38 research outputs found


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    Príspevok skúma možnosti použitia zhlukovacích metód pri tvorbe a optimalizácii distribučnej siete v intravilánoch miest alebo na rozľahlom území. V príspevku sú navrhnuté nové metódy merania kvality zhlukovania. Niekoľko známych a dve nové zhlukovacie metódy boli implementované a porovnávané použitím týchto metód merania kvality zhlukovania. V úlohe majú požiadavky odberateľov často ne-deterministický charakter. V príspevku sú požiadavky aproximované pomocou fuzzy množiny.This paper presents possibilities of use aggregation methods for creation and optimization of distribution network in the cities or wide spread area. New methods of measurements for the quality of aggregation methods are presented. Aggregation methods are then compared using these measurements. Several known and two new aggregation methods have been implemented and compared using these quality measurements. In many real cases customer’s demand is not deterministic. In the paper demand has been approximated by fuzzy set

    Correlação da condições antômicas hostis e complicações precoces no tratamento endovascular de aneurismas de aorta abdominal.

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Departamento de Clínica Cirúrgica, Curso de Medicina, Florianópolis, 200

    Importância do pequeno trauma de repetição como causa de dor testicular.

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Departamento de Clínica Cirúrgica, Curso de Medicina, Florianópolis, 200

    The last 1300years of environmental history recorded in the sediments of Lake Sils (Engadine, Switzerland)

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    Abstract.: Proglacial Lake Sils is located in the Upper Engadine (south-eastern Swiss Alps) at 1800 m a.s.l. and is the uppermost of four lakes in the valley. A highresolution seismic survey combined with geophysical and chemical data of 22 short sediment cores, and 137Cs, 210Pb, and 14C AMS dating provide insight into the sedimentological development of the lake during the last 1300years. The deposits consist of diffusely laminated clayey silts. In contrast to nearby Lake Silvaplana, no varves could be detected. Sedimentation rates are on average 1.1mm per year (40mg cm−2a−1) which is much lower than in the adjacent Engadine lakes. The most prominent sediment feature is a turbidite that was deposited around cal AD 700, has a thickness of up to more than 6 metres and a total estimated volume of 6.5*106 m3, which is more than the total cumulated sediment mass deposited since that time (4.5 * 106 m3). The sediments deposited after around AD 1880 show higher contents of organic carbon (Corg) and biogenic silica (bSi), which suggests enhanced primary production due to increasing tourism in the area and subsequent higher nutrient supply to the lake. Sediments with distinctly lower Corg and bSi concentrations, but with larger grain-size medians and higher mica concentrations were accumulated between AD 1500 and 1880. These features are related to a late period of the ‘Little Ice Age' when major regional glacier advances occurre

