2,904,291 research outputs found

    What is Organisational Culture and How Can IT Be Managed Effectively

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    Budaya organisasi merupakan salah satu faktor penting yang menentukan kesuksesan suatu organisasi dan memiliki dampak jangka panjang terhadap kinerja organisasi tersebut. Nilai, cerita dan pahlawan merupakan elemen-elemen yang saling berkaitan dalam membentuk budaya suatu organisasi. Budaya organisasi yang kuat bisa menjadi kekuatan penggerak sekaligus bisa meningkatkan motivasi karyawan-karyawan sehingga mereka akan memiliki persepsi dan sikap yang sama dalam mencapai tujuan organisasi. Dengan demikian, karyawan akan memiliki komitmen yang tinggi terhadap organisasi tersebut. Oleh sebab itu, suatu organisasi harus mampu mengelola budaya organisasinya dengan efektif sehingga tujuan organisasi bisa tercapai dengan sukses

    Open access publishing: What is world’s best practice?

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    Open access publishing delivers on the dream of centuries - the free and unfettered access to the written word. However there are shades of openness and the question raised is 'what is world's best practice for open access publishing?' Four criteria are proposed to generate a star rating for an open access journal - for ‘openness’ - with a star available for meeting each criterion, to a maximum of four. The open access criteria for scoring star ratings are: (1) There is no barrier to access for the reader; (2) It is free to the author/s; (3) Copyright is retained by the author/s; and (4) The paper can be freely distributed under licence. The Journal of Organic Systems 'ticks all the boxes' to rate as a four-star open access journal

    Supposing Truth is a Woman – What Then?

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    Nietzsche's analysis of the self-poisoning of ‘the will to power’ and his insistence upon overcoming its ideological outcome (the dogmatist's fake ‘Truth’) by recognizing the ‘un-truth’ of a ‘logic of contamination,’ demonstrates that he understands ‘truth’ as a paradox. What may one accordingly expect in response to the question ‘Supposing truth is a woman – what then?’, posed in the preface to Beyond Good and Evil (1966)? Supported by Derrida's Spurs: Nietzsche's Styles, I argue that Nietzsche could have drawn two radically different analogies between paradoxical ‘truth’ and ‘woman.’ However, due to the very kind of ideological conditioning (patriarchal), which his ‘free thinking’ resists in principle, he explicitly draws only one, hazarding a self-betraying performative contradiction. The obvious move might be to retain the valuable critique of ideology made possible by his analysis of the ‘will to power,’ while jettisoning the self-undermining rhetoric that constructs sexual difference according to values handed down by patriarchy. However, retaining and working through the terms of sexual difference, and highlighting Nietzsche's blindness concerning women, has the advantage of calling attention to its significance. The fact that one may say in retrospect that even Nietzsche (of all thinkers!) remained blindly subject to ideological conditioning, points to its unconscious nature and raises the question of what ‘overcoming’ in relation to the will to power entails for the free thinkers he heralded

    Pluralism is the Answer! What is the Question?

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    This essay provides a critical assessment of species pluralism, a popular strategy to explain the discordance characterizing contemporary systematics. Specifically, my aim is to present and scrutinize species pluralism, and to discuss whether it provides a fruitful concept in biology. The article begins by distinguishing two independent theses often associated with pluralism: ‘heterogeneity’ and ‘theory dependence.’ Next, it examines how these theses have been developed in the scientific and philosophical literature. I conclude by suggesting that the overarching expression ‘species pluralism’ be dropped in favor of more perspicuous labels
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