15 research outputs found

    The Proceedings of the European Conference on Social Media ECSM 2014 University of Brighton

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    Collaborative digital strategies to boost the speaking skills in on-line learning modality with senior students at Liceo Naval Quito in Conocoto-Ecuador during 2021-2022

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    To propose a group of collaborative digital strategies for the boost of the speaking skills in on-line learning modality with senior students at Liceo Naval Quito in Conocoto-Ecuador during 2021-2022.En este trabajo de investigaci贸n se realiz贸 una revisi贸n de las Estrategias Digitales Colaborativas utilizadas en entornos virtuales para potenciar las habilidades orales del idioma ingl茅s en el Liceo Naval Quito con Estudiantes de 煤ltimo a帽o. El enfoque de esta investigaci贸n fue deductivo-cuantitativo debido a las conclusiones dadas al final. El m茅todo fue una revisi贸n descriptiva, y la t茅cnica fue una revisi贸n bibliogr谩fica. Los hallazgos revelaron que los temas m谩s estudiados por Lehtinen (2022), Valamis (2021), Espinoza (2021), Mu帽贸z (2020) y Sevilla (2021) fueron: aprendizaje colaborativo y estrategias colaborativas. Los instrumentos fueron tres r煤bricas y dos encuestas que recogieron toda la informaci贸n relevante. Adem谩s, se explic贸 el procedimiento de aplicaci贸n de las r煤bricas y las encuestas; y, se dieron detalles b谩sicos sobre la estrategia de selecci贸n de la muestra. Se realiz贸 una recolecci贸n de informaci贸n utilizando instrumentos de investigaci贸n de campo que permitieron identificar cinco estrategias digitales colaborativas para ser utilizadas en entornos virtuales y que puedan captar la atenci贸n de los estudiantes para que mejoren su producci贸n oral. Como resultado se propuso una gu铆a acad茅mica para la aplicaci贸n de estas estrategias con diferentes actividades colaborativas y herramientas digitales sugeridas. En conclusi贸n, se puede afirmar que las estrategias digitales colaborativas podr铆an ayudar de manera efectiva a mejorar la fluidez en el lenguaje oral del idioma ingl茅s.Maestr铆

    Cybertheatres: Emergent Networked Performance Practices

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    This thesis explores the emergent genre of cybertheatres or networked performance, that is, performance that employs the Internet and/or other types of networking technologies (telecommunication, mobile) and attitudes. I argue that networking technologies produce hybrid spacetimes or heterotopias (Foucault), which function as stages for networked performances, a novel and increasingly popular field of practice and research. The aims of this project are to a) articulate networked performance as a distinct genre, which is a hybrid between theatre/performance and networking technologies, b) situate this within a lineage of performance practice, c) identify and analyse its principal ontological and dramaturgical elements and, d) explore appropriate curatorial strategies for its presentation to a spectrum of audiences. To achieve these aims I undertake a critical analysis of cybertheatres, starting from 1967 and focusing on current practices. My analysis unfolds through engagement with discussions along two pivotal conceptual vectors, and through applied exploration of two core elements of practice: The conceptual vectors along which this thesis develops are: 1. Space: I examine the spatial nature of the networks that host cybertheatres, employing British group Blast Theory as my case-study. 2. Presence: I question the validity of the presence vs. absence dichotomy within networked environments. I investigate this through the work of Belgian duo Entropy8Zuper!, relaunched as Tale of Tales. Further on, I undertake a practical exploration relating to the subject of the curation of cybertheatres. I reflect upon and evaluate the three-day event Intimacy: Across Digital and Visceral Pelformance (December 2007), which I initiated, produced, co-directed and cocurated, to propose curatorial strategies that are appropriate to emergent practices in general and cybertheatres in particular. I close by a shift of voice from the author to the collective: I join the collaborative project Deptford. TV as a method of studying artistic, curatorial and social platforms that demonstrate Web 2.0 attitudes, and argue for the genre's particular potential for new forms of social engagement within a computer-mediated culture

    Bowdoin Orient v.139, no.1-26 (2009-2010)

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    Bowdoin Orient v.136, no.1-25 (2006-2007)

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    Bowdoin Orient v.132, no.1-24 (2002-2003)

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    Bowdoin Orient v.135, no.1-25 (2005-2006)

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    Bowdoin Orient v.134, no.1-24 (2004-2005)

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    Bowdoin Orient v.133, no.1-25 (2001-2002)

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    Space Commerce 1994 Forum: The 10th National Space Symposium. Proceedings report

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    The theme of the 10th National Space Symposium was 'New Windows of Opportunity'. These proceedings cover the following: Business Trends in High Tech Commercialization; How to Succeed in Space Technology Business -- Making Dollars and Sense; Obstacles and Opportunities to Success in Technology Commercialization NASA's Commercial Technology Mission -- a New Way of Doing Business: Policy and Practices; Field Center Practices; Practices in Action -- A New Way: Implementation and Business Opportunities; Space Commerce Review; Windows of Opportunity; the International Space Station; Space Support Forum; Spacelift Update; Competitive Launch Capabilities; Supporting Life on Planet Earth; National Security Space Issues; NASA in the Balance; Earth and Space Observations -- Did We Have Cousins on Mars?; NASA: A New Vision for Science; and Space Technology Hall of Fame