299 research outputs found

    Runtime Monitoring for Dependable Hardware Design

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    Mit dem Voranschreiten der Technologieskalierung und der Globalisierung der Produktion von integrierten Schaltkreisen eröffnen sich eine FĂŒlle von Schwachstellen bezĂŒglich der VerlĂ€sslichkeit von Computerhardware. Jeder Mikrochip wird aufgrund von Produktionsschwankungen mit einem einzigartigen Charakter geboren, welcher sich durch seine Arbeitsbedingungen, Belastung und Umgebung in individueller Weise entwickelt. Daher sind deterministische Modelle, welche zur Entwurfszeit die VerlĂ€sslichkeit prognostizieren, nicht mehr ausreichend um Integrierte Schaltkreise mit Nanometertechnologie sinnvoll abbilden zu können. Der Bedarf einer Laufzeitanalyse des Zustandes steigt und mit ihm die notwendigen Maßnahmen zum Erhalt der ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit. Transistoren sind anfĂ€llig fĂŒr auslastungsbedingte Alterung, die die Laufzeit der Schaltung erhöht und mit ihr die Möglichkeit einer Fehlberechnung. Hinzu kommen spezielle AblĂ€ufe die das schnelle Altern des Chips befördern und somit seine zuverlĂ€ssige Lebenszeit reduzieren. ZusĂ€tzlich können strahlungsbedingte Laufzeitfehler (Soft-Errors) des Chips abnormales Verhalten kritischer Systeme verursachen. Sowohl das Ausbreiten als auch das Maskieren dieser Fehler wiederum sind abhĂ€ngig von der Arbeitslast des Systems. Fabrizierten Chips können ebenfalls vorsĂ€tzlich wĂ€hrend der Produktion boshafte Schaltungen, sogenannte Hardwaretrojaner, hinzugefĂŒgt werden. Dies kompromittiert die Sicherheit des Chips. Da diese Art der Manipulation vor ihrer Aktivierung kaum zu erfassen ist, ist der Nachweis von Trojanern auf einem Chip direkt nach der Produktion extrem schwierig. Die KomplexitĂ€t dieser VerlĂ€sslichkeitsprobleme machen ein einfaches Modellieren der ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit und Gegenmaßnahmen ineffizient. Sie entsteht aufgrund verschiedener Quellen, eingeschlossen der Entwicklungsparameter (Technologie, GerĂ€t, Schaltung und Architektur), der Herstellungsparameter, der Laufzeitauslastung und der Arbeitsumgebung. Dies motiviert das Erforschen von maschinellem Lernen und Laufzeitmethoden, welche potentiell mit dieser KomplexitĂ€t arbeiten können. In dieser Arbeit stellen wir Lösungen vor, die in der Lage sind, eine verlĂ€ssliche AusfĂŒhrung von Computerhardware mit unterschiedlichem Laufzeitverhalten und Arbeitsbedingungen zu gewĂ€hrleisten. Wir entwickelten Techniken des maschinellen Lernens um verschiedene ZuverlĂ€ssigkeitseffekte zu modellieren, zu ĂŒberwachen und auszugleichen. Verschiedene Lernmethoden werden genutzt, um gĂŒnstige Überwachungspunkte zur Kontrolle der