210,879 research outputs found

    Self-regulating roof-bolting with the rock pressure energy use

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    The perspective of discovery of zonal disintegration phenomenon of rocks around underground mine workings is analyzed. The methodological stages for research of this phenomenon are shown. The physics of zonal disintegration of rocks around underground mine workings is disclosed. There are described the possibilities of advanced entropy method and developed energy method that allow to investigate a phenomenon of zonal capsulation of underground mine workings. The sequence of research of this phenomenon parameters is presented. The order of choice of stable shape and resource-saving support in underground mine workings is substantiated, for the deep horizons of the Kryvorizkyi Iron-Ore Basin mines. The method of parameters calculation of self- regulating roof-bolting in underground mine workings is substantiated, which allows to use the rock pressure energy. The design of a self- regulating roof-bolting is developed, which allows applying metal, polymer and rope bolts. The economic efficiency of rock pressure energy usage is substantiated in case of support setting at great depths in underground mine workings

    Which missing value imputation method to use in expression profiles: a comparative study and two selection schemes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Gene expression data frequently contain missing values, however, most down-stream analyses for microarray experiments require complete data. In the literature many methods have been proposed to estimate missing values via information of the correlation patterns within the gene expression matrix. Each method has its own advantages, but the specific conditions for which each method is preferred remains largely unclear. In this report we describe an extensive evaluation of eight current imputation methods on multiple types of microarray experiments, including time series, multiple exposures, and multiple exposures × time series data. We then introduce two complementary selection schemes for determining the most appropriate imputation method for any given data set.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found that the optimal imputation algorithms (LSA, LLS, and BPCA) are all highly competitive with each other, and that no method is uniformly superior in all the data sets we examined. The success of each method can also depend on the underlying "complexity" of the expression data, where we take complexity to indicate the difficulty in mapping the gene expression matrix to a lower-dimensional subspace. We developed an entropy measure to quantify the complexity of expression matrixes and found that, by incorporating this information, the entropy-based selection (EBS) scheme is useful for selecting an appropriate imputation algorithm. We further propose a simulation-based self-training selection (STS) scheme. This technique has been used previously for microarray data imputation, but for different purposes. The scheme selects the optimal or near-optimal method with high accuracy but at an increased computational cost.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our findings provide insight into the problem of which imputation method is optimal for a given data set. Three top-performing methods (LSA, LLS and BPCA) are competitive with each other. Global-based imputation methods (PLS, SVD, BPCA) performed better on mcroarray data with lower complexity, while neighbour-based methods (KNN, OLS, LSA, LLS) performed better in data with higher complexity. We also found that the EBS and STS schemes serve as complementary and effective tools for selecting the optimal imputation algorithm.</p

    Planning the forest transport systems based on the principles of sustainable development of territories

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    The article identifies a new method of dynamic modeling in the design of the transport system in the forest fund (TSFF), which is based on economic and mathematical modeling and fuzzy logic tools. The combination of the indicated methods is designed to reduce the disadvantages of their use and increase the benefits. The article substantiates the choice of assessing the forecast level of the impact of risks on the activities of forestry enterprises (the method of expert assessments), using the methodological tools of fuzzy logic. The indicated method makes it possible to take into account a large variety of risk factors of the internal and external environment. At the same time, methodological aspects of fuzzy logic make it possible to formulate a quantitative assessment of qualitative indicators. The article substantiates the choice of tools for economic and mathematical modeling in order to state the design problem of the planned TSFF. Since the indicated method enables the formalization of the functioning of the timber transport system in the given conditions. The article presents a developed model that correctly takes into account the influence of risk factors when planning a TSFF, through the combination of fuzzy logic methods and economic and mathematical modeling. The advantages of the developed model include: considering the multivariance of material flows, vehicles, points of overload, etc.; automated processing of input parameters and effective data; using the model for forecasting, i.e. the possibility of deriving a fuzzy estimate of the efficiency of the timber transport system by identifying cause-effect relationships between the modeling object and the influence of risk factors on its functioning. © 2019 IOP Publishing Ltd

    A framework for exploration and cleaning of environmental data : Tehran air quality data experience

