6 research outputs found

    On Privacy-Enhanced Distributed Analytics in Online Social Networks

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    More than half of the world's population benefits from online social network (OSN) services. A considerable part of these services is mainly based on applying analytics on user data to infer their preferences and enrich their experience accordingly. At the same time, user data is monetized by service providers to run their business models. Therefore, providers tend to extensively collect (personal) data about users. However, this data is oftentimes used for various purposes without informed consent of the users. Providers share this data in different forms with third parties (e.g., data brokers). Moreover, user sensitive data was repeatedly a subject of unauthorized access by malicious parties. These issues have demonstrated the insufficient commitment of providers to user privacy, and consequently, raised users' concerns. Despite the emergence of privacy regulations (e.g., GDPR and CCPA), recent studies showed that user personal data collection and sharing sensitive data are still continuously increasing. A number of privacy-friendly OSNs have been proposed to enhance user privacy by reducing the need for central service providers. However, this improvement in privacy protection usually comes at the cost of losing social connectivity and many analytics-based services of the wide-spread OSNs. This dissertation addresses this issue by first proposing an approach to privacy-friendly OSNs that maintains established social connections. Second, approaches that allow users to collaboratively apply distributed analytics while preserving their privacy are presented. Finally, the dissertation contributes to better assessment and mitigation of the risks associated with distributed analytics. These three research directions are treated through the following six contributions. Conceptualizing Hybrid Online Social Networks: We conceptualize a hybrid approach to privacy-friendly OSNs, HOSN. This approach combines the benefits of using COSNs and DOSN. Users can maintain their social experience in their preferred COSN while being provided with additional means to enhance their privacy. Users can seamlessly post public content or private content that is accessible only by authorized users (friends) beyond the reach of the service providers. Improving the Trustworthiness of HOSNs: We conceptualize software features to address users' privacy concerns in OSNs. We prototype these features in our HOSN}approach and evaluate their impact on the privacy concerns and the trustworthiness of the approach. Also, we analyze the relationships between four important aspects that influence users' behavior in OSNs: privacy concerns, trust beliefs, risk beliefs, and the willingness to use. Privacy-Enhanced Association Rule Mining: We present an approach to enable users to apply efficiently privacy-enhanced association rule mining on distributed data. This approach can be employed in DOSN and HOSN to generate recommendations. We leverage a privacy-enhanced distributed graph sampling method to reduce the data required for the mining and lower the communication and computational overhead. Then, we apply a distributed frequent itemset mining algorithm in a privacy-friendly manner. Privacy Enhancements on Federated Learning (FL): We identify several privacy-related issues in the emerging distributed machine learning technique, FL. These issues are mainly due to the centralized nature of this technique. We discuss tackling these issues by applying FL in a hierarchical architecture. The benefits of this approach include a reduction in the centralization of control and the ability to place defense and verification methods more flexibly and efficiently within the hierarchy. Systematic Analysis of Threats in Federated Learning: We conduct a critical study of the existing attacks in FL to better understand the actual risk of these attacks under real-world scenarios. First, we structure the literature in this field and show the research foci and gaps. Then, we highlight a number of issues in (1) the assumptions commonly made by researchers and (2) the evaluation practices. Finally, we discuss the implications of these issues on the applicability of the proposed attacks and recommend several remedies. Label Leakage from Gradients: We identify a risk of information leakage when sharing gradients in FL. We demonstrate the severity of this risk by proposing a novel attack that extracts the user annotations that describe the data (i.e., ground-truth labels) from gradients. We show the high effectiveness of the attack under different settings such as different datasets and model architectures. We also test several defense mechanisms to mitigate this attack and conclude the effective ones

