408 research outputs found

    Event summarization on social media stream: retrospective and prospective tweet summarization

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    Le contenu généré dans les médias sociaux comme Twitter permet aux utilisateurs d'avoir un aperçu rétrospectif d'évènement et de suivre les nouveaux développements dès qu'ils se produisent. Cependant, bien que Twitter soit une source d'information importante, il est caractérisé par le volume et la vélocité des informations publiées qui rendent difficile le suivi de l'évolution des évènements. Pour permettre de mieux tirer profit de ce nouveau vecteur d'information, deux tâches complémentaires de recherche d'information dans les médias sociaux ont été introduites : la génération de résumé rétrospectif qui vise à sélectionner les tweets pertinents et non redondant récapitulant "ce qui s'est passé" et l'envoi des notifications prospectives dès qu'une nouvelle information pertinente est détectée. Notre travail s'inscrit dans ce cadre. L'objectif de cette thèse est de faciliter le suivi d'événement, en fournissant des outils de génération de synthèse adaptés à ce vecteur d'information. Les défis majeurs sous-jacents à notre problématique découlent d'une part du volume, de la vélocité et de la variété des contenus publiés et, d'autre part, de la qualité des tweets qui peut varier d'une manière considérable. La tâche principale dans la notification prospective est l'identification en temps réel des tweets pertinents et non redondants. Le système peut choisir de retourner les nouveaux tweets dès leurs détections où bien de différer leur envoi afin de s'assurer de leur qualité. Dans ce contexte, nos contributions se situent à ces différents niveaux : Premièrement, nous introduisons Word Similarity Extended Boolean Model (WSEBM), un modèle d'estimation de la pertinence qui exploite la similarité entre les termes basée sur le word embedding et qui n'utilise pas les statistiques de flux. L'intuition sous- jacente à notre proposition est que la mesure de similarité à base de word embedding est capable de considérer des mots différents ayant la même sémantique ce qui permet de compenser le non-appariement des termes lors du calcul de la pertinence. Deuxièmement, l'estimation de nouveauté d'un tweet entrant est basée sur la comparaison de ses termes avec les termes des tweets déjà envoyés au lieu d'utiliser la comparaison tweet à tweet. Cette méthode offre un meilleur passage à l'échelle et permet de réduire le temps d'exécution. Troisièmement, pour contourner le problème du seuillage de pertinence, nous utilisons un classificateur binaire qui prédit la pertinence. L'approche proposée est basée sur l'apprentissage supervisé adaptatif dans laquelle les signes sociaux sont combinés avec les autres facteurs de pertinence dépendants de la requête. De plus, le retour des jugements de pertinence est exploité pour re-entrainer le modèle de classification. Enfin, nous montrons que l'approche proposée, qui envoie les notifications en temps réel, permet d'obtenir des performances prometteuses en termes de qualité (pertinence et nouveauté) avec une faible latence alors que les approches de l'état de l'art tendent à favoriser la qualité au détriment de la latence. Cette thèse explore également une nouvelle approche de génération du résumé rétrospectif qui suit un paradigme différent de la majorité des méthodes de l'état de l'art. Nous proposons de modéliser le processus de génération de synthèse sous forme d'un problème d'optimisation linéaire qui prend en compte la diversité temporelle des tweets. Les tweets sont filtrés et regroupés d'une manière incrémentale en deux partitions basées respectivement sur la similarité du contenu et le temps de publication. Nous formulons la génération du résumé comme étant un problème linéaire entier dans lequel les variables inconnues sont binaires, la fonction objective est à maximiser et les contraintes assurent qu'au maximum un tweet par cluster est sélectionné dans la limite de la longueur du résumé fixée préalablement.User-generated content on social media, such as Twitter, provides in many cases, the latest news before traditional media, which allows having a retrospective summary of events and being updated in a timely fashion whenever a new development occurs. However, social media, while being a valuable source of information, can be also overwhelming given the volume and the velocity of published information. To shield users from being overwhelmed by irrelevant and redundant posts, retrospective summarization and prospective notification (real-time summarization) were introduced as two complementary tasks of information seeking on document streams. The former aims to select a list of relevant and non-redundant tweets that capture "what happened". In the latter, systems monitor the live posts stream and push relevant and novel notifications as soon as possible. Our work falls within these frameworks and focuses on developing a tweet summarization approaches for the two aforementioned scenarios. It aims at providing summaries that capture the key aspects of the event of interest to help users to efficiently acquire information and follow the development of long ongoing events from social media. Nevertheless, tweet summarization task faces many challenges that stem from, on one hand, the high volume, the velocity and the variety of the published information and, on the other hand, the quality of tweets, which can vary significantly. In the prospective notification, the core task is the relevancy and the novelty detection in real-time. For timeliness, a system may choose to push new updates in real-time or may choose to trade timeliness for higher notification quality. Our contributions address these levels: First, we introduce Word Similarity Extended Boolean Model (WSEBM), a relevance model that does not rely on stream statistics and takes advantage of word embedding model. We used word similarity instead of the traditional weighting techniques. By doing this, we overcome the shortness and word mismatch issues in tweets. The intuition behind our proposition is that context-aware similarity measure in word2vec is able to consider different words with the same semantic meaning and hence allows offsetting the word mismatch issue when calculating the similarity between a tweet and a topic. Second, we propose to compute the novelty score of the incoming tweet regarding all words of tweets already pushed to the user instead of using the pairwise comparison. The proposed novelty detection method scales better and reduces the execution time, which fits real-time tweet filtering. Third, we propose an adaptive Learning to Filter approach that leverages social signals as well as query-dependent features. To overcome the issue of relevance threshold setting, we use a binary classifier that predicts the relevance of the incoming tweet. In addition, we show the gain that can be achieved by taking advantage of ongoing relevance feedback. Finally, we adopt a real-time push strategy and we show that the proposed approach achieves a promising performance in terms of quality (relevance and novelty) with low cost of latency whereas the state-of-the-art approaches tend to trade latency for higher quality. This thesis also explores a novel approach to generate a retrospective summary that follows a different paradigm than the majority of state-of-the-art methods. We consider the summary generation as an optimization problem that takes into account the topical and the temporal diversity. Tweets are filtered and are incrementally clustered in two cluster types, namely topical clusters based on content similarity and temporal clusters that depends on publication time. Summary generation is formulated as integer linear problem in which unknowns variables are binaries, the objective function is to be maximized and constraints ensure that at most one post per cluster is selected with respect to the defined summary length limit

