294 research outputs found

    Biofeedback as a form of neurorehabilitation in Parkinson's disease

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    Parkinson's disease is a degenerative disease of the nervous system. An important element in the treatment of the disease is neurorehabilitation. One of the forms of neurorehabilitation may be biofeedback. The above technique uses electronic devices that allows an individual to learn how to change the body's function in order to reduce the clinical symptoms of the disease and improve health. Previous studies have confirmed that biofeedback has a beneficial effect on the health of patients with Parkinson's disease. The aim of the work was a review of the literature on biofeedback as a form of neurorehabilitation in this disease

    Rehabilitative devices for a top-down approach

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    In recent years, neurorehabilitation has moved from a "bottom-up" to a "top down" approach. This change has also involved the technological devices developed for motor and cognitive rehabilitation. It implies that during a task or during therapeutic exercises, new "top-down" approaches are being used to stimulate the brain in a more direct way to elicit plasticity-mediated motor re-learning. This is opposed to "Bottom up" approaches, which act at the physical level and attempt to bring about changes at the level of the central neural system. Areas covered: In the present unsystematic review, we present the most promising innovative technological devices that can effectively support rehabilitation based on a top-down approach, according to the most recent neuroscientific and neurocognitive findings. In particular, we explore if and how the use of new technological devices comprising serious exergames, virtual reality, robots, brain computer interfaces, rhythmic music and biofeedback devices might provide a top-down based approach. Expert commentary: Motor and cognitive systems are strongly harnessed in humans and thus cannot be separated in neurorehabilitation. Recently developed technologies in motor-cognitive rehabilitation might have a greater positive effect than conventional therapies

    The role of the rehabilitation in subjects with Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: a narrative review

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    Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder due to the deposition of abnormal proteins in neurons of the basal ganglia that limit motor ability producing disability and reduced quality of life. So far, no pharmacologic therapy has been developed and the treatment remains symptomatic. The aim of the present study was to investigate systematically literature, and to determine the types and effects of rehabilitative interventions. A search of all studies was conducted in MEDLINE/PubMed, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, CINAHL and EMBASE. Twelve studies were individuated including 6 case reports, 3 case series, one case control, one quasi-RT crossover study and one RCT, with 88 patients investigated overall. Rehabilitative interventions varied in type, number, frequency and duration of sessions. The most commonly used clinical measures were Progressive Supranuclear Palsy-Rating Scale (PSP-RS) and Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS). Physical exercises were the main rehabilitative strategy but were associated with other interventions and rehabilitative devices, in particular treadmill and robot-assisted gait training. All studies showed an improvement of balance and gait impairment with a reduction of falls after rehabilitation treatment. Due to poor methodological quality and the variability of rehabilitative approach with different and variable strategies, there was no evidence of the effectiveness of a specific rehabilitation intervention in PSP. Despite this finding, rehabilitation might improve balance and gait, thereby reducing falls in PSP subjects

    Cortical Correlates of Closed-Loop Cueing for Turning in Parkinson's Disease

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    La capacità di girarsi (turning) è essenziale per le attività quotidiane. Girarsi diventa sempre più difficile invecchiando per il peggioramento della capacità motoria o per la comparsa di malattie neurodegenerative, come la malattia di Parkinson (PD). Il cueing è il trattamento più utilizzato nella riabilitazione neurologica per il PD. Nella pratica clinica gli stimoli (cues) sono usati principalmente nella modalità open-loop (stimoli ritmici). La modalità closed-loop (stimoli basati sul movimento individuale) è meno esplorata. I meccanismi di risposta agli stimoli sono sconosciuti ma c’è evidenza che grazie al cueing ci sia uno shift da un controllo del movimento automatico ad uno più volontario. Noi abbiamo ipotizzato che il cueing porterà ad una maggiore attivazione della corteccia prefrontale (PFC), un’area del cervello implicata nelle funzioni esecutive. Gli obbiettivi sono stati: (i) valutare se il cueing possa alleviare i deficits nel turning (ii) valutare il ruolo della PFC nel turning con e senza cues. Ai 24 pazienti selezionati è stato detto di girarsi sul posto alternando turns a 360° a destra e a sinistra nelle situazioni di single-task (ST) e dual-task (DT) e in due condizioni randomizzate: (i) Baseline; (ii) Turning con closed-loop vibro-tactile cueing. La tecnica della functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) ha misurato l'attività della PFC. I risultati hanno dimostrato che non c’è differenza nell’attività della PFC tra la condizione baseline e quella di turning con closed-loop cueing, mentre la performance del turning migliora significativamente con il closed-loop cueing rispetto alla condizione baseline. Questo risultato potrebbe non supportare la nostra ipotesi iniziale che suggeriva un passaggio da un controllo del movimento automatico ad uno più volontario. I miglioramenti nel turning potrebbero derivare dall’attivazione di altri circuiti cerebrali o altre aree della corteccia, ma più ricerca è necessaria a supporto di questa ipotesi

