103 research outputs found

    Internet of Things (IoT) Utilization to Improve Performance and Productivity of Internal Supply Chain

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    The inevitable transformations brought about by the rapidly changing Internet of Things (IoT) impact all aspects of life today, including management and businesses. Specifically, areas of businesses depending mainly on internal supply chain capacity are experiencing a paradigm shift to ensure effective company performance regarding purchases, production, company sales, and product distribution. This shift means that challenges faced by the internal chain supply unit can be solved by adopting and adapting IoT as a new way to minimize work delays and save time. Moreover, IoT automatically leads to performance and productivity increases. Therefore, the present paper aims to justify adopting and adapting IoT applications in Indonesian companies, including retail businesses. Most companies’ internal supply chain units face several difficulties during and after the devastating peak of COVID-19, which has led to a total global lockdown. These problems' complexity is exponential and requires innovative ways to solve their prevailing challenges. This study used observation, interview, and documentary research methods through a large-scale survey. The survey obtained the necessary information regarding how companies utilize IoT to improve their performance and productivity without hindering their internal supply chain and production units. The study concluded that the adoption of IoT, if well implemented, leads to a sustainable company and uninterrupted supply chain performance, indicating the proper performance of the organization. Doi: 10.28991/esj-2021-SP1-017 Full Text: PD

    On Developing a New 5G Spectrum Usage Fee Model for Indonesia

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    This paper reports on the development of the 5G spectrum usage fee in Indonesia. The fee was first applied in 2010 to charge mobile network operators (MNOs) that provided cellular services. However, cellular technologies have improved rapidly from 2G, 3G, 4G to 5G, and many modern innovative cellular services demand larger spectrum bandwidth. Therefore, the existing spectrum usage fee must be revised to meet the needs of the community better and to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of spectrum use. This study modifies the characteristics of the existing cost structure of the Indonesian spectrum usage fee, designing and proposing a new 5G spectrum usage fee model to support 5G technology usage scenarios and maximize the benefits of the mid-band (3.5 GHz), mmWave, or high band radio frequencies (26 GHz and 28 GHz). The new spectrum usage fee model includes spectrum-sharing parameters (non-orthogonal spectrum-sharing and orthogonal spectrum sharing) and private network to optimize the use of the available spectrum because the new proposing formula does not use the nationwide population, but instead, it uses the population within a specific area with both human and non-human (machine) populations. This new model is expected to help regulators prepare 5G technology regulations for application in Indonesia

    LPWA-based IoT Technology Selection for Smart Metering Deployment in Urban and Sub Urban Areas: A State Electricity Company Perspective

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    The need for LPWA-based Internet of Things (IoT) technology for deploying smart metering services is rapidly growing for its ability to manage energy usage in real-time and increase efficiency. However, the problem faced by electric utility companies is how to choose the most appropriate technology. This study uses a techno-economic approach to compare the two most widely used technological alternatives, namely establishing LoRaWAN as a non-licensed LPWA technology or leasing NB-IoT as a licensed LPWA technology owned by a telecommunications operator. Case studies conducted in the urban area of Bandung and sub-urban city of Tasikmalaya as an example of a typical town in Indonesia. The results showed that LoRaWAN and NB-IoT are both technically and business feasible to be implemented with their respective advantages. LoRaWAN is superior in battery lifetime, business model, speed of implementation, and total costs, whereas NB-IoT is superior in range, capacity, quality of service, security, and ecosystem support. Using PLN's perspective as a national electricity company in Indonesia, LoRaWAN has a Net Present Value of 23% higher than NB-IoT in the 10th year


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    Internet of Things (IOT) sudah menjadi bagian dari kehidupan sehari-hari, terutama sebagai pemicu dari revolusi industri 4.0. Implementasi teknologi terkini seperti IoT sangat tergantung pada ketersediaan SDM (Sumber Daya Manusia) yang memiliki kompetensi untuk dapat mendesain dan mengembangkan teknologi ini sesuai kebutuhan industri. Model pelatihan kolaboratif di bidang IOT dipilih selain karena belum ada yang pernah mengembangkannya, juga dipercaya dapat memberikan nilai tambah bagi hasil belajar pelatihan IOT. Model mengacu pada metode instruksional, dimana para peserta didik belajar bersama dalam kelompok kecil untuk mencapai satu tujuan bersama dengan memperlihatkan akuntabilitas individu, keterampilan sosial, kekompakan kelompok yang didukung dengan platform teknologi yang dirancang khusus untuk model ini. Penelitian ini mengembangkan model Dick & Carey yang disesuaikan dengan tuntutan teknologi sinkron dan asinkron saat ini yaitu pembelajaran e-Learning, temu muka, temu maya dan kombinasi (blended learning) yang dituangkan dalam bentuk pembelajaran kolaboratif IOT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terciptanya sebuah model pembelajaran baru yang memanfaatkan prinsip kolaboratif berbasis teknologi informasi guna menghasilkan proses pembelajaran di bidang IoT yang dapat memberikan hasil pembelajaran yang efektif, sesuai dengan keterampilan yang dibutuhkan di industri saat ini. Selanjutnya disimpulkan bahwa model Dick & Carey dengan ekstensi teknologi yang dikemas dalam TMS (Training Management System), dapat dikembangkan untuk mengakomodasi pelatihan kolaboratif dengan hasil belajar yang efektif dan menghasilkan SDM yang kompeten. Kata Kunci: Model pembelajaran, pelatihan kolaboratif, pembelajaran sinkron dan asinkron, desain instruksional, social constructivism, collaborativism. ************* Abstract Internet of Things (IOT) has become part of everyday life. It has also become a trigger for the 4.0 industrial revolution.The implementation of the latest technology such as IoT is very dependent on the availability of human resources, who have the competence to be able to design and develop this technology according to industry needs. The collaborative training model in the field of IOT was chosen because not only because no one has ever developed it, it is also believed to be able to provide added value for learning outcomes of IOT training. The model refers to an instructional method, where participants learn together in small groups to achieve a common goal by demonstrating individual accountability, social skills, and group cohesiveness supported by a technology platform designed specifically for this model. This study develops a Dick & Carey model that is adapted to the current demands of synchronous and asynchronous technology, namely e-Learning, face-to-face, virtual and blended learning which are outlined in the form of IOT collaborative learning.The results showed the creation of a new learning model that utilizes information technology-based collaborative principles to produce a learning process in the IoT field that can provide effective learning outcomes, according to the skills and competencies needed in today's industry. Furthermore, it was concluded that the Dick & Carey model with technology extensions packaged in the TMS (Training Management System) could be developed to accommodate collaborative training with effective learning outcomes and producing competenthuman resources

    Creating Competitive Advantage in the Turbulent Business Environment: Lesson Learned from Indonesia Telecommunication Industry

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan gambaran mengenai keunggulan bersaing penyelenggara telekomunikasi dan mengeksplorasi bagaimana menciptakankeunggulan bersaing yang superior dalam lingkungan bisnis yang bergejolak.Penelitian melibatkan pimpinan unit bisnis penyelenggara telekomunikasi di Indonesia sebagai responden penelitian dengan metode descriptive survey dan explanatory survey menggunakan Partial Least Square-Path Modelling (PLS-PM). Dari analisis deskriptif, diperoleh bahwa keunggulan bersaing penyelenggara telekomunikasi di Indonesia termasuk dalam kategori baik dan lebih banyak dibangun melalui efisiensi produk, terutama efisiensi yang lebih tinggi dalam menghasilkan produk atau layanan.Namun demikian, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kecepatan respon pasar memiliki kontribusi yang lebih dominan dalam menciptakan keunggulan bersaing yang superior pada lingkungan bisnis yang bergejolak. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, penyelenggara telekomunikasi di Indonesia perlu meningkatkan kemampuannya,terutama dalam menciptakan respon yang lebih cepat untuk memasuki pasar-pasar baru serta menghasilkan produk atau layanan dengan biaya yang lebih rendah. This study aims to describe the competitive advantage of the telecommunications provider and explore how to create a superior competitive advantage in the turbulent business environment. The study involved many leaders of business units of telecommunications operators in Indonesia as research respondents. The research uses descriptive survey and explanatory survey using Partial Least Square-Path Modeling (PLS-PM). From the descriptive analysis, it is found that the competitive advantage of telecommunications operators in Indonesia belongs to the excellent category, and was built more through product cost-efficiency, especially higher efficiency in producing products or services. However, the results of the study show that market responsiveness turned out to have a more dominant contribution in creating a superior competitive advantage in a turbulent business environment. Thus, the competitive advantage is still not optimal. To solve this problem, the telecommunications provider in Indonesia needs to increase the ability to quickly enter new markets and produce products or services at a lower cost

    Internet of Things dan Keberlanjutan Pendekatan Revolusioner Sebaran Petugas Lapangan Pertanian sebagai Enumerator

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    ABSTRAK Data, informasi real time, serta sebaran Petugas Lapangan (PL) pada urusan pilihan pertanian menjadi salah satu masalah dalam urusan pemerintahan.  Hal ini diperlukan Tim Pelaporan yang mengawal data akurat dan jujur melalui statistik pertanian (SP) sebagai bahan baku penyusunan dokumen perencanaan dan evaluasi dalam siklus perumusan strategi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memaksimalkan peran PL dalam mengawal data dan informasi SP, melakukan sosialisasi, transformasi dan mengubah cara pandang baik PL Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN), swasta maupun swadaya tentang pentingnya akurasi data dan informasi yang real time. Penelitian ini menggunakan sumber data primer dan sekunder. Metode perancangan sistem yang digunakan menggunakan metode prototype yaitu: (i) pengumpulan data, (ii) membangun prototype, (iii) evaluasi prototype, (iv) mengkodekan sistem, (v) menguji sistem, (vi) evaluasi sistem, (vii) menggunakan sistem, dan (viii) face validity sistem. Selanjutnya proses System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) diperkuat dengan metode Multidimensional Scaling (MDS), menggunakan software Rap-PL yang merupakan modifikasi dari software RapFish untuk mengetahui indeks keberlanjutan pendekatan revolusioner dalam sebaran PL pertanian. Hasil yang dicapai pada penelitian ini berupa aplikasi monitoring sebaran PL berbasis website dan android pada wilayah kerjanya masing-masing. Pemanfaatan teknologi opensource tak berbayar ini membuat efektifitas, efisiensi, serta meningkatkan kinerja dalam pelaporan PL yang real dan lebih jujur.  Penggunaan aplikasi sebaran PL pertanian sebagai pendekatan revolusioner IoT dinilai berkelanjutan dengan indeks sebesar 87,57 persen. Kondisi tersebut dapat ditingkatkan, apabila atribut leverage yaitu Para PL berkinerja secara kolaborasi dan berfikir sistemik, sehingga fast respon dapat lebih berkualitas serta dapat mendukung keberhasilan program Jawa Barat Digital Service (JDS) Provinsi Jawa Barat

    Internet of Things dan Keberlanjutan Pendekatan Revolusioner Sebaran Petugas Lapangan Pertanian sebagai Enumerator Internet of Things and Sustainability Approach revolutionary Distribution of Agricultural Field Officers as Enumerators

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    ABSTRAK Data, informasi real time, serta sebaran Petugas Lapangan (PL) pada urusan pilihan pertanian menjadi salah satu masalah dalam urusan pemerintahan. Hal ini diperlukan Tim Pelaporan yang mengawal data akurat dan jujur melalui statistik pertanian (SP) sebagai bahan baku penyusunan dokumen perencanaan dan evaluasi dalam siklus perumusan strategi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memaksimalkan peran PL dalam mengawal data dan informasi SP, melakukan sosialisasi, transformasi dan mengubah cara pandang baik PL Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN), swasta maupun swadaya tentang pentingnya akurasi data dan informasi yang real time. Penelitian ini menggunakan sumber data primer dan sekunder. Metode perancangan sistem yang digunakan menggunakan metode prototype yaitu: (i) pengumpulan data, (ii) membangun prototype, (iii) evaluasi prototype, (iv) mengkodekan sistem, (v) menguji sistem, (vi) evaluasi sistem, (vii) menggunakan sistem, dan (viii) face validity sistem. Selanjutnya proses System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) diperkuat dengan metode Multidimensional Scaling (MDS), menggunakan software Rap-PL yang merupakan modifikasi dari software RapFish untuk mengetahui indeks keberlanjutan pendekatan revolusioner dalam sebaran PL pertanian. Hasil yang dicapai pada penelitian ini berupa aplikasi monitoring sebaran PL berbasis website dan android pada wilayah kerjanya masing-masing. Pemanfaatan teknologi opensource tak berbayar ini membuat efektifitas, efisiensi, serta meningkatkan kinerja dalam pelaporan PL yang real dan lebih jujur. Penggunaan aplikasi sebaran PL pertanian sebagai pendekatan revolusioner IoT dinilai berkelanjutan dengan indeks sebesar 87,57 persen. Kondisi tersebut dapat ditingkatkan, apabila atribut leverage yaitu Para PL berkinerja secara kolaborasi dan berfikir sistemik, sehingga fast respon dapat lebih berkualitas serta dapat mendukung keberhasilan program Jawa Barat Digital Service (JDS) Provinsi Jawa Barat. Kata kunci: data; pelaporan; Petugas-Lapangan; IoT ABSTRACT Data, real-time information, as well as the distribution of Field Officers (FO) agriculture become the problems in government. This requires a Reporting Team that controls accurate and honest data through agricultural statistics. The purpose of this research is to maximize the role of FO (State Civil Apparatus, private as well as self-help) in controlling agricultural statistics data and information. This study used primary and secondary data sources. System design was a prototyping method: (i) data collection, (ii) building prototypes, (iii) evaluation of prototypes, (iv) coding systems, (v) testing systems, (vi) evaluating systems, (vii) using systems, and (viii) system face validity. Furthermore, the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) process is strengthened by the Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) method, using Rap-FO software which is a modification of RapFish software to determine the sustainability index of revolutionary approaches in agricultural PL distribution. The results achieved in this study are in the form of FO distribution monitoring application based on website and android in their respective working areas. The use of this unpaid open source technology makes effectiveness, efficiency, and improved performance in real and more honest reporting. The use of this applications as a revolutionary approach based on IoT is considered sustainable with an index of 87.57 percent. The condition can be improved, if the leverage attributes are the FO perform collaboratively and systemically, so that fast response can be more qualified and can support the success of the West Java Digital Service program in West Java province. Keywords: data; reporting; Field Officer; Io

    Internet of Things dan Keberlanjutan Pendekatan Revolusioner Sebaran Petugas Lapangan Pertanian sebagai Enumerator

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    Data, informasi real time, serta sebaran Petugas Lapangan (PL) pada urusan pilihan pertanian menjadi salah satu masalah dalam urusan pemerintahan. Hal ini diperlukan Tim Pelaporan yang mengawal data akurat dan jujur melalui statistik pertanian (SP) sebagai bahan baku penyusunan dokumen perencanaan dan evaluasi dalam siklus perumusan strategi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memaksimalkan peran PL dalam mengawal data dan informasi SP, melakukan sosialisasi, transformasi dan mengubah cara pandang baik PL Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN), swasta maupun swadaya tentang pentingnya akurasi data dan informasi yang real time. Penelitian ini menggunakan sumber data primer dan sekunder. Metode perancangan sistem yang digunakan menggunakan metode prototype yaitu: (i) pengumpulan data, (ii) membangun prototype, (iii) evaluasi prototype, (iv) mengkodekan sistem, (v) menguji sistem, (vi) evaluasi sistem, (vii) menggunakan sistem, dan (viii) face validity sistem. Selanjutnya proses System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) diperkuat dengan metode Multidimensional Scaling (MDS), menggunakan software Rap-PL yang merupakan modifikasi dari software RapFish untuk mengetahui indeks keberlanjutan pendekatan revolusioner dalam sebaran PL pertanian. Hasil yang dicapai pada penelitian ini berupa aplikasi monitoring sebaran PL berbasis website dan android pada wilayah kerjanya masing-masing. Pemanfaatan teknologi opensource tak berbayar ini membuat efektifitas, efisiensi, serta meningkatkan kinerja dalam pelaporan PL yang real dan lebih jujur. Penggunaan aplikasi sebaran PL pertanian sebagai pendekatan revolusioner IoT dinilai berkelanjutan dengan indeks sebesar 87,57 persen. Kondisi tersebut dapat ditingkatkan, apabila atribut leverage yaitu Para PL berkinerja secara kolaborasi dan berfikir sistemik, sehingga fast respon dapat lebih berkualitas serta dapat mendukung keberhasilan program Jawa Barat Digital Service (JDS) Provinsi Jawa Barat. Kata kunci: data; pelaporan; Petugas-Lapangan; Io

