25 research outputs found

    Working memory load for faces modulates P300, N170, and N250r

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    We used event-related potential (ERP) methodology to examine neural activity associated with visual working memory (WM) for faces. There were two main goals. First, to extend previous findings of P300 load modulation to WM for faces. Second, to examine whether N170 and N250r are also influenced by WM load. Between one and four unfamiliar faces were simultaneously presented for memory encoding. After a 1-sec delay, a target whether this face was part of the previous face array. P300 amplitude decreased as WM load increased, and this P300 suppression was observed at both encoding and retrieval. WM load was also found to modulate other ERPs. The amplitude of the N170 elicited by the target face decreased with load, and this N170 decrease leveled off at load 2, reflecting the behavioral WM capacity of around two faces. In addition, the N250r, observed as an ERP difference for target faces that were present in the encoding array relative to target faces that were absent, was also reduced for higher WM loads. These findings extend previous work by showing that P300 modulation by WM load also occurs for faces. Furthermore, we show, for the first time, that WM load affects the N250r and the early visual N170 component. This suggests that higher visual areas play an important role in WM for faces

    Dynamics of trimming the content of face representations for categorization in the brain

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    To understand visual cognition, it is imperative to determine when, how and with what information the human brain categorizes the visual input. Visual categorization consistently involves at least an early and a late stage: the occipito-temporal N170 event related potential related to stimulus encoding and the parietal P300 involved in perceptual decisions. Here we sought to understand how the brain globally transforms its representations of face categories from their early encoding to the later decision stage over the 400 ms time window encompassing the N170 and P300 brain events. We applied classification image techniques to the behavioral and electroencephalographic data of three observers who categorized seven facial expressions of emotion and report two main findings: (1) Over the 400 ms time course, processing of facial features initially spreads bilaterally across the left and right occipito-temporal regions to dynamically converge onto the centro-parietal region; (2) Concurrently, information processing gradually shifts from encoding common face features across all spatial scales (e.g. the eyes) to representing only the finer scales of the diagnostic features that are richer in useful information for behavior (e.g. the wide opened eyes in 'fear'; the detailed mouth in 'happy'). Our findings suggest that the brain refines its diagnostic representations of visual categories over the first 400 ms of processing by trimming a thorough encoding of features over the N170, to leave only the detailed information important for perceptual decisions over the P300

    Behavioural, Electrophysiological and Neurostimulatory Investigations into Developmental Prosopagnosia

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    Developmental prosopagnosia (DP) is the difficulty or inability to recognise a face and may affect up to 2.9 percent of the population. There is controversy over whether these impairments are perceptual or memorial in nature, and uncertainty about their stability over time and how to remediate symptoms. In the first stage, a battery of ten tests was assembled to assess a wide range of face recognition skills in DP (n = 11) and compared to a control group (Chapter Two). The majority of DPs showed no signs of impaired face perception but profound face memory deficits. To seek electrophysiological corroboration of these impairments, the DPs (n = 8) were given three behavioural tasks known to elicit specific event related potentials (Chapter Three), assessing face perception (N170), face familiarity (N250r) and semantic access (N400). During the experiment, caloric vestibular stimulation (CVS) was also administered to see if it could reduce symptoms. The tasks revealed intact face perception and impaired accuracy in both memory based tasks, corroborated by an atypical N400. Subtle effects of CVS were observed in all measures of the face familiarity task but not at a level that was clinically relevant. To establish, for the first time, whether the impairments in DP are consistent over time, the effects in Chapter Three were replicated (n = 7)(Chapter Four). A similar pattern emerged and test-retest correlations showed high reliability overtime in the familiarity task but not the semantic access task. This implies that reliable 'diagnosis' of developmental prosopagnosia should be based on judgements of face familiarity and not associated with semantic activity. The beneficial effects of CVS were again present in the N250r behavioural measures and were limited to familiar faces only. This implies that CVS is optimising memory recall for face representations. The source of impairments was consistently shown to be memorial in nature and future studies may wish to explore further divisions of memory in DP such as whether impairments are associated with encoding or recall. The thesis also demonstrates the potential for CVS as both a therapeutic tool and cognitive enhancer, and justify more robust trials investigation

    Deficits in facial emotional valence processing in older people with subjective memory complaints: Behavioral and electrophysiological evidence

