959 research outputs found

    A framework for determining the adoption of new services in the South African mobile telecommunications market

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    Abstract in English, Afrikaans and ZuluThe aim of this study was to determine the key factors which explain the adoption of mobile data services in South Africa and incorporate them into an explanatory framework that can be used to indicate whether a new mobile data service that is introduced into the South African Mobile Market will be successful. Additionally, it shows that the current usage of mobile data services in South Africa supports the framework. The research used a design based on a mixed methods methodology. The research was conducted using a literature survey and two research phases. The literature survey was an extensive review of communication technology adoption frameworks and all the possible factors of adoption. This literature survey was also used to develop the discussion document which was used as the guidelines for the Phase 1 interviews. The interviews were with experts in the telecommunications market in South Africa and were used to determine the key drivers of adoption and possible moderating factors of mobile data services. From those interviews a preliminary model was proposed. Phase 2 was a market survey which tested the framework and moderating factors in different metropolitan areas as well as examined the current usage of mobile data services. The statistical analysis used in determining the framework incorporated Descriptive Statistics, Factor Analysis, using Principal Axis Factoring, and Structural Equation Modelling. The framework, which was based on the Technology Acceptance Model, introduced two new constructs. The first new construct was the Mobile Service Providers Marketing Tactics and the second was Social Pressure and Aspirational Value. The two constructs combined can be used to explain why mobile service providers with low cost strategies are not successful. Demographic factors such as Age were found to influence the adoption as well as Socio-economic factors such as Income. Personal factors such as Technical Knowledge, Ability and Skills and Attitude towards Technology were also found to influence adoption. Geographical location was found to be the most important moderating factor. The current mobile data usage supported the framework. The results of data usage highlighted the fact that nearly 50% of the study’s participants spent over 4 hours per day interacting with their mobile devices and that the participants from Gauteng spent more than 2½ times on mobile services than those in the other metropolitan municipalities of Cape Town and eThekwiniDie doel van hierdie studie was om die sleutelfaktore te bepaal wat die aanneming van selfoondatadienste in Suid-Afrika verklaar, en hulle te verenig in ʼn raamwerk waarmee aangetoon kan word of ʼn nuwe selfoondatadiens die Suid-Afrikaanse selfoondatamark suksesvol sal betree. Afgesien hiervan dui hierdie studie aan dat die huidige gebruik van selfoondatadienste in Suid-Afrika die geldigheid van die voorgestelde raamwerk bevestig. ʼn Mengsel van metodes is in die navorsing toegepas. Die navorsing het uit ʼn literatuuroorsig en twee navorsingsfases bestaan. Die literatuuroorsig het ʼn deurtastende oorsig van die raamwerke vir die aanneming van kommunikasietegnologie en alle moontlike faktore daarvoor behels. Uit die literatuuroorsig is die besprekingsdokument saamgestel wat as riglyn gedien het vir die onderhoude in fase 1 van die navorsing. Onderhoude is met kundiges uit die Suid-Afrikaanse telekommunikasiebedryf gevoer om die belangrikste dryfvere vir aanneming en moontlike remfaktore ten opsigte van selfoondatadienste te bepaal. ʼn Voorlopige model is op grond van die onderhoude aangebied. Fase 2 het ʼn markopname behels waarin die raamwerk en remfaktore in verskeie metropolitaanse gebiede getoets en die huidige gebruik van selfoondatadienste