529 research outputs found

    MoNoise: Modeling Noise Using a Modular Normalization System

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    We propose MoNoise: a normalization model focused on generalizability and efficiency, it aims at being easily reusable and adaptable. Normalization is the task of translating texts from a non- canonical domain to a more canonical domain, in our case: from social media data to standard language. Our proposed model is based on a modular candidate generation in which each module is responsible for a different type of normalization action. The most important generation modules are a spelling correction system and a word embeddings module. Depending on the definition of the normalization task, a static lookup list can be crucial for performance. We train a random forest classifier to rank the candidates, which generalizes well to all different types of normaliza- tion actions. Most features for the ranking originate from the generation modules; besides these features, N-gram features prove to be an important source of information. We show that MoNoise beats the state-of-the-art on different normalization benchmarks for English and Dutch, which all define the task of normalization slightly different.Comment: Source code: https://bitbucket.org/robvanderg/monois

    Confusion Modelling - An Estimation by Semantic Embeddings

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    Approaching the task of coherence assessment of a conversation from its negative perspective ‘confusion’ rather than coherence itself, has been attempted by very few research works. Influencing Embeddings to learn from similarity/dissimilarity measures such as distance, cosine similarity between two utterances will equip them with the semantics to differentiate a coherent and an incoherent conversation through the detection of negative entity, ‘confusion’. This research attempts to measure coherence of conversation between a human and a conversational agent by means of such semantic embeddings trained from scratch by an architecture centralising the learning from the distance between the embeddings. State of the art performance of general BERT’s embeddings and state of the art performance of ConveRT’s conversation specific embeddings in addition to the GLOVE embeddings are also tested upon the laid architecture. Confusion, being a more sensible entity, real human labelling performance is set as the baseline to evaluate the models. The base design resulted in not such a good performance against the human score but the pre-trained embeddings when plugged into the base architecture had performance boosts in a particular order from lowest to highest, through BERT, GLOVE and ConveRT. The intuition and the efficiency of the base conceptual design is proved of its success when the variant having the ConveRT embeddings plugged into the base design, outperformed the original ConveRT’s state of art performance on generating similarity scores. Though a performance comparable to real human performance was not achieved by the models, there witnessed a considerable overlapping between the ConveRT variant and the human scores which is really a great positive inference to be enjoyed as achieving human performance is always the state of art in any research domain. Also, from the results, this research joins the group of works claiming BERT to be unsuitable for conversation specific modelling and embedding works

    Analysing Finnish Multi-Word Expressions with Word Embeddings

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    Sanayhdistelmät ovat useamman sanan kombinaatioita, jotka ovat jollakin tavalla jähmeitä ja/tai idiomaattisia. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan suomen kielen verbaalisia idiomeja sanaupotusmenetelmän (word2vec) avulla. Työn aineistona käytetään Gutenberg-projektista haettuja suomenkielisiä kirjoja. Työssä tutkitaan pääosin erityisesti idiomeja, joissa esiintyy suomen kielen sana ‘silmä’. Niiden idiomaattisuutta mitataan komposiittisuuden (kuinka hyvin sanayhdistelmän merkitys vastaa sen komponenttien merkitysten kombinaatiota) ja jähmeyttä leksikaalisen korvaustestin avulla. Vastaavat testit tehdään myös sanojen sisäisen rakenteen huomioonottavan fastText-algoritmin avulla. Työssä on myös luotu Gutenberg-korpuksen perusteella pienehkö luokiteltu lausejoukko, jota lajitellaan neuroverkkopohjaisen luokittelijan avulla. Tämä lisäksi työssä tunnustellaan eri ominaisuuksien kuten sijamuodon vaikutusta idiomin merkitykseen. Mittausmenetelmien tulokset ovat yleisesti ottaen varsin kirjavia. fastText-algoritmin suorituskyky on yleisesti ottaen hieman parempi kuin perusmenetelmän; sen lisäksi sanaupotusten laatu on parempi. Leksikaalinen korvaustesti antaa parhaimmat tulokset, kun vain lähin naapuri otetaan huomioon. Sijamuodon todettiin olevan varsin tärkeä idiomin merkityksen määrittämiseen. Mittauksien heikot tulokset voivat johtua monesta tekijästä, kuten siitä, että idiomien semanttisen läpinäkyvyyden aste voi vaihdella. Sanaupotusmenetelmä ei myöskään normaalisti ota huomioon sitä, että myös sanayhdistelmillä voi olla useita merkityksiä (kirjaimellinen ja idiomaattinen/kuvaannollinen). Suomen kielen rikas morfologia asettaa menetelmälle myös ylimääräisiä haasteita. Tuloksena voidaan sanoa, että sanaupotusmenetelmä on jokseenkin hyödyllinen suomen kielen idiomien tutkimiseen. Testattujen mittausmenetelmien käyttökelpoisuus yksin käytettynä on rajallinen, mutta ne saattaisivat toimia paremmin osana laajempaa tutkimusmekanismia