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    Subjective memory complaints (SMCs), which occur in the absence of clinical memory deficits, may precede mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or Alzheimer''s disease (AD). Some studies have reported a deficit in facial emotion processing in people with MCI or AD. However, it is unclear whether this deficit is also present in older people with SMCs. The present study used behavioral measurements and event-related potentials (ERPs) to investigate the facial emotion processing of 41 older people with SMCs and 38 without SMCs. The task contained 204 images displaying facial emotions (positive, negative, and neutral). In terms of behavior, our results showed that participants with SMCs were slower and less accurate than controls. In terms of ERPs, the N170 latency was longer in men with SMCs than in controls, whereas no differences were observed between groups in the P300 and late positive potential (LPP) latencies or amplitudes. Moreover, in participants with SMCs, higher P300 and LPP amplitudes were related to better performance on working memory, psychomotor speed, and attention. Additionally, women were faster and more accurate than men on the facial emotion-processing task. In sum, these results suggest that older people with SMCs may have deficits in the processing of facial expressions of emotion. However, this deficit seems to affect the structural encoding of faces, rather than the late stages of processing

    Modulation de l'apprentissage visuel par stimulation électrique transcrânienne à courant direct du cortex préfrontal

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    Le traitement visuel répété d’un visage inconnu entraîne une suppression de l’activité neuronale dans les régions préférentielles aux visages du cortex occipito-temporal. Cette «suppression neuronale» (SN) est un mécanisme primitif hautement impliqué dans l’apprentissage de visages, pouvant être détecté par une réduction de l’amplitude de la composante N170, un potentiel relié à l’événement (PRE), au-dessus du cortex occipito-temporal. Le cortex préfrontal dorsolatéral (CPDL) influence le traitement et l’encodage visuel, mais sa contribution à la SN de la N170 demeure inconnue. Nous avons utilisé la stimulation électrique transcrânienne à courant direct (SETCD) pour moduler l’excitabilité corticale du CPDL de 14 adultes sains lors de l’apprentissage de visages inconnus. Trois conditions de stimulation étaient utilisées: inhibition à droite, excitation à droite et placebo. Pendant l’apprentissage, l’EEG était enregistré afin d’évaluer la SN de la P100, la N170 et la P300. Trois jours suivant l’apprentissage, une tâche de reconnaissance était administrée où les performances en pourcentage de bonnes réponses et temps de réaction (TR) étaient enregistrées. Les résultats indiquent que la condition d’excitation à droite a facilité la SN de la N170 et a augmentée l’amplitude de la P300, entraînant une reconnaissance des visages plus rapide à long-terme. À l’inverse, la condition d’inhibition à droite a causé une augmentation de l’amplitude de la N170 et des TR plus lents, sans affecter la P300. Ces résultats sont les premiers à démontrer que la modulation d’excitabilité du CPDL puisse influencer l’encodage visuel de visages inconnus, soulignant l’importance du CPDL dans les mécanismes d’apprentissage de base.Repeated visual processing of an unfamiliar face suppresses neural activity in face-specific areas of the occipito-temporal cortex. This "repetition suppression" (RS) is a primitive mechanism involved in learning of unfamiliar faces, which can be detected through amplitude reduction of the N170 event-related potential (ERP). The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) exerts top-down influence on early visual processing. However, its contribution to N170 RS and learning of unfamiliar faces remains unclear. Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) transiently increases or decreases cortical excitability, as a function of polarity. We hypothesized that DLPFC excitability modulation by tDCS would cause polarity-dependent modulations of N170 RS during encoding of unfamiliar faces. tDCS-induced N170 RS enhancement would improve long-term recognition reaction time (RT) and/or accuracy rates, whereas N170 RS impairment would compromise recognition ability. Participants underwent three tDCS conditions in random order at ~72 hour intervals: right anodal/left cathodal, right cathodal/left anodal and sham. Immediately following tDCS conditions, an EEG was recorded during encoding of unfamiliar faces for assessment of P100 and N170 visual ERPs. P300 was analyzed to detect prefrontal function modulation. Recognition tasks were administered ~72 hours following encoding. Results indicate the right anodal/left cathodal condition facilitated N170 RS and induced larger P300 amplitudes, leading to faster recognition RT. Conversely, the right cathodal/left anodal condition caused increases in N170 amplitudes and RT, but did not affect P300. These data are the first to demonstrate that DLPFC excitability modulation can influence early visual encoding of unfamiliar faces, highlighting the importance of DLPFC in basic learning mechanisms

    Effects of load and maintenance duration on the time course of information encoding and retrieval in working memory: from perceptual analysis to post-categorization processes

