1,296 research outputs found

    Window repositioning for Printed Arabic Recognition

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    [EN] Bernoulli HMMs are conventional HMMs in which the emission probabilities are modeled with Bernoulli mixtures. They have recently been applied, with good results, in off-line text recognition in many languages, in particular, Arabic. A key idea that has proven to be very effective in this application of Bernoulli HMMs is the use of a sliding window of adequate width for feature extraction. This idea has allowed us to obtain very competitive results in the recognition of both Arabic handwriting and printed text. Indeed, a system based on it ranked first at the ICDAR 2011 Arabic recognition competition on the Arabic Printed Text Image (APTI) database. More recently, this idea has been refined by using repositioning techniques for extracted windows, leading to further improvements in Arabic handwriting recognition. In the case of printed text, this refinement led to an improved system which ranked second at the ICDAR 2013 second competition on APTI, only at a marginal distance from the best system. In this work, we describe the development of this improved system. Following evaluation protocols similar to those of the competitions on APTI, exhaustive experiments are detailed from which state-of-the-art results are obtained.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/ICT-287755) under grant agreement no. 287755. The research is also supported by the Spanish Government (Plan E, iTrans2 TIN2009-14511 and AECID 2011/2012 grant).Alkhoury, I.; Giménez Pastor, A.; Juan, A.; Andrés Ferrer, J. (2015). Window repositioning for Printed Arabic Recognition. Pattern Recognition Letters. 51:86-93. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.patrec.2014.08.009S86935

    Arabic Printed Word Recognition Using Windowed Bernoulli HMMs

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    [EN] Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) are now widely used for off-line text recognition in many languages and, in particular, Arabic. In previous work, we proposed to directly use columns of raw, binary image pixels, which are directly fed into embedded Bernoulli (mixture) HMMs, that is, embedded HMMs in which the emission probabilities are modeled with Bernoulli mixtures. The idea was to by-pass feature extraction and to ensure that no discriminative information is filtered out during feature extraction, which in some sense is integrated into the recognition model. More recently, we extended the column bit vectors by means of a sliding window of adequate width to better capture image context at each horizontal position of the word image. However, these models might have limited capability to properly model vertical image distortions. In this paper, we have considered three methods of window repositioning after window extraction to overcome this limitation. Each sliding window is translated (repositioned) to align its center to the center of mass. Using this approach, state-of-art results are reported on the Arabic Printed Text Recognition (APTI) database.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no 287755. Also supported by the Spanish Government (Plan E, iTrans2 TIN2009-14511 and AECID 2011/2012 grant).Alkhoury, I.; Giménez Pastor, A.; Juan Císcar, A.; Andrés Ferrer, J. (2013). Arabic Printed Word Recognition Using Windowed Bernoulli HMMs. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 8156:330-339. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-41181-6_34S3303398156Dehghan, M., et al.: Handwritten Farsi (Arabic) word recognition: a holistic approach using discrete HMM. Pattern Recognition 34(5), 1057–1065 (2001), http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0031320300000510Giménez, A., Juan, A.: Embedded Bernoulli Mixture HMMs for Handwritten Word Recognition. In: ICDAR 2009, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 896–900 (July 2009)Giménez, A., Khoury, I., Juan, A.: Windowed Bernoulli Mixture HMMs for Arabic Handwritten Word Recognition. In: ICFHR 2010, Kolkata, India, pp. 533–538 (November 2010)Grosicki, E., El Abed, H.: ICDAR 2009 Handwriting Recognition Competition. In: ICDAR 2009, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 1398–1402 (July 2009)Günter, S., et al.: HMM-based handwritten word recognition: on the optimization of the number of states, training iterations and Gaussian components. Pattern Recognition 37, 2069–2079 (2004)Märgner, V., El Abed, H.: ICDAR 2007 - Arabic Handwriting Recognition Competition. In: ICDAR 2007, Curitiba, Brazil, pp. 1274–1278 (September 2007)Märgner, V., El Abed, H.: ICDAR 2009 Arabic Handwriting Recognition Competition. In: ICDAR 2009, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 1383–1387 (July 2009)Pechwitz, M., et al.: IFN/ENIT - database of handwritten Arabic words. In: CIFED 2002, Hammamet, Tunis, pp. 21–23 (October 2002)Rabiner, L., Juang, B.: Fundamentals of speech recognition. Prentice-Hall (1993)Slimane, F., et al.: A new arabic printed text image database and evaluation protocols. In: ICDAR 2009, pp. 946–950 (July 2009)Slimane, F., et al.: ICDAR 2011 - arabic recognition competition: Multi-font multi-size digitally represented text. In: ICDAR 2011 - Arabic Recognition Competition, pp. 1449–1453. IEEE (September 2011)Young, S.: et al.: The HTK Book. Cambridge University Engineering Department (1995