Arbeitsbelastung zu finden. Diese werden zusammen mit ZuverlĂ€ssigkeitsmetriken, aufbauend auf Ausfallsicherheit und generellen Sicherheitsattributen, zum Erstellen von Vorhersagemodellen genutzt. Des Weiteren prĂ€sentieren wir eine kosten-optimierte Hardwaremonitorschaltung, welche die Überwachungspunkte zur Laufzeit auswertet. Im Gegensatz zum aktuellen Stand der Technik, welcher mikroarchitektonische Überwachungspunkte ausnutzt, evaluieren wir das Potential von Arbeitsbelastungscharakteristiken auf der Logikebene der zugrundeliegenden Hardware. Wir identifizieren verbesserte Features auf Logikebene um feingranulare LaufzeitĂŒberwachung zu ermöglichen. Diese Logikanalyse wiederum hat verschiedene Stellschrauben um auf höhere Genauigkeit und niedrigeren Overhead zu optimieren. Wir untersuchten die Philosophie, Überwachungspunkte auf Logikebene mit Hilfe von Lernmethoden zu identifizieren und gĂŒnstigen Monitore zu implementieren um eine adaptive Vorbeugung gegen statisches Altern, dynamisches Altern und strahlungsinduzierte Soft-Errors zu schaffen und zusĂ€tzlich die Aktivierung von Hardwaretrojanern zu erkennen. DiesbezĂŒglich haben wir ein Vorhersagemodell entworfen, welches den Arbeitslasteinfluss auf alterungsbedingte Verschlechterungen des Chips mitverfolgt und dazu genutzt werden kann, dynamisch zur Laufzeit vorbeugende Techniken, wie Task-Mitigation, Spannungs- und Frequenzskalierung zu benutzen. Dieses Vorhersagemodell wurde in Software implementiert, welche verschiedene Arbeitslasten aufgrund ihrer Alterungswirkung einordnet. Um die WiderstandsfĂ€higkeit gegenĂŒber beschleunigter Alterung sicherzustellen, stellen wir eine Überwachungshardware vor, welche einen Teil der kritischen Flip-Flops beaufsichtigt, nach beschleunigter Alterung Ausschau hĂ€lt und davor warnt, wenn ein zeitkritischer Pfad unter starker Alterungsbelastung steht. Wir geben die Implementierung einer Technik zum Reduzieren der durch das AusfĂŒhren spezifischer Subroutinen auftretenden Belastung von zeitkritischen Pfaden. ZusĂ€tzlich schlagen wir eine Technik zur AbschĂ€tzung von online Soft-Error-Schwachstellen von Speicherarrays und Logikkernen vor, welche auf der Überwachung einer kleinen Gruppe Flip-Flops des Entwurfs basiert. Des Weiteren haben wir eine Methode basierend auf Anomalieerkennung entwickelt, um Arbeitslastsignaturen von Hardwaretrojanern wĂ€hrend deren Aktivierung zur Laufzeit zu erkennen und somit eine letzte Verteidigungslinie zu bilden. Basierend auf diesen Experimenten demonstriert diese Arbeit das Potential von fortgeschrittener Feature-Extraktion auf Logikebene und lernbasierter Vorhersage basierend auf Laufzeitdaten zur Verbesserung der ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit von HarwareentwĂŒrfen

