43 research outputs found

    Advanced Trends in Wireless Communications

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    Physical limitations on wireless communication channels impose huge challenges to reliable communication. Bandwidth limitations, propagation loss, noise and interference make the wireless channel a narrow pipe that does not readily accommodate rapid flow of data. Thus, researches aim to design systems that are suitable to operate in such channels, in order to have high performance quality of service. Also, the mobility of the communication systems requires further investigations to reduce the complexity and the power consumption of the receiver. This book aims to provide highlights of the current research in the field of wireless communications. The subjects discussed are very valuable to communication researchers rather than researchers in the wireless related areas. The book chapters cover a wide range of wireless communication topics

    Recent Advances in Indoor Localization Systems and Technologies

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    Despite the enormous technical progress seen in the past few years, the maturity of indoor localization technologies has not yet reached the level of GNSS solutions. The 23 selected papers in this book present the recent advances and new developments in indoor localization systems and technologies, propose novel or improved methods with increased performance, provide insight into various aspects of quality control, and also introduce some unorthodox positioning methods

    Radio frequency interference detection and mitigation techniques for navigation and Earth observation

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    Radio-Frequency Interference (RFI) signals are undesired signals that degrade or disrupt the performance of a wireless receiver. RFI signals can be troublesome for any receiver, but they are especially threatening for applications that use very low power signals. This is the case of applications that rely on the Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), or passive microwave remote sensing applications such as Microwave Radiometry (MWR) and GNSS-Reflectometry (GNSS-R). In order to solve the problem of RFI, RFI-countermeasures are under development. This PhD thesis is devoted to the design, implementation and test of innovative RFI-countermeasures in the fields of MWR and GNSS. In the part devoted to RFI-countermeasures for MWR applications, first, this PhD thesis completes the development of the MERITXELL instrument. The MERITXELL is a multi-frequency total-power radiometer conceived to be an outstanding platform to perform detection, characterization, and localization of RFI signals at the most common MWR imaging bands up to 92 GHz. Moreover, a novel RFI mitigation technique is proposed for MWR: the Multiresolution Fourier Transform (MFT). An assessment of the performance of the MFT has been carried out by comparison with other time-frequency mitigation techniques. According to the results, the MFT technique is a good trade-off solution among all other techniques since it can mitigate efficiently all kinds of RFI signals under evaluation. In the part devoted to RFI-countermeasures for GNSS and GNSS-R applications, first, a system for RFI detection and localization at GNSS bands is proposed. This system is able to detect RFI signals at the L1 band with a sensitivity of -108 dBm at full-band, and of -135 dBm for continuous wave and chirp-like signals when using the averaged spectrum technique. Besides, the Generalized Spectral Separation Coefficient (GSSC) is proposed as a figure of merit to evaluate the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) degradation in the Delay-Doppler Maps (DDMs) due to the external RFI effect. Furthermore, the FENIX system has been conceived as an innovative system for RFI detection and mitigation and anti-jamming for GNSS and GNSS-R applications. FENIX uses the MFT blanking as a pre-correlation excision tool to perform the mitigation. In addition, FENIX has been designed to be cross-GNSS compatible and RFI-independent. The principles of operation of the MFT blanking algorithm are assessed and compared with other techniques for GNSS signals. Its performance as a mitigation tool is proven using GNSS-R data samples from a real airborne campaign. After that, the main building blocks of the patented architecture of FENIX have been described. The FENIX architecture has been implemented in three real-time prototypes. Moreover, a simulator named FENIX-Sim allows for testing its performance under different jamming scenarios. The real-time performance of FENIX prototype has been tested using different setups. First, a customized VNA has been built in order to measure the transfer function of FENIX in the presence of several representative RFI/jamming signals. The results show how the power transfer function adapts itself to mitigate the RFI/jamming signal. Moreover, several real-time tests with GNSS receivers have been performed using GPS L1 C/A, GPS L2C, and Galileo E1OS. The results show that FENIX provides an extra resilience