    Arabic Text Recognition and Machine Translation

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    [EN] Research on Arabic Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) and Arabic-English Machine Translation (MT) has been usually approached as two independent areas of study. However, the idea of creating one system that combines both areas together, in order to generate English translation out of images containing Arabic text, is still a very challenging task. This process can be interpreted as the translation of Arabic images. In this thesis, we propose a system that recognizes Arabic handwritten text images, and translates the recognized text into English. This system is built from the combination of an HTR system and an MT system. Regarding the HTR system, our work focuses on the use of Bernoulli Hidden Markov Models (BHMMs). BHMMs had proven to work very well with Latin script. Indeed, empirical results based on it were reported on well-known corpora, such as IAM and RIMES. In this thesis, these results are extended to Arabic script, in particular, to the well-known IfN/ENIT and NIST OpenHaRT databases for Arabic handwritten text. The need for transcribing Arabic text is not only limited to handwritten text, but also to printed text. Arabic printed text might be considered as a simple form of handwritten text version. Thus, for this kind of text, we also propose Bernoulli HMMs. In addition, we propose to compare BHMMs with state-of-the-art technology based on neural networks. A key idea that has proven to be very effective in this application of Bernoulli HMMs is the use of a sliding window of adequate width for feature extraction. This idea has allowed us to obtain very competitive results in the recognition of both Arabic handwriting and printed text. Indeed, a system based on it ranked first at the ICDAR 2011 Arabic recognition competition on the Arabic Printed Text Image (APTI) database. Moreover, this idea has been refined by using repositioning techniques for extracted windows, leading to further improvements in Arabic text recognition. In the case of handwritten text, this refinement improved our system which ranked first at the ICFHR 2010 Arabic handwriting recognition competition on IfN/ENIT. In the case of printed text, this refinement led to an improved system which ranked second at the ICDAR 2013 Competition on Multi-font and Multi-size Digitally Represented Arabic Text on APTI. Furthermore, this refinement was used with neural networks-based technology, which led to state-of-the-art results. For machine translation, the system was based on the combination of three state-of-the-art statistical models: the standard phrase-based models, the hierarchical phrase-based models, and the N-gram phrase-based models. This combination was done using the Recognizer Output Voting Error Reduction (ROVER) method. Finally, we propose three methods of combining HTR and MT to develop an Arabic image translation system. The system was evaluated on the NIST OpenHaRT database, where competitive results were obtained.[ES] El reconocimiento de texto manuscrito (HTR) en árabe y la traducción automática (MT) del árabe al inglés se han tratado habitualmente como dos áreas de estudio independientes. De hecho, la idea de crear un sistema que combine las dos áreas, que directamente genere texto en inglés a partir de imágenes que contienen texto en árabe, sigue siendo una tarea difícil. Este proceso se puede interpretar como la traducción de imágenes de texto en árabe. En esta tesis, se propone un sistema que reconoce las imágenes de texto manuscrito en árabe, y que traduce el texto reconocido al inglés. Este sistema está construido a partir de la combinación de un sistema HTR y un sistema MT. En cuanto al sistema HTR, nuestro trabajo se enfoca en el uso de los Bernoulli Hidden Markov Models (BHMMs). Los modelos BHMMs ya han sido probados anteriormente en tareas con alfabeto latino obteniendo buenos resultados. De hecho, existen resultados empíricos publicados usando corpus conocidos, tales como IAM o RIMES. En esta tesis, estos resultados se han extendido al texto manuscrito en árabe, en particular, a las bases de datos IfN/ENIT y NIST OpenHaRT. En aplicaciones reales, la transcripción del texto en árabe no se limita únicamente al texto manuscrito, sino también al texto impreso. El texto impreso se puede interpretar como una forma simplificada de texto manuscrito. Por lo tanto, para este tipo de texto, también proponemos el uso de modelos BHMMs. Además, estos modelos se han comparado con tecnología del estado del arte basada en redes neuronales. Una idea clave que ha demostrado ser muy eficaz en la aplicación de modelos BHMMs es el uso de una ventana deslizante (sliding window) de anchura adecuada durante la extracción de características. Esta idea ha permitido obtener resultados muy competitivos tanto en el reconocimiento de texto manuscrito en árabe como en el de texto impreso. De hecho, un sistema basado en este tipo de extracción de características