149 research outputs found

    Microwave Dielectrometry Adapted to Environments

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] La permitividad es una propiedad física de los materiales que describe su comportamiento en presencia de un campo electromagnético. Los sensores de microondas pueden desempeñar un papel esencial en las tareas de detección, supervisión o control de procesos, ya que algunos parámetros fisicoquímicos de los materiales producen cambios medibles en las propiedades dieléctricas. Además, la tecnología de calentamiento por microondas está adquiriendo una relevancia creciente para la transición ecológica y la descarbonización de los procesos industriales, y la permitividad es el parámetro esencial para el desarrollo exitoso de estos nuevos procesos. La permitividad depende de muchos factores, por lo que los métodos de medición de la permitividad deben adaptarse a las necesidades del material y del entorno de medición. El número de aplicaciones que requieren la monitorización o medida de las propiedades dieléctricas, las altas dependencias de esta magnitud bajo diferentes condiciones, y la necesidad de poner esta tecnología al alcance de un usuario más amplio y menos especializado, justifican el desarrollo de este trabajo. Esta tesis pretende desarrollar nuevos dispositivos para la monitorización y caracterización de dieléctricos adaptados a diferentes entornos, cubriendo un amplio rango de formatos, formas y propiedades de los materiales. Las dos primeras publicaciones incluidas en la tesis describen dos enfoques diferentes para abordar las mediciones de permitividad. El primer artículo describe un instrumento versátil, autónomo y fácil de usar para medir la permitividad de materiales dentro de tubos. El diseño de la cavidad logró una excelente sensibilidad, y el estudio de la red de acoplamiento permitió la caracterización de materiales de pérdidas bajas, moderadas y altas con una misma configuración. Este dispositivo incluye un reflectómetro vectorial portátil propio, lo que lo hace portátil y asequible. Las características del instrumento desarrollado permiten un uso sencillo por parte de personal no especializado y proporcionan versatilidad en muchas situaciones. La segunda publicación presenta el diseño específico de una sonda coaxial de extremo abierto con una mayor sensibilidad para determinar la permitividad de productos alimenticios de altas pérdidas en función de la temperatura a frecuencias de RF. Este artículo destaca la importancia de seleccionar la técnica de medición más adecuada, adaptada al entorno y a las particularidades del material, para la determinación apropiada de la permitividad. Los dos artículos siguientes describen el desarrollo y la utilización de un microscopio de microondas de campo cercano con resolución micrométrica para determinar mapas de permitividad de materiales planos heterogéneos a frecuencias de microondas. En ambos trabajos se describen los diferentes elementos que componen el instrumento del microscopio y las técnicas de análisis para determinar los valores de permitividad a partir de las medidas de los parámetros de la resonancia. En el primer trabajo se empleó por primera vez la tecnología de microondas en aplicaciones contra la falsificación, obteniendo la marca dieléctrica de la marca de agua de un billete. Además, este estudio demostró la capacidad de la energía de microondas para detectar marcas ocultas detrás de capas dieléctricas o metálicas, lo que abre nuevas posibilidades para el desarrollo de elementos de seguridad ópticamente opacos e imposibles de rastrear por medios ópticos. El segundo estudio demuestra la versatilidad de este sistema para determinar las propiedades dieléctricas de materiales planos heterogéneos midiendo la respuesta dieléctrica de especímenes de roca. Los métodos desarrollados en esta tesis aumentan la cartera de sistemas de caracterización dieléctrica y pueden ayudar a una amplia gama de sectores científicos e industriales en las tareas de monitorización y caracterización dieléctrica, haciendo estos trabajos más cómodos y accesibles.[CA] La permitivitat és una propietat física dels materials que descriu el seu comportament en presència d'un camp electromagnètic. Els sensors de microones poden exercir un paper essencial en les tasques de detecció, supervisió o control de processos, ja que alguns paràmetres fisicoquímics dels materials produeixen canvis mesurables en les propietats dielèctriques. A més, la tecnologia de calfament per microones està adquirint una rellevància creixent per a la transició ecològica i la descarbonització dels processos industrials, i la permitivitat és el paràmetre essencial per al desenvolupament reeixit d'aquests nous processos. La permitivitat depén de molts factors i, per tant, els mètodes de mesurament de la permitivitat han d'adaptar-se a les necessitats del material i de l'entorn de mesurament. El nombre d'aplicacions que requereixen el monitoratge o mesura de les propietats dielèctriques, les altes dependències d'aquesta magnitud sota diferents condicions, i la necessitat de posar aquesta tecnologia a l'abast d'un usuari més ampli i menys especialitzat, justifiquen el desenvolupament d'aquest treball. Aquesta tesi pretén desenvolupar nous dispositius per al monitoratge i caracterització de dielèctrics adaptats a diferents entorns, cobrint un ampli rang de formats, formes i propietats dels materials. Les dues primeres publicacions incloses en la tesi descriuen dos enfocaments diferents per a abordar els mesuraments de permitivitat. El primer article descriu un instrument versàtil, autònom i fàcil d'usar per a mesurar la permitivitat de materials dins de tubs. El disseny de la cavitat va aconseguir una excel·lent sensibilitat, i l'estudi de la xarxa d'acoblament va permetre la caracterització de materials de pèrdues baixes, moderades i altes amb una mateixa configuració. Aquest dispositiu inclou un reflectòmetre vectorial portàtil propi, la qual cosa el fa portàtil i assequible. Les característiques