    Remote Attacks on FPGA Hardware

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    Immer mehr Computersysteme sind weltweit miteinander verbunden und ĂŒber das Internet zugĂ€nglich, was auch die Sicherheitsanforderungen an diese erhöht. Eine neuere Technologie, die zunehmend als Rechenbeschleuniger sowohl fĂŒr eingebettete Systeme als auch in der Cloud verwendet wird, sind Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). Sie sind sehr flexible Mikrochips, die per Software konfiguriert und programmiert werden können, um beliebige digitale Schaltungen zu implementieren. Wie auch andere integrierte Schaltkreise basieren FPGAs auf modernen Halbleitertechnologien, die von Fertigungstoleranzen und verschiedenen Laufzeitschwankungen betroffen sind. Es ist bereits bekannt, dass diese Variationen die ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit eines Systems beeinflussen, aber ihre Auswirkungen auf die Sicherheit wurden nicht umfassend untersucht. Diese Doktorarbeit befasst sich mit einem Querschnitt dieser Themen: Sicherheitsprobleme die dadurch entstehen wenn FPGAs von mehreren Benutzern benutzt werden, oder ĂŒber das Internet zugĂ€nglich sind, in Kombination mit physikalischen Schwankungen in modernen Halbleitertechnologien. Der erste Beitrag in dieser Arbeit identifiziert transiente Spannungsschwankungen als eine der stĂ€rksten Auswirkungen auf die FPGA-Leistung und analysiert experimentell wie sich verschiedene Arbeitslasten des FPGAs darauf auswirken. In der restlichen Arbeit werden dann die Auswirkungen dieser Spannungsschwankungen auf die Sicherheit untersucht. Die Arbeit zeigt, dass verschiedene Angriffe möglich sind, von denen frĂŒher angenommen wurde, dass sie physischen Zugriff auf den Chip und die Verwendung spezieller und teurer Test- und MessgerĂ€te erfordern. Dies zeigt, dass bekannte Isolationsmaßnahmen innerhalb FPGAs von böswilligen Benutzern umgangen werden können, um andere Benutzer im selben FPGA oder sogar das gesamte System anzugreifen. Unter Verwendung von Schaltkreisen zur Beeinflussung der Spannung innerhalb eines FPGAs zeigt diese Arbeit aktive Angriffe, die Fehler (Faults) in anderen Teilen des Systems verursachen können. Auf diese Weise sind Denial-of-Service Angriffe möglich, als auch Fault-Angriffe um geheime SchlĂŒsselinformationen aus dem System zu extrahieren. DarĂŒber hinaus werden passive Angriffe gezeigt, die indirekt die Spannungsschwankungen auf dem Chip messen. Diese Messungen reichen aus, um geheime SchlĂŒsselinformationen durch Power Analysis Seitenkanalangriffe zu extrahieren. In einer weiteren Eskalationsstufe können sich diese Angriffe auch auf andere Chips auswirken die an dasselbe Netzteil angeschlossen sind wie der FPGA. Um zu beweisen, dass vergleichbare Angriffe nicht nur innerhalb FPGAs möglich sind, wird gezeigt, dass auch kleine IoT-GerĂ€te anfĂ€llig fĂŒr Angriffe sind welche die gemeinsame Spannungsversorgung innerhalb eines Chips ausnutzen. Insgesamt zeigt diese Arbeit, dass grundlegende physikalische Variationen in integrierten Schaltkreisen die Sicherheit eines gesamten Systems untergraben können, selbst wenn der Angreifer keinen direkten Zugriff auf das GerĂ€t hat. FĂŒr FPGAs in ihrer aktuellen Form mĂŒssen diese Probleme zuerst gelöst werden, bevor man sie mit mehreren Benutzern oder mit Zugriff von Drittanbietern sicher verwenden kann. In Veröffentlichungen die nicht Teil dieser Arbeit sind wurden bereits einige erste Gegenmaßnahmen untersucht

    Reliable and energy efficient resource provisioning in cloud computing systems