against RFI and jamming signals up to 30 dB. Furthermore, FENIX is tested using a real GNSS timing setup. Under nominal conditions, when no RFI/jamming signal is present, a small additional jitter on the order of 2-4 ns is introduced in the system. Besides, a maximum bias of 45 ns has been measured under strong jamming conditions (-30 dBm), which is acceptable for current timing systems requiring accuracy levels of 100 ns. Finally, the design of a backup system for GNSS in tracking applications that require high reliability against RFI and jamming attacks is proposed.Les interferències de radiofreqüència (RFI) són senyals no desitjades que degraden o interrompen el funcionament dels receptors sense fils. Les RFI poden suposar un problema per qualsevol receptor, però són especialment amenaçadores per les a aplicacions que fan servir senyals de molt baixa potència. Aquest és el cas de les aplicacions que depenen dels sistemes mundials de navegació per satèl·lit (GNSS) o de les aplicacions de teledetecció passiva de microones, com la radiometria de microones (MWR) i la reflectometria GNSS (GNSS-R). Per combatre aquest problema, sistemes anti-RFI s'estan desenvolupament actualment. Aquesta tesi doctoral està dedicada al disseny, la implementació i el test de sistemes anti-RFI innovadors en els camps de MWR i GNSS. A la part dedicada als sistemes anti-RFI en MWR, aquesta tesi doctoral completa el desenvolupament de l'instrument MERITXELL. El MERITXELL és un radiòmetre multifreqüència concebut com una plataforma excepcional per la detecció, caracterització i localització de RFI a les bandes de MWR més utilitzades per sota dels 92 GHz. A més a més, es proposa una nova tècnica de mitigació de RFI per MWR: la Transformada de Fourier amb Multiresolució (MFT). El funcionament de la MFT s'ha comparat amb el d'altres tècniques de mitigació en els dominis del temps i la freqüència. D'acord amb els resultats obtinguts, la MFT és una bona solució de compromís entre les altres tècniques, ja que pot mitigar de manera eficient tots els tipus de senyals RFI considerats. A la part dedicada als sistemes anti-RFI en GNSS i GNSS-R, primer es proposa un sistema per a la detecció i localització de RFI a les bandes GNSS. Aquest sistema és capaç de detectar senyals RFI a la banda L1 amb una sensibilitat de -108 dBm a tota la banda, i de -135 dBm per a senyals d'ona contínua i chirp fen un mitjana de l'espectre. A més a més, el Coeficient de Separació Espectral Generalitzada (GSSC) es proposa com una mesura per avaluar la degradació de la relació senyal a soroll (SNR) en els Mapes de Delay-Doppler (DDM) a causa del impacte de les RFI. La major contribució d'aquesta tesi doctoral és el sistema FENIX. FENIX és un sistema innovador de detecció i mitigació de RFI i inhibidors de freqüència per aplicacions GNSS i GNSS-R. FENIX utilitza la MFT per eliminar la interferència abans del procés de correlació amb el codi GNSS independentment del tipus de RFI. L'algoritme de mitigació de FENIX s'ha avaluat i comparat amb altres tècniques i els principals components de la seva arquitectura patentada es descriuen. Finalment, un simulador anomenat FENIX-Sim permet avaluar el seu rendiment en diferents escenaris d'interferència. El funcionament en temps real del prototip FENIX ha estat provat utilitzant diferents mètodes. En primer lloc, s'ha creat un analitzador de xarxes per a mesurar la funció de transferència del FENIX en presència de diverses RFI representatives. Els resultats mostren com la funció de transferència s'adapta per mitigar el senyal interferent. A més a més, s'han realitzat diferents proves en temps real amb receptors GNSS compatibles amb els senyals GPS L1 C/A, GPS L2C i Galileo E1OS. Els resultats mostren que FENIX proporciona una resistència addicional contra les RFI i els senyals dels inhibidors de freqüència de fins a 30 dB. A més a més, FENIX s'ha provat amb un sistema comercial de temporització basat en GNSS. En condicions nominals, sense RFI, FENIX introdueix un petit error addicional de tan sols 2-4 ns. Per contra, el biaix màxim mesurat en condicions d'alta interferència (-30 dBm) és de 45 ns, el qual és acceptable per als sistemes de temporització actuals que requereixen nivells de precisió d'uns 100 ns. Finalment, es proposa el disseny d'un sistema robust de seguiment, complementari als GNSS, per a aplicacions que requereixen alta fiabilitat contra RFI.Postprint (published version

    Cognitive Radio Systems

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    Cognitive radio is a hot research area for future wireless communications in the recent years. In order to increase the spectrum utilization, cognitive radio makes it possible for unlicensed users to access the spectrum unoccupied by licensed users. Cognitive radio let the equipments more intelligent to communicate with each other in a spectrum-aware manner and provide a new approach for the co-existence of multiple wireless systems. The goal of this book is to provide highlights of the current research topics in the field of cognitive radio systems. The book consists of 17 chapters, addressing various problems in cognitive radio systems