de l'instrument desenvolupat permeten un ús senzill per part de personal no especialitzat i proporcionen versatilitat en moltes situacions. La segona publicació presenta el disseny específic de una sonda coaxial d'extrem obert amb una major sensibilitat per a determinar la permitivitat de productes alimentaris d'altes pèrdues en funció de la temperatura a freqüències de RF. Aquest article destaca la importància de seleccionar la tècnica de mesurament més adequat, adaptada a l'entorn i a les particularitats del material, per a la determinació apropiada de la permitivitat. Els dos articles següents descriuen el desenvolupament i la utilització d'un microscopi de microones de camp pròxim amb resolució micromètrica per a determinar mapes de permitivitat de materials plans heterogenis a freqüències de microones. En tots dos treballs es descriuen els diferents elements que componen l'instrument del microscopi i les tècniques d'anàlisis per a determinar els valors de permitivitat a partir de les mesures dels paràmetres de la ressonància. En el primer treball es va emprar per primera vegada la tecnologia de microones en aplicacions contra la falsificació, obtenint la marca dielèctrica de la marca d'aigua d'un bitllet. A més, aquest estudi va demostrar la capacitat de l'energia de microones per a detectar marques ocultes darrere de capes dielèctriques o metàl·liques, la qual cosa obri noves possibilitats per al desenvolupament d'elements de seguretat òpticament opacs i impossibles de rastrejar per mitjans òptics. El segon estudi demostra la versatilitat d'aquest sistema per a determinar les propietats dielèctriques de materials plans heterogenis mesurant la resposta dielèctrica d'espècimens de roca. Els mètodes desenvolupats en aquesta tesi augmenten la cartera de sistemes de caracterització dielèctrica i poden ajudar a una àmplia gamma de sectors científics i industrials en les tasques de monitoratge i caracterització dielèctrica, fent aquests treballs més còmodes i accessibles.[EN] Permittivity is a physical property of materials describing their behavior in the presence of an electromagnetic field. Microwave sensors can play an essential role in detecting, monitoring, or process control tasks as some physicochemical parameters of materials produce measurable changes in dielectric properties. Besides, microwave heating technology is gaining increasing relevance for the ecological transition and decarbonization of industrial processes, and permittivity is the essential parameter for the successful development of these new processes. Permittivity depends on many factors and thus, permittivity measurement methods must be adapted to the needs of the material and the measurement environment. The number of applications that require the monitoring or measurement of dielectric properties, the high dependencies of this magnitude under different conditions, and the need to make this technology available to a broader and less specialized user justify the development of this work. This thesis aims to develop new devices for the monitoring and characterization of dielectrics adapted to different environments, covering a wide range of materials' formats, shapes, and properties. The first two publications included in the thesis describe two different approaches to address permittivity measurements. The first paper describes a versatile, stand-alone, and easy-to-use instrument for measuring the permittivity materials inside tubes. The design of the cavity achieved an excellent sensitivity, and the study of the coupling network allowed the characterization of low, moderate, and high-loss materials with the same setup. This device included an in-house portable vector reflectometer, making it portable and cost-affordable. The features of the developed instrument allow straightforward use by non-specialized personnel and provide versatility in many situations. The second publication presents a specific open-ended coaxial design with increased sensitivity to determine the permittivity of lossy food products as a function of temperature at RF frequencies. This paper highlight the relevance of selecting the most suitable measurement technique, adapted to the environment and particularities of the material, for the appropriate determination of permittivity. The following two papers describe the development and use of a near-field scanning microwave microscope with micrometric resolution to determine permittivity maps of heterogeneous planar materials at microwave frequencies. The different elements comprising the microscope instrument and the analysis techniques to determine permittivity values from the resonance measurements were described throughout both works. In the first paper, microwave technology was employed for the first time in anti-counterfeiting applications by obtaining the dielectric mark of a banknote watermark. Besides, this study showed the ability of microwave energy to detect hidden marks behind dielectric or metallic layers, opening new possibilities for developing optically opaque security features untraceable by optical means. The second study demonstrates the versatility of this system in determining the dielectric properties of heterogeneous planar materials by measuring the dielectric response of rock specimens. The methods developed in this thesis dissertation increase the portfolio of dielectric characterization systems and can help a wide range of scientific and industrial sectors in dielectric monitoring and characterization tasks, making these works more convenient and accessible.Financial support through the grant reference BES-2016-077296 of the call Convocatoria de las ayudas para contratos predoctorales para la formación de doctores de 2016 by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) and by European Social Funds (ESF) of European Union is also gratefully acknowledgedGutiérrez Cano, JD. (2022). Microwave Dielectrometry Adapted to Environments [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/186351TESISCompendi