quedó en la primera posición en el concurso ICDAR 2011 Arabic recognition competition usando la base de datos Arabic Printed Text Image (APTI). Además, esta idea se ha perfeccionado mediante el uso de técnicas de reposicionamiento aplicadas a las ventanas extraídas, dando lugar a nuevas mejoras en el reconocimiento de texto árabe. En el caso de texto manuscrito, este refinamiento ha conseguido mejorar el sistema que ocupó el primer lugar en el concurso ICFHR 2010 Arabic handwriting recognition competition usando IfN/ENIT. En el caso del texto impreso, este refinamiento condujo a un sistema mejor que ocupó el segundo lugar en el concurso ICDAR 2013 Competition on Multi-font and Multi-size Digitally Represented Arabic Text en el que se usaba APTI. Por otro lado, esta técnica se ha evaluado también en tecnología basada en redes neuronales, lo que ha llevado a resultados del estado del arte. Respecto a la traducción automática, el sistema se ha basado en la combinación de tres tipos de modelos estadísticos del estado del arte: los modelos standard phrase-based, los modelos hierarchical phrase-based y los modelos N-gram phrase-based. Esta combinación se hizo utilizando el método Recognizer Output Voting Error Reduction (ROVER). Por último, se han propuesto tres métodos para combinar los sistemas HTR y MT con el fin de desarrollar un sistema de traducción de imágenes de texto árabe a inglés. El sistema se ha evaluado sobre la base de datos NIST OpenHaRT, donde se han obtenido resultados competitivos.[CA] El reconeixement de text manuscrit (HTR) en àrab i la traducció automàtica (MT) de l'àrab a l'anglès s'han tractat habitualment com dues àrees d'estudi independents. De fet, la idea de crear un sistema que combine les dues àrees, que directament genere text en anglès a partir d'imatges que contenen text en àrab, continua sent una tasca difícil. Aquest procés es pot interpretar com la traducció d'imatges de text en àrab. En aquesta tesi, es proposa un sistema que reconeix les imatges de text manuscrit en àrab, i que tradueix el text reconegut a l'anglès. Aquest sistema està construït a partir de la combinació d'un sistema HTR i d'un sistema MT. Pel que fa al sistema HTR, el nostre treball s'enfoca en l'ús dels Bernoulli Hidden Markov Models (BHMMs). Els models BHMMs ja han estat provats anteriorment en tasques amb alfabet llatí obtenint bons resultats. De fet, existeixen resultats empírics publicats emprant corpus coneguts, tals com IAM o RIMES. En aquesta tesi, aquests resultats s'han estès a la escriptura manuscrita en àrab, en particular, a les bases de dades IfN/ENIT i NIST OpenHaRT. En aplicacions reals, la transcripció de text en àrab no es limita únicament al text manuscrit, sinó també al text imprès. El text imprès es pot interpretar com una forma simplificada de text manuscrit. Per tant, per a aquest tipus de text, també proposem l'ús de models BHMMs. A més a més, aquests models s'han comparat amb tecnologia de l'estat de l'art basada en xarxes neuronals. Una idea clau que ha demostrat ser molt eficaç en l'aplicació de models BHMMs és l'ús d'una finestra lliscant (sliding window) d'amplària adequada durant l'extracció de característiques. Aquesta idea ha permès obtenir resultats molt competitius tant en el reconeixement de text àrab manuscrit com en el de text imprès. De fet, un sistema basat en aquest tipus d'extracció de característiques va quedar en primera posició en el concurs ICDAR 2011 Arabic recognition competition emprant la base de dades Arabic Printed Text Image (APTI). A més a més, aquesta idea s'ha perfeccionat mitjançant l'ús de tècniques de reposicionament aplicades a les finestres extretes, donant lloc a noves millores en el reconeixement de text en àrab. En el cas de text manuscrit, aquest refinament ha aconseguit millorar el sistema que va ocupar el primer lloc en el concurs ICFHR 2010 Arabic handwriting recognition competition usant IfN/ENIT. En el cas del text imprès, aquest refinament va conduir a un sistema millor que va ocupar el segon lloc en el concurs ICDAR 2013 Competition on Multi-font and Multi-size Digitally Represented Arabic Text en el qual s'usava APTI. D'altra banda, aquesta tècnica s'ha avaluat també en tecnologia basada en xarxes neuronals, el que ha portat a resultats de l'estat de l'art. Respecte a la traducció automàtica, el sistema s'ha basat en la combinació de tres tipus de models estadístics de l'estat de l'art: els models standard phrase-based, els models hierarchical phrase-based i els models N-gram phrase-based. Aquesta combinació es va fer utilitzant el mètode Recognizer Output Voting Errada Reduction (ROVER). Finalment, s'han proposat tres mètodes per combinar els sistemes HTR i MT amb la finalitat de desenvolupar un sistema de traducció d'imatges de text àrab a anglès. El sistema s'ha avaluat sobre la base de dades NIST OpenHaRT, on s'han obtingut resultats competitius.Alkhoury, I. (2015). Arabic Text Recognition and Machine Translation [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/53029TESI