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    Cloud Computing has revolutionized the Information Technology sector by giving computing a perspective of service. The services of cloud computing can be accessed by users not knowing about the underlying system with easy-to-use portals. To provide such an abstract view, cloud computing systems have to perform many complex operations besides managing a large underlying infrastructure. Such complex operations confront service providers with many challenges such as security, sustainability, reliability, energy consumption and resource management. Among all the challenges, reliability and energy consumption are two key challenges focused on in this thesis because of their conflicting nature. Current solutions either focused on reliability techniques or energy efficiency methods. But it has been observed that mechanisms providing reliability in cloud computing systems can deteriorate the energy consumption. Adding backup resources and running replicated systems provide strong fault tolerance but also increase energy consumption. Reducing energy consumption by running resources on low power scaling levels or by reducing the number of active but idle sitting resources such as backup resources reduces the system reliability. This creates a critical trade-off between these two metrics that are investigated in this thesis. To address this problem, this thesis presents novel resource management policies which target the provisioning of best resources in terms of reliability and energy efficiency and allocate them to suitable virtual machines. A mathematical framework showing interplay between reliability and energy consumption is also proposed in this thesis. A formal method to calculate the finishing time of tasks running in a cloud computing environment impacted with independent and correlated failures is also provided. The proposed policies adopted various fault tolerance mechanisms while satisfying the constraints such as task deadlines and utility values. This thesis also provides a novel failure-aware VM consolidation method, which takes the failure characteristics of resources into consideration before performing VM consolidation. All the proposed resource management methods are evaluated by using real failure traces collected from various distributed computing sites. In order to perform the evaluation, a cloud computing framework, 'ReliableCloudSim' capable of simulating failure-prone cloud computing systems is developed. The key research findings and contributions of this thesis are: 1. If the emphasis is given only to energy optimization without considering reliability in a failure prone cloud computing environment, the results can be contrary to the intuitive expectations. Rather than reducing energy consumption, a system ends up consuming more energy due to the energy losses incurred because of failure overheads. 2. While performing VM consolidation in a failure prone cloud computing environment, a significant improvement in terms of energy efficiency and reliability can be achieved by considering failure characteristics of physical resources. 3. By considering correlated occurrence of failures during resource provisioning and VM allocation, the service downtime or interruption is reduced significantly by 34% in comparison to the environments with the assumption of independent occurrence of failures. Moreover, measured by our mathematical model, the ratio of reliability and energy consumption is improved by 14%

