82 research outputs found

    Inverse Ontomimetic Simulation: a window on complex systems

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    The present paper introduces "ontomimetic simulation" and argues that this class of models has enabled the investigation of hypotheses about complex systems in new ways that have epistemological relevance. Ontomimetic simulation can be differentiated from other types of modeling by its reliance on causal similarity in addition to representation. Phenomena are modeled not directly but via mimesis of the ontology (i.e. the "underlying physics", microlevel etc.) of systems and a subsequent animation of the resulting model ontology as a dynamical system. While the ontology is clearly used for computing system states, what is epistemologically important is that it is viewed as a hypothesis about the makeup of the studied system. This type of simulation, where model ontologies are used as hypotheses, is here called inverse ontomimetic simulation since it reverses the typical informational path from the target to the model system. It links experimental and analytical techniques in being explicitly dynamical while at the same time capable of abstraction. Inverse ontomimetic simulation is argued to have a great impact on science and to be the tool for hypothesis-testing that has made systematic theory development for complex systems possible

    The Epigenetic Research Program (EPR): a transdisciplinary approach for the dynamics of knowledge, society - and beyond

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    'Mit dem 'epigenetischen Zugang' wurde ein einheitliches Forschungsprogramm aufgebaut, das zur Analyse von 'wissensbasierten Prozessen' in einer Unzahl von Bereichen dient. Konkret wurde mit dem epigenetischen Programm bislang auf der einen Seite ein anspruchsvolles 'transdisziplinĂ€res Forschungsprogramm' konstruiert und auf der anderen Seite eine Reihe von Anwendungen im Bereich von Organisationsanalysen oder auch 'Nationalen Innovationssystemen' durchgefĂŒhrt. DarĂŒberhinaus erlaubt das epigenetische Programm, sich jenseits der gegenwĂ€rtig diskutierten Merkmale von 'Wissensgesellschaften' wie der Diffusion von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien oder der Ausweitung in den traditionellen StĂ€tten der Wissensproduktion - UniversitĂ€ten und Forschungsinstitute - zu bewegen. Zu guter Letzt sei der Hinweis angebracht, daß gerade die neue Architektur von Wissens- und Informationsgesellschaften innovative Schlaglichter auf Fragen der gesellschaftlichen Ungleichheit wirft und gegenwĂ€rtige Problemfelder in diesem Bereich scharf zu akzentuieren vermag.' (Autorenreferat)'With the 'epigenetic approach', an entire research program has been set up which is devoted to the study of 'knowledge-based processes' in human societies - and beyond. More concretely, an epigenetic approach has been built up in which two different areas are addressed and dealt with simultaneously, namely theoretical foundations for the analysis of 'knowledge based processes' and a comparatively large number of empirical applications, ranging from the study of organizations to the level of 'National Innovation Systems'. Moreover, the emphasis on 'knowledge and information societies' is not motivated by current reconfigurations via communication and information technologies or the expansion of 'knowledge generating capacities' beyond the confines of traditional universities or research institutes. Likewise, 'knowledge and information societies' are not conceptualized as a stage beyond socio-economic inequality, contrasting it, for example, to traditional 'class societies', but, once again, as a theoretical approach which offers new insights into the basic structure of current societal disparities.' (Autorenreferat)

