241 research outputs found

    Holistic recommender systems for software engineering

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    The knowledge possessed by developers is often not sufficient to overcome a programming problem. Short of talking to teammates, when available, developers often gather additional knowledge from development artifacts (e.g., project documentation), as well as online resources. The web has become an essential component in the modern developer’s daily life, providing a plethora of information from sources like forums, tutorials, Q&A websites, API documentation, and even video tutorials. Recommender Systems for Software Engineering (RSSE) provide developers with assistance to navigate the information space, automatically suggest useful items, and reduce the time required to locate the needed information. Current RSSEs consider development artifacts as containers of homogeneous information in form of pure text. However, text is a means to represent heterogeneous information provided by, for example, natural language, source code, interchange formats (e.g., XML, JSON), and stack traces. Interpreting the information from a pure textual point of view misses the intrinsic heterogeneity of the artifacts, thus leading to a reductionist approach. We propose the concept of Holistic Recommender Systems for Software Engineering (H-RSSE), i.e., RSSEs that go beyond the textual interpretation of the information contained in development artifacts. Our thesis is that modeling and aggregating information in a holistic fashion enables novel and advanced analyses of development artifacts. To validate our thesis we developed a framework to extract, model and analyze information contained in development artifacts in a reusable meta- information model. We show how RSSEs benefit from a meta-information model, since it enables customized and novel analyses built on top of our framework. The information can be thus reinterpreted from an holistic point of view, preserving its multi-dimensionality, and opening the path towards the concept of holistic recommender systems for software engineering

    Aspect of Code Cloning Towards Software Bug and Imminent Maintenance: A Perspective on Open-source and Industrial Mobile Applications

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    As a part of the digital era of microtechnology, mobile application (app) development is evolving with lightning speed to enrich our lives and bring new challenges and risks. In particular, software bugs and failures cost trillions of dollars every year, including fatalities such as a software bug in a self-driving car that resulted in a pedestrian fatality in March 2018 and the recent Boeing-737 Max tragedies that resulted in hundreds of deaths. Software clones (duplicated fragments of code) are also found to be one of the crucial factors for having bugs or failures in software systems. There have been many significant studies on software clones and their relationships to software bugs for desktop-based applications. Unfortunately, while mobile apps have become an integral part of today’s era, there is a marked lack of such studies for mobile apps. In order to explore this important aspect, in this thesis, first, we studied the characteristics of software bugs in the context of mobile apps, which might not be prevalent for desktop-based apps such as energy-related (battery drain while using apps) and compatibility-related (different behaviors of same app in different devices) bugs/issues. Using Support Vector Machine (SVM), we classified about 3K mobile app bug reports of different open-source development sites into four categories: crash, energy, functionality and security bug. We then manually examined a subset of those bugs and found that over 50% of the bug-fixing code-changes occurred in clone code. There have been a number of studies with desktop-based software systems that clearly show the harmful impacts of code clones and their relationships to software bugs. Given that there is a marked lack of such studies for mobile apps, in our second study, we examined 11 open-source and industrial mobile apps written in two different languages (Java and Swift) and noticed that clone code is more bug-prone than non-clone code and that industrial mobile apps have a higher code clone ratio than open-source mobile apps. Furthermore, we correlated our study outcomes with those of existing desktop based studies and surveyed 23 mobile app developers to validate our findings. Along with validating our findings from the survey, we noticed that around 95% of the developers usually copy/paste (code cloning) code fragments from the popular Crowd-sourcing platform, Stack Overflow (SO) to their projects and that over 75% of such developers experience bugs after such activities (the code cloning from SO). Existing studies with desktop-based systems also showed that while SO is one of the most popular online platforms for code reuse (and code cloning), SO code fragments are usually toxic in terms of software maintenance perspective. Thus, in the third study of this thesis, we studied the consequences of code cloning from SO in different open source and industrial mobile apps. We observed that closed-source industrial apps even reused more SO code fragments than open-source mobile apps and that SO code fragments were more change-prone (such as bug) than non-SO code fragments. We also experienced that SO code fragments were related to more bugs in industrial projects than open-source ones. Our studies show how we could efficiently and effectively manage clone related software bugs for mobile apps by utilizing the positive sides of code cloning while overcoming (or at least minimizing) the negative consequences of clone fragments