    Bernoulli HMMs for Handwritten Text Recognition

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    In last years Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) have received significant attention in the task off-line handwritten text recognition (HTR). As in automatic speech recognition (ASR), HMMs are used to model the probability of an observation sequence, given its corresponding text transcription. However, in contrast to what happens in ASR, in HTR there is no standard set of local features being used by most of the proposed systems. In this thesis we propose the use of raw binary pixels as features, in conjunction with models that deal more directly with the binary data. In particular, we propose the use of Bernoulli HMMs (BHMMs), that is, conventional HMMs in which Gaussian (mixture) distributions have been replaced by Bernoulli (mixture) probability functions. The objective is twofold: on the one hand, this allows us to better modeling the binary nature of text images (foreground/background) using BHMMs. On the other hand, this guarantees that no discriminative information is filtered out during feature extraction (most HTR available datasets can be easily binarized without a relevant loss of information). In this thesis, all the HMM theory required to develop a HMM based HTR toolkit is reviewed and adapted to the case of BHMMs. Specifically, we begin by defining a simple classifier based on BHMMs with Bernoulli probability functions at the states, and we end with an embedded Bernoulli mixture HMM recognizer for continuous HTR. Regarding the binary features, we propose a simple binary feature extraction process without significant loss of information. All input images are scaled and binarized, in order to easily reinterpret them as sequences of binary feature vectors. Two extensions are proposed to this basic feature extraction method: the use of a sliding window in order to better capture the context, and a repositioning method in order to better deal with vertical distortions. Competitive results were obtained when BHMMs and proposed methods were applied to well-known HTR databases. In particular, we ranked first at the Arabic Handwriting Recognition Competition organized during the 12th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR 2010), and at the Arabic Recognition Competition: Multi-font Multi-size Digitally Represented Text organized during the 11th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2011). In the last part of this thesis we propose a method for training BHMM classifiers using In last years Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) have received significant attention in the task off-line handwritten text recognition (HTR). As in automatic speech recognition (ASR), HMMs are used to model the probability of an observation sequence, given its corresponding text transcription. However, in contrast to what happens in ASR, in HTR there is no standard set of local features being used by most of the proposed systems. In this thesis we propose the use of raw binary pixels as features, in conjunction with models that deal more directly with the binary data. In particular, we propose the use of Bernoulli HMMs (BHMMs), that is, conventional HMMs in which Gaussian (mixture) distributions have been replaced by Bernoulli (mixture) probability functions. The objective is twofold: on the one hand, this allows us to better modeling the binary nature of text images (foreground/background) using BHMMs. On the other hand, this guarantees that no discriminative information is filtered out during feature extraction (most HTR available datasets can be easily binarized without a relevant loss of information). In this thesis, all the HMM theory required to develop a HMM based HTR toolkit is reviewed and adapted to the case of BHMMs. Specifically, we begin by defining a simple classifier based on BHMMs with Bernoulli probability functions at the states, and we end with an embedded Bernoulli mixture HMM recognizer for continuous HTR. Regarding the binary features, we propose a simple binary feature extraction process without significant loss of information. All input images are scaled and binarized, in order to easily reinterpret them as sequences of binary feature vectors. Two extensions are proposed to this basic feature extraction method: the use of a sliding window in order to better capture the context, and a repositioning method in order to better deal with vertical distortions. Competitive results were obtained when BHMMs and proposed methods were applied to well-known HTR databases. In particular, we ranked first at the Arabic Handwriting Recognition Competition organized during the 12th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR 2010), and at the Arabic Recognition Competition: Multi-font Multi-size Digitally Represented Text organized during the 11th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2011). In the last part of this thesis we propose a method for training BHMM classifiers using In last years Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) have received significant attention in the task off-line handwritten text recognition (HTR). As in automatic speech recognition (ASR), HMMs are used to model the probability of an observation sequence, given its corresponding text transcription. However, in contrast to what happens in ASR, in HTR there is no standard set of local features being used by most of the proposed systems. In this thesis we propose the use of raw binary pixels as features, in conjunction with models that deal more directly with the binary data. In particular, we propose the use of Bernoulli HMMs (BHMMs), that is, conventional HMMs in which Gaussian (mixture) distributions have been replaced by Bernoulli (mixture) probability functions. The objective is twofold: on the one hand, this allows us to better modeling the binary nature of text images (foreground/background) using BHMMs. On the other hand, this guarantees that no discriminative information is filtered out during feature extraction (most HTR available datasets can be easily binarized without a relevant loss of information). In this thesis, all the HMM theory required to develop a HMM based HTR toolkit is reviewed and adapted to the case of BHMMs. Specifically, we begin by defining a simple classifier based on BHMMs with Bernoulli probability functions at the states, and we end with an embedded Bernoulli mixture HMM recognizer for continuous HTR. Regarding the binary features, we propose a simple binary feature extraction process without significant loss of information. All input images are scaled and binarized, in order to easily reinterpret them as sequences of binary feature vectors. Two extensions are proposed to this basic feature extraction method: the use of a sliding window in order to better capture the context, and a repositioning method in order to better deal with vertical distortions. Competitive results were obtained when BHMMs and proposed methods were applied to well-known HTR databases. In particular, we ranked first at the Arabic Handwriting Recognition Competition organized during the 12th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR 2010), and at the Arabic Recognition Competition: Multi-font Multi-size Digitally Represented Text organized during the 11th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2011). In the last part of this thesis we propose a method for training BHMM classifiers using discriminative training criteria, instead of the conventionalMaximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE). Specifically, we propose a log-linear classifier for binary data based on the BHMM classifier. Parameter estimation of this model can be carried out using discriminative training criteria for log-linear models. In particular, we show the formulae for several MMI based criteria. Finally, we prove the equivalence between both classifiers, hence, discriminative training of a BHMM classifier can be carried out by obtaining its equivalent log-linear classifier. Reported results show that discriminative BHMMs clearly outperform conventional generative BHMMs.Giménez Pastor, A. (2014). Bernoulli HMMs for Handwritten Text Recognition [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/37978TESI

    Arabic recognition and translation system

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    To our knowledge, there are only few systems that are able to automatically translate handwritten text images into another language, in particular, Arabic. Typically, the available systems are based on a concatenation of two systems: a Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) system and a Machine Translation (MT) system. Roughly speaking, in the case of recognition of Arabic text images, our work has focused on the use of the embedded Bernoulli (mixture) HMMs (BHMMs), that is, embedded HMMs in which the emission probabilities are modeled with Bernoulli mixtures. In the case of Arabic text translation, our work has focused on one of the state-of-theart phrase-based log-linear translation models. In this work we evaluate our system on the LDC corpus introduced in the NIST OpenHaRT 2010 and 2013 evaluations. Very competitive and promising results are shown. Additionally, we present the idea of a simple mobile application system for image translation that recognizes the Arabic text in an image and translates the recognized text into English.Alkhoury, I. (2013). Arabic recognition and translation system. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/33086.Archivo delegad