    Wissensentdeckung im Kontext der Produktionssimulation

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    Klassische Simulationsstudien im Kontext von Produktionssystemen zielen üblicherweise darauf ab, typische, vorab definierte Fragestellungen zu beantworten. Wirkzusammenhänge, die über diesen definierten Projektrahmen hinausgehen, bleiben eventuell unentdeckt. Mit steigender Rechenleistung und der Verfügbarkeit von Big-Data-Infrastrukturen entstehen neue Möglichkeiten zur Durchführung groß angelegter Simulationsstudien, um das Verhalten des Modells möglichst vollständig abzudecken und auszuwerten. Dies wird allgemein als Data Farming bezeichnet. In diesem Buch wird die Methode des Data Farming für die Wissensentdeckung in Produktionssimulationen weiterentwickelt. Dazu wird ein Konzept ausgearbeitet, welches die Auswahl geeigneter Experimentdesignmethoden, die Anwendung und Ausgestaltung von geeigneten Data-Mining-Verfahren sowie Visualisierungs- und Interaktionsmethoden beinhaltet. Das Konzept wird dann in insgesamt vier Fallstudien angewendet.Discrete simulation is an important and established method for the investigation of the dynamic behavior of complex production and logistic systems. Simulation is therefore an essential tool for planning, operating, and controlling those systems, for example in the automotive or semiconductor industries. In this context, typical simulation studies aim at answering pre-defined questions about these systems. This is often accompanied by the simulation and analysis of a few pre-defined scenarios. Relations and effects outside of those predefined project scopes may therefore remain undiscovered. On the other hand, with increasing computing power and the general availability of big data infrastructures, new possibilities arise for carrying out very large bandwidths of simulation experiments in order to cover the behavior of the model as completely as possible and analyze the output data in an automated way. This is generally referred to as data farming. The goal of this work was to transfer and enhance the concept of data farming for the application on knowledge discovery in manufacturing simulations. For this purpose, a holistic concept was created for finding unknown, hidden, and useful knowledge in massive amounts of simulation data. The concept contains the selection of suitable experiment design methods, the application and elaboration of suitable data mining methods in an appropriate and targeted analysis process, as well as the definition of suitable visualization and interaction methods for an iterative and user-focused analysis of large amounts of simulation output data. Furthermore, the concept was prototypically implemented in an integrated software framework. The applicability of the concept was shown and validated in four case studies including two academic and two real-world case studies.Die diskrete Simulation stellt eine wichtige und etablierte Methode zur Untersuchung des dynamischen Verhaltens von komplexen Produktions- und Logistiksystemen dar. Sie ist daher zur Planung, Steuerung und Kontrolle solcher Systeme unerlässlich, beispielsweise in der Automobilindustrie oder in der Halbleiterfertigung. Klassische Simulationsstudien zielen in diesem Kontext üblicherweise darauf ab, typische, vorab definierte Fragestellungen zu beantworten. Dies geht oftmals einher mit der Simulation und Analyse einiger weniger vorab definierter Szenarien. Wirkzusammenhänge, die über diesen definierten Projektrahmen hinausgehen, bleiben daher eventuell unentdeckt. Auf der anderen Seite erwachsen mit steigender Rechenleistung und der allgemeinen Verfügbarkeit von Big-Data-Infrastrukturen neue Möglichkeiten zur Durchführung von sehr großen Bandbreiten von Simulationsexperimenten, um das Verhalten des Modells möglichst vollständig abzudecken und automatisiert auszuwerten. Dies wird allgemein als Data Farming bezeichnet. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die Methode des Data Farming für die Nutzung zur Wissensentdeckung in Produktionssimulationen zu übertragen und weiterzuentwickeln. Dazu wurde ein ganzheitliches Konzept ausgearbeitet, um unbekannte, versteckte und potenziell nützliche Wirkzusammenhänge in großen Mengen von Simulationsdaten entdecken zu können. Das Konzept beinhaltet hierzu die Auswahl geeigneter Experimentdesignmethoden, die Anwendung und Ausgestaltung von geeigneten Data-Mining-Verfahren in einem dafür zweckmäßigen und zielgerichteten Analyseprozess sowie die Definition geeigneter Visualisierungs- und Interaktionsmethoden zur iterativen, anwenderorientierten Analyse großer Mengen von Simulationsdaten. Darüber hinaus wurde das Konzept in einem ganzheitlichen Softwareframework prototypisch implementiert. Die Anwendbarkeit des Konzeptes wurde anhand von vier Fallstudien aufgezeigt und validiert. Die Fallstudien beinhalteten hierbei zwei akademische Laborstudien sowie zwei Industrieanwendungsfälle

    Shortest Route at Dynamic Location with Node Combination-Dijkstra Algorithm

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    Abstract— Online transportation has become a basic requirement of the general public in support of all activities to go to work, school or vacation to the sights. Public transportation services compete to provide the best service so that consumers feel comfortable using the services offered, so that all activities are noticed, one of them is the search for the shortest route in picking the buyer or delivering to the destination. Node Combination method can minimize memory usage and this methode is more optimal when compared to A* and Ant Colony in the shortest route search like Dijkstra algorithm, but can’t store the history node that has been passed. Therefore, using node combination algorithm is very good in searching the shortest distance is not the shortest route. This paper is structured to modify the node combination algorithm to solve the problem of finding the shortest route at the dynamic location obtained from the transport fleet by displaying the nodes that have the shortest distance and will be implemented in the geographic information system in the form of map to facilitate the use of the system. Keywords— Shortest Path, Algorithm Dijkstra, Node Combination, Dynamic Location (key words

    ICTERI 2020: ІКТ в освіті, дослідженнях та промислових застосуваннях. Інтеграція, гармонізація та передача знань 2020: Матеріали 16-ї Міжнародної конференції. Том II: Семінари. Харків, Україна, 06-10 жовтня 2020 р.

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    This volume represents the proceedings of the Workshops co-located with the 16th International Conference on ICT in Education, Research, and Industrial Applications, held in Kharkiv, Ukraine, in October 2020. It comprises 101 contributed papers that were carefully peer-reviewed and selected from 233 submissions for the five workshops: RMSEBT, TheRMIT, ITER, 3L-Person, CoSinE, MROL. The volume is structured in six parts, each presenting the contributions for a particular workshop. The topical scope of the volume is aligned with the thematic tracks of ICTERI 2020: (I) Advances in ICT Research; (II) Information Systems: Technology and Applications; (III) Academia/Industry ICT Cooperation; and (IV) ICT in Education.Цей збірник представляє матеріали семінарів, які були проведені в рамках 16-ї Міжнародної конференції з ІКТ в освіті, наукових дослідженнях та промислових застосуваннях, що відбулася в Харкові, Україна, у жовтні 2020 року. Він містить 101 доповідь, які були ретельно рецензовані та відібрані з 233 заявок на участь у п'яти воркшопах: RMSEBT, TheRMIT, ITER, 3L-Person, CoSinE, MROL. Збірник складається з шести частин, кожна з яких представляє матеріали для певного семінару. Тематична спрямованість збірника узгоджена з тематичними напрямками ICTERI 2020: (I) Досягнення в галузі досліджень ІКТ; (II) Інформаційні системи: Технології і застосування; (ІІІ) Співпраця в галузі ІКТ між академічними і промисловими колами; і (IV) ІКТ в освіті