104 research outputs found

    Wide-scope biomedical named entity recognition and normalization with CRFs, fuzzy matching and character level modeling

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    We present a system for automatically identifying a multitude of biomedical entities from the literature. This work is based on our previous efforts in the BioCreative VI: Interactive Bio-ID Assignment shared task in which our system demonstrated state-of-the-art performance with the highest achieved results in named entity recognition. In this paper we describe the original conditional random field-based system used in the shared task as well as experiments conducted since, including better hyperparameter tuning and character level modeling, which led to further performance improvements. For normalizing the mentions into unique identifiers we use fuzzy character n-gram matching. The normalization approach has also been improved with a better abbreviation resolution method and stricter guideline compliance resulting in vastly improved results for various entity types. All tools and models used for both named entity recognition and normalization are publicly available under open license.</p

    Bi-Encoders based Species Normalization -- Pairwise Sentence Learning to Rank

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    Motivation: Biomedical named-entity normalization involves connecting biomedical entities with distinct database identifiers in order to facilitate data integration across various fields of biology. Existing systems for biomedical named entity normalization heavily rely on dictionaries, manually created rules, and high-quality representative features such as lexical or morphological characteristics. However, recent research has investigated the use of neural network-based models to reduce dependence on dictionaries, manually crafted rules, and features. Despite these advancements, the performance of these models is still limited due to the lack of sufficiently large training datasets. These models have a tendency to overfit small training corpora and exhibit poor generalization when faced with previously unseen entities, necessitating the redesign of rules and features. Contribution: We present a novel deep learning approach for named entity normalization, treating it as a pair-wise learning to rank problem. Our method utilizes the widely-used information retrieval algorithm Best Matching 25 to generate candidate concepts, followed by the application of bi-directional encoder representation from the encoder (BERT) to re-rank the candidate list. Notably, our approach eliminates the need for feature-engineering or rule creation. We conduct experiments on species entity types and evaluate our method against state-of-the-art techniques using LINNAEUS and S800 biomedical corpora. Our proposed approach surpasses existing methods in linking entities to the NCBI taxonomy. To the best of our knowledge, there is no existing neural network-based approach for species normalization in the literature

    Information retrieval and text mining technologies for chemistry

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    Efficient access to chemical information contained in scientific literature, patents, technical reports, or the web is a pressing need shared by researchers and patent attorneys from different chemical disciplines. Retrieval of important chemical information in most cases starts with finding relevant documents for a particular chemical compound or family. Targeted retrieval of chemical documents is closely connected to the automatic recognition of chemical entities in the text, which commonly involves the extraction of the entire list of chemicals mentioned in a document, including any associated information. In this Review, we provide a comprehensive and in-depth description of fundamental concepts, technical implementations, and current technologies for meeting these information demands. A strong focus is placed on community challenges addressing systems performance, more particularly CHEMDNER and CHEMDNER patents tasks of BioCreative IV and V, respectively. Considering the growing interest in the construction of automatically annotated chemical knowledge bases that integrate chemical information and biological data, cheminformatics approaches for mapping the extracted chemical names into chemical structures and their subsequent annotation together with text mining applications for linking chemistry with biological information are also presented. Finally, future trends and current challenges are highlighted as a roadmap proposal for research in this emerging field.A.V. and M.K. acknowledge funding from the European Community’s Horizon 2020 Program (project reference: 654021 - OpenMinted). M.K. additionally acknowledges the Encomienda MINETAD-CNIO as part of the Plan for the Advancement of Language Technology. O.R. and J.O. thank the Foundation for Applied Medical Research (FIMA), University of Navarra (Pamplona, Spain). This work was partially funded by Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria (Xunta de Galicia), and FEDER (European Union), and the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UID/BIO/04469/2013 unit and COMPETE 2020 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006684). We thank Iñigo Garciá -Yoldi for useful feedback and discussions during the preparation of the manuscript.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Information Extraction from Text for Improving Research on Small Molecules and Histone Modifications

