40,033 research outputs found


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    Since the Software Engineering Institute has launched the Capability Maturity Model almost twenty years ago, hundreds of maturity models have been proposed by researchers and practitioners across multiple application domains. With process orientation being a central paradigm of organizational design and continuous process improvement taking top positions on CIO agendas, maturity models are also prospering in business process management. Although the application of maturity models is increasing in quantity and breadth, the concept of maturity models is frequently subject to criticism. Indeed, numerous shortcomings have been disclosed referring to both maturity models as design products and the process of maturity model design. Whereas research has already substantiated the design process, there is no holistic understanding of the principles of form and function – that is, the design principles – maturity models should meet. We therefore propose a pragmatic, yet well-founded framework of general design principles justified by existing literature and grouped according to typical purposes of use. The framework is demonstrated using an exemplary set of maturity models related to business process management. We finally give a brief outlook on implications and topics for further research

    Improving IS Functions Step by Step: the Use of Focus Area Maturity Models

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    With new technologies developing rapidly and becoming more common, organizations need to keep up their IS capabilities. Maturity models are designed as a means to support capability development. The existing literature is strongly dominated by studies of fixed-level maturity models, i.e. maturity models that distinguish a limited set of generic maturity levels, such as the well-known CMM. We argue that, while fixed-level maturity models may be well-suited to assessing the maturity of IS capabilities, another form of maturity model, the focus area maturity model, is better suited to supporting incremental improvement. In this paper we define the concept of focus area maturity model. We use a design-science research method, basing our work on both extensive industry experience and scientific investigation

    Maturity model for DevOps

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    Businesses today need to respond to customer needs at unprecedented speed. Driven by this need for speed, many companies are rushing to the DevOps movement. DevOps, the combination of Development and Operations, is a new way of thinking in the software engineering domain that recently received much attention. Since DevOps has recently been introduced as a new term and novel concept, no common understanding of what it means has yet been achieved. Therefore, the definitions of DevOps often are only a part relevant to the concept. When further observing DevOps, it could be seen as a movement, but is still young and not yet formally defined. Also, no adoption models or fine-grained maturity models showing what to consider to adopt DevOps and how to mature it were identified. As a consequence, this research attempted to fill these gaps and consequently brought forward a Systematic Literature Review to identify the determining factors contributing to the implementation of DevOps, including the main capabilities and areas with which it evolves. This resulted in a list of practices per area and capability that was used in the interviews with DevOps practitioners that, with their experience, contributed to define the maturity of those DevOps practices. This combination of factors was used to construct a DevOps maturity model showing the areas and capabilities to be taken into account in the adoption and maturation of DevOps.Hoje em dia, as empresas precisam de responder Ă s necessidades dos clientes a uma velocidade sem precedentes. Impulsionadas por esta necessidade de velocidade, muitas empresas apressam-se para o movimento DevOps. O DevOps, a combinação de Desenvolvimento e OperaçÔes, Ă© uma nova maneira de pensar no domĂ­nio da engenharia de software que recentemente recebeu muita atenção. Desde que o DevOps foi introduzido como um novo termo e um novo conceito, ainda nĂŁo foi alcançado um entendimento comum do que significa. Portanto, as definiçÔes do DevOps geralmente sĂŁo apenas uma parte relevante para o conceito. Ao observar o DevOps, o fenĂłmeno aborda questĂ”es culturais e tĂ©cnicas para obter uma produção mais rĂĄpida de software, tem um Ăąmbito amplo e pode ser visto como um movimento, mas ainda Ă© jovem e ainda nĂŁo estĂĄ formalmente definido. AlĂ©m disso, nĂŁo foram identificados modelos de adoção ou modelos de maturidade refinados que mostrem o que considerar para adotar o DevOps e como fazĂȘ-lo crescer. Como consequĂȘncia, esta pesquisa tentou preencher essas lacunas e, consequentemente, apresentou uma RevisĂŁo sistemĂĄtica da literatura para identificar os fatores determinantes que contribuem para a implementação de DevOps, incluindo os principais recursos e ĂĄreas com os quais ele evolui. Isto resultou numa lista de prĂĄticas por ĂĄrea e por capacidade, que foi utilizado como base nas entrevistas realizadas com peritos em DevOps que, com a sua experiĂȘncia, ajudaram a atribuir nĂ­veis de maturidade a cada prĂĄtica. Esta combinação de fatores foi usada para construir um modelo de maturidade de DevOps mostrando as ĂĄreas e as capacidades a serem levados em consideração na sua adoção e maturação