    Uvid u automatsko izlučivanje metaforičkih kolokacija

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    Collocations have been the subject of much scientific research over the years. The focus of this research is on a subset of collocations, namely metaphorical collocations. In metaphorical collocations, a semantic shift has taken place in one of the components, i.e., one of the components takes on a transferred meaning. The main goal of this paper is to review the existing literature and provide a systematic overview of the existing research on collocation extraction, as well as the overview of existing methods, measures, and resources. The existing research is classified according to the approach (statistical, hybrid, and distributional semantics) and presented in three separate sections. The insights gained from existing research serve as a first step in exploring the possibility of developing a method for automatic extraction of metaphorical collocations. The methods, tools, and resources that may prove useful for future work are highlighted.Kolokacije su već dugi niz godina tema mnogih znanstvenih istraživanja. U fokusu ovoga istraživanja podskupina je kolokacija koju čine metaforičke kolokacije. Kod metaforičkih je kolokacija kod jedne od sastavnica došlo do semantičkoga pomaka, tj. jedna od sastavnica poprima preneseno značenje. Glavni su ciljevi ovoga rada istražiti postojeću literaturu te dati sustavan pregled postojećih istraživanja na temu izlučivanja kolokacija i postojećih metoda, mjera i resursa. Postojeća istraživanja opisana su i klasificirana prema različitim pristupima (statistički, hibridni i zasnovani na distribucijskoj semantici). Također su opisane različite asocijativne mjere i postojeći načini procjene rezultata automatskoga izlučivanja kolokacija. Metode, alati i resursi koji su korišteni u prethodnim istraživanjima, a mogli bi biti korisni za naš budući rad posebno su istaknuti. Stečeni uvidi u postojeća istraživanja čine prvi korak u razmatranju mogućnosti razvijanja postupka za automatsko izlučivanje metaforičkih kolokacija

    Semantic Tagging with Deep Residual Networks

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    We propose a novel semantic tagging task, sem-tagging, tailored for the purpose of multilingual semantic parsing, and present the first tagger using deep residual networks (ResNets). Our tagger uses both word and character representations and includes a novel residual bypass architecture. We evaluate the tagset both intrinsically on the new task of semantic tagging, as well as on Part-of-Speech (POS) tagging. Our system, consisting of a ResNet and an auxiliary loss function predicting our semantic tags, significantly outperforms prior results on English Universal Dependencies POS tagging (95.71% accuracy on UD v1.2 and 95.67% accuracy on UD v1.3).Comment: COLING 2016, camera ready versio

    Document-level sentiment analysis of email data

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    Sisi Liu investigated machine learning methods for Email document sentiment analysis. She developed a systematic framework that has been qualitatively and quantitatively proved to be effective and efficient in identifying sentiment from massive amount of Email data. Analytical results obtained from the document-level Email sentiment analysis framework are beneficial for better decision making in various business settings