499 research outputs found

    Context Aware Computing for The Internet of Things: A Survey

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    As we are moving towards the Internet of Things (IoT), the number of sensors deployed around the world is growing at a rapid pace. Market research has shown a significant growth of sensor deployments over the past decade and has predicted a significant increment of the growth rate in the future. These sensors continuously generate enormous amounts of data. However, in order to add value to raw sensor data we need to understand it. Collection, modelling, reasoning, and distribution of context in relation to sensor data plays critical role in this challenge. Context-aware computing has proven to be successful in understanding sensor data. In this paper, we survey context awareness from an IoT perspective. We present the necessary background by introducing the IoT paradigm and context-aware fundamentals at the beginning. Then we provide an in-depth analysis of context life cycle. We evaluate a subset of projects (50) which represent the majority of research and commercial solutions proposed in the field of context-aware computing conducted over the last decade (2001-2011) based on our own taxonomy. Finally, based on our evaluation, we highlight the lessons to be learnt from the past and some possible directions for future research. The survey addresses a broad range of techniques, methods, models, functionalities, systems, applications, and middleware solutions related to context awareness and IoT. Our goal is not only to analyse, compare and consolidate past research work but also to appreciate their findings and discuss their applicability towards the IoT.Comment: IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials Journal, 201

    Enriching Everyday Experience with a Digital Service: Case Study in Rural Retail Store

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    A novel omnichannel service concept was developed and piloted in the context of everyday retail service environment. A starting point for the new service was a need to provide the customers of a small rural retail store with wider selection of goods through integrating web shopping interface to the store’s service processes. One of the driving design principles was to achieve a seamless service experience by a fusion of web and physical retail channels. The findings from the case study were analysed from the viewpoint of store customers and personnel. Over half of the interviewed customers stated they were likely to use the novel retail service in the future. Previous experience with online shopping appeared to have a direct, positive effect on the customers’ willingness to adopt the service into use. The hands-on demonstration was proved to be an advantageous way for introducing the novel service to potential users. Personnel’s attitudes towards the service concept were in general enthusiastic and positive; however the service also invoked some initial concerns mostly related to additional work load. The personnel also clearly appreciated the positive effects of the new service on the store and customers

    Effects of Restructuring at Regional Level and Approaches to Dealing with the Consequences

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    While restructuring and structural change are increasingly acknowledged as inherent characteristics of economic development and receive much policy attention at European and Member State level, the topic is rarely discussed from a regional perspective. However, most large-scale restructurings have effects on the regions and employment areas in which they take place. Specific information on the effects of restructuring at regional level and approaches to tackle its potential consequences for the local economy, labour market and society is scarce. This report aims to help close the knowledge gap. Based on secondary data analysis, a literature review and five in-depth case studies, it identifies and discusses the effects of large-scale restructuring outside the firm undergoing restructuring. It also seeks to illustrate success stories of positive regional management directed towards maintaining and improving labour markets following an important restructuring event

    Satellite Networks: Architectures, Applications, and Technologies

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    Since global satellite networks are moving to the forefront in enhancing the national and global information infrastructures due to communication satellites' unique networking characteristics, a workshop was organized to assess the progress made to date and chart the future. This workshop provided the forum to assess the current state-of-the-art, identify key issues, and highlight the emerging trends in the next-generation architectures, data protocol development, communication interoperability, and applications. Presentations on overview, state-of-the-art in research, development, deployment and applications and future trends on satellite networks are assembled

    The Guardian, November 1, 1977

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    Eight page issue of The Guardian, the official student-run newspaper for Wright State University. The Guardian has been published regularly since March of 1965.https://corescholar.libraries.wright.edu/guardian/1487/thumbnail.jp

    Extending BPMN for integration of internet of things devices with process-driven applications

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    Internet of Things (IoT) is a rising technology, which is becoming an important building block of information systems in many different areas, including enterprise environments. For IoT to become a part of process-driven enterprise applications, process modelling notations have to be extended. This thesis focuses on introducing a modelling notation for modelling of properties of real-world entities. It also improves the modelling of IoT devices and different communication types used by them. To solve stated problems, we propose six solutions in form of modelling approaches with corresponding extensions to BPMN. Proposed solutions are based upon and evaluated against four sets of identified requirements. Solution, which satisfies the highest number of requirements, is our final solution and is an adequate answer to our research questions

    Extending BPMN for integration of internet of things devices with process-driven applications

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    Internet of Things (IoT) is a rising technology, which is becoming an important building block of information systems in many different areas, including enterprise environments. For IoT to become a part of process-driven enterprise applications, process modelling notations have to be extended. This thesis focuses on introducing a modelling notation for modelling of properties of real-world entities. It also improves the modelling of IoT devices and different communication types used by them. To solve stated problems, we propose six solutions in form of modelling approaches with corresponding extensions to BPMN. Proposed solutions are based upon and evaluated against four sets of identified requirements. Solution, which satisfies the highest number of requirements, is our final solution and is an adequate answer to our research questions