    IT Service Management Maturity Model

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    Yrityksien tietohallinto on toiminnaltaan muuttunut vuosien saatossa vahvasti palveluntuottajan asemaan tarkoituksena tuottaa arvoa yrityksen liiketoimintaan, kuunnellen liiketoiminnan tarpeita. TÀmÀn myötÀ IT-palveluiden tehokkaista prosesseista, jatkuvasta kehittÀmisestÀ ja asiakaslÀhtöisestÀ toiminnasta on tullut entistÀ tÀrkeÀmpÀÀ IT organisaatiolle. TÀhÀn IT-palveluhallinnan konseptin tukemiseen on aikojen saatossa luotu erilaisia IT-palveluhallintamalleja, joista ITIL on yksi kÀytetyimmistÀ menetelmistÀ. TÀmÀn tutkimuksen tavoitteena on luoda IT-palveluhallinnan tason mittaamiseen sopiva mittaristo suunnittelutiedettÀ hyödyntÀen. Pohjana mittariston luomisessa kÀytetÀÀn vuonna 2019 pÀivitettyÀ ITIL versio 4 mallia sekÀ olemassa olevaa tutkimusmateriaalia IT-palveluhallinnan mittareista. Mittariston tavoitteena on ilmentÀÀ yritykselle, miten voidaan IT palveluprosesseja arvioida ITIL versio 4 mukanaan tuomat arvoa tuottavan toiminnan nÀkökulmat huomioiden. Kirjallisuuskatsaus kattaa IT palveluhallinnan, ITIL mallin kuvauksen, IT- palveluhallinnan kypsyysmittarit sekÀ katsauksen kÀytettyyn suunnittelutiede tutkimusmenetelmÀÀn. SuunnittelutiedettÀ mallintaen ITIL versio 4 kanssa yhteensopiva maturiteettimalli luotiin. Pohjana kÀytettiin kirjallisuuskatsauksen tieteellisiÀ artikkeleita ja ITIL 4 kirjallisuutta. TÀmÀn kyseisen artefaktin testaamisessa kÀytettiin kahta eri ITIL 4 palvelunhallintamenetelmÀÀ joita testattiin muutaman eri IS palvelun yhteydessÀ arviointilomakkeen ja haastatteluiden avulla. TÀtÀ kautta kerÀttiin tuloksia mallin toimivuudesta IT palveluhallinnan mittaamiseen. Tutkimuksen tuotoksena on IT-palveluhallinnan mittaamiseen sopiva maturiteettimalli, kun halutaan kÀyttÀÀ nÀkökulmana ITIL versio 4 IT palveluhallintamallia. Koska aikaisempia ITIL versio 4 malliin luotuja, tai sitÀ vasten tehtyjÀ maturiteettimalleja, saati tutkimuksia ei löytynyt, kerÀttiin palautetta mallin toimivuudesta ennen kaikkea edellÀ mainituiden kÀytÀnnön testaamisten kautta. Malli koettiin toimivaksi ja ennen kaikkea johdon tuki osoittautui tÀrkeÀksi painopisteeksi onnistuneen IT palveluhallinnan arvioinnin mahdollistamisessa. Tutkimuksessa kerÀttiinkin myös yhteen suosituksia huomioon otettavista asioista ennen kuin IT-palveluhallinnan mittaamista lÀhdetÀÀn toteuttamaan

    The development and technology transfer of software engineering technology at NASA. Johnson Space Center

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    The United State's big space projects of the next decades, such as Space Station and the Human Exploration Initiative, will need the development of many millions of lines of mission critical software. NASA-Johnson (JSC) is identifying and developing some of the Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) technology that NASA will need to build these future software systems. The goal is to improve the quality and the productivity of large software development projects. New trends are outlined in CASE technology and how the Software Technology Branch (STB) at JSC is endeavoring to provide some of these CASE solutions for NASA is described. Key software technology components include knowledge-based systems, software reusability, user interface technology, reengineering environments, management systems for the software development process, software cost models, repository technology, and open, integrated CASE environment frameworks. The paper presents the status and long-term expectations for CASE products. The STB's Reengineering Application Project (REAP), Advanced Software Development Workstation (ASDW) project, and software development cost model (COSTMODL) project are then discussed. Some of the general difficulties of technology transfer are introduced, and a process developed by STB for CASE technology insertion is described

    Towards Maturity Models as Methods to Manage IT for Business Value – A Resource-based View Foundation

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    For more than three decades business value of IT attracts attention in Information Systems Research (ISR) and practice. Despite the fact, that corporate management considers enterprise IT increasingly as a strategic factor, the question on how to manage IT effectively for business value remains widely unsolved. With the goal to support this management task we suggest maturity models (MMs) as a new method. We found MMs in the resource-based view in order to provide maturity models with a theoretical basis in general and to lay out the feasibility of MMs as methods to manage IT resources for business value in particular. To accomplish these goals, we conduct an in-depth analysis using an argumentative-deductive research approach. We contribute to the knowledge base by adopting a well-proven approach, transferring it to a new application domain, and grounding it in theory. Taking an example from corporate management research we illustrate our findings schematically

    Do Procedure Models Actually Guide Maturity Model Design? A Citation Analysis

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    More than a decade ago, guidelines for the development of maturity models were proposed in the form of procedure models. In theory, such procedure models provide scholars with guidance, but does the scientific community actually use them according to their intended purpose. This paper conducts a citation analysis and identifies an impressive number of citations. However, it is noteworthy that the publications are mainly cited for other reasons, such as the components or the general purposes of maturity models. The analysis also provides indications that many maturity models are developed without using a procedure model. Despite the fact that methodological rigor is considered a crucial criterion for publishing articles, maturity model designers might have concerns about using domain-specific procedure models. Future studies should address the reasons for this reluctance