    Inductive Pattern Formation

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    With the extended computational limits of algorithmic recursion, scientific investigation is transitioning away from computationally decidable problems and beginning to address computationally undecidable complexity. The analysis of deductive inference in structure-property models are yielding to the synthesis of inductive inference in process-structure simulations. Process-structure modeling has examined external order parameters of inductive pattern formation, but investigation of the internal order parameters of self-organization have been hampered by the lack of a mathematical formalism with the ability to quantitatively define a specific configuration of points. This investigation addressed this issue of quantitative synthesis. Local space was developed by the Poincare inflation of a set of points to construct neighborhood intersections, defining topological distance and introducing situated Boolean topology as a local replacement for point-set topology. Parallel development of the local semi-metric topological space, the local semi-metric probability space, and the local metric space of a set of points provides a triangulation of connectivity measures to define the quantitative architectural identity of a configuration and structure independent axes of a structural configuration space. The recursive sequence of intersections constructs a probabilistic discrete spacetime model of interacting fields to define the internal order parameters of self-organization, with order parameters external to the configuration modeled by adjusting the morphological parameters of individual neighborhoods and the interplay of excitatory and inhibitory point sets. The evolutionary trajectory of a configuration maps the development of specific hierarchical structure that is emergent from a specific set of initial conditions, with nested boundaries signaling the nonlinear properties of local causative configurations. This exploration of architectural configuration space concluded with initial process-structure-property models of deductive and inductive inference spaces. In the computationally undecidable problem of human niche construction, an adaptive-inductive pattern formation model with predictive control organized the bipartite recursion between an information structure and its physical expression as hierarchical ensembles of artificial neural network-like structures. The union of architectural identity and bipartite recursion generates a predictive structural model of an evolutionary design process, offering an alternative to the limitations of cognitive descriptive modeling. The low computational complexity of these models enable them to be embedded in physical constructions to create the artificial life forms of a real-time autonomously adaptive human habitat

    Generative agent-based architectural design computation : behavioral strategies for integrating material, fabrication and construction characteristics in design processes

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    The aim of this thesis is to investigate the generative potential of agent-based systems for integrating material and fabrication characteristics into design processes. This generative agent-based system reflects the significance of behavioral strategies in computational design and construction. This work presents a generative behavioral approach for integrating fabrication processes with material specifications. The development of a computational framework facilitates this integration via an agent-based system. A series of experiments with related case studies emphasizes behavioral strategies within the processes of formation and materialization. This research proposes the integration of material and fabrication processes through an agent-based system. The utilization of this system reflects a theoretical framework in developing an integrative computational method. The implementation of this theoretical framework in practical studies demonstrates the applicability of this research. The practical developments highlight the importance of behavioral strategies to establish integral design computation. Chapter 1 introduces the extended behavioral strategies to integration design. Chapter 2 provides a study about integrative design computation to abstract the main drivers of design integration through agent-based modeling. Chapter 3 presents agent-based systems in architectural design, specifically, in regards to material, fabricational, and environmental principles. Chapter 4 explores experiments and case studies to adjust the development of a generative agent-based system for integrating material and fabrication characteristics in design processes. Chapter 5 explains procedures for setting-up a generative agent-based design computation. Chapter 6 discusses the significance of behavioral strategies to develop different behavioral layers within a generative agent-based architectural design. Chapter 7 concludes the integral behavioral strategies by proposing trends to minimize the gap between formation and materialization through coalescing computational and physical agent-based systems.Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die generativen Potentiale von Agenten-basierten Systemen zur Integration von Material- und Fertigungseigenschaften im Entwurfsprozess zu untersuchen. Diese generative, Agenten-basierten Systeme spiegeln die Bedeutung von Regel- und Verhaltens-basierten Strategien fĂŒr das digitale Entwerfen, Planen und Konstruieren wider. Die vorliegende Forschungsarbeit stellt einen generativen Ansatz zur Integration der Charakteristika von Material und Fertigung dar. Dies erfolgt ĂŒber die Entwicklung einer digitalen Methode, die die Integration in ein Agent-basiertes System ermöglicht, was an einer Reihe von Experimenten und Fallstudien und der dazugehörigen Verhaltensstrategien fĂŒr die Formgenerierung und Materialisierung erprobt wurde. Das operative Potential des theoretischen Rahmens wird in diesen praktischen Studien demonstriert und belegt die Anwendbarkeit der Forschung. Die theoretischen und praktischen Entwicklungen zeigen die Bedeutung von Verhaltensstrategien fĂŒr das architektonische Entwerfen und einen ganzheitlichen digitalen Gestaltungs- und Bildungsprozess

    Business Architecture Tool (BAT) : development and assessment of a systems framework to guide organisations from concept to delivery, in terms of creating deeper and meaningful integration across processes and functions