    Urban Ecosystem Services and Tourism

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    Urban tourism depends on the place specific qualities of destinations. In many cities, climate change poses a threat to these qualities, through increasing risk of excessive heat, draught and flooding. Cities need to adapt to reduce these risks. One way of doing this is to improve their green infrastructure. Urban forests, parks, rivers and wetlands may help reduce the effects of climate change in cities. At the same time, green infrastructure provide a variety of ecosystem services to the community. In particular, cultural ecosystem services such as recreation, andesthetical values take place in urban green infrastructure; they provide value in the form of improved experiences. These mainly benefit the locals but they may also be important for tourism. Such relations between ecosystem services and tourism have in earlier literature been recognized in rural contexts but very seldom in urban. This paper reports preliminary findings from qualitative case studies in the South of Sweden and Berlin, Germany. They focus on how urban planning projects (primarily aimed at mitigating GHG emissions and adapting to climatechange) can be extended to develop places where experience values for both residents and visitors are created alongside other kinds of ecosystem services. We suggest that the need for climate change adaptation in a city may be used as a means to improve its place specific qualities as a tourist destination. By developing green infrastructure in innovative and environmentally friendly ways, the quality of ecosystem services improves, including those relevant for both visitors and residents. Protecting and building green infrastructure, therebyenhancing a cityÂŽs visible qualities and its reputation as a sustainable destination, may also be valuable in marketing the city

    The potential of rural cooperatives development in Albania : challenges and benefits