    Microwave NDT&E using open-ended waveguide probe for multilayered structures

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    Ph. D. Thesis.Microwave NDT&E has been proved to be suitable for inspecting of dielectric structures due to low attenuation in dielectric materials and free-space. However, the microwave responses from multilayered structures are complex as an interrogation of scattering electromagnetic waves among the layers and defects. In many practical applications, electromagnetic analysis based on analytic- and forward structural models cannot be generalised since the defect shape and properties are usually unknown and hidden beneath the surface layer. This research proposes the design and implementation of microwave NDT&E system for inspection of multilayered structures. Standard microwave open-ended rectangular waveguides in X, Ku and K bands (frequency range between 8-26.5 GHz) and vector network analyser (VNA) generating sweep frequency of wideband monochromatic waves have been used to obtain reflection coefficient responses over three types of challenging multilayered samples: (1) corrosion progression under coating, (2) woven carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) with impact damages, and (3) thermal coated glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) pipe with inner flat-bottom holes. The obtained data are analysed by the selected feature extraction method extracting informative features and verify with the sample parameters (defect parameters). In addition, visualisation methods are utilised to improve the presentation of the defects and material structures resulting in a better interpretation for quantitative evaluation. The contributions of this project are summarised as follows: (1) implementation of microwave NDT&E scanning system using open-ended waveguide with the highest resolution of 0.1mm x 0.1 mm, based on the NDT applications for the three aforementioned samples; (2) corrosion stages of steel corrosion under coating have been successfully characterised by the principal component analysis (PCA) method; (3) A frequency selective based PCA feature has been used to visualise the impact damage at different impact energies with elimination of woven texture influences; (4) PCA and SAR (synthetic aperture radar) tomography together with time-offlight extraction, have been used for detection and quantitative evaluation of flat-bottom hole defects (i.e., location, size and depth). The results conclude that the proposed microwave NDT&E system can be used for detection and evaluation of multilayered structures, which its major contributions are follows. (1) The early stages (0-12month) of steel corrosion undercoating has been successfully characterised by mean of spectral responses from microwave opened rectangular waveguide probe and PCA. (2) The detection of low energy impact damages on CFRP as low as 4 Joules has been archived with microwave opened rectangular waveguide probe raster scan together with SAR imaging and PCA for feature extraction methods. (3) The inner flat-bottom holes beneath the thermal coated GFRP up to 11.5 mm depth has been successfully quantitative evaluated by open-ended waveguide raster scan using PCA and 3-D reconstruction based on SAR tomography techniques. The evaluation includes location, sizing and depth. Nevertheless, the major downside of feature quantities extracted from statistically based methods such as PCA, is it intensely relies on the correlation of the input dataset, and thus hardly link them with the physical parameters of the test sample, in particular, the complex composite architectures. Therefore, there are still challenges of feature extraction and quantitative evaluation to accurately determine the essential parameters from the samples. This can be achieved by a future investigation of multiple features fusion and complementary features.Ministry of Science and Technology of Royal Thai Government and Office of Educational Affairs, the Royal Thai Embass

