3,114 research outputs found

    Ethical and Unethical Hacking

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    The goal of this chapter is to provide a conceptual analysis of ethical, comprising history, common usage and the attempt to provide a systematic classification that is both compatible with common usage and normatively adequate. Subsequently, the article identifies a tension between common usage and a normativelyadequate nomenclature. ‘Ethical hackers’ are often identified with hackers that abide to a code of ethics privileging business-friendly values. However, there is no guarantee that respecting such values is always compatible with the all-things-considered morally best act. It is recognised, however, that in terms of assessment, it may be quite difficult to determine who is an ethical hacker in the ‘all things considered’ sense, while society may agree more easily on the determination of who is one in the ‘business-friendly’ limited sense. The article concludes by suggesting a pragmatic best-practice approach for characterising ethical hacking, which reaches beyond business-friendly values and helps in the taking of decisions that are respectful of the hackers’ individual ethics in morally debatable, grey zones

    Best Practices and Recommendations for Cybersecurity Service Providers

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    This chapter outlines some concrete best practices and recommendations for cybersecurity service providers, with a focus on data sharing, data protection and penetration testing. Based on a brief outline of dilemmas that cybersecurity service providers may experience in their daily operations, it discusses data handling policies and practices of cybersecurity vendors along the following five topics: customer data handling; information about breaches; threat intelligence; vulnerability-related information; and data involved when collaborating with peers, CERTs, cybersecurity research groups, etc. There is, furthermore, a discussion of specific issues of penetration testing such as customer recruitment and execution as well as the supervision and governance of penetration testing. The chapter closes with some general recommendations regarding improving the ethical decision-making procedures of private cybersecurity service providers

    Wi-Fi password stealing program using USB rubber ducky

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    A minute is all it takes for a hacker to gain informations from your computer, such as Wi-Fi password. Due to the limited capability of people to remember a lot of complex and unique password, people tend to use the same password for most of their account. This paper aimed to implement Wi-Fi password stealing program in USB Rubber Ducky using USB Rubber Ducky Scripting, Visual Basic Script, Web Server, Command Prompt, and Ducky Toolkit to obtain clear text Wi-Fi password that ever connected to the computer. In the testing phase, the success rate of Wi-Fi password stealing program reached 94.28% with 87.87% obtained personal password is still categorized as guessable password and the password reuse rate reached 81.81%. Thus, Wi-Fi password stealing program can be very dangerous as most of the personal password was used in lots of account and still categorized as guessable

    Cybercrime: An Investigation of the Attitudes and Environmental Factors that Make People more Willing to Participate in Online Crime

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    Cybercrime incidence rates are increasing. In order to identify solutions to this problem, the sources of cybercrime need to be identified. This research attempted to identify a potential set of circumstances that create an environment in which people are more likely to engage in cybercrime. There are three aspects to this; (1) Behaviour on the internet – Are people more likely to engage in illicit activities online than in the physical world? (2) Crime Perceptions – Do people perceive cybercrime as being less serious than non-cybercrime? (3) Resources on the Internet – Are people aware of the types of free hacking resources that are available online? In order to address the first question, a review of the existing literature on the matter was carried out and conclusions drawn from it. The Online Disinhibition Effect is a key theory in this matter. Results from this review suggest that people are more likely to engage in illicit activities online than they are in the physical world. Addressing the second question was carried out in two stages. The first was an assessment of some of the free hacking resources that are available online such as tools and educational courses, based on predefined selection criteria. The content or function of these were established and they were rated across a number of factors. This information was fed into a survey to establish awareness of the existence of some of the tool functions, and opinions on course availability. The results from this research indicate that people are aware of the kind of functionality that is available from hacking tools online. The third question was addressed through another section of the survey in which participants were asked to rate the seriousness of 6 crime scenarios, three of which were cybercrimes, and three of which were non-cybercrimes. The same scenarios were used throughout the survey as participants were asked to determine appropriate sentences for each crime, and then judge the actual sentence that the crime was given. Results from this investigation indicate that people do view cybercrime as less serious than noncybercrimes. The results from these three streams of research indicate that they are combining to create an environment in which people more readily engage in cybercrime

    The Ethics of Cybersecurity

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    This open access book provides the first comprehensive collection of papers that provide an integrative view on cybersecurity. It discusses theories, problems and solutions on the relevant ethical issues involved. This work is sorely needed in a world where cybersecurity has become indispensable to protect trust and confidence in the digital infrastructure whilst respecting fundamental values like equality, fairness, freedom, or privacy. The book has a strong practical focus as it includes case studies outlining ethical issues in cybersecurity and presenting guidelines and other measures to tackle those issues. It is thus not only relevant for academics but also for practitioners in cybersecurity such as providers of security software, governmental CERTs or Chief Security Officers in companies