    Crowdsmelling: The use of collective knowledge in code smells detection

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    Code smells are seen as major source of technical debt and, as such, should be detected and removed. However, researchers argue that the subjectiveness of the code smells detection process is a major hindrance to mitigate the problem of smells-infected code. We proposed the crowdsmelling approach based on supervised machine learning techniques, where the wisdom of the crowd (of software developers) is used to collectively calibrate code smells detection algorithms, thereby lessening the subjectivity issue. This paper presents the results of a validation experiment for the crowdsmelling approach. In the context of three consecutive years of a Software Engineering course, a total "crowd" of around a hundred teams, with an average of three members each, classified the presence of 3 code smells (Long Method, God Class, and Feature Envy) in Java source code. These classifications were the basis of the oracles used for training six machine learning algorithms. Over one hundred models were generated and evaluated to determine which machine learning algorithms had the best performance in detecting each of the aforementioned code smells. Good performances were obtained for God Class detection (ROC=0.896 for Naive Bayes) and Long Method detection (ROC=0.870 for AdaBoostM1), but much lower for Feature Envy (ROC=0.570 for Random Forrest). Obtained results suggest that crowdsmelling is a feasible approach for the detection of code smells, but further validation experiments are required to cover more code smells and to increase external validity

    Beyond Traditional Software Development: Studying and Supporting the Role of Reusing Crowdsourced Knowledge in Software Development

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    As software development is becoming increasingly complex, developers often need to reuse others’ code or knowledge made available online to tackle problems encountered during software development and maintenance. This phenomenon of using others' code or knowledge, often found on online forums, is referred to as crowdsourcing. A good example of crowdsourcing is posting a coding question on the Stack Overflow website and having others contribute code that solves that question. Recently, the phenomenon of crowdsourcing has attracted much attention from researchers and practitioners and recent studies show that crowdsourcing improves productivity and reduces time-to-market. However, like any solution, crowdsourcing brings with it challenges such as quality, maintenance, and even legal issues. The research presented in this thesis presents the result of a series of large-scale empirical studies involving some of the most popular crowdsourcing platforms such as Stack Overflow, Node Package Manager (npm), and Python Package Index (PyPI). The focus of these empirical studies is to investigate the role of reusing crowdsourcing knowledge and more particularly crowd code in the software development process. We first present two empirical studies on the reuse of knowledge from crowdsourcing platforms namely Stack Overflow. We found that reusing knowledge from this crowdsourcing platform has the potential to assist software development practices, specifically through source code reuse. However, relying on such crowdsourced knowledge might also negatively affect the quality of the software projects. Second, we empirically examine the type of development knowledge constructed on crowdsourcing platforms. We examine the use of trivial packages on npm and PyPI platforms. We found that trivial packages are common and developers tend to use them because they provide them with well tested and implemented code. However, developers are concerned about the maintenance overhead of these trivial packages due to the extra dependencies that trivial packages introduce. Finally, we used the gained knowledge to propose a pragmatic solution to improve the efficiency of relying on the crowd in software development. We proposed a rule-based technique that automatically detects commits that can skip the continuous integration process. We evaluate the performance of the proposed technique on a dataset of open-source Java projects. Our results show that continuous integration can be used to improve the efficiency of the reused code from crowdsourcing platforms. Among the findings of this thesis are that the way software is developed has changed dramatically. Developers rely on crowdsourcing to address problems encountered during software development and maintenance. The results presented in this thesis provides new insights on how knowledge from these crowdsourced platforms is reused in software systems and how some of this knowledge can be better integrated into current software development processes and best practices

    Finding high-quality grey literature for use as evidence in software engineering research.

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    Background: Software engineering research often uses practitioners as a source of evidence in their studies. This evidence is usually gathered through empirical methods such as surveys, interviews and ethnographic research. The web has brought with it the emergence of the social programmer. Software practitioners are publishing their opinions online through blog articles, discussion boards and Q&A sites. Mining these online sources of information could provide a new source of evidence which complements traditional evidence sources. There are benefits to the adoption of grey literature in software engineering research (such as bridging the gap between the state–of–art where research typically operates and the state–of–practice), but also significant challenges. The main challenge is finding grey literature which is of high– quality to the researcher given the vast volume of grey literature available on the web. The thesis defines the quality of grey literature in terms of its relevance to the research being undertaken and its credibility. The thesis also focuses on a particular type of grey literature that has been written by soft- ware practitioners. A typical example of such grey literature is blog articles, which are specifically used as examples throughout the thesis. Objectives: There are two main objectives to the thesis; to investigate the problems of finding high–quality grey literature, and to make progress in addressing those problems. In working towards these objectives, we investigate our main research question, how can researchers more effectively and efficiently search for and then select the higher–quality blog–like content relevant to their research? We divide this question into twelve sub–questions, and more formally define what we mean by ‘blog–like content.’ Method: To achieve the objectives, we first investigate how software engineering researchers define and assess quality when working with grey literature; and then work towards a methodology and also a tool–suite which can semi–automate the identification and the quality assessment of relevant grey literature for use as evidence in the researchers study. To investigate how software engineering researchers define and assess quality, we first conduct a literature review of credibility assessment to gather a set of credibility criteria. We then validate those criteria through a survey of software engineering researchers. This gives us an overall model of credibility assessment within software engineering research. We next investigate the empirical challenges of measuring quality and develop a methodology which has been adapted from the case survey methodology and aims to address the problems and challenges identified. Along with the methodology is a suggested tool–suite which is intended to help researchers in automating the application of a subset of the credibility model. The tool–suite developed supports the methodology by, for example, automating tasks in order to scale the analysis. The use of the methodology and tool–suite is then demonstrated through three examples. These examples include a partial evaluation of the methodology and tool–suite. Results: Our literature review of credibility assessment identified a set of criteria that have been used in previous research. However, we also found a lack of definitions for both the criteria and, more generally, the term credibility. Credibility assessment is a difficult and subjective task that is particular to each individual. Research has addressed this subjectivity by conducting studies that look at how particular user groups assess credibility e.g. pensioners, university students, the visually impaired, however none of the studies reviewed software engineering researchers. Informed by the literature review, we conducted a survey which we believe is the first study on the credibility assessment of software engineering researchers. The results of the survey are a more refined set of criteria, but also a set that many (approximately 60%) of the survey participants believed generalise to other types of media (both practitioner–generated and researcher–generated). We found that there are significant challenges in using blog–like content as evidence in research. For example, there are the challenges of identifying the high–quality content from the vast quantity available on the web, and then creating methods of analysis which are scalable to handle that vast quantity. In addressing these challenges, we produce: a set of heuristics which can help in finding higher–quality results when searching using traditional search engines, a validated list of reasoning markers that can aid in assessing the amount of reasoning within a document, a review of the current state of the experience mining domain, and a modifiable classification schema for classifying the source of URLs. With credibility assessment being such a subjective task, there can be no one–size–fits–all method to automating quality assessment. Instead, our methodology is intended to be used as a framework in which the researcher using it can swap out and adapt the criteria that we assess for their own criteria based on the context of the study being undertaken and the personal preference of the researcher. We find from the survey that there are a variety of attitude’s towards using grey literature in software engineering research and not all respondents view the use of grey literature as evidence in the way that we do (i.e. as having the same benefits and threats as other traditional methods of evidence gathering). Conclusion: The work presented in this thesis makes significant progress towards answering our research question and the thesis provides a foundation for future research on automated quality assessment and credibility. Adoption of the tools and methodology presented in this thesis can help more effectively and efficiently search for and select higher–quality blog–like content, but there is a need for more substantial research on the credibility assessment of software engineering researchers, and a more extensive credibility model to be produced. This can be achieved through replicating the literature review systematically, accepting more studies for analysis, and by conducting a more extensive survey with a greater number, and more representative selection, of survey respondents. With a more robust credibility model, we can have more confidence in the criteria that we choose to include within the methodology and tools, as well as automating the assessment of more criteria. Throughout the re- search, there has been a challenge in aggregating the results after assessing each criterion. Future research should look towards the adoption of machine learning methods to aid with this aggregation. We believe that the criteria and measures used by our tools can serve as features to machine learning classifiers which will be able to more accurately assess quality. However, be- fore such work is to take place, there is a need for annotated data–sets to be developed

    Human Factors in Secure Software Development

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    While security research has made significant progress in the development of theoretically secure methods, software and algorithms, software still comes with many possible exploits, many of those using the human factor. The human factor is often called ``the weakest link'' in software security. To solve this, human factors research in security and privacy focus on the users of technology and consider their security needs. The research then asks how technology can serve users while minimizing risks and empowering them to retain control over their own data. However, these concepts have to be implemented by developers whose security errors may proliferate to all of their software's users. For example, software that stores data in an insecure way, does not secure network traffic correctly, or otherwise fails to adhere to secure programming best practices puts all of the software's users at risk. It is therefore critical that software developers implement security correctly. However, in addition to security rarely being a primary concern while producing software, developers may also not have extensive awareness, knowledge, training or experience in secure development. A lack of focus on usability in libraries, documentation, and tools that they have to use for security-critical components may exacerbate the problem by blowing up the investment of time and effort needed to "get security right". This dissertation's focus is how to support developers throughout the process of implementing software securely. This research aims to understand developers' use of resources, their mindsets as they develop, and how their background impacts code security outcomes. Qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods were employed online and in the laboratory, and large scale datasets were analyzed to conduct this research. This research found that the information sources developers use can contribute to code (in)security: copying and pasting code from online forums leads to achieving functional code quickly compared to using official documentation resources, but may introduce vulnerable code. We also compared the usability of cryptographic APIs, finding that poor usability, unsafe (possibly obsolete) defaults and unhelpful documentation also lead to insecure code. On the flip side, well-thought out documentation and abstraction levels can help improve an API's usability and may contribute to secure API usage. We found that developer experience can contribute to better security outcomes, and that studying students in lieu of professional developers can produce meaningful insights into developers' experiences with secure programming. We found that there is a multitude of online secure development advice, but that these advice sources are incomplete and may be insufficient for developers to retrieve help, which may cause them to choose un-vetted and potentially insecure resources. This dissertation supports that (a) secure development is subject to human factor challenges and (b) security can be improved by addressing these challenges and supporting developers. The work presented in this dissertation has been seminal in establishing human factors in secure development research within the security and privacy community and has advanced the dialogue about the rigorous use of empirical methods in security and privacy research. In these research projects, we repeatedly found that usability issues of security and privacy mechanisms, development practices, and operation routines are what leads to the majority of security and privacy failures that affect millions of end users

    Explainable, Security-Aware and Dependency-Aware Framework for Intelligent Software Refactoring

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    As software systems continue to grow in size and complexity, their maintenance continues to become more challenging and costly. Even for the most technologically sophisticated and competent organizations, building and maintaining high-performing software applications with high-quality-code is an extremely challenging and expensive endeavor. Software Refactoring is widely recognized as the key component for maintaining high-quality software by restructuring existing code and reducing technical debt. However, refactoring is difficult to achieve and often neglected due to several limitations in the existing refactoring techniques that reduce their effectiveness. These limitation include, but not limited to, detecting refactoring opportunities, recommending specific refactoring activities, and explaining the recommended changes. Existing techniques are mainly focused on the use of quality metrics such as coupling, cohesion, and the Quality Metrics for Object Oriented Design (QMOOD). However, there are many other factors identified in this work to assist and facilitate different maintenance activities for developers: 1. To structure the refactoring field and existing research results, this dissertation provides the most scalable and comprehensive systematic literature review analyzing the results of 3183 research papers on refactoring covering the last three decades. Based on this survey, we created a taxonomy to classify the existing research, identified research trends and highlighted gaps in the literature for further research. 2. To draw attention to what should be the current refactoring research focus from the developers’ perspective, we carried out the first large scale refactoring study on the most popular online Q&A forum for developers, Stack Overflow. We collected and analyzed posts to identify what developers ask about refactoring, the challenges that practitioners face when refactoring software systems, and what should be the current refactoring research focus from the developers’ perspective. 3. To improve the detection of refactoring opportunities in terms of quality and security in the context of mobile apps, we designed a framework that recommends the files to be refactored based on user reviews. We also considered the detection of refactoring opportunities in the context of web services. We proposed a machine learning-based approach that helps service providers and subscribers predict the quality of service with the least costs. Furthermore, to help developers make an accurate assessment of the quality of their software systems and decide if the code should be refactored, we propose a clustering-based approach to automatically identify the preferred benchmark to use for the quality assessment of a project. 4. Regarding the refactoring generation process, we proposed different techniques to enhance the change operators and seeding mechanism by using the history of applied refactorings and incorporating refactoring dependencies in order to improve the quality of the refactoring solutions. We also introduced the security aspect when generating refactoring recommendations, by investigating the possible impact of improving different quality attributes on a set of security metrics and finding the best trade-off between them. In another approach, we recommend refactorings to prioritize fixing quality issues in security-critical files, improve quality attributes and remove code smells. All the above contributions were validated at the large scale on thousands of open source and industry projects in collaboration with industry partners and the open source community. The contributions of this dissertation are integrated in a cloud-based refactoring framework which is currently used by practitioners.Ph.D.College of Engineering & Computer ScienceUniversity of Michigan-Dearbornhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/171082/1/Chaima Abid Final Dissertation.pdfDescription of Chaima Abid Final Dissertation.pdf : Dissertatio

    Software development process mining: discovery, conformance checking and enhancement

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    Context. Modern software projects require the proper allocation of human, technical and financial resources. Very often, project managers make decisions supported only by their personal experience, intuition or simply by mirroring activities performed by others in similar contexts. Most attempts to avoid such practices use models based on lines of code, cyclomatic complexity or effort estimators, thus commonly supported by software repositories which are known to contain several flaws. Objective. Demonstrate the usefulness of process data and mining methods to enhance the software development practices, by assessing efficiency and unveil unknown process insights, thus contributing to the creation of novel models within the software development analytics realm. Method. We mined the development process fragments of multiple developers in three different scenarios by collecting Integrated Development Environment (IDE) events during their development sessions. Furthermore, we used process and text mining to discovery developers’ workflows and their fingerprints, respectively. Results. We discovered and modeled with good quality developers’ processes during programming sessions based on events extracted from their IDEs. We unveiled insights from coding practices in distinct refactoring tasks, built accurate software complexity forecast models based only on process metrics and setup a method for characterizing coherently developers’ behaviors. The latter may ultimately lead to the creation of a catalog of software development process smells. Conclusions. Our approach is agnostic to programming languages, geographic location or development practices, making it suitable for challenging contexts such as in modern global software development projects using either traditional IDEs or sophisticated low/no code platforms.Contexto. Projetos de software modernos requerem a correta alocação de recursos humanos, técnicos e financeiros. Frequentemente, os gestores de projeto tomam decisões suportadas apenas na sua própria experiência, intuição ou simplesmente espelhando atividades executadas por terceiros em contextos similares. As tentativas para evitar tais práticas baseiam-se em modelos que usam linhas de código, a complexidade ciclomática ou em estimativas de esforço, sendo estes tradicionalmente suportados por repositórios de software conhecidos por conterem várias limitações. Objetivo. Demonstrar a utilidade dos dados de processo e respetivos métodos de análise na melhoria das práticas de desenvolvimento de software, colocando o foco na análise da eficiência e revelando aspetos dos processos até então desconhecidos, contribuindo para a criação de novos modelos no contexto de análises avançadas para o desenvolvimento de software. Método. Explorámos os fragmentos de processo de vários programadores em três cenários diferentes, recolhendo eventos durante as suas sessões de desenvolvimento no IDE. Adicionalmente, usámos métodos de descoberta e análise de processos e texto no sentido de modelar o fluxo de trabalho dos programadores e as suas características individuais, respetivamente. Resultados. Descobrimos e modelámos com boa qualidade os processos dos programadores durante as suas sessões de trabalho, usando eventos provenientes dos seus IDEs. Revelámos factos desconhecidos sobre práticas de refabricação, construímos modelos de previsão da complexidade ciclomática usando apenas métricas de processo e criámos um método para caracterizar coerentemente os comportamentos dos programadores. Este último, pode levar à criação de um catálogo de boas/más práticas no processo de desenvolvimento de software. Conclusões. A nossa abordagem é agnóstica em termos de linguagens de programação, localização geográfica ou prática de desenvolvimento, tornando-a aplicável em contextos complexos tal como em projetos modernos de desenvolvimento global que utilizam tanto os IDEs tradicionais como as atuais e sofisticadas plataformas "low/no code"

    Why reinventing the wheels? An empirical study on library reuse and re-implementation

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