    RF signal sensing and source localisation systems using Software Defined Radios

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    Radio frequency (RF) source localisation is a critical technology in numerous location-based military and civilian applications. In this thesis, the problem of RF source localisation has been studied from the perspective of the system implementation for real-world applications. Commercial off-the-shelf Software Defined Radio (SDR) devices are used to demonstrate the practical RF source localisation systems. Compared to the conventional localisation systems, which rely on dedicated hardware, the SDR-based system is developed using general-purpose hardware and software-defined components, offering great flexibility and cost efficiency in system design and implementation. In this thesis, the theoretical results of source localisation are evaluated and put into practice. To be specific, the practical localisation systems using different measurement techniques, including received-signal-strength-indication (RSSI) measurements, time-difference-of-arrival (TDOA) measurements and joint TDOA and frequency-difference-of-arrival (FDOA) measurements, are demonstrated to localise the stationary RF signal sources using the SDRs. The RSSI-based localisation system is demonstrated in small indoor and outdoor areas with a range of several metres using the SDR-based transceivers. Furthermore, interests from the defence area motivated us to implement the time-based localisation systems. The TDOA-based source localisation system is implemented using multiple spatially distributed SDRs in a large outdoor area with the sensor-target range of several kilometres. Moreover, they are implemented in a fully passive way without prior knowledge of the signal emitter, so the solutions can be applied in the localisation of non-cooperative signal sources provided that emitters are distant. To further reduce the system cost, and more importantly, to deal with the situation when the deployment of multiple SDRs, due to geographical restrictions, is not feasible, a joint TDOA and FDOA-based localisation system is also demonstrated using only one stationary SDR and one mobile SDR. To improve the localisation accuracy, the methods that can reduce measurement error and obtain accurate location estimates are studied. Firstly, to obtain a better understanding of the measurement error, the error sources that affect the measurement accuracy are systematically analysed from three aspects: the hardware precision, the accuracy of signal processing methods, and the environmental impact. Furthermore, the approaches to reduce the measurement error are proposed and verified in the experiments. Secondly, during the process of the location estimation, the theoretical results on the pre-existing localisation algorithms which can achieve a good trade-off between the accuracy of location estimation and the computational cost are evaluated, including the weight least-squares (WLS)-based solution and the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF)-based solution. In order to use the pre-existing algorithms in the practical source localisation, the proper adjustments are implemented. Overall, the SDR-based platforms are able to achieve low-cost and universal localisation solutions in the real-world environment. The RSSI-based localisation system shows tens of centimetres of accuracy in a range of several metres, which provides a useful tool for the verification of the range-based localisation algorithms. The localisation accuracy of the TDOA-based localisation system and the joint TDOA and FDOA-based localisation system is several tens of metres in a range of several kilometres, which offers potential in the low-cost localisation solutions in the defence area

    Stereo Visual SLAM for Mobile Robots Navigation

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    Esta tesis está enfocada a la combinación de los campos de la robótica móvil y la visión por computador, con el objetivo de desarrollar métodos que permitan a un robot móvil localizarse dentro de su entorno mientras construye un mapa del mismo, utilizando como única entrada un conjunto de imágenes. Este problema se denomina SLAM visual (por las siglas en inglés de "Simultaneous Localization And Mapping") y es un tema que aún continúa abierto a pesar del gran esfuerzo investigador realizado en los últimos años. En concreto, en esta tesis utilizamos cámaras estéreo para capturar, simultáneamente, dos imágenes desde posiciones ligeramente diferentes, proporcionando así información 3D de forma directa. De entre los problemas de localización de robots, en esta tesis abordamos dos de ellos: el seguimiento de robots y la localización y mapeado simultáneo (o SLAM). El primero de ellos no tiene en cuenta el mapa del entorno sino que calcula la trayectoria del robot mediante la composición incremental de las estimaciones de su movimiento entre instantes de tiempo consecutivos. Cuando se usan imágenes para calcular esta trayectoria, el problema toma el nombre de "odometría visual", y su resolución es más sencilla que la del SLAM visual. De hecho, a menudo se integra como parte de un sistema de SLAM completo. Esta tesis contribuye con la propuesta de dos sistemas de odometría visual. Uno de ellos está basado en un solución cerrada y eficiente mientras que el otro está basado en un proceso de optimización no-lineal que implementa un nuevo método de detección y eliminación rápida de espurios. Los métodos de SLAM, por su parte, también abordan la construcción de un mapa del entorno con el objetivo de mejorar sensiblemente la localización del robot, evitando de esta forma la acumulación de error en la que incurre la odometría visual. Además, el mapa construido puede ser empleado para hacer frente a situaciones exigentes como la recuperación de la localización tras la pérdida del robot o realizar localización global. En esta tesis se presentan dos sistemas completos de SLAM visual. Uno de ellos se ha implementado dentro del marco de los filtros probabilísticos no parámetricos, mientras que el otro está basado en un método nuevo de "bundle adjustment" relativo que ha sido integrado con algunas técnicas recientes de visión por computador. Otra contribución de esta tesis es la publicación de dos colecciones de datos que contienen imágenes estéreo capturadas en entornos urbanos sin modificar, así como una estimación del camino real del robot basada en GPS (denominada "ground truth"). Estas colecciones sirven como banco de pruebas para validar métodos de odometría y SLAM visual