    National Cyber Security Program of Taiwan (2021-2024)

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    Software Vulnerability Disclosure in Europe: Technology, Policies and Legal Challenges. Report of a CEPS Task Force. CEPS Task Force Reports 28 June 2018

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    This report puts forward the analysis and recommendations for the design and implementation of a forward-looking policy on software vulnerability disclosure (SVD) in Europe. It is the result of extensive deliberations among the members of a Task Force formed by CEPS in September 2017, including industry experts, representatives of EU and international institutions, academics, civil society organisations and practitioners. Drawing on current best practices throughout Europe, the US and Japan, the Task Force explored ways to formulate practical guidelines for governments and businesses to harmonise the process of handling SVD throughout Europe. These discussions led to policy recommendations addressed to member states and the EU institutions for the development of an effective policy framework for introducing coordinated vulnerability disclosure (CVD) and government disclosure decision processes (GDDP) in Europe

    Cybercrime: History of formation, current state and ways of counteraction

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    The article examines the history of the emergence and development of cybercrime, the specifics of the current situation in society, which contributes to an increase in the number of cybercrimes and ways of countering cybercrime. It has been established that cybercrime first appeared in the middle of the last century. This was due to the emergence and subsequent intensive growth in the number of computers, and then smartphones. However, cybercrime that exists today is significantly different from what it was in its early days. Today, the number of devices and services provided via the Internet is growing, the number of users is growing, and, accordingly, the number of cybercrimes and the level of their organization is growing. In the course of the study, the differences between the concepts of "cybercrime" and "computer crimes" were identified, as well as the main features of cybercrimes. The problems that law enforcement agencies face in the investigation and fight against cybercrimes were revealed. The factors contributing to the growth of cybercrime were also analyzed. Based on the analysis, the main directions of combating cybercrime and preventing the growth of the number of cybercrimes in society were developed

    A Strategic Decision for Information Security

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    A utilização de recursos informáticos é a estratégia mais comum à maioria das organizações para gerirem os seus ativos e propriedade intelectual. Esta decisão estratégica implica a sua exposição ao exterior através de canais de comunicação (infraestrutura de dados). McDermott e Redish (1999), descrevem a terceira lei de Newton como o princípio da ação - reação, as organizações ao exporem a sua infraestrutura ao exterior despoletaram, como reação, estranhos quererem aceder à sua infraestrutura para diversos fins, seja como puro divertimento, detetarem fragilidades ou, mais relevante para este trabalho, roubarem ativos/propriedade intelectual e criarem uma disrupção no serviços. As organizações sentem necessidade de se protegerem contra estes estranhos/ataques ao implementarem estratégias de segurança, mas a realidade é que as linhas de defesa da rede são permeáveis e as arquiteturas de segurança não são suficientemente dinâmicas para travar as ameaças existentes. Uma estratégia de segurança informática baseada na tecnologia “Deception” poderá permitir de uma forma rápida detetar, analisar e defender as redes organizacionais contra-ataquesem tempo real. Esta tecnologia “Deception” poderá oferecer informações precisas sobre “malware” e atividades maliciosas não detetadas por outros tipos de defesa cibernética. Este trabalho pretende explorar esta estratégia recente baseada em “Deception”, que pretende ser diferenciadora face à panóplia de dispositivos/software de segurança informática existentes. Como resultados, pretende-se elaborar uma análise onde as organizações possam perceber a tecnologia “Deception” nas suas vertentes da eficácia, eficiência e o seu valor estratégico para que, eventualmente, a possam utilizar para suportar/adicionar valor a uma decisão de estratégia de segurança informática.The use of Information Technology (IT) resources are the common approach for most organizations so they assets and intellectual property are properly managed. This strategic decision implies its exposure to the outside world through the data infrastructure. McDermott and Redish (1999), described the third Newton’s law as the principle of action- reaction, when organizations expose their infrastructure to the outside world and, as a response, strangers want to access their infrastructure for various purposes, either as pure fun, detect weaknesses or, more relevant for this work, steal assets/intellectual property. Organizations feel the need to protect themselves against these strangers/attacks by implementing security strategies, but truly, the network's first defense lines are permeable, and the security architectures are not dynamic enough to face existing or future threats. A Deception-based technology could enable the organizations to quickly detect, analyze and defend organizational networks against real-time attacks. Deception technology may provide accurate information on malware and malicious activity not detected by other types of cyber defense. This work intends to explore a new technology, Deception, that claims a differentiation when compared with the range of existing information security suite. The types of cyber-threats and their materialization could be relevant to the information technology and risk analysis. Thus, the intent is to elaborate an analysis where organizations can understand the Deception technology, his effectiveness, and strategic value so they can, eventually, use it to support/add value to a decision regarding information security strategy