    The UPV Handwriting Recognition and Translation System for OpenHaRT 2013

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    The NIST Open Handwriting Recognition and Translation Evaluation 2013 (NIST OpenHaRT’13) is a performance evaluation assessing technologies that transcribe and translate text in document images. This evaluation is focused on recognizing Arabic text images and translating them into English. A Handwriting Recognition and Translation system typically consists of a combination of two systems: a Text Recognition system and a Machine Translation system. In this paper, we present the UPV participation in the NIST OpenHaRT 2013 evaluation. For the Text Recognition system we used the TL toolkit for training and recognition. For the Machine Translation system we used the Moses toolkit for training and decoding. Results in this evaluation are challenging and they significantly outperform our previous results in the OpenHaRT 2010 evaluation.Alkhoury, I.; Giménez Pastor, A.; Andrés Ferrer, J.; Juan Císcar, A.; Sánchez Peiró, JA. (2013). The UPV Handwriting Recognition and Translation System for OpenHaRT 2013. US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). http://hdl.handle.net/10251/5439

    Mathematical Expression Recognition based on Probabilistic Grammars

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    [EN] Mathematical notation is well-known and used all over the world. Humankind has evolved from simple methods representing countings to current well-defined math notation able to account for complex problems. Furthermore, mathematical expressions constitute a universal language in scientific fields, and many information resources containing mathematics have been created during the last decades. However, in order to efficiently access all that information, scientific documents have to be digitized or produced directly in electronic formats. Although most people is able to understand and produce mathematical information, introducing math expressions into electronic devices requires learning specific notations or using editors. Automatic recognition of mathematical expressions aims at filling this gap between the knowledge of a person and the input accepted by computers. This way, printed documents containing math expressions could be automatically digitized, and handwriting could be used for direct input of math notation into electronic devices. This thesis is devoted to develop an approach for mathematical expression recognition. In this document we propose an approach for recognizing any type of mathematical expression (printed or handwritten) based on probabilistic grammars. In order to do so, we develop the formal statistical framework such that derives several probability distributions. Along the document, we deal with the definition and estimation of all these probabilistic sources of information. Finally, we define the parsing algorithm that globally computes the most probable mathematical expression for a given input according to the statistical framework. An important point in this study is to provide objective performance evaluation and report results using public data and standard metrics. We inspected the problems of automatic evaluation in this field and looked for the best solutions. We also report several experiments using public databases and we participated in several international competitions. Furthermore, we have released most of the software developed in this thesis as open source. We also explore some of the applications of mathematical expression recognition. In addition to the direct applications of transcription and digitization, we report two important proposals. First, we developed mucaptcha, a method to tell humans and computers apart by means of math handwriting input, which represents a novel application of math expression recognition. Second, we tackled the problem of layout analysis of structured documents using the statistical framework developed in this thesis, because both are two-dimensional problems that can be modeled with probabilistic grammars. The approach developed in this thesis for mathematical expression recognition has obtained good results at different levels. It has produced several scientific publications in international conferences and journals, and has been awarded in international competitions.[ES] La notación matemática es bien conocida y se utiliza en todo el mundo. La humanidad ha evolucionado desde simples métodos para representar cuentas hasta la notación formal actual capaz de modelar problemas complejos. Además, las expresiones matemáticas constituyen un idioma universal en el mundo científico, y se han creado muchos recursos que contienen matemáticas durante las últimas décadas. Sin embargo, para acceder de forma eficiente a toda esa información, los documentos científicos han de ser digitalizados o producidos directamente en formatos electrónicos. Aunque la mayoría de personas es capaz de entender y producir información matemática, introducir expresiones matemáticas en dispositivos electrónicos requiere aprender notaciones especiales o usar editores. El reconocimiento automático de expresiones matemáticas tiene como objetivo llenar ese espacio existente entre el conocimiento de una persona y la entrada que aceptan los ordenadores. De este modo, documentos impresos que contienen fórmulas podrían digitalizarse automáticamente, y la escritura se podría