Efisiensi Irigasi Dengan Alat Gun Sprayer Pada Pertanaman Nanas Di PT Great Giant Pineapple Terbanggi Besar Lampung Tengah

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    Irigasi pada pertanaman nanas merupakan salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi peningkatan produksi nanas. Menurut data yang ada di PT GGP jika tanaman nanas tidak di rigasi maka akan menurunkan nilai produksi hingga 20 %. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari dan mengetahui efisiensi irigasi dengan alat Gun Sprayer pada tanaman nanas di PT GGP. Pengambilan data distribusi siram irigator dilakukan dengan metode Grid. Jarak pada Grid 1 m, 7 m, 14 m, 21 m, dan 28 m sedangkan jarak antar Grid 14 m. Kaleng penampung air irigasi diletakan pada masing-masing jarak Grid. Jenis irigator yang digunkan Gun Sprayer ITI 083 dengan panjang siram 36 m. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan Koefisien keseragaman siram CU sebesar 69%. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa semakin jauh jarak irigator maka jumlah siram akan semakin rendah. Jumlah irigasi tidak merata dan bervariasi antara 21,1 mm pada jarak 1 m; 19,0 mm pada jarak 7 m; 19,1 mm pada jarak 14 m; 13,0 mm pada jarak 21,1 m dan 6,1 mm pada jarak 28 m dari irigator. selisih jumlah siram dan jumlah air yang sampai ke dalam tanah pada waktu 24 jam bervariasi ada yang mengalami peningkatan dan pengurangan jumlah air. Jarak 1 meter tebal air sesaat setalah irigasi dan 24 jam meningkat menjadi 29 mm dan 24 mm. Hal ini karena adanya sumbangan air irigasi (bukan objek irigasi)

    Upaya Masyarakat Wakatobi Dalam Menjadikan Taman Nasional Wakatobi Sebagai Cagar Biosfer Dunia Tahun 2012

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    This research describes the efforts of Wakatobi society in making Wakatobi National Park as the world's biosphere reservation by UNESCO. Since long time ago, indigenous people of Wakatobi had done the environmental conservation through the folklore. Through the folklore Wakatobi people are able to build awareness in the society about the importance of environmental conservation of Wakatobi itself.This research uses International tourism theory and pluralism perspective. In the International relations, plurarism is not only about the relation between states, but also relationships between individuals and interest groups where the state does not always play the main actor and single actor. The data are collected through books, journals and internet media. The level of analysis used is the group analysis level. This analysis level assumes that the policy adopted by a decision maker is influenced by the groups around it.In July 2012 the United Nations Educational and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) officially decided Wakatobi National Park as the World's Biosphere Reservation because of the three interests of local Wakatobi society, such as wisdom, environmental sustainability and sustanaible economic interests of the society. The three interests that encourage the UNESCO make the marine area of Wakatobi National Park as the center of the World's Biosphere Reservation

    Evaluasi Kinerja Gate Assignment pada Terminal 1 Keberangkatan Domestik Bandar Udara Internasional Juanda Surabaya

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    Gate sebagai pintu yang digunakan untuk proses pergerakan penumpang keluar dari ruang tunggu di terminal menuju ke bis ataupun langsung menuju ke pesawat memiliki pengaruh yang besar terhadap proses pemindahan penumpang dari terminal menuju ke sisi udara bandara. Untuk itu, pengaturan gate (gate assignment) sangat penting untuk mengoptimalkan waktu pemakaian gate yang dibutuhkan sejak pesawat mendarat hingga clearing aircraft untuk keberangkatan pesawat berikutnya. Beberapa kasus keterlambatan penerbangan yang terjadi juga bisa jadi disebabkan oleh gate assignment yang kurang optimal, sehingga pesawat harus mengantri untuk lepas landas atau untuk parkir di apron setelah mendarat. Untuk mengetahui apakah pengaturan penggunaan gate mempengaruhi keterlambatan yang terjadi saat ini, dilakukan studi untuk mengevaluasi kinerja gate assignment di Terminal 1 Bandara Internasional Juanda. Evaluasi dilakukan dengan cara pengumpulan data penggunaan gate, lama waktu penggunaan gate, pemetaan dan analisis perbandingan waktu aktual dan yang tertulis pada jadwal penerbangan. Dari hasil evaluasi yang telah dilakukan didapatkan hasil bahwa dari 111 turnaround flight hanya sekitar 28% diantaranya yang dapat melakukan pelayanan ground handling secara on time. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa jumlah gate yang ada saat ini yaitu 12 gate belum memenuhi kebutuhan pergerakan pesawat yang beroperasi terutama pada peak hour

    Perancangan Media Promosi Menu Afternoon Tea Cafe Hare and Hatter Surabaya

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    Perancangan media promosi menu afternoon tea di Café Hare and Hatter merupakan sebuah USAha untuk meningkatkan penjualan dan minat pasar terhadap menu afternoon tea di café Hare and Hatter, juga bagaimana merancang suatu media promosi menu afternoon tea di Café Hare and Hatter dengan pendekatan tradisi dan nilai – nilai dalam afternoon tea time, sehingga Hare and Hatter semakin dikenal dengan menu unggulan afternoon tea. Tujuan utama dari perancangan ini adalah menciptakan suatu media promosi, dengan cara membentuk citra baru produk menu afternoon tea, sehingga dapat menanamkan brand awareness yang kuat di mata masyarakat
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