    A wearable biofeedback device to improve motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia BiomédicaThis dissertation presents the work done during the fifth year of the course Integrated Master’s in Biomedical Engineering, in Medical Electronics. This work was carried out in the Biomedical & Bioinspired Robotic Devices Lab (BiRD Lab) at the MicroElectroMechanics Center (CMEMS) established at the University of Minho. For validation purposes and data acquisition, it was developed a collaboration with the Clinical Academic Center (2CA), located at Braga Hospital. The knowledge acquired in the development of this master thesis is linked to the motor rehabilitation and assistance of abnormal gait caused by a neurological disease. Indeed, this dissertation has two main goals: (1) validate a wearable biofeedback system (WBS) used for Parkinson's disease patients (PD); and (2) develop a digital biomarker of PD based on kinematic-driven data acquired with the WBS. The first goal aims to study the effects of vibrotactile biofeedback to play an augmentative role to help PD patients mitigate gait-associated impairments, while the second goal seeks to bring a step advance in the use of front-end algorithms to develop a biomarker of PD based on inertial data acquired with wearable devices. Indeed, a WBS is intended to provide motor rehabilitation & assistance, but also to be used as a clinical decision support tool for the classification of the motor disability level. This system provides vibrotactile feedback to PD patients, so that they can integrate it into their normal physiological gait system, allowing them to overcome their gait difficulties related to the level/degree of the disease. The system is based on a user- centered design, considering the end-user driven, multitasking and less cognitive effort concepts. This manuscript presents all steps taken along this dissertation regarding: the literature review and respective critical analysis; implemented tech-based procedures; validation outcomes complemented with results discussion; and main conclusions and future challenges.Esta dissertação apresenta o trabalho realizado durante o quinto ano do curso Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Biomédica, em Eletrónica Médica. Este trabalho foi realizado no Biomedical & Bioinspired Robotic Devices Lab (BiRD Lab) no MicroElectroMechanics Center (CMEMS) estabelecido na Universidade do Minho. Para efeitos de validação e aquisição de dados, foi desenvolvida uma colaboração com Clinical Academic Center (2CA), localizado no Hospital de Braga. Os conhecimentos adquiridos no desenvolvimento desta tese de mestrado estão ligados à reabilitação motora e assistência de marcha anormal causada por uma doença neurológica. De facto, esta dissertação tem dois objetivos principais: (1) validar um sistema de biofeedback vestível (WBS) utilizado por doentes com doença de Parkinson (DP); e (2) desenvolver um biomarcador digital de PD baseado em dados cinemáticos adquiridos com o WBS. O primeiro objetivo visa o estudo dos efeitos do biofeedback vibrotáctil para desempenhar um papel de reforço para ajudar os pacientes com PD a mitigar as deficiências associadas à marcha, enquanto o segundo objetivo procura trazer um avanço na utilização de algoritmos front-end para biomarcar PD baseado em dados inerciais adquiridos com o dispositivos vestível. De facto, a partir de um WBS pretende-se fornecer reabilitação motora e assistência, mas também utilizá-lo como ferramenta de apoio à decisão clínica para a classificação do nível de deficiência motora. Este sistema fornece feedback vibrotáctil aos pacientes com PD, para que possam integrá-lo no seu sistema de marcha fisiológica normal, permitindo-lhes ultrapassar as suas dificuldades de marcha relacionadas com o nível/grau da doença. O sistema baseia-se numa conceção centrada no utilizador, considerando o utilizador final, multitarefas e conceitos de esforço menos cognitivo. Portanto, este manuscrito apresenta todos os passos dados ao longo desta dissertação relativamente a: revisão da literatura e respetiva análise crítica; procedimentos de base tecnológica implementados; resultados de validação complementados com discussão de resultados; e principais conclusões e desafios futuros