ondersoek is. Die statistiese analise waarop die raamwerk berus, het bestaan uit beskrywende statistiek, faktorontleding met behulp van hoofasfaktorering, en struktuurvergelykingsmodellering. Twee nuwe konstrukte het uit die raamwerk wat op die tegnologieaanvaardingsmodel gegrond was, gespruit. Die eerste was selfoondiensverskaffers se bemarkingstrategieë en die tweede sosiale druk en aspirerende waarde. Saam verklaar die twee konstrukte waarom selfoondiensverskaffers wat laekostestrategieë volg, misluk. Daar is bevind dat demografiese faktore soos ouderdom, en sosiaal-ekonomiese faktore soos inkomste, aanneming beïnvloed. Volgens die bevindings word aanneming eweneens bepaal deur persoonlike faktore soos tegniese kennis, vermoë en vaardighede asook houding jeens tegnologie. Daar is bevind dat geografiese ligging die belangrikste remfaktor is. Die huidige selfoondatagebruik bevestig die geldigheid van die raamwerk. Die uitslag van datagebruik benadruk die feit dat byna 50% van die deelnemers aan die studie langer as vier uur per dag met hulle selfone doenig is, en dat deelnemers in Gauteng twee en half keer meer as deelnemers in die metropolitaanse munisipaliteite van Kaapstad en eThekwini aan selfoondienste bestee.Inhloso yalolu cwaningo bekuwukuthola izinto ezibalulekile ezichaza ukwamukelwa kwezinsiza zamadatha amaselula eNingizimu Afrika nokuzifaka ohlakeni oluchazayo olungasetshenziswa ukukhombisa ukuthi ngabe insiza entsha yedatha ethulwe emakethe yamaselula eNingizimu Afrika izophumelela. Ngaphezu kwalokho, kukhombisa ukuthi ukusetshenziswa kwamanje kwezinsiza zedatha yamaselula eNingizimu Afrika kuyalusekela uhlaka. Ucwaningo lusebenzise umklamu osuselwe ezindleleni zokwenza ezixubile. Ucwaningo lwenziwe kusetshenziswa ucwaningo lwezincwadi kanye nezigaba ezimbili zocwaningo. Ucwaningo lwezincwadi belungukubuyekezwa okubanzi kokwamukela kwenzinhlaka zobuchwepheshe kwezokuxhumana kanye nazo zonke izici ezingenzeka ukuthi zamukelwe. Lolu cwaningo lwezincwadi lusetshenzisiwe futhi ukuthuthukisa umqulu wezingxoxo osetshenziswe njengezinkombandlela zokuxoxisana nabantu besigaba 1. Izingxoxo ebezinazo bezingochwepheshe emakethe yezokuxhumana eNingizimu Afrika futhi zasetshenziselwa ukuthola izidingongqangi zokwamukelwa kanye nezici zokulingisanisa kwezinsiza zamadatha amaselula. Kulezo zingxoxo, kuphakanyiswe isifaniselo sokuqala. Isigaba 2 bekungukucwaningo lwezimakethe oluhlola uhlaka kanye nezici zokulinganisa ezindaweni ezahlukahlukene zedolobha kanye nokuhlola ukusetshenziswa kwamanje kwezinsiza zedatha yamaselula. Ukuhlaziywa kwezibalo okusetshenzisiwe ekunqumeni uhlaka lufake izibalo ezichazayo, ukuhlaziya izakhi, kusetshenziswa izisekelo eziyinhloko zokuphamba, kanye nesifaniselo sokulinganisa esihlelekile. Uhlaka, olwalususelwa kusifaniselo sokwamukela ubuchwepheshe, lwethule izakhiwo ezimbili ezintsha. Isakhiwo esisha sokuqala kwakungamacebo wokukhangisa wabahlinzeki bezinsiza zamaselula futhi owesibili kwakuyingcindezi yomphakathi nenani lesifiso. Lezi zakhiwo zombili ezihlanganisiwe zingasetshenziswa ukuchaza ukuthi kungani abahlinzeki bezinsizakalo zamaselula abanamasu ezindleko eziphansi bengaphumeleli. Izici ezithinta abantu ezinjengobudala zitholakele ukuthonya ukwamukelwa kanye nezici zezomnotho nezenhlalo ezifana nomholo. Izici ezithinta umuntu ngqo ezifana nolwazi lwezobuchwepheshe, ukwazi ukwenza kanye namakhono, nesimo sengqondo maqondana nezobuchwepheshe zatholakala zithonya ukwamukelwa. Indawo yendawo yatholakala njengesici sokulinganisa esibaluleke kakhulu. Ukusetshenziswa kwedatha yeselula yamanje kusekele uhlaka. Imiphumela yokusetshenziswa kwedatha igcizelele iqiniso lokuthi bacishe babe ngama-50% ababambe iqhaza kulolu cwaningo bachithe isikhathi esingaphezu kwamahora amane ngosuku bexhumana nemishini yabo yamaselula nokuthi ababambiqhaza abavela eGauteng bachithe izikhathi ezingaphezu kwezingu-2½ kuzinsiza zamaselula kunalabo bakwamanye amadolobha amakhulu aseKapa naseThekwini.Business ManagementD.B.L

