3,062 research outputs found

    Transitive Closures of Semi-commutation Relations on Regular omega-Languages

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    A semi-commutation RR is a relation on a finite alphabet AA. Given an infinite word uu on AA, we denote by R(u)={xbay∣x∈A∗,y∈Aω (a,b)∈R and xaby=u}R(u)=\{xbay\mid x\in A^*,y\in A^\omega \ (a,b)\in R \text{ and } xaby=u\} and by R∗(u)R^*(u) the language {u}∪∪k≥1Rk(u)\{u\}\cup \cup_{k\geq 1} R^k(u). In this paper we prove that if an ω\omega-language LL is a finite union of languages of the form A0∗a1A1∗…akAk∗ak+1Ak+1∗A_0^*a_1A_1^*\ldots a_k A_k^*a_{k+1}A_{k+1}^*, where the AiA_i's are subsets of the alphabet and the aia_i's are letters, then R∗(L)R^*(L) is a computable regular ω\omega-language accepting a similar decomposition. In addition we prove the same result holds for ω\omega-languages which are finite unions of languages of the form L0a1L1…akLkak+1Lk+1L_0a_1L_1\ldots a_k L_ka_{k+1}L_{k+1}, where the LiL_i's are accepted by diamond automata and the aia_i's are letters. These results improve recent works by Bouajjani, Muscholl and Touili on one hand, and by Cécé, Héam and Mainier on the other hand, by extending them to infinite words
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