    Designing and Deploying Internet of Things Applications in the Industry: An Empirical Investigation

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    RÉSUMÉ : L’Internet des objets (IdO) a pour objectif de permettre la connectivitĂ© Ă  presque tous les objets trouvĂ©s dans l’espace physique. Il Ă©tend la connectivitĂ© aux objets de tous les jours et o˙re la possibilitĂ© de surveiller, de suivre, de se connecter et d’intĂ©ragir plus eĂżcacement avec les actifs industriels. Dans l’industrie de nos jours, les rĂ©seaux de capteurs connectĂ©s surveillent les mouvements logistiques, fabriquent des machines et aident les organisations Ă  amĂ©liorer leur eĂżcacitĂ© et Ă  rĂ©duire les coĂ»ts. Cependant, la conception et l’implĂ©mentation d’un rĂ©seau IdO restent, aujourd’hui, une tĂąche particuliĂšrement diĂżcile. Nous constatons un haut niveau de fragmentation dans le paysage de l’IdO, les dĂ©veloppeurs se complaig-nent rĂ©guliĂšrement de la diĂżcultĂ© Ă  intĂ©grer diverses technologies avec des divers objets trouvĂ©s dans les systĂšmes IdO et l’absence des directives et/ou des pratiques claires pour le dĂ©veloppement et le dĂ©ploiement d’application IdO sĂ»res et eĂżcaces. Par consĂ©quent, analyser et comprendre les problĂšmes liĂ©s au dĂ©veloppement et au dĂ©ploiement de l’IdO sont primordiaux pour permettre Ă  l’industrie d’exploiter son plein potentiel. Dans cette thĂšse, nous examinons les interactions des spĂ©cialistes de l’IdO sur le sites Web populaire, Stack Overflow et Stack Exchange, afin de comprendre les dĂ©fis et les problĂšmes auxquels ils sont confrontĂ©s lors du dĂ©veloppement et du dĂ©ploiement de di˙érentes appli-cations de l’IdO. Ensuite, nous examinons le manque d’interopĂ©rabilitĂ© entre les techniques dĂ©veloppĂ©es pour l’IdO, nous Ă©tudions les dĂ©fis que leur intĂ©gration pose et nous fournissons des directives aux praticiens intĂ©ressĂ©s par la connexion des rĂ©seaux et des dispositifs de l’IdO pour dĂ©velopper divers services et applications. D’autre part, la sĂ©curitĂ© Ă©tant essen-tielle au succĂšs de cette technologie, nous Ă©tudions les di˙érentes menaces et dĂ©fis de sĂ©curitĂ© sur les di˙érentes couches de l’architecture des systĂšmes de l’IdO et nous proposons des contre-mesures. Enfin, nous menons une sĂ©rie d’expĂ©riences qui vise Ă  comprendre les avantages et les incon-vĂ©nients des dĂ©ploiements ’serverful’ et ’serverless’ des applications de l’IdO afin de fournir aux praticiens des directives et des recommandations fondĂ©es sur des Ă©lĂ©ments probants relatifs Ă  de tels dĂ©ploiements. Les rĂ©sultats prĂ©sentĂ©s reprĂ©sentent une Ă©tape trĂšs importante vers une profonde comprĂ©hension de ces technologies trĂšs prometteuses. Nous estimons que nos recommandations et nos suggestions aideront les praticiens et les bĂątisseurs technologiques Ă  amĂ©liorer la qualitĂ© des logiciels et des systĂšmes de l’IdO. Nous espĂ©rons que nos rĂ©sultats pourront aider les communautĂ©s et les consortiums de l’IdO Ă  Ă©tablir des normes et des directives pour le dĂ©veloppement, la maintenance, et l’évolution des logiciels de l’IdO.----------ABSTRACT : Internet of Things (IoT) aims to bring connectivity to almost every object found in the phys-ical space. It extends connectivity to everyday things, opens up the possibility to monitor, track, connect, and interact with industrial assets more eĂżciently. In the industry nowadays, we can see connected sensor networks monitor logistics movements, manufacturing machines, and help organizations improve their eĂżciency and reduce costs as well. However, designing and implementing an IoT network today is still a very challenging task. We are witnessing a high level of fragmentation in the IoT landscape and developers regularly complain about the diĂżculty to integrate diverse technologies of various objects found in IoT systems, and the lack of clear guidelines and–or practices for developing and deploying safe and eĂżcient IoT applications. Therefore, analyzing and understanding issues related to the development and deployment of the Internet of Things is utterly important to allow the industry to utilize its fullest potential. In this thesis, we examine IoT practitioners’ discussions on the popular Q&A websites, Stack Overflow and Stack Exchange, to understand the challenges and issues that they face when developing and deploying di˙erent IoT applications. Next, we examine the lack of interoper-ability among technologies developed for IoT and study the challenges that their integration poses and provide guidelines for practitioners interested in connecting IoT networks and de-vices to develop various services and applications. Since security issues are center to the success of this technology, we also investigate di˙erent security threats and challenges across di˙erent layers of the architecture of IoT systems and propose countermeasures. Finally, we conduct a series of experiments to understand the advantages and trade-o˙s of serverful and serverless deployments of IoT applications in order to provide practitioners with evidence-based guidelines and recommendations on such deployments. The results presented in this thesis represent a first important step towards a deep understanding of these very promising technologies. We believe that our recommendations and suggestions will help practitioners and technology builders improve the quality of IoT software and systems. We also hope that our results can help IoT communities and consortia establish standards and guidelines for the development, maintenance, and evolution of IoT software and systems