    Singing Breathing Methods in Working with the Pre-school Children

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    Pjevanje je jedna od najčešćih glazbenih aktivnosti u odgojno obrazovnom sustavu od vrtićke dobi. Djeci pruža radost i sreću. Glas, jedan od najljepših instrumenata, u odgojno-obrazovnoj ustanovi prakticira se na dvije razine. Jedna razina obuhvaća govor kao komunikaciju sa svim sudionicima u odgojno-obrazovnom procesu. Druga razina je vezana za glazbene aktivnosti pjevanja. Zbog specifične građe vokalnog instrumenta potrebno je dobro poznavati sve dijelove vokalnog organa, kako funkcioniraju i za što služe. S obzirom na to da je glas instrument koji se nalazi u tijelu nemoguće ga je vizualizirati što ga čini „intimnim“ instrumentom . Vokalni instrument je složen. Sastoji se od nekoliko segmenata koji su bitni za pjevanje. To su motorni, fonatorni i rezonantni dio. Motorni dio čini disanje koje je preduvjet za pravili odgoj vokalnog aparata. Disanje je prirodni i automatizirani proces, bez kojeg se ne može živjeti. Mora se znati u kakvom položaju mora biti tijelo tijekom pjevanja, jer ako je tijelo u pravilnom položaju, onda je lakše i pravilno disati. Velik dio ovog procesa je spontan, jer čovjek ne može živjeti bez disanja. Postoje nekoliko vrsta disanja. Za pravilno pjevanje potrebno je naučiti ono pravilno, tzv. pjevačko disanje, radi lakšeg savladavanja pjevanja i istovremeno očuvanje zdravlja. U organe za disanje spadaju dušnik, dušnice i pluća. Svaki organ ima svoju funkciju i oni su međusobno povezani. Kako bi se djeci pružilo kvalitetno znanje o pjevanju, uz koje ide i znanje o disanju, odgojno-obrazovni djelatnici trebaju pripremati razne vježbe, igre i metode kojima se razvija vještina disanja kao pripremna aktivnost za kvalitetno pjevanje. Ipak, ono najvažnije jest da se razvija dječja želja i interes za pjevanje pa i glazbu općenito.Singing is one of the most frequent musical activities in the kindergarten educational system. Children are provided by happiness and joy. Voice, one of the most beautiful instruments, in an educational institution is practiced on two levels. One level covers speech as a form of communication with all participants in the educational process. The second level is related to music activity and singing. Because of the specific structure of the vocal instrument, it is necessary to know all parts of the vocal organs, how they function and what they are used for. Since the voice is an inside body instrument, it is impossible to visualize it which makes it an "intimate" instrument. The vocal instrument is complex. It is consisted of several segments that are essential for singing. They are motor, phonetic and resonant segments. The motor part is breathing, which is a precondition for the proper upbringing of the vocal apparatus. Breathing is a natural and automated process without which it is not possible to live. It has to be known in what position the body must be during singing, because it is easier to breathe properly if the body is in the appropriate position. Most of this process is spontaneous, because man cannot live without breathing. There are several types of breathing. For proper singing, it is necessary to learn what is proper, socalled singing breathing, for making singing easier and, at the same time, preserving health. Breathing organs include lumbar, groin, and lungs. Each organ has its function and they are mutually connected. In order to provide children with good knowledge of singing and breathing, educators need to prepare various exercises, games and methods to develop breathing skills as a preparatory activity for quality singing. However, in general the most important thing is to develop the child's desire and interest in singing and music

    Modeling peptide nucleic acid binding enthalpies using MM-GBSA

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    The binding enthalpies of peptide nucleic acid (PNA) homoduplexes were predicted using a molecular mechanics generalized Born surface area approach. Using the nucleic acid nearest-neighbor model, these were decomposed into sequence parameters which could replicate the enthalpies from thermal melting experiments with a mean error of 8.7%. These results present the first systematic computational investigation into the relationship between sequence and binding energy for PNA homoduplexes and identified a stabilizing helix initiation enthalpy not observed for nucleic acids with phosphoribose backbones

    An investigation of lubricant film thickness under conditions of high intensity-short duration loading.

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    The time-thickness variation of a film of Castor Oil was determined under conditions of high intensity-short duration loading. This was accomplished through the use of a light measurement technique and a test unit designed and constructed at the United States Naval Postgraduate School. Both the method and the test unit are discussed in detail. The cases of a film between surfaces with and without relative motion were investigated. The results, in the form of oscilloscope trace photographs, show clearly indications of both plastic and elastic behavior of the film under impact loading.http://www.archive.org/details/investigationofl00klorLieutenant, United States NavyApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Towards a K-theoretic characterization of graded isomorphisms between Leavitt path algebras

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    Hazrat gave a K-theoretic invariant for Leavitt path algebras as graded algebras. Hazrat conjectured that this invariant classifies Leavitt path algebras up to graded isomorphism, and proved the conjecture in some cases. In this paper, we prove that a weak version of the conjecture holds for all finite essential graphs

    Mobile telephone system and non-wire line network

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    The need to communicate with non-fixed points without the use of wires led to the development of mobile telephone systems in the early 1920\u27s. Since then, the expanding need for mobile phone service and resulting growth have led to the development of the Advanced Mobile Phone Service (AMPS) by the Bell System. This thesis describes the AMPS system and explains how service is provided to mobile units roaming in a typical area of up to 25 square miles. A network is proposed to interconnect service areas to expand the coverage to a much larger geographic area. Efficient use is made of the limited bandwidth available for network communication. The network is able to manage mobile units that move from one service area to another during a call, and can efficiently locate mobile units throughout the network area