    Modern Socio-Technical Perspectives on Privacy

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    This open access book provides researchers and professionals with a foundational understanding of online privacy as well as insight into the socio-technical privacy issues that are most pertinent to modern information systems, covering several modern topics (e.g., privacy in social media, IoT) and underexplored areas (e.g., privacy accessibility, privacy for vulnerable populations, cross-cultural privacy). The book is structured in four parts, which follow after an introduction to privacy on both a technical and social level: Privacy Theory and Methods covers a range of theoretical lenses through which one can view the concept of privacy. The chapters in this part relate to modern privacy phenomena, thus emphasizing its relevance to our digital, networked lives. Next, Domains covers a number of areas in which privacy concerns and implications are particularly salient, including among others social media, healthcare, smart cities, wearable IT, and trackers. The Audiences section then highlights audiences that have traditionally been ignored when creating privacy-preserving experiences: people from other (non-Western) cultures, people with accessibility needs, adolescents, and people who are underrepresented in terms of their race, class, gender or sexual identity, religion or some combination. Finally, the chapters in Moving Forward outline approaches to privacy that move beyond one-size-fits-all solutions, explore ethical considerations, and describe the regulatory landscape that governs privacy through laws and policies. Perhaps even more so than the other chapters in this book, these chapters are forward-looking by using current personalized, ethical and legal approaches as a starting point for re-conceptualizations of privacy to serve the modern technological landscape. The book’s primary goal is to inform IT students, researchers, and professionals about both the fundamentals of online privacy and the issues that are most pertinent to modern information systems. Lecturers or teacherscan assign (parts of) the book for a “professional issues” course. IT professionals may select chapters covering domains and audiences relevant to their field of work, as well as the Moving Forward chapters that cover ethical and legal aspects. Academicswho are interested in studying privacy or privacy-related topics will find a broad introduction in both technical and social aspects

    Data ethics : building trust : how digital technologies can serve humanity

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    Data is the magic word of the 21st century. As oil in the 20th century and electricity in the 19th century: For citizens, data means support in daily life in almost all activities, from watch to laptop, from kitchen to car, from mobile phone to politics. For business and politics, data means power, dominance, winning the race. Data can be used for good and bad, for services and hacking, for medicine and arms race. How can we build trust in this complex and ambiguous data world? How can digital technologies serve humanity? The 45 articles in this book represent a broad range of ethical reflections and recommendations in eight sections: a) Values, Trust and Law, b) AI, Robots and Humans, c) Health and Neuroscience, d) Religions for Digital Justice, e) Farming, Business, Finance, f) Security, War, Peace, g) Data Governance, Geopolitics, h) Media, Education, Communication. The authors and institutions come from all continents. The book serves as reading material for teachers, students, policy makers, politicians, business, hospitals, NGOs and religious organisations alike. It is an invitation for dialogue, debate and building trust! The book is a continuation of the volume “Cyber Ethics 4.0” published in 2018 by the same editors
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