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    The world has witnessed the development of many wireless systems and applications. In addition to the large number of existing devices, such development of new and advanced wireless systems increases rapidly the demand for more radio spectrum. The radio spectrum is a limited natural resource; however, it has been observed that it is not efficiently utilized. Consequently, different dynamic spectrum access techniques have been proposed as solutions for such an inefficient use of the spectrum. Cognitive Radio (CR) is a promising intelligent technology that can identify the unoccupied portions of spectrum and opportunistically uses those portions with satisfyingly high capacity and low interference to the primary users (i.e., licensed users). The CR can be distinguished from the classical radio systems mainly by its awareness about its surrounding radio frequency environment. The spectrum sensing task is the main key for such awareness. Due to many advantages, Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing system (OFDM) has been proposed as a potential candidate for the CR‟s physical layer. Additionally, the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) in an OFDM receiver supports the performance of a wide band spectrum analysis. Multitaper spectrum estimation method (MTM) is a non-coherent promising spectrum sensing technique. It tolerates problems related to bad biasing and large variance of power estimates. This thesis focuses, generally, on the local, multi antenna based, and global cooperative spectrum sensing techniques at physical layer in OFDM-based CR systems. It starts with an investigation on the performance of using MTM and MTM with singular value decomposition in CR networks using simulation. The Optimal MTM parameters are then found. The optimal MTM based detector theoretical formulae are derived. Different optimal and suboptimal multi antenna based spectrum sensing techniques are proposed to improve the local spectrum sensing performance. Finally, a new concept of cooperative spectrum sensing is introduced, and new strategies are proposed to optimize the hard cooperative spectrum sensing in CR networks. The MTM performance is controlled by the half time bandwidth product and number of tapers. In this thesis, such parameters have been optimized using Monte Carlo simulation. The binary hypothesis test, here, is developed to ensure that the effect of choosing optimum MTM parameters is based upon performance evaluation. The results show how these optimal parameters give the highest performance with minimum complexity when MTM is used locally at CR. The optimal MTM based detector has been derived using Neyman-Pearson criterion. That includes probabilities of detection, false alarm and misses detection approximate derivations in different wireless environments. The threshold and number of sensed samples controlling is based on this theoretical work. In order to improve the local spectrum sensing performance at each CR, in the CR network, multi antenna spectrum sensing techniques are proposed using MTM and MTM with singular value decomposition in this thesis. The statistical theoretical formulae of the proposed techniques are derived including the different probabilities. ii The proposed techniques include optimal, that requires prior information about the primary user signal, and two suboptimal multi antenna spectrum sensing techniques having similar performances with different computation complexity; these do not need prior information about the primary user signalling. The work here includes derivations for the periodogram multi antenna case. Finally, in hard cooperative spectrum sensing, the cooperation optimization is necessary to improve the overall performance, and/or minimize the number of data to be sent to the main CR-base station. In this thesis, a new optimization method based on optimizing the number of locally sensed samples at each CR is proposed with two different strategies. Furthermore, the different factors that affect the hard cooperative spectrum sensing optimization are investigated and analysed and a new cooperation scheme in spectrum sensing, the master node, is proposed.Ministry of Interior-Kingdom of Saudi Arabi

    Traitement du signal pour les communications numériques au travers de canaux radio-mobiles