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    Promising but particularly challenging remains the agricultural sector in Albania even after almost three decades of transition and the collapse of communism regime. The country is located in a very strategic geographical area of Europe, tempting for centuries to its neighbors is struggling to find the way to promote the agriculture sector. On the other hand, the agriculture sector contributes to almost half of the employment in Albania and accounts for about one-fifth of the gross domestic product (ILO - International Labour Organisation, 2018). Roughly 60% is subsistence farming meaning that small and family farms with an average of 1.2 ha to 2 ha is the most common profile of the farmers (INSTAT, 2018). Combining this with the land fragmentation, for instance two or more rather small parcels per farm, geographically spread, generates a challenge for farmers. As a consequence of the land reform implemented in the early 1990s, in which state agricultural land was equally distributed to the rural population, which resulted in small and fragmented farms that hampered the growth and competitiveness of agriculture. Due to negative experience in the past, Albania, farmers tend to be hesitant to form or join organizations such as cooperatives, as in many other post communism regime countries. However, there are signs of change, as the first movements of cooperatives establishment have started, even though initiated by external factor such as international projects provided by GIZ, FAO and many other foreigner programs. The two major objectives of this research are: first to highlight the obstacles why farmers are hesitant to participate in cooperation even after three decades of regime change. Secondly, the benefits and the mechanisms to promote this movement, as well as the impact it might have in further development of agriculture in the country. Based on this observations and consecutive problematic this dissertation analyzes the potential of cooperative development in the following key issues: cooperatives evolution within the last decades, governmental institution supporting role in this movement, the factors that influence the willingness of farmers to or not to cooperate. The research has taken place in the main villages/areas of Lushnja and Fier district covering about 25% of the Albanian national milk/dairy cow per head (INSTAT, 2018). The research sample included 238 farmers involved in cow milk production who were selected randomly by the interviewers. The interviewed farmers were all personally involved in farm activities, including the production and sale of cow milk Furthermore, the findings show the importance of governmental institutions in the promotion and the support for the development of cooperatives. Their role is fundamental as they play the leading and managerial role of the policy implementation. Moreover, a particular importance has shown the indirect affect that local rules have on cooperation. From the findings, it emerges that the main and most noteworthy mechanism of how local rules affect willingness to cooperate is by constructing social capital. Without leaving apart the determinants of the local rules, trust, and leadership skills in cooperation taken individually and in relation to each other (Agrawal 2001, Ostrom 2009, Ostrom and Mc Ginhis 2014). Summarizing the above mentioned major findings and in conclusion, innovative initiatives is a process in itself that should be elaborated and supported broadly to deliver the importance it brings in the development of the farm or in the farmers organization such as cooperatives, without leaving aside the impact it might have in the community (Dossa and Kaeufer, 2014; Bocken et al., 2013; Weltzien, 2011). A challenging initiative does not make it not valuable and uncertain but should intrigue the community to incorporate new possibilities.Der Agrarsektor in Albanien ist vielversprechend, stellt aber dennoch besondere Herausforderungen, selbst nach dem Zusammenbruch des kommunistischen Regimes und nahezu drei Jahrzehnten des Übergangs. Das Land befindet sich geografisch in einer sehr strategisch bedeutsamen und daher ĂŒber Jahrhunderte fĂŒr die Nachbarn einladenden Region von Europa, was es schwierig macht, einen Weg zur Förderung des Agrarsektors zu finden. Andererseits trĂ€gt der Agrarsektor nahezu zur HĂ€lfte der BeschĂ€ftigung in Albanien bei und ist fĂŒr ungefĂ€hr ein FĂŒnftel des Bruttoinlandsprodukts verantwortlich (ILO - International Labour Organisation, 2018). Bei etwa 60 % handelt es sich um Subsistenzwirtschaft, was bedeutet, dass kleine und von Familien betriebene Bauernhöfe mit durchschnittlich 1,2 ha bis 2 ha am hĂ€ufigsten vertreten sind (INSTAT, 2018). Wird dies mit der FlĂ€chenzerstĂŒckelung kombiniert, z. B. zwei oder mehr eher kleine Parzellen pro Bauernhof, die verteilt rĂ€umlich sind, stellt dies fĂŒr Landwirte eine Herausforderung dar. Als Folge der in den frĂŒhen 1990ern implementierten Landreform, bei der im Staatsbesitz befindliche AgrarflĂ€chen in gleichem Umfang auf die Landbevölkerung aufgeteilt wurden, was zu kleinen und zerstĂŒckelten Bauernhöfen fĂŒhrte, wurden Wachstum und WettbewerbsfĂ€higkeit des Agrarsektors erschwert. Aufgrund der negativen Erfahrungen in der Vergangenheit tendieren Landwirte in Albanien dazu, zögerlich zu sein, was die Bildung von Organisationen oder Kooperativen oder einen Beitritt zu diesen betrifft, was auch in vielen anderen postkommunistischen LĂ€ndern der Fall ist. Allerdings gibt es Anzeichen fĂŒr einen Wandel, da die ersten Bildungen von Kooperativen begonnen haben, auch wenn dies durch externe Faktoren initiiert wird, z. B. durch internationale Projekte, die durch GIZ, FAO und viele andere auslĂ€ndische TrĂ€ger vorhabens angeboten werden. Die zwei Hauptziele dieser Forschungsstudie sind: Zuerst die Hindernisse hervorzuheben, warum Landwirte zögern, sich selbst nach drei Jahrzehnten Regimewechsel an Kooperationen zu beteiligen. Zweitens die Vorteile und den Mechanismus zur Förderung dieser Bewegung herauszustellen sowie den Einfluss, den sie auf die weitere Entwicklung des Agrarsektors im Land haben könnte. Auf der Grundlage dieser Beobachtungen und der daraus folgenden Problematik analysiert diese Dissertation das Potenzial fĂŒr die Entwicklung von Kooperativen im Hinblick auf die folgenden SchlĂŒsselthemen: Entwicklung von Kooperativen innerhalb der letzten Jahrzehnte, die unterstĂŒtzende Funktion staatlicher Einrichtungen bezĂŒglich dieser Bewegung sowie die vorhaben Faktoren, welche die Bereitschaft von Landwirten beeinflussen, zu kooperieren oder nicht. Das Forschungs wurde in den wichtigsten Dörfern/Regionen der Lushnja- und Fier-Bezirke durchgefĂŒhrt, was ca. 25 % der nationalen albanischen Milchproduktion pro Kopf abdeckt (INSTAT, 2018). Die Stichprobe der Forschungsstudie umfasst 238 Landwirte in der Kuhmilchproduktion, die von den Interviewern auf Zufallsbasis ausgewĂ€hlt wurden. Die interviewten Landwirte waren alle persönlich an landwirtschaftlichen AktivitĂ€ten beteiligt, also Produktion und Verkauf von Kuhmilch mit einbezogen. DarĂŒber hinaus zeigen die Ergebnisse die Bedeutung staatlicher Einrichtungen, was die Förderung sowie die UnterstĂŒtzung der Entwicklung von Kooperativen betrifft. Deren Rolle ist fundamental, da sie im Hinblick auf die Implementierung des Regelwerks eine zentrale und fĂŒhrende Rolle spielen. Außerdem hat sich die besondere Bedeutung der indirekten Wirkung gezeigt, die lokale Vorschriften auf eine Kooperation haben. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der wichtigste und bemerkenswerteste Mechanismus, wie lokale Vorschriften die Bereitschaft zur Kooperation beeinflussen, die Schaffung von Sozialkapital ist. Wobei lokale Vorschriften, Vertrauen und FĂŒhrungsqualitĂ€ten als Bestimmungsfaktoren einer Kooperation individuell und in Beziehung zueinander nicht außer Acht gelassen werden dĂŒrfen (Agrawal 2001, Ostrom 2009, Ostrom und Mc Ginhis 2014). Fasst man die oben genannten, wichtigen Ergebnisse zusammengefasst, sind innovative Initiativen abschließend der Prozess, der nĂ€her ausgefĂŒhrt und umfassend unterstĂŒtzt werden sollte, um die Bedeutung fĂŒr die Entwicklung von landwirtschaflichen Betrieben oder landwirtschaftlichen Organisationen, wie z. B. Kooperativen, zu vermitteln, ohne die Auswirkung auf das Gemeinwesen außer Acht zu lassen (Dossa und Kaeufer, 2014; Bocken et al., 2013; Weltzien, 2011)