    Towards trustworthy computing on untrustworthy hardware

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    Historically, hardware was thought to be inherently secure and trusted due to its obscurity and the isolated nature of its design and manufacturing. In the last two decades, however, hardware trust and security have emerged as pressing issues. Modern day hardware is surrounded by threats manifested mainly in undesired modifications by untrusted parties in its supply chain, unauthorized and pirated selling, injected faults, and system and microarchitectural level attacks. These threats, if realized, are expected to push hardware to abnormal and unexpected behaviour causing real-life damage and significantly undermining our trust in the electronic and computing systems we use in our daily lives and in safety critical applications. A large number of detective and preventive countermeasures have been proposed in literature. It is a fact, however, that our knowledge of potential consequences to real-life threats to hardware trust is lacking given the limited number of real-life reports and the plethora of ways in which hardware trust could be undermined. With this in mind, run-time monitoring of hardware combined with active mitigation of attacks, referred to as trustworthy computing on untrustworthy hardware, is proposed as the last line of defence. This last line of defence allows us to face the issue of live hardware mistrust rather than turning a blind eye to it or being helpless once it occurs. This thesis proposes three different frameworks towards trustworthy computing on untrustworthy hardware. The presented frameworks are adaptable to different applications, independent of the design of the monitored elements, based on autonomous security elements, and are computationally lightweight. The first framework is concerned with explicit violations and breaches of trust at run-time, with an untrustworthy on-chip communication interconnect presented as a potential offender. The framework is based on the guiding principles of component guarding, data tagging, and event verification. The second framework targets hardware elements with inherently variable and unpredictable operational latency and proposes a machine-learning based characterization of these latencies to infer undesired latency extensions or denial of service attacks. The framework is implemented on a DDR3 DRAM after showing its vulnerability to obscured latency extension attacks. The third framework studies the possibility of the deployment of untrustworthy hardware elements in the analog front end, and the consequent integrity issues that might arise at the analog-digital boundary of system on chips. The framework uses machine learning methods and the unique temporal and arithmetic features of signals at this boundary to monitor their integrity and assess their trust level

    UWOMJ Volume 82, No 2, Fall 2013

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    Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistryhttps://ir.lib.uwo.ca/uwomj/1068/thumbnail.jp

    Automating Cyber Analytics

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    Model based security metrics are a growing area of cyber security research concerned with measuring the risk exposure of an information system. These metrics are typically studied in isolation, with the formulation of the test itself being the primary finding in publications. As a result, there is a flood of metric specifications available in the literature but a corresponding dearth of analyses verifying results for a given metric calculation under different conditions or comparing the efficacy of one measurement technique over another. The motivation of this thesis is to create a systematic methodology for model based security metric development, analysis, integration, and validation. In doing so we hope to fill a critical gap in the way we view and improve a system’s security. In order to understand the security posture of a system before it is rolled out and as it evolves, we present in this dissertation an end to end solution for the automated measurement of security metrics needed to identify risk early and accurately. To our knowledge this is a novel capability in design time security analysis which provides the foundation for ongoing research into predictive cyber security analytics. Modern development environments contain a wealth of information in infrastructure-as-code repositories, continuous build systems, and container descriptions that could inform security models, but risk evaluation based on these sources is ad-hoc at best, and often simply left until deployment. Our goal in this work is to lay the groundwork for security measurement to be a practical part of the system design, development, and integration lifecycle. In this thesis we provide a framework for the systematic validation of the existing security metrics body of knowledge. In doing so we endeavour not only to survey the current state of the art, but to create a common platform for future research in the area to be conducted. We then demonstrate the utility of our framework through the evaluation of leading security metrics against a reference set of system models we have created. We investigate how to calibrate security metrics for different use cases and establish a new methodology for security metric benchmarking. We further explore the research avenues unlocked by automation through our concept of an API driven S-MaaS (Security Metrics-as-a-Service) offering. We review our design considerations in packaging security metrics for programmatic access, and discuss how various client access-patterns are anticipated in our implementation strategy. Using existing metric processing pipelines as reference, we show how the simple, modular interfaces in S-MaaS support dynamic composition and orchestration. Next we review aspects of our framework which can benefit from optimization and further automation through machine learning. First we create a dataset of network models labeled with the corresponding security metrics. By training classifiers to predict security values based only on network inputs, we can avoid the computationally expensive attack graph generation steps. We use our findings from this simple experiment to motivate our current lines of research into supervised and unsupervised techniques such as network embeddings, interaction rule synthesis, and reinforcement learning environments. Finally, we examine the results of our case studies. We summarize our security analysis of a large scale network migration, and list the friction points along the way which are remediated by this work. We relate how our research for a large-scale performance benchmarking project has influenced our vision for the future of security metrics collection and analysis through dev-ops automation. We then describe how we applied our framework to measure the incremental security impact of running a distributed stream processing system inside a hardware trusted execution environment

    Formalization and Detection of Host-Based Code Injection Attacks in the Context of Malware

