39 research outputs found

    Computing Zigzag Vineyard Efficiently Including Expansions and Contractions

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    Vines and vineyard connecting a stack of persistence diagrams have been introduced in the non-zigzag setting by Cohen-Steiner et al. We consider computing these vines over changing filtrations for zigzag persistence while incorporating two more operations: expansions and contractions in addition to the transpositions considered in the non-zigzag setting. Although expansions and contractions can be implemented in quadratic time in the non-zigzag case by utilizing the linear-time transpositions, it is not obvious how they can be carried out under the zigzag framework with the same complexity. While transpositions alone can be easily conducted in linear time using the recent FastZigzag algorithm, expansions and contractions pose difficulty in breaking the barrier of cubic complexity. Our main result is that, the half-way constructed up-down filtration in the FastZigzag algorithm indeed can be used to achieve linear time complexity for transpositions and quadratic time complexity for expansions and contractions, matching the time complexity of all corresponding operations in the non-zigzag case

    Barcodes of Towers and a Streaming Algorithm for Persistent Homology

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    A tower is a sequence of simplicial complexes connected by simplicial maps. We show how to compute a filtration, a sequence of nested simplicial complexes, with the same persistent barcode as the tower. Our approach is based on the coning strategy by Dey et al. (SoCG 2014). We show that a variant of this approach yields a filtration that is asymptotically only marginally larger than the tower and can be efficiently computed by a streaming algorithm, both in theory and in practice. Furthermore, we show that our approach can be combined with a streaming algorithm to compute the barcode of the tower via matrix reduction. The space complexity of the algorithm does not depend on the length of the tower, but the maximal size of any subcomplex within the tower. Experimental evaluations show that our approach can efficiently handle towers with billions of complexes

    Edge Collapse and Persistence of Flag Complexes

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    In this article, we extend the notions of dominated vertex and strong collapse of a simplicial complex as introduced by J. Barmak and E. Miniam. We say that a simplex (of any dimension) is dominated if its link is a simplicial cone. Domination of edges appears to be a very powerful concept, especially when applied to flag complexes. We show that edge collapse (removal of dominated edges) in a flag complex can be performed using only the 1-skeleton of the complex. Furthermore, the residual complex is a flag complex as well. Next we show that, similar to the case of strong collapses, we can use edge collapses to reduce a flag filtration ? to a smaller flag filtration ?^c with the same persistence. Here again, we only use the 1-skeletons of the complexes. The resulting method to compute ?^c is simple and extremely efficient and, when used as a preprocessing for persistence computation, leads to gains of several orders of magnitude w.r.t the state-of-the-art methods (including our previous approach using strong collapse). The method is exact, irrespective of dimension, and improves performance of persistence computation even in low dimensions. This is demonstrated by numerous experiments on publicly available data

    Computing Persistent Homology of Flag Complexes via Strong Collapses

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    In this article, we focus on the problem of computing Persistent Homology of a flag tower, i.e. a sequence of flag complexes connected by simplicial maps. We show that if we restrict the class of simplicial complexes to flag complexes, we can achieve decisive improvement in terms of time and space complexities with respect to previous work. We show that strong collapses of flag complexes can be computed in time O(k^2v^2) where v is the number of vertices of the complex and k is the maximal degree of its graph. Moreover we can strong collapse a flag complex knowing only its 1-skeleton and the resulting complex is also a flag complex. When we strong collapse the complexes in a flag tower, we obtain a reduced sequence that is also a flag tower we call the core flag tower. We then convert the core flag tower to an equivalent filtration to compute its PH. Here again, we only use the 1-skeletons of the complexes. The resulting method is simple and extremely efficient

    Hierarchical Structures for High Dimensional Data Analysis

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    The volume of data is not the only problem in modern data analysis, data complexity is often more challenging. In many areas such as computational biology, topological data analysis, and machine learning, the data resides in high dimensional spaces which may not even be Euclidean. Therefore, processing such massive and complex data and extracting some useful information is a big challenge. Our methods will apply to any data sets given as a set of objects and a metric that measures the distance between them. In this dissertation, we first consider the problem of preprocessing and organizing such complex data into a hierarchical data structure that allows efficient nearest neighbor and range queries. There have been many data structures for general metric spaces, but almost all of them have construction time that can be quadratic in terms of the number of points. There are only two data structures with O(n log n) construction time, but both have very complex algorithms and analyses. Also, they cannot be implemented efficiently. Here, we present a simple, randomized incremental algorithm that builds a metric data structure in O(n log n) time in expectation. Thus, we achieve the best of both worlds, simple implementation with asymptotically optimal performance. Furthermore, we consider the close relationship between our metric data structure and point orderings used in applications such as k-center clustering. We give linear time algorithms to go back and forth between these orderings and our metric data structure. In the last part, we use metric data structures to extract topological features of a data set, such as the number of connected components, holes, and voids. We give an efficient algorithm for constructing a (1 + epsilon)-approximation to the so-called Nerve filtration of a metric space, a fundamental tool in topological data analysis