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    The cumulative number of publications, in particular in the life sciences, requires efficient methods for the automated extraction of information and semantic information retrieval. The recognition and identification of information-carrying units in text – concept denominations and named entities – relevant to a certain domain is a fundamental step. The focus of this thesis lies on the recognition of chemical entities and the new biological named entity type histone modifications, which are both important in the field of drug discovery. As the emergence of new research fields as well as the discovery and generation of novel entities goes along with the coinage of new terms, the perpetual adaptation of respective named entity recognition approaches to new domains is an important step for information extraction. Two methodologies have been investigated in this concern: the state-of-the-art machine learning method, Conditional Random Fields (CRF), and an approximate string search method based on dictionaries. Recognition methods that rely on dictionaries are strongly dependent on the availability of entity terminology collections as well as on its quality. In the case of chemical entities the terminology is distributed over more than 7 publicly available data sources. The join of entries and accompanied terminology from selected resources enables the generation of a new dictionary comprising chemical named entities. Combined with the automatic processing of respective terminology – the dictionary curation – the recognition performance reached an F1 measure of 0.54. That is an improvement by 29 % in comparison to the raw dictionary. The highest recall was achieved for the class of TRIVIAL-names with 0.79. The recognition and identification of chemical named entities provides a prerequisite for the extraction of related pharmacological relevant information from literature data. Therefore, lexico-syntactic patterns were defined that support the automated extraction of hypernymic phrases comprising pharmacological function terminology related to chemical compounds. It was shown that 29-50 % of the automatically extracted terms can be proposed for novel functional annotation of chemical entities provided by the reference database DrugBank. Furthermore, they are a basis for building up concept hierarchies and ontologies or for extending existing ones. Successively, the pharmacological function and biological activity concepts obtained from text were included into a novel descriptor for chemical compounds. Its successful application for the prediction of pharmacological function of molecules and the extension of chemical classification schemes, such as the the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC), is demonstrated. In contrast to chemical entities, no comprehensive terminology resource has been available for histone modifications. Thus, histone modification concept terminology was primary recognized in text via CRFs with a F1 measure of 0.86. Subsequent, linguistic variants of extracted histone modification terms were mapped to standard representations that were organized into a newly assembled histone modification hierarchy. The mapping was accomplished by a novel developed term mapping approach described in the thesis. The combination of term recognition and term variant resolution builds up a new procedure for the assembly of novel terminology collections. It supports the generation of a term list that is applicable in dictionary-based methods. For the recognition of histone modification in text it could be shown that the named entity recognition method based on dictionaries is superior to the used machine learning approach. In conclusion, the present thesis provides techniques which enable an enhanced utilization of textual data, hence, supporting research in epigenomics and drug discovery

    Deep Neural Architectures for End-to-End Relation Extraction

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    The rapid pace of scientific and technological advancements has led to a meteoric growth in knowledge, as evidenced by a sharp increase in the number of scholarly publications in recent years. PubMed, for example, archives more than 30 million biomedical articles across various domains and covers a wide range of topics including medicine, pharmacy, biology, and healthcare. Social media and digital journalism have similarly experienced their own accelerated growth in the age of big data. Hence, there is a compelling need for ways to organize and distill the vast, fragmented body of information (often unstructured in the form of natural human language) so that it can be assimilated, reasoned about, and ultimately harnessed. Relation extraction is an important natural language task toward that end. In relation extraction, semantic relationships are extracted from natural human language in the form of (subject, object, predicate) triples such that subject and object are mentions of discrete concepts and predicate indicates the type of relation between them. The difficulty of relation extraction becomes clear when we consider the myriad of ways the same relation can be expressed in natural language. Much of the current works in relation extraction assume that entities are known at extraction time, thus treating entity recognition as an entirely separate and independent task. However, recent studies have shown that entity recognition and relation extraction, when modeled together as interdependent tasks, can lead to overall improvements in extraction accuracy. When modeled in such a manner, the task is referred to as end-to-end relation extraction. In this work, we present four studies that introduce incrementally sophisticated architectures designed to tackle the task of end-to-end relation extraction. In the first study, we present a pipeline approach for extracting protein-protein interactions as affected by particular mutations. The pipeline system makes use of recurrent neural networks for protein detection, lexicons for gene normalization, and convolutional neural networks for relation extraction. In the second study, we show that a multi-task learning framework, with parameter sharing, can achieve state-of-the-art results for drug-drug interaction extraction. At its core, the model uses graph convolutions, with a novel attention-gating mechanism, over dependency parse trees. In the third study, we present a more efficient and general-purpose end-to-end neural architecture designed around the idea of the table-filling paradigm; for an input sentence of length n, all entities and relations are extracted in a single pass of the network in an indirect fashion by populating the cells of a corresponding n by n table using metric-based features. We show that this approach excels in both the general English and biomedical domains with extraction times that are up to an order of magnitude faster compared to the prior best. In the fourth and last study, we present an architecture for relation extraction that, in addition to being end-to-end, is able to handle cross-sentence and N-ary relations. Overall, our work contributes to the advancement of modern information extraction by exploring end-to-end solutions that are fast, accurate, and generalizable to many high-value domains

    Theory and Applications for Advanced Text Mining

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    Due to the growth of computer technologies and web technologies, we can easily collect and store large amounts of text data. We can believe that the data include useful knowledge. Text mining techniques have been studied aggressively in order to extract the knowledge from the data since late 1990s. Even if many important techniques have been developed, the text mining research field continues to expand for the needs arising from various application fields. This book is composed of 9 chapters introducing advanced text mining techniques. They are various techniques from relation extraction to under or less resourced language. I believe that this book will give new knowledge in the text mining field and help many readers open their new research fields