    A Tutorial on Event Detection using Social Media Data Analysis: Applications, Challenges, and Open Problems

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    In recent years, social media has become one of the most popular platforms for communication. These platforms allow users to report real-world incidents that might swiftly and widely circulate throughout the whole social network. A social event is a real-world incident that is documented on social media. Social gatherings could contain vital documentation of crisis scenarios. Monitoring and analyzing this rich content can produce information that is extraordinarily valuable and help people and organizations learn how to take action. In this paper, a survey on the potential benefits and applications of event detection with social media data analysis will be presented. Moreover, the critical challenges and the fundamental tradeoffs in event detection will be methodically investigated by monitoring social media stream. Then, fundamental open questions and possible research directions will be introduced

    Discovering and analysing lexical variation in social media text

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    For many speakers of non-standard or minority language varieties, social media provides an unprecedented opportunity to write in a way which reflects their everyday speech, without censorship or castigation. Social media also functions as a platform for the construction, communication, and consolidation of personal and group identities, and sociolinguistic variation is an important resource that can be put to work in these processes. The ease and efficiency with which vast social media datasets can be collected make them fertile ground for large-scale quantitative sociolinguistic analyses, and this is a growing research area. However, the limited meta-data associated with social media posts often makes it difficult to control for potential confounding factors and to assess the generalisability of results. The aims of this thesis are to advance methodologies for discovering and analysing patterns of sociolinguistic variation in social media text, and to apply them in order to answer questions about social factors that condition the use of Scots and Scottish English on Twitter. The Anglic language varieties spoken in Scotland are often conceptualised as a continuum extending from Scots at one end to Standard English at the other, with Scottish English in between. There is a large degree of overlap in grammar and vocabulary across the whole continuum, and people fluidly shift up and down it depending on the social context. It can therefore be difficult to classify a short utterance as unequivocally Scots or English. For this reason we focus on the lexical level, using a data-driven method to identify words which are distinctive to tweets from Scotland. These include both centuries-old Scots words attested in dictionaries, and newer forms not yet recorded in dictionaries, including innovative variant spellings, contractions, and acronyms for common Scottish turns of phrase. We first investigate a hypothesised relationship between support for Scottish independence and distinctively Scottish vocabulary use, revealing that Twitter users who favoured hashtags associated with support for Scottish independence in the lead up to the 2014 Scottish Independence Referendum used distinctively Scottish lexical variants at higher rates than those who favoured anti-independence hashtags. We also test the hypothesis that when specifically discussing the referendum, people might increase their Scots usage in order to project a stronger Scottish identity or to emphasise Scottish cultural distinctiveness, but find no evidence to suggest this is a widespread phenomenon on Twitter. In fact, our results indicate that people are significantly more likely to use distinctively Scottish vocabulary in everyday chitchat on Twitter than when discussing Scottish independence. We build on the methodologies of previous large-scale studies of style-shifting and lexical variation on social media, taking greater care to avoid confounding form and meaning, to distinguish effects of audience and topic, and to assess whether our findings generalise across different groups of users. Finally, we develop a system to identify pairs of lexical variants which refer to the same concepts and occur in the same syntactic contexts; but differ in form and signal different things about the speaker or situational context. Our aim is to facilitate the process of curating sociolinguistic variables by providing researchers with a ranked list of candidate variant pairs, which they only have to accept or reject. Data-driven identification of lexical variables is particularly important when studying language varieties which do not have a written standard, and when using social media data where linguistic creativity and innovation is rife, as the most distinctive variables will not necessarily be the same as those that are attested in speech or other written domains. Our proposed system takes as input an unlabelled text corpus containing a mixture of language varieties, and generates pairs of lexical variants which have the same denotation but differential associations with two language varieties of interest. This can considerably speed up the process of identifying pairs of lexical variants with different sociocultural associations, and may reveal pertinent variables that a researcher might not have otherwise considered