    Factors affecting continued usage intention of electronic government among public servants in Iraq

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    Electronic government (eG) system has become an important component of Information and Communication Technology provided by governments to facilitate all the transactions. This system has gained the popularity in developed and developing countries alike. Due to the inconsistency of the findings regarding the antecedents and consequences of usage behaviour of eG services, this study attempted to further explain this phenomenon in an unstable environment. Specifically, this study attempted to investigate the mediating role of Usage Behaviour on the relationships between the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use Technology (UTAUT) antecedents and Continued Usage Intention. Additionally, this study attempted to investigate the moderating effect of Perceived Intensity of Civil Conflict (PICC) on the relationship between Usage Behaviour and Continued Usage Intention. In the relevant past literature, many theories have emphasized the necessity to establish the fit between various factors and Usage issues as the key success factor. However, this study integrated many theories such as the Expectation-Confirmation Theory, Conflict Theory, and UTAUT to examine the effect of various factors on Usage Behaviour and Continued Usage Intention of eG. To examine the hypothesized model, the data for this study were collected from the employees in the public universities. Out of 700 questionnaires distributed, 436 usable questionnaires were returned. This study employed the partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) to confirm the validity and reliability of the measurement model and to examine the structural relationships. The findings of the study confirmed the positive influence of Effort Expectancy, Performance Expectancy and Facilitating Conditions on the Usage Behaviour. In addition, the results supported the strong positive influence of usage behaviour on continued usage intention. While the moderating effect of PICC was not supported, usage behaviour was found to have a significant power to explain the effect of UTAUT variables on continued usage intention

    Conceptualising the role of innovation--attributes for examining consumer adoption of entertainment--related innovations

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    Several enhancements and new features have been introduced in the television entertainment industry to offer the viewers with a high quality viewing experience when it comes to contemporary home entertainment services. Tata SKY’s direct-to-home (DTH) service is one such service that has been recently introduced in the Indian context. For achieving an increased adoption rate of this innovation, it is important to gain an understanding of the behaviour of different factors that influence the potential consumers to form positive intentions about such innovations, in turn attracting them to accept and use of such innovations. This paper, thus aims at developing a theory-based conceptual framework for examining the consumer adoption of entertainment related innovations using the innovationattributes that have been acknowledged in the recent literature as having considerable influences on the acceptance of various innovations. Innovation-attributes from Rogers’ diffusion of innovations theory, Tornatzky and Klein’s meta-analysis, and Moore and Benbasat’s perceived characteristics of innovating theory will be used here to develop a conceptual framework suitable for investigating the adoption of entertainment related innovations

    Exploring user behaviours on mobile technologies combined with payment functions during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor in Information Management, specialization in Information TechnologiesWith the extensive spread of smart mobile devices, mobile technologies and services have revolutionised and pervaded significantly in most aspects of human life, such as social communication, commerce, entertainment, etc. Various industries have integrated services and products with mobile financial transaction technologies, facilitating the payment services combined with various mobile applications. The wide adoption of mobile transactions has increased the efficiency of transaction processes, met the expectations of customers and the requirements of enterprises, and supported the social-economic development in different scenarios, especially under the pandemic situation. Understanding mobile device users’ perceptions and behaviours on mobile technologies combining payment functions under the COVID-19 pandemic situation has reinforced the need to embark on a deeper investigation of customer behaviours during the pandemic. For these reasons, this study contributes to the advancement of knowledge and implementation methods for a better understanding of the determinants of customers’ behavioural intentions of using mobile technologies combined with payment functions in a total of seven separate studies. The investigation begins with a systematic literature review on mobile payment studies presented in chapter two. This research is augmented by investigating users’ continuance usage intention of mobile payments under the COVID-19 pandemic in chapter three. The fourth chapter analyses the determinants of continuance usage intention of food delivery apps during the pandemic. Chapters five and six present two theoretical development studies about the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) and UTAUT2, respectively. The seventh chapter investigates customers’ psychological shopping processes via live-streaming shopping apps during the pandemic lockdown period. In epistemological terms, this study involved conjoint positivist and interpretivist research in behavioural information systems research. A qualitative research method was applied in chapters two, five and six, and a quantitative research method was implemented in the third, fourth and seventh chapters. The main theoretical foundations applied and validated in three empirical studies were UTAUT and UTAUT2. Specifically, chapter three integrates UTAUT with Mental Accounting Theory, the fourth chapter combines UTAUT with the Expectancy Confirmation Model, and chapter seven integrates UTAUT2 with the Stimulus-Organism-Response framework and Flow theory. This study found that performance expectancy, social influence, and trust significantly affect users’ behavioural intentions in all three empirical studies. Customers’ mental cognitions, such as perceived benefits, satisfaction, flow and perceived value, positively formulate users’ behavioural intention in the three studies, respectively. Hedonic motivation and flow significantly influence users' behavioural intention when mobile technologies contain payment and entertainment features. Moreover, this study contributes several theoretical and practical implications. This study facilitates the advancement of knowledge of mobile technologies adoption through three verified theoretical frameworks and two proposed developed theoretical models and appropriate measurement methods. Meanwhile, this study supports relevant stakeholders in mobile technologies, enterprises, policymakers, service providers, and marketing departments with valuable findings and discussions for comprehensively understanding the determinants of customers’ behaviours on mobile technologies combined payment function

    Factors influencing Indonesian consumers to use e-services in Indonesian airline companies

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    This study develops a research model for investigating the factors that influence consumers to use Indonesian airlines’ e-Services. It employs a two-stage sequential mixed method design comprising both field study and quantitative approaches. The research model is validated from the responses of 819 Indonesian consumers who are users of Indonesian airlines’ e-Services. The results confirm that effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, trustworthiness and outcome expectancy drives e-Services usage trough motivation and intention to use

    The Influence of Baby Boomers’ Perceptions of Well-Being on Their Preference in Post-retirement Residential Alternatives as Moderated by Their Affinity for Technology

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    This study was premised on the idea that baby boomers, like anyone else, desire to maximize their well-being. That is, they seek situations that provide positive emotion, engagement, relationships, meaning and accomplishment (PERMA) which determine their personal appraisal of well-being based on both objective and subjective measures. Thus, the purpose of the research was to identify the most important PERMA elements of well-being that the baby boomer cohort who have decided to retire but have not yet done so (i.e., pre-retirees), seek in their preference in post-retirement residence. Moreover, this study investigates the degree to which this group sees that choice being influenced by their affinity for technology. The data for this correlational study was collected through a survey instrument administered to respondents electronically. The responses were analyzed utilizing logistic regression to generate research findings and implications. The results of this study suggest there is a relationship between the PERMA elements of well-being, singly and collectively, and their preference in post-retirement residence. Further, when considering the impact of affinity for technology on these two variables, the hypothesis of moderation was not significant. Future research in these two areas is warranted as technological innovations continue to impact the delivery of the elements of well-being, and as baby boomers move through their retirement years, to consider the potential impact on their preferred post-retirement residential alternatives

    Conceptualizing the Electronic Word-of-Mouth Process: What We Know and Need to Know About eWOM Creation, Exposure, and Evaluation

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    Electronic word of mouth (eWOM) is a prevalent consumer practice that has undeniable effects on the company bottom line, yet it remains an over-labeled and under-theorized concept. Thus, marketers could benefit from a practical, science-based roadmap to maximize its business value. Building on the consumer motivation–opportunity–ability framework, this study conceptualizes three distinct stages in the eWOM process: eWOM creation, eWOM exposure, and eWOM evaluation. For each stage, we adopt a dual lens—from the perspective of the consumer (who sends and receives eWOM) and that of the marketer (who amplifies and manages eWOM for business results)—to synthesize key research insights and propose a research agenda based on a multidisciplinary systematic review of 1050 academic publications on eWOM published between 1996 and 2019. We conclude with a discussion of the future of eWOM research and practice


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    Einführung: Consumer Health Informatics (ConsHI) ist eine Fachdisziplin, die basierend auf Methoden, Diensten und Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie-Ausstattung Laien in die Lage versetzt, eine aktive Rolle hinsichtich ihrer Gesundheit sicher zu spielen. ConsHI verspricht, ein Heilmittel für die Myriaden an Gesundheitsherausforderungen zu sein, welche die Welt bedrängen, hauptsächlich nach der Covid – 19 Pandemie. Während Consumer Health Informatics (ConsHI) eine Menge verspricht, besteht ein Mangel an Modellen zur Bewertung der Annahme dieser Konzepte in verschiedenen Ländern, insbesondere Entwicklungsländern. Auch sind die zahlreichen Modelle der Annahme von Technologie und von Gesundheitsfürsorge uneinheitlich und der kritische Bedarf an einem zusammengesetzten Modell ist mehr ausgeprägt denn je. Diese Studie zielt darauf ab, Faktoren zu bewerten, die die Annahme von ConsHI in low-middle income countries (LMICs) zu erleichtern und die vorherrschenden Faktoren zu modellieren, welche Vorhersagen über die Reife ihrer Bürger für die Annahme von ConsHI treffen. Methoden: Wir haben eine umfassende Suche danach durchgeführt, wie Laien in Entwicklungs- wie in entwickelten Ländern IKT für ihre Gesundheit einsetzten und haben aus vielen Optionen drei wesentliche Modelle identifiziert. Die Modelle waren Unified Theory of Acceptance and Utilisation of Technology (UTAUT), Patient Activation Measure (PAM) und Consumer Health Informatics (ConsHI) Modelle, welche die individuelle Annahme und Teilnahme an Technologie und Gesundheitsfürsorge parallel überprüften. Wir haben unter Nutzung dieser drei Modelle ein zusammengesetztes Modell entwickelt. Wir haben es anschließend mittels Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test und Item Response Theory validiert. Wir haben eine mehrstufige ad-hoc-Datensammlung (convenience sampling) durchgeführt, um den Fragebogen 1800 Befragten aus sechs LMICs in einer Querschnittserhebung vorzulegen. Die Befragten waren z.T. gesund, z.T. bei eingeschränkter Gesundheit, 18 Jahre oder älter – der Rücklauf war fast 100%, von einigen fehlenden Daten abgesehen, da die Untersucher die Erhebungsblätter persönlich vorlegten. Die Daten wurden sowohl mit explorativen wie auch konformativen Faktoranalyse-Techniken analysiert, so zum Beispiel partial least square structural equation models in Rstudio und SmartPLS 4.0, je nach Gegebenheit. Unser Datensatz erfüllte alle Grundannahmen der explorativen und konfirmativen Faktorenanalyse ohne signifikante Probleme. Aus der explorativen Faktorenanalyse haben wir Faktoren (e – factors) extrahiert und Fakten aus empirischen Modellen (t – factors) gegenübergestellt. Auch haben wir mittels Strukturgleichungsmodellen Reifefaktoren (m – factors) aus den t – factors zusammengestellt. Ergebnisse: Wir haben zwei hauptsächliche Ergebnisse erzielt. Zunächst, in einer Voruntersuchung, haben wir einen Fragebogen mit 43 Items, gestaltet als 5-Punkt-Likert-Items zusammengestellt und validiert und acht demographische Items hnzugefügt, als Moderatoren der m – factors zur Vorhersage der ConsHI-Reife. Zum zweiten haben wir aus dem Datensatz sechs explorative Faktoren als erleichternde Elemente für ConsHI extrahiert. Die e – factors waren wesentlich durch ein Gestaltexperiment gekennzeichnet und spiegelten die drei theoretischen Faktoren (t – factors) unseres Modells wider. Wir haben auch konfirmative Modellierung höherer Ordnung angewandt, um vier m – factors (Aptitute, Attitude, Confidence und Motivation) als Prädiktoren der Reife von Bürgern in LMICs zusammenzusetzen. Attitude (Haltung) trug am meisten zur Vorhersage der Reife von Bürgern in LMICs bei, aptitude (Eignung) am wenigsten. Die prädiktive Relevanz und Stärke des Modells wurden validiert und waren auf dem 95%-Konfidenzniveau signifikant. Zu beachten ist, dass eine Mehrgruppenanalyse die statistische Signifikanz der beobachteten Heterogenität und den moderierenden Effekt mehrerer demogrpahischer Variablen, wie z.B. Alter, die Vorhersehbarkeit für ConsHI in LMICs bestätigten. Schlüsse: Soweit es uns bekannt ist, ist unsere Studie ein Vorreiter, indem sie ein zusammengesetztes Modell aus UTAUT, PAM und ConsHI erstellt; diese Forschung macht die Notwendigkeit von Politikformulierung zur Maximierung der Technologie in der Gesundheitsversorgung und zur Optimierung eines ausgeweiteten Zugangs zu mobiler Telefonie zum zentralen Thema. Die Studie hat ein prädiktives lineares Modell zur Bestimmung der Reife von Bürgern in LMICs für ConsHI formuliert. Die Ad-Hoc-Datenerhebung war eine wichtige Einschränkung der Studie; als Querschnittstudie, da sich Faktoren mit der Zeit ändern, könnten ihr auch dynamische Umgebungsfaktoren entgangen sein. Wir empfehlen, dass künftige Studien Zufallsstichprobenvefahren anwenden, und Anstrengungen, aktive Techniken in einer Verhaltensstudie zu verwenden, würden auch helfen. Schlüsselwörter: Verbrauchergesundheitsinformatik, Moderatoren, Reife der Bürger von LMICs, Ländern mit niedrigem mittlerem Einkommen und Vorhersagemodell
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