1,458 research outputs found

    Optical versus video see-through mead-mounted displays in medical visualization

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    We compare two technological approaches to augmented reality for 3-D medical visualization: optical and video see-through devices. We provide a context to discuss the technology by reviewing several medical applications of augmented-reality research efforts driven by real needs in the medical field, both in the United States and in Europe. We then discuss the issues for each approach, optical versus video, from both a technology and human-factor point of view. Finally, we point to potentially promising future developments of such devices including eye tracking and multifocus planes capabilities, as well as hybrid optical/video technology

    Recent Developments and Future Challenges in Medical Mixed Reality

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    As AR technology matures, we have seen many applicationsemerge in entertainment, education and training. However, the useof AR is not yet common in medical practice, despite the great po-tential of this technology to help not only learning and training inmedicine, but also in assisting diagnosis and surgical guidance. Inthis paper, we present recent trends in the use of AR across all med-ical specialties and identify challenges that must be overcome tonarrow the gap between academic research and practical use of ARin medicine. A database of 1403 relevant research papers publishedover the last two decades has been reviewed by using a novel re-search trend analysis method based on text mining algorithm. Wesemantically identified 10 topics including varies of technologiesand applications based on the non-biased and in-personal cluster-ing results from the Latent Dirichlet Allocatio (LDA) model andanalysed the trend of each topic from 1995 to 2015. The statisticresults reveal a taxonomy that can best describes the developmentof the medical AR research during the two decades. And the trendanalysis provide a higher level of view of how the taxonomy haschanged and where the focus will goes. Finally, based on the valu-able results, we provide a insightful discussion to the current limi-tations, challenges and future directions in the field. Our objectiveis to aid researchers to focus on the application areas in medicalAR that are most needed, as well as providing medical practitioners with latest technology advancements

    Self-Calibration of Multi-Camera Systems for Vehicle Surround Sensing

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    Multi-camera systems are being deployed in a variety of vehicles and mobile robots today. To eliminate the need for cost and labor intensive maintenance and calibration, continuous self-calibration is highly desirable. In this book we present such an approach for self-calibration of multi-Camera systems for vehicle surround sensing. In an extensive evaluation we assess our algorithm quantitatively using real-world data

    Optimization techniques for computationally expensive rendering algorithms

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    Realistic rendering in computer graphics simulates the interactions of light and surfaces. While many accurate models for surface reflection and lighting, including solid surfaces and participating media have been described; most of them rely on intensive computation. Common practices such as adding constraints and assumptions can increase performance. However, they may compromise the quality of the resulting images or the variety of phenomena that can be accurately represented. In this thesis, we will focus on rendering methods that require high amounts of computational resources. Our intention is to consider several conceptually different approaches capable of reducing these requirements with only limited implications in the quality of the results. The first part of this work will study rendering of time-­¿varying participating media. Examples of this type of matter are smoke, optically thick gases and any material that, unlike the vacuum, scatters and absorbs the light that travels through it. We will focus on a subset of algorithms that approximate realistic illumination using images of real world scenes. Starting from the traditional ray marching algorithm, we will suggest and implement different optimizations that will allow performing the computation at interactive frame rates. This thesis will also analyze two different aspects of the generation of anti-­¿aliased images. One targeted to the rendering of screen-­¿space anti-­¿aliased images and the reduction of the artifacts generated in rasterized lines and edges. We expect to describe an implementation that, working as a post process, it is efficient enough to be added to existing rendering pipelines with reduced performance impact. A third method will take advantage of the limitations of the human visual system (HVS) to reduce the resources required to render temporally antialiased images. While film and digital cameras naturally produce motion blur, rendering pipelines need to explicitly simulate it. This process is known to be one of the most important burdens for every rendering pipeline. Motivated by this, we plan to run a series of psychophysical experiments targeted at identifying groups of motion-­¿blurred images that are perceptually equivalent. A possible outcome is the proposal of criteria that may lead to reductions of the rendering budgets