utilizar para introducir directamente notación matemática en dispositivos electrónicos. Esta tesis está centrada en desarrollar un método para reconocer expresiones matemáticas. En este documento proponemos un método para reconocer cualquier tipo de fórmula (impresa o manuscrita) basado en gramáticas probabilísticas. Para ello, desarrollamos el marco estadístico formal que deriva varias distribuciones de probabilidad. A lo largo del documento, abordamos la definición y estimación de todas estas fuentes de información probabilística. Finalmente, definimos el algoritmo que, dada cierta entrada, calcula globalmente la expresión matemática más probable de acuerdo al marco estadístico. Un aspecto importante de este trabajo es proporcionar una evaluación objetiva de los resultados y presentarlos usando datos públicos y medidas estándar. Por ello, estudiamos los problemas de la evaluación automática en este campo y buscamos las mejores soluciones. Asimismo, presentamos diversos experimentos usando bases de datos públicas y hemos participado en varias competiciones internacionales. Además, hemos publicado como código abierto la mayoría del software desarrollado en esta tesis. También hemos explorado algunas de las aplicaciones del reconocimiento de expresiones matemáticas. Además de las aplicaciones directas de transcripción y digitalización, presentamos dos propuestas importantes. En primer lugar, desarrollamos mucaptcha, un método para discriminar entre humanos y ordenadores mediante la escritura de expresiones matemáticas, el cual representa una novedosa aplicación del reconocimiento de fórmulas. En segundo lugar, abordamos el problema de detectar y segmentar la estructura de documentos utilizando el marco estadístico formal desarrollado en esta tesis, dado que ambos son problemas bidimensionales que pueden modelarse con gramáticas probabilísticas. El método desarrollado en esta tesis para reconocer expresiones matemáticas ha obtenido buenos resultados a diferentes niveles. Este trabajo ha producido varias publicaciones en conferencias internacionales y revistas, y ha sido premiado en competiciones internacionales.[CA] La notació matemàtica és ben coneguda i s'utilitza a tot el món. La humanitat ha evolucionat des de simples mètodes per representar comptes fins a la notació formal actual capaç de modelar problemes complexos. A més, les expressions matemàtiques constitueixen un idioma universal al món científic, i s'han creat molts recursos que contenen matemàtiques durant les últimes dècades. No obstant això, per accedir de forma eficient a tota aquesta informació, els documents científics han de ser digitalitzats o produïts directament en formats electrònics. Encara que la majoria de persones és capaç d'entendre i produir informació matemàtica, introduir expressions matemàtiques en dispositius electrònics requereix aprendre notacions especials o usar editors. El reconeixement automàtic d'expressions matemàtiques té per objectiu omplir aquest espai existent entre el coneixement d'una persona i l'entrada que accepten els ordinadors. D'aquesta manera, documents impresos que contenen fórmules podrien digitalitzar-se automàticament, i l'escriptura es podria utilitzar per introduir directament notació matemàtica en dispositius electrònics. Aquesta tesi està centrada en desenvolupar un mètode per reconèixer expressions matemàtiques. En aquest document proposem un mètode per reconèixer qualsevol tipus de fórmula (impresa o manuscrita) basat en gramàtiques probabilístiques. Amb aquesta finalitat, desenvolupem el marc estadístic formal que deriva diverses distribucions de probabilitat. Al llarg del document, abordem la definició i estimació de totes aquestes fonts d'informació probabilística. Finalment, definim l'algorisme que, donada certa entrada, calcula globalment l'expressió matemàtica més probable d'acord al marc estadístic. Un aspecte important d'aquest treball és proporcionar una avaluació objectiva dels resultats i presentar-los usant dades públiques i mesures estàndard. Per això, estudiem els problemes de l'avaluació automàtica en aquest camp i busquem les millors solucions. Així mateix, presentem diversos experiments usant bases de dades públiques i hem participat en diverses competicions internacionals. A més, hem publicat com a codi obert la majoria del software desenvolupat en aquesta tesi. També hem explorat algunes de les aplicacions del reconeixement d'expressions matemàtiques. A més de les aplicacions directes de transcripció i digitalització, presentem dues propostes importants. En primer lloc, desenvolupem mucaptcha, un mètode per discriminar entre humans i ordinadors mitjançant l'escriptura d'expressions matemàtiques, el qual representa una nova aplicació del reconeixement de fórmules. En segon lloc, abordem el problema de detectar i segmentar l'estructura de documents utilitzant el marc estadístic formal desenvolupat en aquesta tesi, donat que ambdós són problemes bidimensionals que poden modelar-se amb gramàtiques probabilístiques. El mètode desenvolupat en aquesta tesi per reconèixer expressions matemàtiques ha obtingut bons resultats a diferents nivells. Aquest treball ha produït diverses publicacions en conferències internacionals i revistes, i ha sigut premiat en competicions internacionals.Álvaro Muñoz, F. (2015). Mathematical Expression Recognition based on Probabilistic Grammars [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/51665TESI