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    Management and cleaning of large environmental monitored data sets is a specific challenge. In this article, the authors present a novel framework for exploring and cleaning large datasets. As a case study, we applied the method on air quality data of Tehran, Iran from 1996 to 2013. ; The framework consists of data acquisition [here, data of particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter ≤10 µm (PM10)], development of databases, initial descriptive analyses, removing inconsistent data with plausibility range, and detection of missing pattern. Additionally, we developed a novel tool entitled spatiotemporal screening tool (SST), which considers both spatial and temporal nature of data in process of outlier detection. We also evaluated the effect of dust storm in outlier detection phase.; The raw mean concentration of PM10 before implementation of algorithms was 88.96 µg/m3 for 1996-2013 in Tehran. After implementing the algorithms, in total, 5.7% of data points were recognized as unacceptable outliers, from which 69% data points were detected by SST and 1% data points were detected via dust storm algorithm. In addition, 29% of unacceptable outlier values were not in the PR.  The mean concentration of PM10 after implementation of algorithms was 88.41 µg/m3. However, the standard deviation was significantly decreased from 90.86 µg/m3 to 61.64 µg/m3 after implementation of the algorithms. There was no distinguishable significant pattern according to hour, day, month, and year in missing data.; We developed a novel framework for cleaning of large environmental monitored data, which can identify hidden patterns. We also presented a complete picture of PM10 from 1996 to 2013 in Tehran. Finally, we propose implementation of our framework on large spatiotemporal databases, especially in developing countries

    Game Based Learning for Safety and Security Education

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    Safety and security education are important part of technology related education, because of recent number of increase in safety and security related incidents. Game based learning is an emerging and rapidly advancing forms of computer-assisted instruction. Game based learning for safety and security education enables students to learn concepts and skills without the risk of physical injury and security breach. In this paper, a pedestal grinder safety game and physical security game have been developed using industrial standard modeling and game development software. The average score of the knowledge test of grinder safety game was 82%, which is higher than traditional lecture only instruction method. In addition, the survey of physical security game shows 84% average satisfaction ratio from high school students who played the game during the summer camp. The results of these studies indicated that game based learning method can enhance students' learning without potential harm to the students

    Peculiarities of geological and thermobaric conditions for the gas hydrate deposits occurence in the Black Sea and the prospects for their development

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    The actuality has been revealed of the necessity to attract the gas hydrate deposits of the Black Sea into industrial development as an alternative to traditional gas fields. This should be preceded by the identification and synthesis of geological and thermobaric peculiarities of their existence. It was noted that the gas hydrates formation occurs under certain thermobaric conditions, with the availability of a gas hydrate-forming agent, which is capable of hydrate formation, as well as a sufficient amount of water necessary to start the crystallization process. The gas hydrate accumulation typically does not occur in free space – in sea water, but in the massif of the sea bed rocks. The important role in the process of natural gas hydrates formation is assigned to thermobaric parameters, as well as to the properties and features of the geological environment, in which, actually, the process of hydrate formation and further hydrate accumulation occurs. It was noted that the source of formation and accumulation of the Black Sea gas hydrates is mainly catagenetic (deep) gas, but diagenetic gas also takes part in the process of gas hydrate deposits formation. The main component of natural gas hydrate deposits is methane and its homologs – ethane, propane, isobutane. The analysis has been made of geological and geophysical data and literature materials devoted to the study of the offshore area and the bottom of the Black Sea, as well as to the identification of gas hydrate deposits. It was established that in the offshore area the gas hydrate deposits with a heterogeneous structure dominate, that is, which comprises a certain proportion of aluminosilicate inclusions. It was noted that the Black Sea bottom sediments, beginning with the depths of 500 – 600 m, are gassy with methane, and a large sea part is favourable for hydrate formation at temperatures of +8...+9ºC and pressures from 7 to 20 MPa at different depths. The characteristics of gas hydrate deposits are provided, as well as requirements and aspects with regard to their industrialization and development. It is recommended to use the method of thermal influence on gas hydrate deposits, since, from an ecological point of view, it is the safest method which does not require additional water resources for its implementation, because water intake is carried out directly from the upper sea layers. A new classification of gas hydrate deposits with a heterogeneous structure has been developed, which is based on the content of rocks inclusions in gas hydrate, the classification feature of which is the amount of heat spent on the dissociation process

    Life cycle assessment (LCA) applied to the process industry: a review

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    Purpose : Life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology is a well-established analytical method to quantify environmental impacts, which has been mainly applied to products. However, recent literature would suggest that it has also the potential as an analysis and design tool for processes, and stresses that one of the biggest challenges of this decade in the field of process systems engineering (PSE) is the development of tools for environmental considerations. Method : This article attempts to give an overview of the integration of LCA methodology in the context of industrial ecology, and focuses on the use of this methodology for environmental considerations concerning process design and optimization. Results : The review identifies that LCA is often used as a multi-objective optimization of processes: practitioners use LCA to obtain the inventory and inject the results into the optimization model. It also shows that most of the LCA studies undertaken on process analysis consider the unit processes as black boxes and build the inventory analysis on fixed operating conditions. Conclusions : The article highlights the interest to better assimilate PSE tools with LCA methodology, in order to produce a more detailed analysis. This will allow optimizing the influence of process operating conditions on environmental impacts and including detailed environmental results into process industry

