2 research outputs found

    When the crowd becomes shareholder: an enquiry on Italian Equity Crowdfunding initiatives

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    This thesis aims at providing a valuable contribution in the field of Italian Equity Crowdfunding, which is currently experiencing its most successful period and consequently is being characterized by continuous updates in recorded volumes; symptomatically, the amount of equity subscribed in the first nine months of 2017 has already overcome the whole subscriptions obtained since the first deal has been hosted in 2014. The main research areas that have been covered consist in the platforms’ ecosystem and the whole Italian ECF campaigns launched until September 2017; for both of them descriptive and statistical analyses have been conducted, aiming at representing in the most effective way the current status of pla

    WiderScreen 25 (1-2) 2022: Digitaalisen kulttuurin institutionalisoituminen

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    Erikoisnumero tarkastelee laajasti ja monitieteisesti digitaalisen kulttuurin ja institutionalisoitumisen tematiikkaa teknologian ja ihmisen muuttuvassa vuorovaikutuksessa. Numerossa keskitytään vakiintuneiden organisaatioiden sekä yhteisöjen valtuuttamiskäytäntöihin ja sääntöihin sekä niiden tapaan omaksua digitaalisen kulttuurin toimintaa. Tapaustutkimuksissa tarkastelun keskiöön nousee ammattilaisten, harrastajien, kuluttajien ja tutkijoiden itseymmärryksen ja itsetietoisuuden kasvu. Kysymys on samalla teknologian kulttuurisen omaksumisen käytänteistä ja normeista, jolloin ilmiöllä on myös oma muistinsa ja historiansa.This special issue of WiderScreen takes a broad and interdisciplinary look into the topic of digital culture and institutionalization in the changing interaction between technology and humans. The issue focuses on the authorization practices and rules of established organizations and communities, as well as their way of adopting digital culture. The focus of the case studies is in the growth of self-understanding and self-awareness of professionals, hobbyists, consumers and researchers. The issue also looks into the practices and norms of the cultural adoption of technology, a phenomenon that has its own memory and history