    Presenting tiered recommendations in social activity streams

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    Modern social networking sites offer node-centralized streams that display recent updates from the other nodes in one's network. While such social activity streams are convenient features that help alleviate information overload, they can often become overwhelming themselves, especially high-throughput streams like Twitter’s home timelines. In these cases, recommender systems can help guide users toward the content they will find most important or interesting. However, current efforts to manipulate social activity streams involve hiding updates predicted to be less engaging or reordering them to place new or more engaging content first. These modifications can lead to decreased trust in the system and an inability to consume each update in its chronological context. Instead, I propose a three-tiered approach to displaying recommendations in social activity streams that hides nothing and preserves original context by highlighting updates predicted to be most important and de-emphasizing updates predicted to be least important. This presentation design allows users easily to consume different levels of recommended items chronologically, is able to persuade users to agree with its positive recommendations more than 25% more often than the baseline, and shows no significant loss of perceived accuracy or trust when compared with a filtered stream, possibly even performing better when extreme recommendation errors are intentionally introduced. Numerous directions for future research follow from this work that can shed light on how users react to different recommendation presentation designs and explain how study of an emphasis-based approach might help improve the state of the art

    Mining Heterogeneous Urban Data at Multiple Granularity Layers

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    The recent development of urban areas and of the new advanced services supported by digital technologies has generated big challenges for people and city administrators, like air pollution, high energy consumption, traffic congestion, management of public events. Moreover, understanding the perception of citizens about the provided services and other relevant topics can help devising targeted actions in the management. With the large diffusion of sensing technologies and user devices, the capability to generate data of public interest within the urban area has rapidly grown. For instance, different sensors networks deployed in the urban area allow collecting a variety of data useful to characterize several aspects of the urban environment. The huge amount of data produced by different types of devices and applications brings a rich knowledge about the urban context. Mining big urban data can provide decision makers with knowledge useful to tackle the aforementioned challenges for a smart and sustainable administration of urban spaces. However, the high volume and heterogeneity of data increase the complexity of the analysis. Moreover, different sources provide data with different spatial and temporal references. The extraction of significant information from such diverse kinds of data depends also on how they are integrated, hence alternative data representations and efficient processing technologies are required. The PhD research activity presented in this thesis was aimed at tackling these issues. Indeed, the thesis deals with the analysis of big heterogeneous data in smart city scenarios, by means of new data mining techniques and algorithms, to study the nature of urban related processes. The problem is addressed focusing on both infrastructural and algorithmic layers. In the first layer, the thesis proposes the enhancement of the current leading techniques for the storage and elaboration of Big Data. The integration with novel computing platforms is also considered to support parallelization of tasks, tackling the issue of automatic scaling of resources. At algorithmic layer, the research activity aimed at innovating current data mining algorithms, by adapting them to novel Big Data architectures and to Cloud computing environments. Such algorithms have been applied to various classes of urban data, in order to discover hidden but important information to support the optimization of the related processes. This research activity focused on the development of a distributed framework to automatically aggregate heterogeneous data at multiple temporal and spatial granularities and to apply different data mining techniques. Parallel computations are performed according to the MapReduce paradigm and exploiting in-memory computing to reach near-linear computational scalability. By exploring manifold data resolutions in a relatively short time, several additional patterns of data can be discovered, allowing to further enrich the description of urban processes. Such framework is suitably applied to different use cases, where many types of data are used to provide insightful descriptive and predictive analyses. In particular, the PhD activity addressed two main issues in the context of urban data mining: the evaluation of buildings energy efficiency from different energy-related data and the characterization of people's perception and interest about different topics from user-generated content on social networks. For each use case within the considered applications, a specific architectural solution was designed to obtain meaningful and actionable results and to optimize the computational performance and scalability of algorithms, which were extensively validated through experimental tests