    Increasing ecological safety during underground mining of iron-ore deposits

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    Purpose. To create the technology increasing the level of ecological safety of underground mining of iron ores by means of decreasing the number of harmful substances released into the atmosphere. Methodology. Laboratory and industrial research studies of the condition of the atmospheric air around mine arrangement were conducted by means of a physical-and-chemical method and biological testing. The standard method for calculation of their concentration in the atmosphere was used for determination of features of harmful substance dispersion. Findings. Regularities of ground concentration of total influence of harmful substances changing with taking into account a specific consumption of explosives and distance from an emission source are revealed. The dependence of conditional indicator of damageability of bioindicators changing with increase in distance from a source of emission and specific consumption of explosives is established. The method for calculation of ecological assessment of atmospheric air condition around an emission source is developed. Originality. Dependence of influence of ground concentration of harmful substances on damageability of bioindicators at the cellular and organismal levels is established, which allows estimating an ecological state of atmospheric air on industrial territories. Practical value. Regularities of inluence of ground concentration of total impact of harmful substances on a condition of indicator systems are determined that allows estimating the state of the environment and increasing reliability of local environmental monitoring around an iron-ore mine. The technology of drilling-and-blasting operations conducting in which emulsion explosives are used during mining of iron ores by means of the chamber mining methods, which allows decreasing the hazard index of harmful substances influence on the atmosphere, is developed and implemented.Мета. Створити технологію, що підвищує рівень екологічної безпеки підземного видобутку залізних руд шляхом зниження кількості шкідливих речовин, які викидаються до атмосфери. Методика. Лабораторні й промислові дослідження стану атмосферного повітря в районі розташування шахти виконувалися за допомогою фізико-хімічного методу й біологічного тестування. Для визначення особливостей розсіювання шкідливих речовин використовувалася нормативна методика розрахунку їх концентрацій в атмосфері. Результати. Виявлені закономірності зміни приземної концентрації сумарного впливу шкідливих речовин з урахуванням питомої витрати вибухових речовин і відстані від джерела викиду. Встановлена залежність зміни умовного показника пошкоджуваності біоіндикаторів зі збільшенням відстані від джерела викиду й питомої витрати вибухових речо- вин. Розроблена методика розрахунку екологічної оцінки стану атмосферного повітря навколо джерела викиду. Наукова новизна. Встановлення залежності впливу приземних концентрацій шкідливих речовин на пошкоджуваність біоіндикаторів на клітинному та організмовому рівнях дозволяє оцінити екологічний стан атмосферного повітря на промислових територіях. Практична значимість. Встановлені закономірності впливу приземної концентрації сумарного впливу шкідливих речовин на стан індикаторних систем, що дозволяє оцінити стан навколишнього середовища й підвищити достовірність локального екологічного моніторингу в районі роботи залізорудної шахти. Розроблена й впроваджена технологія ведення буропідривних робіт, в якій використовуються емульсійні вибухові речовини при відпрацюванні залізних руд за допомогою камерних систем розробки, що дозволяє знизити індекс небезпеки впливу шкідливих речовин на атмосферу.Цель. Создать технологию, повышающую уровень экологической безопасности подземной добычи железных руд путем снижения количества вредных веществ, выбрасываемых в атмосферу. Методика. Лабораторные и промышленные исследования состояния атмосферного воздуха в районе расположения шахты выполнялись с помощью физико-химического метода и биологического тестирования. Для определения особенностей рассеивания вредных веществ использовалась нормативная методика расчета их концентраций в атмосфере. Результаты. Выявлены закономерности изменения приземной концентрации суммарного воздействия вредных веществ с учетом удельного расхода взрывчатых веществ и расстояния от источника выброса. Установлена зависимость изменения условного показателя повреждаемости биоиндикаторов с увеличением расстояния от источника выброса и удельного расхода взрывчатых веществ. Разработана методика расчета экологической оценки состояния атмосферного воздуха вокруг источника выброса. Научная новизна. Установление зависимости влияния приземных концентраций вредных веществ на повреждаемость биоиндикаторов на клеточном и организменном уровнях, что позволяет оценить экологическое состояние атмосферного воздуха на промышленных территориях. Практическая значимость. Установлены закономерности влияния приземной концентрации суммарного воздействия вредных веществ на состояние индикаторных систем, что позволяет оценить состояние окружающей среды и повысить достоверность локального экологического мониторинга в районе работы железорудной шахты. Разработана и внедрена технология ведения буровзрывных работ, в которой используются эмульсионные взрывчатые вещества при отработке железных руд при помощи камерных систем разработки, что позволяет снизить индекс опасности влияния вредных веществ на атмосферу