2,025 research outputs found

    Wireless distributed intelligence in personal applications

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    Tietokoneet ovat historian kuluessa kehittyneet keskustietokoneista hajautettujen, langattomasti toimivien järjestelmien suuntaan. Elektroniikalla toteutetut automaattiset toiminnot ympärillämme lisääntyvät kiihtyvällä vauhdilla. Tällaiset sovellukset lisääntyvät tulevaisuudessa, mutta siihen soveltuva tekniikka on vielä kehityksen alla ja vaadittavia ominaisuuksia ei aina löydy. Nykyiset lyhyen kantaman langattoman tekniikan standardit ovat tarkoitettu lähinnä teollisuuden ja multimedian käyttöön, siksi ne ovat vain osittain soveltuvia uudenlaisiin ympäristöälykkäisiin käyttötarkoituksiin. Ympäristöälykkäät sovellukset palvelevat enimmäkseen jokapäiväistä elämäämme, kuten turvallisuutta, kulunvalvontaa ja elämyspalveluita. Ympäristöälykkäitä ratkaisuja tarvitaan myös hajautetussa automaatiossa ja kohteiden automaattisessa seurannassa. Tutkimuksen aikana Seinäjoen ammattikorkeakoulussa on tutkittu lyhyen kantaman langatonta tekniikkaa: suunniteltu ja kehitetty pienivirtaisia radionappeja, niitten ohjelmointiympäristöä sekä langattoman verkon synkronointia, tiedonkeruuta ja reititystä. Lisäksi on simuloitu eri reititystapoja, sisäpaikannusta ja kaivinkoneen kalibrointia soveltaen mm. neurolaskentaa. Tekniikkaa on testattu myös käytännön sovelluksissa. Ympäristöälykkäät sovellusalueet ovat ehkä nopeimmin kasvava lähitulevaisuuden ala tietotekniikassa. Tutkitulla tekniikalla on runsaasti uusia haasteita ihmisten hyvinvointia, terveyttä ja turvallisuutta lisäävissä sovelluksissa, kuten myös teollisuuden uusissa sovelluksissa, esimerkiksi älykkäässä energiansiirtoverkossa.The development of computing is moving from mainframe computers to distributed intelligence with wireless features. The automated functions around us, in the form of small electronic devices, are increasing and the pace is continuously accelerating. The number of these applications will increase in the future, but suitable features needed are lacking and suitable technology development is still ongoing. The existing wireless short-range standards are mostly suitable for use in industry and in multimedia applications, but they are only partly suitable for the new network feature demands of the ambient intelligence applications. The ambient intelligent applications will serve us in our daily lives: security, access control and exercise services. Ambient intelligence is also adopted by industry in distributed amorphous automation, in access monitoring and the control of machines and devices. During this research, at Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, we have researched, designed and developed short-range wireless technology: low-power radio buttons with a programming environment for them as well as synchronization, data collecting and routing features for the wireless network. We have simulated different routing methods, indoor positioning and excavator calibration using for example neurocomputing. In addition, we have tested the technology in practical applications. The ambient intelligent applications are perhaps the area growing the most in information technology in the future. There will be many new challenges to face to increase welfare, health, security, as well as industrial applications (for example, at factories and in smart grids) in the future.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    An effective Denial of Service Attack Detection Method in Wireless Mesh Networks

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    AbstractIn order to detect the DoS attack (Denial-of-Service attack) when wireless mesh networks adopt AODV routing protocol of Ad Hoc networks. Such technologies as an end-to-end authentication, utilization rate of cache memory, two pre-assumed threshold value and distributed voting are used in this paper to detect DoS attacker, which is on the basic of hierarchical topology structure in wireless mesh networks. Through performance analysis in theory and simulations experiment, the scheme would improve the flexibility and accuracy of DoS attack detection, and would obviously improve its security in wireless mesh networks

    Multi-Period Attack-Aware Optical Network Planning under Demand Uncertainty

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    In this chapter, novel attack‐aware routing and wavelength assignment (Aa‐RWA) algorithms for multiperiod network planning are proposed. The considered physical layer attacks addressed in this chapter are high‐power jamming attacks. These attacks are modeled as interactions among lightpaths as a result of intra‐channel and/or inter‐channel crosstalk. The proposed Aa‐RWA algorithm first solves the problem for given traffic demands, and subsequently, the algorithm is enhanced in order to deal with demands under uncertainties. The demand uncertainty is considered in order to provide a solution for several periods, where the knowledge of demands for future periods can only be estimated. The objective of the Aa‐RWA algorithm is to minimize the impact of possible physical layer attacks and at the same time minimize the investment cost (in terms of switching equipment deployed) during the network planning phase