3,986 research outputs found

    Anomaly Detection using a Convolutional Winner-Take-All Autoencoder

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    We propose a method for video anomaly detection using a winner-take-all convolutional autoencoder that has recently been shown to give competitive results in learning for classification task. The method builds on state of the art approaches to anomaly detection using a convolutional autoencoder and a one-class SVM to build a model of normality. The key novelties are (1) using the motion-feature encoding extracted from a convolutional autoencoder as input to a one-class SVM rather than exploiting reconstruction error of the convolutional autoencoder, and (2) introducing a spatial winner-take-all step after the final encoding layer during training to introduce a high degree of sparsity. We demonstrate an improvement in performance over the state of the art on UCSD and Avenue (CUHK) datasets

    Taxation in the Global Economy

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    Nursing education: seeking critical-reflexive education and professional competencies

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    O estudo descreve resultados de uma pesquisa que retrata mudanças que são percebidas nos estudantes durante a formação e que contribuem para a definição de um perfil profissional. Estudo descritivo-exploratório, com abordagem qualitativa, que se ancora na dialética como referencial teórico-metodológico. Os dados foram obtidos de análise documental e através da realização de grupos focais com docentes, estudantes e enfermeiros de serviço. Os resultados demonstram a posição do estudante como sujeito ativo no processo ensino-aprendizagem, a partir de um movimento de transformação das estruturas acadêmicas. Identificou-se correlação entre o movimento de busca de maior participação política, ativa e crítica dos estudantes como fator que determina e orienta um perfil do enfermeiro generalista e de maior inserção social. Conclui-se que, apesar dos esforços, a orientação da formação e a definição do perfil profissional nos cenários do estudo estão voltadas às exigências do mercado de trabalho, sendo incipiente a formação baseada em áreas de competências.El estudio describe los cambios en los estudiantes durante la formación y que apuntan para la definición de un perfil profesional. Estudio descriptivo exploratorio con aproximación cualitativa, que utilizase la dialéctica como referencial teórico-metodológico. Los datos fueran obtenidos con documentación y grupos focales. Los resultados indican la posición del estudiante como sujeto activo en el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje desde el movimiento de cambio de las estructuras académicas. Se identificó una correlación entre el movimiento de búsqueda de mayor participación política, activa y crítica de los estudiantes como factor que determina y orienta un perfil del enfermero generalista y de mayor inserción social. Se concluye que, no obstante los esfuerzos, la orientación de la formación y la definición del perfil profesional en los escenarios del estudio están dirigidas a las normas del mercado de trabajo, siendo insuficiente la formación baseada en competencias.The study describes changes that are noted in students during training and which contribute to define a professional profile. We carried out a descriptive-exploratory study with a qualitative approach, based on dialectics as a theoretical-methodological framework. The data was obtained from documented analysis and through focal groups with teachers, students and service nurses. The results show the student's position as an active subject in the teaching-learning process, through a movement of transformation of academic structures. A correlation was found between the movement that seeks students' greater political, active and critical participation as a way of determining and guiding the profile of the generalist nurse and greater social insertion. We conclude that, despite efforts, training guidelines and the definition of the professional profile in the study settings is directed at the demands of the labor market, and that competency-based training is still incipient

    Identitarian Politics in the "Quilombo" Frechal: Live Histories in a Brazilian Community of Slave Descendants

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    Based on an extended fieldwork, the paper discusses the construction of identity in a Brazilian quilombo - a term originally used by the Portuguese authorities to juridically define the flights of the Brazilian slaves. Appealing to a Constitutional Article granting the property of the land to the descendant of the fugitive slaves, the people of Frechal (Maranhão) obtained - after complex events overshadowed by tension and violence - the expropriation of the land bought by an entrepreneur of São Paulo with the precise intent to forcibly expel the local population. Founding their right on an idea of cultural authenticity and mobilizing a symbolism capable of legitimating their claims and of giving them a legal weight, they transformed themselves from object of slavery, discrimination and racism to ethno-political subjects. Proceeding from the analysis of this paradigmatic case, the article shows how the term quilombo can be "re-semanticized" in order to be applicable to the contemporary situations of the Afro-Brazilian population. The actuality of the word, transferred from its original juridical meaning of colonial matrix, is founded on the idea that the quilombos are not isolated survivals of the past to honor in the memory of the heroes that fought against slavery. Rather they represent true projects of a new political order, nuclei of the contemporary resistance founded on the collective property of the land. As such the quilombos are considered as real counterpoints to the neoliberal expansion in the rural areas