6,426 research outputs found

    Generalizations of entanglement based on coherent states and convex sets

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    Unentangled pure states on a bipartite system are exactly the coherent states with respect to the group of local transformations. What aspects of the study of entanglement are applicable to generalized coherent states? Conversely, what can be learned about entanglement from the well-studied theory of coherent states? With these questions in mind, we characterize unentangled pure states as extremal states when considered as linear functionals on the local Lie algebra. As a result, a relativized notion of purity emerges, showing that there is a close relationship between purity, coherence and (non-)entanglement. To a large extent, these concepts can be defined and studied in the even more general setting of convex cones of states. Based on the idea that entanglement is relative, we suggest considering these notions in the context of partially ordered families of Lie algebras or convex cones, such as those that arise naturally for multipartite systems. The study of entanglement includes notions of local operations and, for information-theoretic purposes, entanglement measures and ways of scaling systems to enable asymptotic developments. We propose ways in which these may be generalized to the Lie-algebraic setting, and to a lesser extent to the convex-cones setting. One of our original motivations for this program is to understand the role of entanglement-like concepts in condensed matter. We discuss how our work provides tools for analyzing the correlations involved in quantum phase transitions and other aspects of condensed-matter systems.Comment: 37 page

    Impressions of convexity - An illustration for commutator bounds

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    We determine the sharpest constant Cp,q,rC_{p,q,r} such that for all complex matrices XX and YY, and for Schatten pp-, qq- and rr-norms the inequality ∥XY−YX∥p≤Cp,q,r∥X∥q∥Y∥r \|XY-YX\|_p\leq C_{p,q,r}\|X\|_q\|Y\|_r is valid. The main theoretical tool in our investigations is complex interpolation theory.Comment: 32 pages, 88 picture

    Acceleration of the PDHGM on strongly convex subspaces

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    We propose several variants of the primal-dual method due to Chambolle and Pock. Without requiring full strong convexity of the objective functions, our methods are accelerated on subspaces with strong convexity. This yields mixed rates, O(1/N2)O(1/N^2) with respect to initialisation and O(1/N)O(1/N) with respect to the dual sequence, and the residual part of the primal sequence. We demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed methods on image processing problems lacking strong convexity, such as total generalised variation denoising and total variation deblurring

    Introduction to Cirquent Calculus and Abstract Resource Semantics

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    This paper introduces a refinement of the sequent calculus approach called cirquent calculus. While in Gentzen-style proof trees sibling (or cousin, etc.) sequents are disjoint sequences of formulas, in cirquent calculus they are permitted to share elements. Explicitly allowing or disallowing shared resources and thus taking to a more subtle level the resource-awareness intuitions underlying substructural logics, cirquent calculus offers much greater flexibility and power than sequent calculus does. A need for substantially new deductive tools came with the birth of computability logic (see http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~giorgi/cl.html) - the semantically constructed formal theory of computational resources, which has stubbornly resisted any axiomatization attempts within the framework of traditional syntactic approaches. Cirquent calculus breaks the ice. Removing contraction from the full collection of its rules yields a sound and complete system for the basic fragment CL5 of computability logic. Doing the same in sequent calculus, on the other hand, throws out the baby with the bath water, resulting in the strictly weaker affine logic. An implied claim of computability logic is that it is CL5 rather than affine logic that adequately materializes the resource philosophy traditionally associated with the latter. To strengthen this claim, the paper further introduces an abstract resource semantics and shows the soundness and completeness of CL5 with respect to it.Comment: To appear in Journal of Logic and Computatio
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