8 research outputs found

    Models, Methods and Tools for Product Service Design

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    This open access book summarizes research being pursued within the Manutelligence project, the goal of which is to help enterprises develop smart, social and flexible products with high value added services. Manutelligence has improved Product and Service Design by developing suitable models and methods, and connecting them through a modular, collaborative and secure ICT Platform. The use of real data collected in real time by Internet of Things (IoT) technologies underpins the design of product-service systems and makes it possible to monitor them throughout their life cycle. Available data allows costs and sustainability issues to be more accurately measured and simulated in the form of Life Cycle Cost (LCC) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Analysing data from IoT systems and sharing LCC and LCA information via the ICT Platform can help to accelerate the design of product-service systems, reduce costs and better understand customer needs. Industrial partners involved in Manutelligence provide a clear overview of the project’s outcomes, and demonstrate how its technological solutions can be used to improve the design of product-service systems and the management of product-service life cycles

    Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2006, nr 2

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    Untangling the Web: A Guide To Internet Research

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    [Excerpt] Untangling the Web for 2007 is the twelfth edition of a book that started as a small handout. After more than a decade of researching, reading about, using, and trying to understand the Internet, I have come to accept that it is indeed a Sisyphean task. Sometimes I feel that all I can do is to push the rock up to the top of that virtual hill, then stand back and watch as it rolls down again. The Internet—in all its glory of information and misinformation—is for all practical purposes limitless, which of course means we can never know it all, see it all, understand it all, or even imagine all it is and will be. The more we know about the Internet, the more acute is our awareness of what we do not know. The Internet emphasizes the depth of our ignorance because our knowledge can only be finite, while our ignorance must necessarily be infinite. My hope is that Untangling the Web will add to our knowledge of the Internet and the world while recognizing that the rock will always roll back down the hill at the end of the day

    European Perspectives on the Information Society: Annual Monitoring Synthesis and Emerging Trend Updates

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    This report is one of the outcomes of the EPIS06 Project ¿ European Perspectives on the Information Society ¿ carried out by the ETEPS (European Techno-Economic Policy Support) network in cooperation with the Joint Research Centre Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (JRC IPTS) with the aim of providing strategic intelligence to policy makers by taking a prospective view on the evolution of ICT. This report combines the Annual Monitoring Synthesis (AMS) Report and five Emerging Trend Updates (ETU). It forms one of the main building blocks of the project, establishing an observatory of trends in technology and business evolutions of ICT. More particularly, the Annual Monitoring Synthesis Report (AMS Report) aims to identify new ICT-related developments likely to have a significant impact on the future of the Information Society, both in terms of growth and jobs for Europe and R&D policy prioritisation. By scanning and monitoring recent major foresight exercises and industrial technology roadmaps, as well as other future-oriented analysis and policy papers, the AMS attempts to detect early signals and possible disruptive forces so as to enable timely policy responses and anticipate potential challenges for policy makers. The AMS is structured along six main themes which emerged as a result of the analysis: - Convergence of infrastructures, - Human-computer convergence ¿ technologies for direct human computer interaction, - Pervasive or ubiquitous computing and ambient intelligence, - The future of the Internet, - Citizens¿ concerns, - Working life. A structured overview with a summary of each of the foresights, roadmaps and other sources studied is presented in the AMS report annex. In addition, five Emerging Trends Updates (ETU) present the results of focused briefs on emerging themes of interest for policy making, covering the following topics: - ETU1 on the state-of-the-art of the creative content sector, - ETU2 on ICT and the offshoring of services, - ETU3 on ICT and the role of ICTs as enablers for energy efficiency, - ETU4 on ICT tools and services in intelligent domestic and personal environments, - ETU5 on ICT and privacy in the Knowledge Society ¿ the case of search engines.JRC.J.4-Information Societ

    Pensamento e ação dos utilizadores de um sistema de gestão e aprendizagem na modalidade Blended-Learning : estudo de um caso no ensino superior

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    Doutoramento em Ciências da Educação, na especialidade de Análise e Organização de Situações de EducaçãoEsta dissertação refere-se a uma investigação que teve como objetivo indagar o pensamento e a ação dos utilizadores do Sistema de Gestão e Aprendizagem (SGA) implementado na Faculdade de Motricidade Humana (FMH) da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (UTL) bem como o contexto conceptual, cultural, educativo e de inovação que lhe subjaz. Inicialmente, com base num quadro teórico referente ao desenvolvimento de ambientes interativos online, procurou-se caracterizar o processo de ensino-aprendizagem na era digital, assim como analisar e refletir sobre as potencialidades/constrangimentos das ferramentas de comunicação Web 2.0 em contexto educativo. Seguidamente, e explicadas/justificadas as técnicas e procedimentos metodológicos utilizados, inicia-se um capítulo onde são apresentados os principais estudos desenvolvidos no decorrer deste trabalho de investigação. A partir de uma análise contextual Blended (b-) learning, são identificados os Perfis e as necessidades dos Professores e dos Alunos de cinco cursos (Ciências do Desporto, Ergonomia, Dança, Gestão Desportiva e de Reabilitação Psicomotora) oferecidos pela Instituição de Ensino Superior (IES) pública estudada. Finalmente, apresenta-se e discute-se a aplicação da modelação FuzzyQoI, baseada nos fundamentos dos sistemas de inferência da lógica fuzzy e na qualidade de interação dos utilizadores do SGA Moodle. Embora centrado na compreensão de um ambiente b-learning este trabalho pode contribuir para a melhoria da prática pedagógica, na medida em que diagnostica necessidades contextuais e sugere modulações futuras, porventura mais adaptadas às comunidades de prática b-learning suportadas por SGAs Moodle.FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologi