55,555 research outputs found

    Using WordPress for our Library Blogs

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    The author describes the steps the Laurier Library followed in choosing blogging software for its web site


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    Mata kuliah kepenulisan merupakan salah satu perkuliahan yang jamak tidak mudah bagi mahasiswa, termasuk mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia. Ketidakmudahan yang ada bergantung pada beberapa aspek, salah satunya adalah kekurangoptimalan media digital daring yang lebih lekat bagi mahasiswa untuk mendukung proses pemelajaran menulis. Dalam artikel ini, didiskusikan berbagai faktor penunjang dari fungsionalitas perangkat lunak WordPress yang dikenal andal sebagai platform hosting untuk menulis di blog. WordPress bukanlah media sosial, tetapi platform ini lebih diperkaya dengan fitur menulis dan publikasi daring. WordPress dapat diimplementasikan secara luring sebagai bahan belajar dasar, tetapi lebih maksimal ketika didaringkan. Ketika proses pemelajaran menulis dengan WordPress lebih berdaya guna, keterampilan menulis mahasiswa pun dapat lebih dioptimalkan. Dengan demikian, salah satu potensi WordPress dapat menopang kebutuhan mahasiswa dalam menunjang proses belajar menulis mereka dalam perkuliahan kepenulisan.Kata kunci: keterampilan menulis, wordpress

    WordPress as a technological platform for web site creation

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    Розглянуто можливості використання системи керування змістом сайту WordPress для створення веб-порталу ДНПБ України ім. В. О. Сухомлинського.Рассмотрены возможности использования системы управления содержанием сайта WordPress для создания веб-портала ГНПБ Украины им. В. А. Сухомлинского.The peculiarities of WordPress site content management system as a means for creating V.O. Sukhomlynskyi SSPL of Ukraine web portal are described

    Webbaserat interaktivt inlärningsspel baserad på öppen webbteknologi i HTML5

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    Examensarbetet handlar om utvecklandet av ett webbaserat interaktivt inlärningsspel som bygger på öppen webbteknologi i HTML5. Spelet är ett inlärningsspel vars målgrupp är skolelever. Spelet handlar om köttindustrin och köttproduktionens olika skeden. Spelet fungerar som ett komplement till läromaterial. Syftet är att på ett intressant och roligt sätt få eleverna att ta till sej och bekanta sej med informationen. Bakom spelet finns en Wordpress baserad backend där det är enkelt att hantera de frågor, svar och innehåll som presenteras i spelet. Wordpress fungerar samtidigt som materialbank med lösenordskyddade undersidor där lärare kan ladda ner material i bl.a. PDF format. Spelet körs tekniskt sett i Wordpress miljö men fungerar självständigt ovanpå Wordpress. Frågor, svar och innehåll hämtas till spelet från WordPress. Spelmiljön körs i webbläsare i en HTML5 canvas som tack vare den underliggande koden uppdateras i realtid och skalas responsivt. Spelet renderas till en HTML5 canvas via Javascript. Det modulära CreateJS paketet har använts för att möjliggöra animation, interaktivitet och responsiv design för HTML5 canvas. Projektet upprätthålls i en Git repository. För projektets lokala utvecklingsmiljö används den portabla virtuella utvecklingsmiljön Vagrant. Projektets uppdateringar publiceras automatiskt från sin Git repository till en dedikerad Wordpress servermiljö med hjälp av den automatiserade Jenkins servertjänsten. Examensarbetet beskriver förverkligandet av projektet från start till slut samt tekniken och utvecklingsmiljön.This thesis covers the development of an interactive web-based educational game that is based on open web technologies in HTML5. The target group for the game is students. The game informs students about the meat industry and the different stages of meat production. The game is a complement to traditional educational materials. The aim is to provide students with an interesting and fun way of learning. The underlying Wordpress backend provides an easy way to update or add questions, answers and content used in the game. Teachers can also download teaching materials in PDF format from password protected pages provided by the Wordpress CMS. Technically the game runs from a Wordpress environment but works independently on top of Wordpress. Questions, answers and content used in the game are served from Wordpress. The game is rendered to a HTML5 canvas which gets updated in real time and has responsive scaling. This is done using Javascript and the CreateJS suite, which enables animation, interactivity and responsive design for the HTML5 canvas. The project is maintained in a Git repository. Vagrant, which is a portable virtual software development environment, is used for local development. All updates are automatically deployed from the Git repository to a dedicated Wordpress hosting using a Jenkins automation server. This thesis covers the development phases from start to end and the technology and development environment used in the creation of the project

    The wordpress project :|bapractical action research experience

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    Tesis (Profesor de Inglés para la Enseñanza Básica y Media y al grado académico de Licenciado en Educación)The aim of this study is to promote and implement the use of social media resources in English-as-foreign-language (EFL) classrooms. In addition, the investigation intends to advance our understanding of this issue through examining the perspectives and a digital-immigrant teacher experiences. According to identity and the socio-cultural theory literature, we realized that there are teachers who are seeking to be innovative in their practices by using social media tools. This study pretends to portray that Internet and different social media tools, especially WordPress, are becoming essential for teaching purposes. The results reflect that social media tools were helpful for this teacher and what were her perceptions about the process and the implementation of Social media tools (SMT), in her EFL classroom.El objetivo de este estudio es promover e implementar el uso de los medios de comunicación social en las clases de inglés como lengua extranjera. Además, esta investigación pretende avanzar en nuestra comprensión de este tema a través del examen de las perspectivas de una maestra considerada como inmigrante digital, y sus experiencias. De acuerdo con la literatura sobre identidad y la teoría sociocultural, nos dimos cuenta de que hay maestros que buscan ser innovadores en sus prácticas mediante el uso de herramientas en línea. Este estudio pretende retratar que Internet y sus diferentes herramientas, especialmente WordPress, se están volviendo imprescindibles para propósitos docentes. Los resultados reflejan que las herramientas de los medios de comunicación social fueron útiles para esta profesora y cuáles son sus percepciones sobre el proceso y la implementación del proyecto en su clase

    Blackboard Blogging & beyond

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    This Share contains videos and links to help you get up to speed with blogging using Blackboard, Blackboard blogs are nice safe places to start blogging and although they don't look cool, there alright ! Then check out tumblr, wordpress or blogger to start blogging on your own in public

    The use of WordPress Plugins on library websites: a case study

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    WordPress Plugins are add on tools with WordPress content management system, useful for easy information management on websites. Mahatma Gandhi University Library website adopted WordPress Plugins for the management of the staff and the e-resources directory. The user-friendly control centre of the plugins helps the library staff updates the information on the website without any delay and errors

    Automatically Generating Searchable Fingerprints For WordPress Plugins Using Static Program Analysis

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    This thesis introduces a novel method to automatically generate fingerprints for WordPress plugins. Our method performs static program analysis using Abstract Syntax Trees (ASTs) of WordPress plugins. The generated fingerprints can be used for identifying these plugins using search engines, which have support critical applications such as proactively identifying web servers with vulnerable WordPress plugins. We have used our method to generate fingerprints for over 10,000 WordPress plugins and analyze the resulted fingerprints. Our fingerprints have also revealed 453 websites that are potentially vulnerable. We have also compared fingerprints for vulnerable plugins and those for vulnerability-free plugins

    Wordpress Plugins for Symbiota2

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    Symbiota is an open source project which helps biologists concentrate their efforts on curation of quality datasets rather than creating the tools. Symbiota’s graphical user interface is hardcoded into many PHP files resulting in poor maintainability and extensibility. The main goal of Symbiota is to separate the user interface of Symbiota with its core structure as the user interface is hard-coded with PHP. This helps in reducing the source lines of code. The secondary goal of Symbiota is to help Symbiota developers to add the Symbiota features to their website and also should identify whether the separation of user interface with core structure is feasible. This project is completely related to second goal. The content management in the second goal can be done by using a free and open source content management system called WordPress. WordPress plugins help WordPress developers to add features to their website without knowing a single line of code. In this project, two WordPress plugins were developed to help Symbiota2 developers to easily add Symbiota features to their website without knowing anything about coding. Symbiota Search is the first WordPress plugin developed in this project. It helps WordPress developers to add Symbiota search feature. Symbiota Validation is the second plugin developed in this project. It helps WordPress developers to add the sign in and sign up features of Symbiota to their website

    Using WordPress as a Content Management System

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    Wordpress is well-known as a blogging system, but many people may not be aware that it is viable as a content management system (CMS) for building and maintaining a website. Before deciding on a large-scale CMS like Joomla or Drupal, one should consider if a simpler platform like Wordpress will meet your needs. The process of evaluation, preparation and transition to Wordpress as a CMS will be presented