    Non-Invasive Electromagnetic Biological Microwave Testing

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    Blood glucose monitoring is a primary tool for the care of diabetic patients. At present, there is no noninvasive monitoring technique of blood glucose concentration that is widely accepted in the medical industry. New noninvasive measurement techniques are being investigated. This work focuses on the possibility of a monitor that noninvasively measures blood glucose levels using electromagnetic waves. The technique is based on relating a monitoring antenna’s resonant frequency to the permittivity, and conductivity of skin, which in turn, is related to the glucose levels. This becomes a hot researched field in recent years. Different types of antennas (wideband and narrowband) have been designed, constructed, and tested in free space. An analytical model for the antenna has been developed, which has been validated with simulations. Microstrip antenna is one of the most common planar antenna structures used. Extensive research development aimed at exploiting its advantages such as lightweight, low cost, conformal configurations, and compatibility with integrated circuits have been carried out. Rectangular and circular patches are the basic shapes that are the most commonly used in microstrip antennas. Ideally, the dielectric constant εr, however, and other performance requirements may dictate the use of substrate whose dielectric constant can be greater. As in our prototype blood sensor, the miniaturized size is one of the main challenges

    암 진단 및 치료에 적용 가능한 마이크로파 능동 집적 탐침에 관한 연구

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    학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 전기·컴퓨터공학부, 2015. 2. 권영우.본 논문에서는 암 진단 및 치료에 적용 가능한 초소형 마이크로파 능동 집적 탐침에 대해 기술하였다. 생체 조직의 광대역 측정과 저전력 온열 치료에 적용 하기 위해 유전율 측정 회로를 평면형 동축 탐침에 집적하였고, 마이크로파 발생 회로를 어플리케이터에 집적하였다. MEMS 기술과 MMIC 기술을 적용함으로써 단일 플랫폼에 집적된 시스템으로 구현하여 집적도를 향상 시키고, 시스템을 소형화 하였다. 먼저 multi-state reflectometer를 이용하여 암 진단에 활용 가능한복소 유전율 측정 기술에 대해 제안하였다. 2, 16 GHz에서 동작하는 광대역 reflectometer는 이중 대역 위상 고정 루프 (PLL), 임피던스 튜너, RF 전력 검출기 등의 MMIC와 MEMS 기반의 방향성 결합기, 평면형 탐침을 집적하여 구현하였다. 제작한 능동 집적 탐침 시스템을 이용하여 생체 조직과 암 조직 등의 유전율을 측정함으로써 유용함을 확인하였고, 측정된 유전율과 표준값을 비교하여 시스템의 측정 정확도를 검증하였다. 또한 저전력 마이크로파 온열 치료 요법을 위한 능동 집적 탐침을 개발하였다. MEMS 공정을 통해 제작한 평면형 실리콘 탐침에 전압 제어 발진기, 구동 증폭기, 전력 증폭기를 집적하여 능동 집적 탐침 시스템을 제작하였다. 치료를 진행하는 동안, 마이크로파의 전력을 측정할 수 있도록 전력 검출기와 방향성 결합기도 함께 집적하였다. 암, 근육 등 다양한 생체 조직을 이용한 실험의 결과로부터 Ku 대역의 주파수에서 저전력 마이크로파 온열 치료가 가능함을 확인하였다. 마지막으로 자성 나노입자를 이용한 온열 치료에 적용하기 위해 능동 집적 탐침을 개발하였다. 자성 나노입자가 온열 치료 요법에 미치는 영향을 분석하기 위해 전자기-열 결합 해석을 수행하였고, 이로부터 자성 나노입자의 선택도 향상을 위한 최적의 주파수를 결정하였다. 발진기와 전력 증폭기 MMIC와 이중 채널 로그 전력 검출기, 방향성 결합기를 탐침에 집적하여 시스템을 제작하였다. 이를 이용한 실험 결과로부터 능동 집적 탐침의 성능을 확인하였으며, 자성 나노입자가 저전력 및 암 특이 마이크로파 온열 치료의 효율과 선택도를 향상시키는데 유용함을 검증하였다.This thesis presents miniaturized microwave active integrated probe systems applicable to cancer detection and treatment. To realize broadband detection and low-power hyperthermia, planar-type coaxial probes and heat applicators have been integrated with active circuits for permittivity measurement and microwave generation, respectively. Each integrated system is implemented on a single platform using Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) and monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) technologies for miniaturization and integration. First, a complex permittivity measurement technique using an integrated multi-state reflectometer (MSR) is proposed for cancer detection application. The broadband MSR covering both 2 and 16 GHz bands consists of a dual-band phase-locked