    Biometrics Writer Recognition for Arabic language: Analysis and Classification techniques using Subwords Features

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    Handwritten text in any language is believed to convey a great deal of information about writers’ personality and identity. Indeed, handwritten signature has long been accepted as an authentication of the writer’s physical stamp on financial and legal deals as well official/personal documents and works of art. Handwritten documents are frequently used as evidences in forensic tasks. Handwriting skills is learnt and developed from the early schooling stages. Research interest in behavioral biometrics was the main driving force behind the growth in research into Writer Identification (WI) from handwritten text, but recent rise in terrorism associated with extreme religious ideologies spreading primarily, but not exclusively, from the middle-east has led to a surge of interest in WI from handwritten text in Arabic and similar languages. This thesis is the main outcome of extensive research investigations conducted with the aim of developing an automatic identification of a person from handwritten Arabic text samples. My motivations and interests, as an Iraqi researcher, emanate from my multi-faceted desires to provide scientific support for my people in their fight against terrorism by providing forensic evidences, and as contribute to the ongoing digitization of the Iraqi National archive as well as the wealth of religious and historical archives in Iraq and the middle-east. Good knowledge of the underlying language is invaluable in this project. Despite the rising interest in this recognition modality worldwide, Arabic writer identification has not been addressed as extensively as Latin writer identification. However, in recent years some new Arabic writer identification approaches have been proposed some of which are reviewed in this thesis. Arabic is a cursive language when handwritten. This means that each and every writer in this language develops some unique features that could demonstrate writer’s habits and style. These habits and styles are considered as unique WI features and determining factors. Existing dominating approaches to WI are based on recognizing handwriting habits/styles are embedded in certain parts/components of the written texts. Although the appearance of these components within long text contain rich information and clues to writer identity, the most common approaches to WI in Arabic in the literature are based on features extracted from paragraph(s), line(s), word(s), character(s), and/or a part of a character. Generally, Arabic words are made up of one or more subwords at the end of each; there is a connected stroke with a certain style of which seem to be most representative of writers habits. Another feature of Arabic writing is to do with diacritics that are added to written words/subwords, to add meaning and pronunciation. Subwords are more frequent in written Arabic text and appear as part of several different words or as full individual words. Thus, we propose a new innovative approach based on a seemingly plausible hypothesis that subwords based WI yields significant increase in accuracy over existing approaches. The thesis most significant contributions can be summarized as follows: - Developed a high performing segmentation of scanned text images, that combines threshold based binarisation, morphological operation and active shape model. - Defined digital measures and formed a 15-dimensional feature vectors representations of subwords that implicitly cover its diacritics and strokes. A pilot study that incrementally added features according to writer discriminating power. This reduced subwords feature vector dimension to 8, two of which were modelled as time series. - For the dependent 8-dimensional WI scheme, we identify the best performing set of subwords (best 22 subwords out of 49 then followed by best 11 out of these 22 subwords). - We established the validity of our hypothesis for different versions of subwords based WI schemes by providing empirical evidence when testing on a number of existing text dependent and in text-dependent databases plus a simulated text-in text-dependent DB. The text-dependent scenario results exhibited possible present of the Doddington Zoo phenomena. - The final optimal subword based WI scheme, not only removes the need to include diacritics as part of the subword but also demonstrating that including diacritics within subwords impairs the WI discriminating power of subwords. This should not be taken to discredit research that are based on diacritics based WI. Also in this subword body (without diacritics) base WI scheme, resulted in eliminating the presence of Doddington Zoo effect. - Finally, a significant but un-intended consequence of using subwords for WI is that there is no difference between a text-independent scenario and text-dependent one. In fact, we shall demonstrate that the text-dependent database of the 27-words can be used to simulate the testing of the scheme for an in text-dependent database without the need to record such a DB. Finally, we discussed ways of optimising the performance of our last scheme by considering possible ways of complementing our scheme using the addition of various image texture analysis features to be extracted from subwords, lines, paragraphs or entire file of the scabbed image. These included LBP and Gabor Filter. We also suggested the possible addition of few more features