    Effondrements et homologie persistante

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    In this thesis, we introduce two new approaches to compute the Persistent Homology (PH) of a sequence of simplicial complexes. The basic idea is to simplify the complexes of the input sequence by using special types of collapses (strong and edge collapse) and to compute the PH of an induced sequence of smaller size that has the same PH as the initial one.Our first approach uses strong collapse which is introduced by J. Barmak and E. Miniam [DCG (2012)]. Strong collapse comprises of removal of special vertices called \textit{dominated} vertices from a simplicial complex.Our approach with strong collapse has several salient features that distinguishes it from previous work. It is not limited to filtrations (i.e. sequences of nested simplicial subcomplexes) but works for othertypes of sequences like towers and zigzags. To strong collapse a simplicial complex, we only need to store the maximal simplices of the complex, not the full set of all its simplices, which saves a lot ofspace and time. Moreover, the complexes in the sequence can be strong collapsed independently and in parallel.In the case of flag complexes strong collapse can be performed over the 1-skeleton of the complex and the resulting complex is also a flag complex. We show that if we restrict the class of simplicial complexes to flag complexes, we can achieve decisive improvement in terms of time and space complexities with respect to previous work. When we strong collapse the complexes in a flag tower, we obtain a reduced sequence that is also a flag tower we call the coreflag tower. We then convert the core flag tower to an equivalent filtration to compute its PH. Here again, we only use the 1-skeletons of the complexes. The resulting method is simple and extremelyefficient. We extend the notions of dominated vertex to a simplex of any dimension. Domination of edges appear to be very powerful and we study it in the case of flag complexes in more detail. We show that edge collapse (removal of dominated edges) in a flag complex can be performed using only the 1-skeleton of the complex as well. Furthermore, the residual complex is a flag complex as well. Next we show that, similar to the case of strong collapses, we can use edge collapses to reduce a flag filtration F to a smaller flag filtration F^c with the same persistence. Here again, we only use the 1-skeletons of the complexes. As a result and as demonstrated by numerous experiments on publicly available data sets, our approaches are extremely fast and memory efficient in practice. In particular the method using edge collapse performs the best among all known methods including the strong collapse approach. Finally, we can compromizebetween precision and time by choosing the number of simplicial complexes of the sequence we strong collapse.Dans cette thĂšse, nous introduisons deux nouvelles approches pour calculer l'homologie persistante(HP) d'une sĂ©quence de complexes simpliciaux. L'idĂ©e de base est de simplifier les complexes de la sĂ©quence d'entrĂ©e en utilisant des types spĂ©ciaux de collapses (effondrement), les collapses forts et les collapses d'arĂȘtes, et de calculer l'HP d'une sĂ©quence rĂ©duite de plus petite taille qui a la mĂȘme HP que la sĂ©quence initiale. Notre premiĂšre approche utilise les collapses forts introduits par J. Barmak et E. Miniam [DCG (2012)]. Un collapse fort supprime les sommets dits dominĂ©s d'un complexe simplicial. Notre approche utilisant les collapses forts a plusieurs caractĂ©ristiques qui la distinguent des travaux antĂ©rieurs. La mĂ©thode n'est pas limitĂ©e aux filtrations (c'est-Ă -dire aux sĂ©quences de sous-complexes simpliciaux imbriquĂ©s) mais fonctionne pour d'autres types de sĂ©quences comme les tours et les zigzags. Par ailleurs, pour implĂ©menter les collapses forts, il suffit de reprĂ©senter les simplexes maximaux du complexe, et pas l'ensemble de tous ses simplexes, ce qui Ă©conomise beaucoup d'espace et de temps. De plus, les complexes de la sĂ©quence peuvent ĂȘtre collapsĂ©s indĂ©pendamment et en parallĂšle.Dans le cas des complexes en drapeaux (flag complexes), les collapses forts peuvent ĂȘtre rĂ©alisĂ©s sur le 1-squelette du complexe et le complexe rĂ©sultat est Ă©galement un complexe en drapeau. Nous montrons que si l'on restreint la classe des complexes simpliciaux aux complexes en drapeaux, on peut amĂ©liorer la complexitĂ© en temps et en espace de facon dĂ©cisive par rapport aux travaux antĂ©rieurs. Lorsque les collapses forts sont appliquĂ©s aux complexes d'une tour de complexes en drapeau, nous obtenons une sĂ©quence rĂ©duite qui est aussi une tour de complexes en drapeau que nous appelons le coeur de la tour. Nous convertissons ensuite le coeur de la tour en une filtration Ă©quivalente pour calculer son HP. LĂ  encore, nous n'utilisons que les 1-squelettes des complexes. La mĂ©thode rĂ©sultante est simple et extrĂȘmement efficace.Nous Ă©tendons la notion de sommet dominĂ© au cas de simplexes de dimension quelconque. Le concept d'arĂȘte dominĂ©e apparait trĂšs puissant et nous l'Ă©tudions dans le cas des complexes en drapeaux de faconplus dĂ©taillĂ©e. Nous montrons que les collapses d'arĂȘtes (suppression des arĂȘtes dominĂ©es) dans un complexe en drapeaux peut ĂȘtre effectuĂ©, comme prĂ©cĂ©demment, en utilisant uniquement le 1-squelette du complexe. En outre, le complexe rĂ©siduel est Ă©galement un complexe de drapeaux. Ensuite, nous montrons que, comme dans le cas des collapses forts, on peut utiliser les collapses d'arĂȘtes pour rĂ©duire une filtration de complexes en drapeaux en une filtration de complexes en drapeaux plus petite qui a la mĂȘme HP. LĂ  encore, nous utilisons uniquement le 1-squelettes des complexes.Comme l'ont dĂ©montrĂ© de nombreuses expĂ©riences sur des donnĂ©es publiques, les approches dĂ©veloppĂ©es sont extrĂȘmement rapides et efficaces en mĂ©moire. En particulier, la mĂ©thode utilisant les collapses d'arĂȘtes offre de meilleures performances que toutes les mĂ©thodes connues, y compris l'approche par collapses forts. Enfin, nous pouvons faire des compromis entre prĂ©cision et temps de calcul en choisissant le nombre de complexes simpliciaux de la sĂ©quence Ă  collapser

    LIPIcs, Volume 244, ESA 2022, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 244, ESA 2022, Complete Volum