    Master of Science

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    thesisComputing and data acquisition have become an integral part of everyday life. From reading emails on a cell phone, to kids playing with motion sensing game consoles, we are surrounded with sensors and mobile devices. As the availability of powerful mobile computing devices expands, the road is paved for applications in previously limited environments. Rehabilitative devices are emerging that embrace these mobile advances. Research has explored the use of smartphones in rehabilitation as a means to process data and provide feedback in conjunction with established rehabilitative methods. Smartphones, combined with sensor embedded insoles, provide a powerful tool for the clinician in gathering data and may act as a standalone training technique. This thesis presents continuing research of a sensor integrated insole system that provides real-time feedback through a mobile platform, the Adaptive Real-Time Instrumentation System for Tread Imbalance Correction (ARTISTIC). The system interfaces a wireless instrumented insole with an Android smartphone application to receive gait data and provide sensory feedback to modify gait patterns. Revisions to the system hardware, software, and feedback modes brought about the introduction of the ARTISTIC 2.0. The number of sensors in the insole was increased from two to 10. The microprocessor and a vibrotactile motor were embedded in the insole and the communications box was reduced in size and weight by more than 50%. Stance time iv measurements were validated against force plate equipment and found to be within 13.5 ± 3.3% error of force plate time measurements. Human subjects were tested using each of the feedback modes to alter gait symmetry. Results from the testing showed that more than one mode of feedback caused a statistically significant change in gait symmetry ratios (p < 0.05). Preference of feedback modes varied among subjects, with the majority agreeing that several feedback modes made a difference in their gait. Further improvements will prepare the ARTISTIC 2.0 for testing in a home environment for extended periods of time and improve data capture techniques, such as including a database in the smartphone application

    Free-living monitoring of Parkinson’s disease: lessons from the field

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    Wearable technology comprises miniaturized sensors (e.g. accelerometers) worn on the body and/or paired with mobile devices (e.g. smart phones) allowing continuous patient monitoring in unsupervised, habitual environments (termed free-living). Wearable technologies are revolutionising approaches to healthcare due to their utility, accessibility and affordability. They are positioned to transform Parkinson’s disease (PD) management through provision of individualised, comprehensive, and representative data. This is particularly relevant in PD where symptoms are often triggered by task and free-living environmental challenges that cannot be replicated with sufficient veracity elsewhere. This review concerns use of wearable technology in free-living environments for people with PD. It outlines the potential advantages of wearable technologies and evidence for these to accurately detect and measure clinically relevant features including motor symptoms, falls risk, freezing of gait, gait, functional mobility and physical activity. Technological limitations and challenges are highlighted and advances concerning broader aspects are discussed. Recommendations to overcome key challenges are made. To date there is no fully validated system to monitor clinical features or activities in free living environments. Robust accuracy and validity metrics for some features have been reported, and wearable technology may be used in these cases with a degree of confidence. Utility and acceptability appears reasonable, although testing has largely been informal. Key recommendations include adopting a multi-disciplinary approach for standardising definitions, protocols and outcomes. Robust validation of developed algorithms and sensor-based metrics is required along with testing of utility. These advances are required before widespread clinical adoption of wearable technology can be realise

    Is the timed-up and go test feasible in mobile devices? A systematic review

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    The number of older adults is increasing worldwide, and it is expected that by 2050 over 2 billion individuals will be more than 60 years old. Older adults are exposed to numerous pathological problems such as Parkinson’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, post-stroke, and orthopedic disturbances. Several physiotherapy methods that involve measurement of movements, such as the Timed-Up and Go test, can be done to support efficient and effective evaluation of pathological symptoms and promotion of health and well-being. In this systematic review, the authors aim to determine how the inertial sensors embedded in mobile devices are employed for the measurement of the different parameters involved in the Timed-Up and Go test. The main contribution of this paper consists of the identification of the different studies that utilize the sensors available in mobile devices for the measurement of the results of the Timed-Up and Go test. The results show that mobile devices embedded motion sensors can be used for these types of studies and the most commonly used sensors are the magnetometer, accelerometer, and gyroscope available in off-the-shelf smartphones. The features analyzed in this paper are categorized as quantitative, quantitative + statistic, dynamic balance, gait properties, state transitions, and raw statistics. These features utilize the accelerometer and gyroscope sensors and facilitate recognition of daily activities, accidents such as falling, some diseases, as well as the measurement of the subject's performance during the test execution.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Real-Time Feedback Training to Improve Gait and Posture in Parkinson's Disease