    Mineração de informação biomédica a partir de literatura científica

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    Doutoramento conjunto MAP-iThe rapid evolution and proliferation of a world-wide computerized network, the Internet, resulted in an overwhelming and constantly growing amount of publicly available data and information, a fact that was also verified in biomedicine. However, the lack of structure of textual data inhibits its direct processing by computational solutions. Information extraction is the task of text mining that intends to automatically collect information from unstructured text data sources. The goal of the work described in this thesis was to build innovative solutions for biomedical information extraction from scientific literature, through the development of simple software artifacts for developers and biocurators, delivering more accurate, usable and faster results. We started by tackling named entity recognition - a crucial initial task - with the development of Gimli, a machine-learning-based solution that follows an incremental approach to optimize extracted linguistic characteristics for each concept type. Afterwards, Totum was built to harmonize concept names provided by heterogeneous systems, delivering a robust solution with improved performance results. Such approach takes advantage of heterogenous corpora to deliver cross-corpus harmonization that is not constrained to specific characteristics. Since previous solutions do not provide links to knowledge bases, Neji was built to streamline the development of complex and custom solutions for biomedical concept name recognition and normalization. This was achieved through a modular and flexible framework focused on speed and performance, integrating a large amount of processing modules optimized for the biomedical domain. To offer on-demand heterogenous biomedical concept identification, we developed BeCAS, a web application, service and widget. We also tackled relation mining by developing TrigNER, a machine-learning-based solution for biomedical event trigger recognition, which applies an automatic algorithm to obtain the best linguistic features and model parameters for each event type. Finally, in order to assist biocurators, Egas was developed to support rapid, interactive and real-time collaborative curation of biomedical documents, through manual and automatic in-line annotation of concepts and relations. Overall, the research work presented in this thesis contributed to a more accurate update of current biomedical knowledge bases, towards improved hypothesis generation and knowledge discovery.A rápida evolução e proliferação de uma rede mundial de computadores, a Internet, resultou num esmagador e constante crescimento na quantidade de dados e informação publicamente disponíveis, o que também se verificou na biomedicina. No entanto, a inexistência de estrutura em dados textuais inibe o seu processamento direto por parte de soluções informatizadas. Extração de informação é a tarefa de mineração de texto que pretende extrair automaticamente informação de fontes de dados de texto não estruturados. O objetivo do trabalho descrito nesta tese foi essencialmente focado em construir soluções inovadoras para extração de informação biomédica a partir da literatura científica, através do desenvolvimento de aplicações simples de usar por programadores e bio-curadores, capazes de fornecer resultados mais precisos, usáveis e de forma mais rápida. Começámos por abordar o reconhecimento de nomes de conceitos - uma tarefa inicial e fundamental - com o desenvolvimento de Gimli, uma solução baseada em inteligência artificial que aplica uma estratégia incremental para otimizar as características linguísticas extraídas do texto para cada tipo de conceito. Posteriormente, Totum foi implementado para harmonizar nomes de conceitos provenientes de sistemas heterogéneos, oferecendo uma solução mais robusta e com melhores resultados. Esta aproximação recorre a informação contida em corpora heterogéneos para disponibilizar uma solução não restrita às característica de um único corpus. Uma vez que as soluções anteriores não oferecem ligação dos nomes a bases de conhecimento, Neji foi construído para facilitar o desenvolvimento de soluções complexas e personalizadas para o reconhecimento de conceitos nomeados e respectiva normalização. Isto foi conseguido através de uma plataforma modular e flexível focada em rapidez e desempenho, integrando um vasto conjunto de módulos de processamento optimizados para o domínio biomédico. De forma a disponibilizar identificação de conceitos biomédicos em tempo real, BeCAS foi desenvolvido para oferecer um serviço, aplicação e widget Web. A extracção de relações entre conceitos também foi abordada através do desenvolvimento de TrigNER, uma solução baseada em inteligência artificial para o reconhecimento de palavras que desencadeiam a ocorrência de eventos biomédicos. Esta ferramenta aplica um algoritmo automático para encontrar as melhores características linguísticas e parâmetros para cada tipo de evento. Finalmente, de forma a auxiliar o trabalho de bio-curadores, Egas foi desenvolvido para suportar a anotação rápida, interactiva e colaborativa em tempo real de documentos biomédicos, através da anotação manual e automática de conceitos e relações de forma contextualizada. Resumindo, este trabalho contribuiu para a actualização mais precisa das actuais bases de conhecimento, auxiliando a formulação de hipóteses e a descoberta de novo conhecimento