loop, a directional coupler, an impedance tuner, two RF power detectors, and a micromachined silicon planar probe with an open-ended coaxial aperture. All the active and passive circuit components have been integrated on the micromachined probe platform in a small form factor of 6.8 mm × 50 mm × 0.6 mm. The performance of the fabricated integrated probe has been evaluated by comparing the measured permittivities of 0.9% saline, pork muscle, fat, and xenografted human breast cancer with the reference data. For low-power microwave hyperthermia, a Ku-band active integrated heat applicator is demonstrated. A planar-type coaxial applicator has been fabricated using silicon micromachining technology, on which a Ku-band voltage controlled oscillator (VCO), a driver amplifier, and a power amplifier (PA) have been integrated. A directional coupler and power detectors are employed for power monitoring. The fully integrated heat applicator has been realized in a small footprint of 8 mm × 56 mm. In-vitro and in-vivo ablation experiments on pork muscle, fat, and human-cancer xenografted nude mouse demonstrate the feasibility of low-power hyperthermia using Ku-band microwaves. Finally, an active integrated heat applicator for magnetic nanoparticle (MNP)-assisted hyperthermia is developed. The effect of the MNP on microwave hyperthermia has been analyzed by a coupled electromagnetic-thermal analysis. The optimum frequency for hyperthermia is determined by the coupled analysis. A 2-GHz source module consisting of a VCO and a PA has been implemented in MMICs and integrated on the heat applicator platform. A dual-channel log detector and a directional coupler have been also employed to monitor the power levels during hyperthermia. Experiment results show not only sufficient heating performance of the integrated applicator, but also the effectiveness of the MNP for low-power and cancer-specific microwave hyperthermia.Abstract i Contents iv List of Figures viii List of Tables xv 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation 1 1.2 Microwave Cancer Detection 4 1.3 Microwave Hyperthermia 5 1.4 Outline of Thesis 7 2. Active Integrated Probe for Cancer Detection 9 2.1 Introduction 9 2.2 Principle of Operation 13 2.2.1 Multi-State Reflectometer 14 2.2.2 Governing Equation for Complex Permittivity 15 2.2.3 Determination of Complex Permittivity 17 2.2.4 Calibration 19 2.3 Design and Fabrication 21 2.3.1 Micromachined Planar Coaxial Probe 21 2.3.2 Impedance Tuner 30 2.3.3 Directional Coupler 34 2.3.4 Power Detector 37 2.3.5 Signal Source 39 2.3.6 Active Integrated Probe System 43 2.4 Measurement Results 46 2.5 Summary 52 3. Ku-Band Active Integrated Heat Applicator for Cancer Ablation 54 3.1 Introduction 54 3.2 Design and Fabrication 57 3.2.1 Micromachined Planar Coaxial Applicator 58 3.2.2 Microwave Source 63 3.2.3 Power Monitoring Circuits 67 3.2.4 Ku-Band Active Integrated Applicator System 67 3.3 Experiment Results 70 3.4 Summary 77 4. Active Integrated Heat Applicator for Magnetic Nanoparticle-Assisted Hyperthermia 79 4.1 Introduction 79 4.2 Magnetic Nanoparticle (MNP) 82 4.2.1 Heating mechanism of MNP 83 4.2.2 Permeability of MNP 84 4.3 Coupled Electromagnetic-Thermal Analysis 88 4.3.1 Coupled Electromagnetic-Thermal Problems 88 4.3.2 Electromagnetic Analysis 92 4.3.3 Thermal Analysis 94 4.3.4 Analysis Results 96 4.4 Design and Fabrication 103 4.4.1 Spiral Applicator 104 4.4.2 Microwave Source 107 4.4.3 Power Monitoring Circuits 111 4.4.4 Active Integrated Applicator for MNP-Assisted Hyperthermia 119 4.5 Experiment Results 122 4.6 Summary 132 5. Conclusion 134 Bibliography 137 Abstract in Korean 152Docto

    Detection of Surface Cracks in Metals using Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Nondestructive Testing Techniques-A Review

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    Integrity Assessment of Metallic Structures Requires Inspection Tools Capable of Detecting and Evaluating Cracks Reliably. to This End, Many Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation (NDT&E) Methods Have Been Developed and Applied Successfully in the Past. Detection of Fatigue Cracks with Widths Less Than 5 Μ M using Noncontact Microwave-Based Inspection Methods Was Demonstrated in the 1970s. Since their Introduction, These Methods Have Evolved Considerably Toward Enhancing the Detection Sensitivity and Resolution. Undertaking Key Application Challenges Has Attracted Considerable Attention in the Past Three Decades and Led to the Development of the Near-Field Techniques for Crack Detection. to Address a Need that Cannot Be Fulfilled by Other NDT&E Modalities, Innovative Noncontact Microwave and Millimeter-Wave NDT&E Methods Were Devised Recently to Detect Cracks of Arbitrary Orientations under Thick Dielectric Structures. While the Reported Methods Share the Same Underlying Physical Principles, They Vary Considerably in Terms of the Devised Probes/sensors and the Application Procedure. Consequently, their Sensitivity and Resolution as Well as their Limitations Vary. This Article Reviews the Various Crack Detection Methods Developed To-Date and Compares Them in Terms of Common Performance Metrics. This Comprehensive Review is Augmented with Experimental Comparisons and Benchmarking Aimed to Benefit NDT&E Practitioners and Researchers Alike

    Investigation of RF Direct Detection Architecture Circuits for Metamaterial Sensor Applications

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    Recent advances in metamaterials research has enabled the development of highly sensitive near-field microwave sensors with unprecedented sensitivity. In this work, we take advantage of the increase in the sensitivity to produce a compact, lightweight, affordable, and accurate measurement system for the applications of microwave imaging and material characterization. This sensitivity enhancement due to the inclusion of metamaterials opens the door for the use of inexpensive microwave components and circuits such as direct detectors while leveraging the high sensitivity of the metamaterial probe to deliver an overall accurate measurement system comparable to that of a traditional probe used in conjunction with a vector network analyzer. The sensor developed is composed of a metamaterial sensor with an RF direct detection circuit. In this work, two prototype measurement systems have been designed and tested. Measurement of small cracks in conductors and material characterization using the proposed system were performed. The results from the newly developed sensors were compared with the results from vector network analyzer measurements. Good agreement was obtained. The feasibility of a compact, lightweight, affordable, and accurate system has been demonstrated by using the developed prototypes