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    This thesis is based upon a prolonged research period, wherein a practical systems based tool (prototype), was researched, developed and tested, so as to gain outputs of integration improvements for service delivery in South Africa (SA) specifically, and in general for developmental economies. The research question can be summarised as: "to develop a systems-based intervention tool, able to provide practical integration improvements from concept to delivery". Existing systems methods and approaches were accessed, and based upon their utility for the local context, were used to varying degrees, in "building" the prototype, which was tested across a number of interventions, categorised under "world of the client"; and "world of the designer" (firm created for this purpose). Being aware of local and international implementation challenges by virtue of experience as consultant for a number of governments, whereby national planning and implementation techniques tend to be embed mechanistic models of thinking directly affecting how agents and agencies: understand the problem; plan to resolve the problem; and implement the designed solutions. The research sought to recover key systems insights in order to build a practical tool that could reduce negative outcomes, perpetrated by well-intended reforms, having limited integrative thinking, planning and delivery. The research required long-term observation, reflection, and extensive literature review. A distinctive feature of the research is the account of the author's exploration of his learning and development, within University of Cape Town PhD: Business Architecture embedded in complexity and systems theory

    AluekehittÀmisen pirullinen peli

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    Manufacturing systems simulation using the principles of system dy

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    Manufacturing is the largest single contributor to the global economy. The evolution of consumer demands has pressurised companies into producing a larger variety of products, with improved specifications, reduced costs, and shorter lead times. In this context, companies have found simulation techniques useful in their manufacturing systems design processes; simulation based on Discrete Event Simulation (DES) is the preferred technique. The complexity of manufacturing systems, and the mechanisms of DES, means that the simulation task often consumes excessive time and resources, such as data, software, and training. Evidence suggests that an alternative modelling technique, named System Dynamics (SD), is also appropriate for conducting this task. SD has been applied successfully in other fields, where its graphical notation is considered beneficial. However, the lack of an SD tool that is tailored toward manufacturing systems has prevented industry from adopting this technique more extensively. This thesis determines the extent to which SD can provide a credible alternative to DES in the manufacturing system design process. Information concerning DES, SD and practitioners' needs was gathered from published literature and from an interview survey. A functional prototype of a tool based on the SD principles, but tailored to model manufacturing systems was then developed. Three case studies then provided valuable information concerning the requirements of industry and the capabilities of the SD technique. This research programme has found SD to be sufficiently accurate and quicker than DES tools under certain conditions, requiring less data and skills. In addition, the user interface appears to have had a significant impact on the lack of adoption of SD techniques within the manufacturing sector. Simp1ifications made by this technique can reduce both model building and model execution time, and thus, experimentation time. However, evidence suggests that DES is still more prevalent, and that further work is required to develop SD based tools tailored to manufacturing systems. Therefore, this thesis provides a much improved understanding of the capabilities of SD as an aid to manufacturing systems design

    Creating Virtual Wood Particulate Composites

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    Wood particulate composites are inhomogeneous, short fiber materials. The behavior of such materials depends on the properties of the constituent elements (wood particles, fibers, and adhesives) and the manner in which they are organized (the microstructure). Research on the microstructure of these composites has been carried out for several decades. However, due to the complexity of the engineered structures, most existing works are either over-simplified or lacking in general representations. While experimental approaches to improve material performance are necessary, this thesis presents another approach for better depictions of such complex systems. In this research project, digital surrogates of the composite structures are created and tested in a virtual laboratory - the computer. Each structure is constructed by packing digital particulate elements. The electronic versions of wood fibers, strands or flakes are generated based on the known properties of their real-world counterparts, including stochastic descriptions of their geometries, and some physical and mechanical properties. More importantly, a certain level of intelligence built-in to the elements enables them to adjust their geometries on the basis of the interaction with other elements. As it is based on the very fundamental rules, this simulation methodology guarantees much more realistic descriptions of the microstructures compared with other models. This method allows controlled and repeatable experiments with virtually zero experimental and material costs. Since the structures of the virtual composites are digitized, it is fairly easy to obtain the information which may be impossible or hard to obtain from the real composites, such as the morphology of particle-to-particle bonds and the quantities of inter/intra-particle voids. It lays a more reliable foundation for further research on performance prediction and manufacturing optimization of the wood particulate composites