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    The Host-Based Code Injection Attack (HBCIAs) is a technique that malicious software utilizes in order to avoid detection or steal sensitive information. In a nutshell, this is a local attack where code is injected across process boundaries and executed in the context of a victim process. Malware employs HBCIAs on several operating systems including Windows, Linux, and macOS. This thesis investigates the topic of HBCIAs in the context of malware. First, we conduct basic research on this topic. We formalize HBCIAs in the context of malware and show in several measurements, amongst others, the high prevelance of HBCIA-utilizing malware. Second, we present Bee Master, a platform-independent approach to dynamically detect HBCIAs. This approach applies the honeypot paradigm to operating system processes. Bee Master deploys fake processes as honeypots, which are attacked by malicious software. We show that Bee Master reliably detects HBCIAs on Windows and Linux. Third, we present Quincy, a machine learning-based system to detect HBCIAs in post-mortem memory dumps. It utilizes up to 38 features including memory region sparseness, memory region protection, and the occurence of HBCIA-related strings. We evaluate Quincy with two contemporary detection systems called Malfind and Hollowfind. This evaluation shows that Quincy outperforms them both. It is able to increase the detection performance by more than eight percent

    The future of Cybersecurity in Italy: Strategic focus area

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    This volume has been created as a continuation of the previous one, with the aim of outlining a set of focus areas and actions that the Italian Nation research community considers essential. The book touches many aspects of cyber security, ranging from the definition of the infrastructure and controls needed to organize cyberdefence to the actions and technologies to be developed to be better protected, from the identification of the main technologies to be defended to the proposal of a set of horizontal actions for training, awareness raising, and risk management

    New insights on the multidimensionality of fatigue and on its relationship with cognitive impairments in multiple sclerosis

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    Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory disease of the central nervous system (CNS), and it represents the most common cause of irreversible impairment in young adults, affecting about 2.5 million individuals worldwide. In MS, acute attacks of inflammation, leading to demyelination and axonal loss, determine the accumulation of disabilities, varying in number, nature, and severity. Indeed, motor, sensory, cognitive, and behavioral symptoms may manifest at different times during the disease's variable clinical course. Fatigue is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon and one of the most prevalent and disabling symptoms of MS, affecting 75%–90% of patients. Despite its prevalence, MS- related fatigue is still poorly understood. The absence of a well-validated definition and of clear insights into its pathophysiological causes makes fatigue a hybrid symptom, approached within the context of different disciplines, each with their own methods and tools. As a result, the scientific literature abounds with irreconcilable data, leaving fatigue in a dark shadow zone, at the expense of MS patients still lacking adequate therapies and strategies of management. The main topic of this thesis relates to the multidimensional nature of fatigue, to its variability, and its effects on attentional processes, most commonly affected in MS patients. Specifically, studies presented in the current thesis address four research issues: (i) are physical and mental fatigue two distinct constructs? (ii) how do physical and mental fatigue vary within a short (within a day) and long (within a year) period? (iii) how do induced physical and mental fatigue impact the attentional functions of alerting, orienting, and conflict resolution in MS? The main results of the studies are reported: a) A clear distinction between physical and mental fatigue has been psychometrically documented in MS patients. b) MS patients reported experiencing more overall fatigue than Controls. c) A gradual increase in overall fatigue from the morning to the evening was reported by MS participants. d) Across experiments physical fatigue was significantly more pronounced in MS patients as compared to Controls. e) Both MS patients and Controls reported having experienced more overall fatigue in the past (one year ago) than in the present (the last 24 hours). f) MS patients were slower as compared to Controls in performing attentional tasks; however, inconclusive results have emerged regarding the effects of physical and mental fatigue on attentional processes. g) Sleep quality and depression were both associated with fatigue across the experiments. The relationship between self-efficacy, general cognitive functioning, functional deterioration, and physical and mental fatigue is fragmented, thus preventing a clear conclusion