    Self-Calibration of Multi-Camera Systems for Vehicle Surround Sensing

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    Multikamerasysteme werden heute bereits in einer Vielzahl von Fahrzeugen und mobilen Robotern eingesetzt. Die Anwendungen reichen dabei von einfachen Assistenzfunktionen wie der Erzeugung einer virtuellen Rundumsicht bis hin zur Umfelderfassung, wie sie für teil- und vollautomatisches Fahren benötigt wird. Damit aus den Kamerabildern metrische Größen wie Distanzen und Winkel abgeleitet werden können und ein konsistentes Umfeldmodell aufgebaut werden kann, muss das Abbildungsverhalten der einzelnen Kameras sowie deren relative Lage zueinander bekannt sein. Insbesondere die Bestimmung der relativen Lage der Kameras zueinander, die durch die extrinsische Kalibrierung beschrieben wird, ist aufwendig, da sie nur im Gesamtverbund erfolgen kann. Darüber hinaus ist zu erwarten, dass es über die Lebensdauer des Fahrzeugs hinweg zu nicht vernachlässigbaren Veränderungen durch äußere Einflüsse kommt. Um den hohen Zeit- und Kostenaufwand einer regelmäßigen Wartung zu vermeiden, ist ein Selbstkalibrierungsverfahren erforderlich, das die extrinsischen Kalibrierparameter fortlaufend nachschätzt. Für die Selbstkalibrierung wird typischerweise das Vorhandensein überlappender Sichtbereiche ausgenutzt, um die extrinsische Kalibrierung auf der Basis von Bildkorrespondenzen zu schätzen. Falls die Sichtbereiche mehrerer Kameras jedoch nicht überlappen, lassen sich die Kalibrierparameter auch aus den relativen Bewegungen ableiten, die die einzelnen Kameras beobachten. Die Bewegung typischer Straßenfahrzeuge lässt dabei jedoch nicht die Bestimmung aller Kalibrierparameter zu. Um die vollständige Schätzung der Parameter zu ermöglichen, lassen sich weitere Bedingungsgleichungen, die sich z.B. aus der Beobachtung der Bodenebene ergeben, einbinden. In dieser Arbeit wird dazu in einer theoretischen Analyse gezeigt, welche Parameter sich aus der Kombination verschiedener Bedingungsgleichungen eindeutig bestimmen lassen. Um das Umfeld eines Fahrzeugs vollständig erfassen zu können, werden typischerweise Objektive, wie zum Beispiel Fischaugenobjektive, eingesetzt, die einen sehr großen Bildwinkel ermöglichen. In dieser Arbeit wird ein Verfahren zur Bestimmung von Bildkorrespondenzen vorgeschlagen, das die geometrischen Verzerrungen, die sich durch die Verwendung von Fischaugenobjektiven und sich stark ändernden Ansichten ergeben, berücksichtigt. Darauf aufbauend stellen wir ein robustes Verfahren zur Nachführung der Parameter der Bodenebene vor. Basierend auf der theoretischen Analyse der Beobachtbarkeit und den vorgestellten Verfahren stellen wir ein robustes, rekursives Kalibrierverfahren vor, das auf einem erweiterten Kalman-Filter aufbaut. Das vorgestellte Kalibrierverfahren zeichnet sich insbesondere durch die geringe Anzahl von internen Parametern, sowie durch die hohe Flexibilität hinsichtlich der einbezogenen Bedingungsgleichungen aus und basiert einzig auf den Bilddaten des Multikamerasystems. In einer umfangreichen experimentellen Auswertung mit realen Daten vergleichen wir die Ergebnisse der auf unterschiedlichen Bedingungsgleichungen und Bewegungsmodellen basierenden Verfahren mit den aus einer Referenzkalibrierung bestimmten Parametern. Die besten Ergebnisse wurden dabei durch die Kombination aller vorgestellten Bedingungsgleichungen erzielt. Anhand mehrerer Beispiele zeigen wir, dass die erreichte Genauigkeit ausreichend für eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen ist

    Management and display of four-dimensional environmental data sets using McIDAS

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    Over the past four years, great strides have been made in the areas of data management and display of 4-D meteorological data sets. A survey was conducted of available and planned 4-D meteorological data sources. The data types were evaluated for their impact on the data management and display system. The requirements were analyzed for data base management generated by the 4-D data display system. The suitability of the existing data base management procedures and file structure were evaluated in light of the new requirements. Where needed, new data base management tools and file procedures were designed and implemented. The quality of the basic 4-D data sets was assured. The interpolation and extrapolation techniques of the 4-D data were investigated. The 4-D data from various sources were combined to make a uniform and consistent data set for display purposes. Data display software was designed to create abstract line graphic 3-D displays. Realistic shaded 3-D displays were created. Animation routines for these displays were developed in order to produce a dynamic 4-D presentation. A prototype dynamic color stereo workstation was implemented. A computer functional design specification was produced based on interactive studies and user feedback