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    abstract: Progressive gait disorder in Parkinson's disease (PD) is usually exhibited as reduced step/stride length and gait speed. People with PD also exhibit stooped posture, which can contribute to reduced step length and arm swing. Since gait and posture deficits in people with PD do not respond well to pharmaceutical and surgical treatments, novel rehabilitative therapies to alleviate these impairments are necessary. Many studies have confirmed that people with PD can improve their walking patterns when external cues are presented. Only a few studies have provided explicit real-time feedback on performance, but they did not report how well people with PD can follow the cues on a step-by-step basis. In a single-session study using a novel-treadmill based paradigm, our group had previously demonstrated that people with PD could follow step-length and back angle feedback and improve their gait and posture during treadmill walking. This study investigated whether a long-term (6-week, 3 sessions/week) real-time feedback training (RTFT) program can improve overground gait, upright posture, balance, and quality of life. Three subjects (mean age 70 ± 2 years) with mild to moderate PD (Hoehn and Yahr stage III or below) were enrolled and participated in the program. The RTFT sessions involved walking on a treadmill while following visual feedback of step length and posture (one at any given time) displayed on a monitor placed in front of the subject at eye-level. The target step length was set between 110-120% of the step length obtained during a baseline non-feedback walking trial and the target back angle was set at the maximum upright posture exhibited during a quiet standing task. Two subjects were found to significantly improve their posture and overground walking at post-training and these changes were retained six weeks after RTFT (follow-up) and the third subject improved his upright posture and gait rhythmicity. Furthermore, the magnitude of the improvements observed in these subjects was greater than the improvements observed in reports on other neuromotor interventions. These results provide preliminary evidence that real-time feedback training can be used as an effective rehabilitative strategy to improve gait and upright posture in people with PD.Dissertation/ThesisMasters Thesis Biomedical Engineering 201

    Rehabilitation Engineering in Parkinson's disease

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    Impairment of postural control is a common consequence of Parkinson's disease (PD) that becomes more and more critical with the progression of the disease, in spite of the available medications. Postural instability is one of the most disabling features of PD and induces difficulties with postural transitions, initiation of movements, gait disorders, inability to live independently at home, and is the major cause of falls. Falls are frequent (with over 38% falling each year) and may induce adverse consequences like soft tissue injuries, hip fractures, and immobility due to fear of falling. As the disease progresses, both postural instability and fear of falling worsen, which leads patients with PD to become increasingly immobilized. The main aims of this dissertation are to: 1) detect and assess, in a quantitative way, impairments of postural control in PD subjects, investigate the central mechanisms that control such motor performance, and how these mechanism are affected by levodopa; 2) develop and validate a protocol, using wearable inertial sensors, to measure postural sway and postural transitions prior to step initiation; 3) find quantitative measures sensitive to impairments of postural control in early stages of PD and quantitative biomarkers of disease progression; and 4) test the feasibility and effects of a recently-developed audio-biofeedback system in maintaining balance in subjects with PD. In the first set of studies, we showed how PD reduces functional limits of stability as well as the magnitude and velocity of postural preparation during voluntary, forward and backward leaning while standing. Levodopa improves the limits of stability but not the postural strategies used to achieve the leaning. Further, we found a strong relationship between backward voluntary limits of stability and size of automatic postural response to backward perturbations in control subjects and in PD subjects ON medication. Such relation might suggest that the central nervous system presets postural response parameters based on perceived maximum limits and this presetting is absent in PD patients OFF medication but restored with levodopa replacement. Furthermore, we investigated how the size of preparatory postural adjustments (APAs) prior to step initiation depend on initial stance width. We found that patients with PD did not scale up the size of their APA with stance width as much as control subjects so they had much more difficulty initiating a step from a wide stance than from a narrow stance. This results supports the hypothesis that subjects with PD maintain a narrow stance as a compensation for their inability to sufficiently increase the size of their lateral APA to allow speedy step initiation in wide stance. In the second set of studies, we demonstrated that it is possible to use wearable accelerometers to quantify postural performance during quiet stance and step initiation balance tasks in healthy subjects. We used a model to predict center of pressure displacements associated with accelerations at the upper and lower back and thigh. This approach allows the measurement of balance control without the use of a force platform outside the laboratory environment. We used wearable accelerometers on a population of early, untreated PD patients, and found that postural control in stance and postural preparation prior to a step are impaired early in the disease when the typical balance and gait intiation symptoms are not yet clearly manifested. These novel results suggest that technological measures of postural control can be more sensitive than clinical measures. Furthermore, we assessed spontaneous sway and step initiation longitudinally across 1 year in patients with early, untreated PD. We found that changes in trunk sway, and especially movement smoothness, measured as Jerk, could be used as an objective measure of PD and its progression. In the third set of studies, we studied the feasibility of adapting an existing audio-biofeedback device to improve balance control in patients with PD. Preliminary results showed that PD subjects found the system easy-to-use and helpful, and they were able to correctly follow the audio information when available. Audiobiofeedback improved the properties of trunk sway during quiet stance. Our results have many implications for i) the understanding the central mechanisms that control postural motor performance, and how these mechanisms are affected by levodopa; ii) the design of innovative protocols for measuring and remote monitoring of motor performance in the elderly or subjects with PD; and iii) the development of technologies for improving balance, mobility, and consequently quality of life in patients with balance disorders, such as PD patients with augmented biofeedback paradigms