102 research outputs found

    Sidon Sets in Groups and Induced Subgraphs of Cayley Graphs

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    Let S be a subset of a group G. We call S a Sidon subset of the first (second) kind, if for any x, y, z, w ∈ S of which at least 3 are different, xy ≠ zw (xy-1 ≠ zw-1, resp.). (For abelian groups, the two notions coincide.) If G has a Sidon subset of the second kind with n elements then every n-vertex graph is an induced subgraph of some Cayley graph of G. We prove that a sufficient condition for G to have a Sidon subset of order n (of either kind) is that (❘G❘ ⩾ cn3. For elementary Abelian groups of square order, ❘G❘ ⩾ n2 is sufficient. We prove that most graphs on n vertices are not induced subgraphs of any vertex transitive graph with <cn2/log2n vertices. We comment on embedding trees and, in particular, stars, as induced subgraphs of Cayley graphs, and on the related problem of product-free (sum-free) sets in groups. We summarize the known results on the cardinality of Sidon sets of infinite groups, and formulate a number of open problems.We warn the reader that the sets considered in this paper are different from the Sidon sets Fourier analysts investigate

    A Peer-reviewed Newspaper About_ Machine Research

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    About research on machines, research with machines, and research as a machine. Publication resulting from research workshop at Brussels World Trade Center, organised in collaboration with Constant, Association for Arts and Media, Brussels, and transmediale festival for art and digital culture, Berlin

    Bard Observer, Vol. 101, No. 11 (November 17, 1993)

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    News is whatever sells newspapers. The Observer is Free.https://digitalcommons.bard.edu/observer/1396/thumbnail.jp

    Англійська мова загальнотехнічного спрямування: Sensors and control

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    Практикум для студентів другого курсу факультету авіаційних і космічних систем укладено відповідно до чинної програми з дисципліни “Іноземна мова”, яка передбачає формування у студентів комунікативної компетенції, необхідної для ефективної участі в процесі навчання та в різноманітних ситуаціях професійного спілкування. Мета практикуму – розширення та закріплення студентами загальнотехнічної термінологічної лексики та опанування граматичними конструкціями, що дозволяють розуміти автентичні тексти, пов’язані з навчанням та спеціальністю. Розроблений практикум сприяє систематизації іншомовного навчального матеріалу, формуванню навичок, розвитку та удосконаленню вмінь у читанні, говорінні, письмі, аудіюванні та перекладі.The practicum for the 2nd year students of Faculty of Airspace Systems was designed according to the recommendations of the current curriculum that implies the students’ professional language competence formation. The objective of the practicum is to widen students’ technical thesaurus, to broaden students’ knowledge of specialty, to improve reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. The practicum helps to develop a broad understanding of international socio-cultural issues in order to operate appropriately in professional and cultural environment. The practicum highlights the requirements to students’ knowledge on different types of language activity.Практикум для студентов второго курса факультета авиационных и космических систем отвечает действующей программе дисциплины «Иностранный язык», которая предполагает формирование у студентов коммуникативных компетенций, необходимых для эффективного участия в процессе обучения. Цель практикума расширить и закрепить у студентов знание терминологической лексики, овладение грамматическими конструкциями, которые позволяют понимать аутентичные тексты. Данное учебное издание поможет систематизировать обучающий материал, сформировать навыки, развить и усовершенствовать умения в чтении, говорении, письме аудировании и переводе общетехнических текстов

    2016 - The Twenty-first Annual Symposium of Student Scholars

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    The full program book from the Twenty-first Annual Symposium of Student Scholars, held on April 21, 2016. Includes abstracts from the presentations and posters.https://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/sssprograms/1015/thumbnail.jp

    Semantic networks

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    AbstractA semantic network is a graph of the structure of meaning. This article introduces semantic network systems and their importance in Artificial Intelligence, followed by I. the early background; II. a summary of the basic ideas and issues including link types, frame systems, case relations, link valence, abstraction, inheritance hierarchies and logic extensions; and III. a survey of ‘world-structuring’ systems including ontologies, causal link models, continuous models, relevance, formal dictionaries, semantic primitives and intersecting inference hierarchies. Speed and practical implementation are briefly discussed. The conclusion argues for a synthesis of relational graph theory, graph-grammar theory and order theory based on semantic primitives and multiple intersecting inference hierarchies


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    Hypertext is now commonplace: links and linking structure nearly all of our experiences online. Yet the literary, as opposed to commercial, potential of hypertext has receded. One of the few tools still focused on hypertext as a means for digital storytelling is Twine, a platform for building choice-driven stories without relying heavily on code. In Twining, Anastasia Salter and Stuart Moulthrop lead readers on a journey at once technical, critical, contextual, and personal. The book’s chapters alternate careful, stepwise discussion of adaptable Twine projects, offer commentary on exemplary Twine works, and discuss Twine’s technological and cultural background. Beyond telling the story of Twine and how to make Twine stories, Twining reflects on the ongoing process of making

    Absorbing Text:[newspaper version]

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    A short, textually experimental version of the paper published in APRJA in this year

    Twining : Critical and Creative Approaches to Hypertext Narratives

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    Twining is both a critical consideration of Twine and works made with it during the first decade of the software; and an exploration of concepts and techniques for making things with Twine.https://dc.uwm.edu/english_facbooks/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Divine Comedy in English: a critical bibliography of Dante['s] translation, 1782-1954

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    It seemed equally important to find out something about the translators: their background, the nature of their interest in Dante, their motives in tackling the task of translation, their equipment, their other literary achievements and so on. While this was fairly easy with some of them, a great many proved very difficult to identify; but one or two strokes of luck during the first phase of the investigation gave encouragement, and all except a few have emerged as personalities.The object of the following pages is to present the fullest possible array of facts regarding the English translators of the Divine Comedy or substantial portions thereof; to give specimens of each translation together with a critical appraisal; to draw at least some preliminary conclusions from the results with regard to the principles on which the translation of poetry has been and should be based, as well as to its historical development, its relation to contemporary thought, and its value as a department of literature; and lastly to give a brief glance at the corresponding achievements in other languages, with perhaps a side -glance at the parallel stream of Faust translations. In the main only translations extending to at least one completed cantica have been dealt with, so that the record begins in the year 1782 with the appearance of Rogers' Inferno; incidentally until that year not even a single complete canto of the Divine Comedy had been printed in English