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    This manuscript of ''Habilitation à diriger les Recherches'' (Habilitation to conduct researches) gives me the opportunity to take stock of the last 14 years on my associate professor activities and on my research works in the field of signal processing for digital communications, particularly for radio-mobile communications. The purpose of this signal processing is generally to obtain a robust transmission, despite the passage of digital information through a communication channel disrupted by the mobility between the transmitter and the receiver (Doppler effect), the phenomenon of echoes (multi-path propagation), the addition of noise or interference, or by limitations in bandwidth, in transmitted power or in signal-to-noise ratio. In order to recover properly the digital information, the receiver needs in general to have an accurate knowledge of the channel state. Much of my work has focused on receiver synchronization or more generally on the dynamic estimation of the channel parameters (delays, phases, amplitudes, Doppler shifts, ...). We have developed estimators and studied their performance in asymptotic variance, and have compared them to minimum lower bound (Cramer-rao or Bayesian Cramer Rao bounds). Some other studies have focused only on the recovering of information (''detection'' or ''equalization'' task) by the receiver after channel estimation, or proposed and analyzed emission / reception schemes, reliable for certain scenarios (transmit diversity scheme for flat fading channel, scheme with high energy efficiency, ...).Ce mémoire de HDR est l'occasion de dresser un bilan des 14 dernières années concernant mes activités d'enseignant-chercheur et mes travaux de recherche dans le domaine du traitement du signal pour les communications numériques, et plus particulièrement les communications radio-mobiles. L'objet de ce traitement du signal est globalement l'obtention d'une transmission robuste, malgré le passage de l'information numérique au travers d'un canal de communication perturbé par la mobilité entre l'émetteur et le récepteur (effet Doppler), le phénomène d'échos, l'addition de bruit ou d'interférence, ou encore par des limitations en bande-passante, en puissance transmise ou en rapport-signal à bruit. Afin de restituer au mieux l'information numérique, le récepteur a en général besoin de disposer d'une connaissance précise du canal. Une grande partie de mes travaux s'est intéressé à l'estimation dynamique des paramètres de ce canal (retards, phases, amplitudes, décalages Doppler, ...), et en particulier à la synchronisation du récepteur. Quelques autres travaux se sont intéressés seulement à la restitution de l'information (tâches de ''détection'' ou d' ''égalisation'') par le récepteur une fois le canal estimé, ou à des schémas d'émission / réception spécifiques. La synthèse des travaux commence par une introduction générale décrivant les ''canaux de communications'' et leurs problèmes potentiels, et positionne chacun de mes travaux en ces termes. Une première partie s'intéresse aux techniques de réception pour les signaux à spectre étalé des systèmes d'accès multiple à répartition par codes (CDMA). Ces systèmes large-bande offrent un fort pouvoir de résolution temporelle et des degrés de liberté, que nous avons exploités pour étudier l'égalisation et la synchronisation (de retard et de phase) en présence de trajets multiples et d'utilisateurs multiples. La première partie regroupe aussi d'autres schémas d'émission/réception, proposés pour leur robustesse dans différents scénarios (schéma à diversité pour canaux à évanouissement plats, schéma à forte efficacité énergétique, ...). La seconde partie est consacrée à l'estimation dynamique Bayésienne des paramètres du canal. On suppose ici qu'une partie des paramètres à estimer exhibe des variations temporelles aléatoires selon une certaine loi à priori. Nous proposons d'abord des estimateurs et des bornes minimales d'estimation pour des modèles de transmission relativement complexes, en raison de la distorsion temporelle due à la forte mobilité en modulation multi-porteuse (OFDM), ou de la présence de plusieurs paramètres à estimer conjointement, ou encore de non linéarités dans les modèles. Nous nous focalisons ensuite sur le problème d'estimation des amplitudes complexes des trajets d'un canal à évolution lente (à 1 ou plusieurs bonds). Nous proposons des estimateurs récursifs (dénommés CATL, pour ''Complex Amplitude Tracking Loop'') à structure imposée inspirée par les boucles à verrouillage de phase numériques, de performance asymptotiques proches des bornes minimales. Les formules analytiques approchées de performances asymptotiques et de réglages de ces estimateurs sont établies sous forme de simples fonctions des paramètres physiques (spectre Doppler, retards, niveau de bruit). Puis étant donné les liens établis entre ces estimateurs CATL et certains filtres de Kalman (construits pour des modèles d'état de type marche aléatoire intégrée), les formules approchées de performances asymptotiques et de réglage de ces filtres de Kalman sont aussi dérivées

    Intelligent Circuits and Systems

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    ICICS-2020 is the third conference initiated by the School of Electronics and Electrical Engineering at Lovely Professional University that explored recent innovations of researchers working for the development of smart and green technologies in the fields of Energy, Electronics, Communications, Computers, and Control. ICICS provides innovators to identify new opportunities for the social and economic benefits of society.  This conference bridges the gap between academics and R&D institutions, social visionaries, and experts from all strata of society to present their ongoing research activities and foster research relations between them. It provides opportunities for the exchange of new ideas, applications, and experiences in the field of smart technologies and finding global partners for future collaboration. The ICICS-2020 was conducted in two broad categories, Intelligent Circuits & Intelligent Systems and Emerging Technologies in Electrical Engineering