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    Working memory (WM) involves three cognitive events: information encoding, maintenance, and retrieval; these are supported by brain activity in a network of frontal, parietal and temporal regions. Manipulation of WM load and duration of the maintenance period can modulate this activity. Although such modulations have been widely studied using the event-related potentials (ERP) technique, a precise description of the time course of brain activity during encoding and retrieval is still required. Here, we used this technique and principal component analysis to assess the time course of brain activity during encoding and retrieval in a delayed match to sample task. We also investigated the effects of memory load and duration of the maintenance period on ERP activity. Brain activity was similar during information encoding and retrieval and comprised six temporal factors, which closely matched the latency and scalp distribution of some ERP components: P1, N1, P2, N2, P300, and a slow wave. Changes in memory load modulated task performance and yielded variations in frontal lobe activation. Moreover, the P300 amplitude was smaller in the high than in the low load condition during encoding and retrieval. Conversely, the slow wave amplitude was higher in the high than in the low load condition during encoding, and the same was true for the N2 amplitude during retrieval. Thus, during encoding, memory load appears to modulate the processing resources for context updating and post-categorization processes, and during retrieval it modulates resources for stimulus classification and context updating. Besides, despite the lack of differences in task performance related to duration of the maintenance period, larger N2 amplitude and stronger activation of the left temporal lobe after long than after short maintenance periods were found during information retrieval. Thus, results regarding the duration of maintenance period were complex, and future work is required to test the time-based decay theory predictionsThis study was funded by the Spanish Government: Ministerios de Educación (BES 2008-005929) and Economía y Competitividad (PSI2010-22224-C03-03); and by the Galician Government: Consellería de Economía e Industria (10 PXIB 211070 PR), and Consellería de Educación e Ordenación Universitaria (Axudas para a Consolidación e Estruturación de unidades de investigación competitivas do sistema universitario de Galicia. Ref: CN 2012/033)S

    Assessment of mental workload: A new electrophysiological method based on intra-block averaging of ERP amplitudes

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    The present study contributes to the current debate about electrophysiological measurements of mental workload. Specifically, the allocation of attentional resources during different complexity levels of tasks and its changes over time are of great interest. Therefore, we investigated mental workload using tasks varying in difficulty during an auditory oddball target paradigm. For data analysis, we applied a novel method to compute event-related potentials (ERPs) by intra-block epoch averaging of P2, P3a and P3b amplitude components for the infrequent target stimuli. We obtained eight consecutive blocks of 5 epochs each, which allowed us to develop an electrophysiological parameter to measure mental workload. In both the easy and the more constraining tasks, the amplitude of P2 decreased beginning with the second block of the sequence. In contrast, the amplitudes of P3a and P3b components linearly decreased following the repetition of the target in the more constraining task, but not in the easy task. Statistical analysis revealed intra-block differences on amplitudes of ERPs of interest between the easy and the more constraining tasks, confirming this method as a measure to assess mental workload. Since a subject is his own control, the present method represents an electrophysiological parameter for individual measurement of mental workload and may therefore be applicable in clinical routine

    Stage effects of negative emotion on spatial and verbal working memory

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    Background: The effects of negative emotion on different processing periods in spatial and verbal working memory (WM) and the possible brain mechanism of the interaction between negative emotion and WM were explored using a high-time resolution event-related potential (ERP) technique and time-locked delayed matching-to-sample task (DMST)

    Psychological Predictors of Visual and Auditory P300 Brain-Computer Interface Performance

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    Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) provide communication channels independent from muscular control. In the current study we used two versions of the P300-BCI: one based on visual the other on auditory stimulation. Up to now, data on the impact of psychological variables on P300-BCI control are scarce. Hence, our goal was to identify new predictors with a comprehensive psychological test-battery. A total of N = 40 healthy BCI novices took part in a visual and an auditory BCI session. Psychological variables were measured with an electronic test-battery including clinical, personality, and performance tests. The personality factor "emotional stability" was negatively correlated (Spearman's rho = -0.416; p p p < 0.05), but failed significance in the regression analysis. Psychological parameters seem to play a moderate role in visual P300-BCI performance. "Emotional stability" was identified as a new predictor, indicating that BCI users who characterize themselves as calm and rational showed worse BCI performance. The positive relation of the ability to learn and BCI performance corroborates the notion that also for P300 based BCIs learning may constitute an important factor. Further studies are needed to consolidate or reject the presented predictors