    Focussed microwave heating using degenerate and non-degenerate cavity modes

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    Microwave ovens have long been recognised as a means of reducing heating times versus conventional convection ovens. The principle design feature is based on the procurement of uniform heating within any material placed in the interior of the microwave cavity oven. Materials within the oven are subjected to a degree of heating dependent on their electromagnetic properties. For many applications, it is desirable to maintain control over the distribution of heat deposition. This can be achieved through focussing of the electromagnetic field within the cavity. Two new mechanisms are identified where an increased level of control over the heating pattern and its location could be advantageous. The research described within this thesis aims to improve heating selectivity in microwave cavity ovens by the identification and enhanced control of modal patterns in degenerate and non-degenerate resonators. This is achieved through the analysis of two novel oven arrangements. The first of these addresses the requirement for highly selective heating in hyperthermia treatment. It is demonstrated that proper selection of a forced degenerate mode set can lead to an enhancement in field focussing within the centre of the cavity through constructive and destructive interference of the fields in each mode pattern. It is found that a highly selective peak of field can be produced within the centre of a large cylindrical waveguide cavity for the purpose of hyperthermia treatment. The peak is produced using a quasi degenerate mode set excited at approximately 1:3GHz. The second example presents an open oven design for the curing of epoxy and encapsulant materials within the micro-electronics packaging industry. It is intended that the oven be placed on the arm of a precision alignment machine such that the curing and placement stages of production be combined, suggesting an increase in production efficiency. Two excitation schemes are presented based on the coupling of quasi degenerate mode sets through a wide frequency range and the excitation of a single high order mode enabling uniform field distribution for heating of encapsulant material and increased selective heating through spatial alignment of modal field peaks, respectively. Experimental results demonstrate the viability of the open-ended microwave oven for curing. Both proposed excitation methods within the open oven design are investigated with results presented. Optimisation of the heating fields is achieved through inclusion of lowloss materials within the oven. Curing of an encapsulant material covering a commercial chip package is achieved and the overall design validated

    Synthetic aperture radar-based techniques and reconfigurable antenna design for microwave imaging of layered structures

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    In the past several decades, a number of microwave imaging techniques have been developed for detecting embedded objects (targets) in a homogeneous media. New applications such as nondestructive testing of layered composite structures, through-wall and medical imaging require more advanced imaging systems and image reconstruction algorithms (post-processing) suitable for imaging inhomogeneous (i.e., layered) media. Currently-available imaging algorithms are not always robust, easy to implement, and fast. Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) techniques are some of the more prominent approaches for image reconstruction when considering low loss and homogeneous media. To address limitations of SAR imaging, when interested in imaging an embedded object in an inhomogeneous media with loss, two different methods are introduced, namely; modified piecewise SAR (MPW-SAR) and Wiener filter-based layered SAR (WL-SAR). From imaging system hardware point-of-view, microwave imaging systems require suitable antennas for signal transmission and data collection. A reconfigurable antenna which its characteristics can be dynamically changed provide significant flexibility in terms of beam-forming, reduction in unwanted noise and multiplicity of use including for imaging applications. However, despite these potentially advantageous characteristics, the field of reconfigurable antenna design is fairly new and there is not a methodical design procedure. This issue is addressed by introducing an organized design method for a reconfigurable antenna capable of operating in several distinct frequency bands. The design constraints (e.g., size and gain) can also be included. Based on this method, a novel reconfigurable coplanar waveguide-fed slot antenna is designed to cover several different frequency bands while keeping the antenna size as small as possible --Abstract, page iii