10,075 research outputs found


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    Modern world develops very quickly. Changes in people’s lives and technologies occur today much quicker than it was 50 years ago, flows of scientific information in foreign languages scatter in all ends of the world in only a few seconds, therefore, there is a need for a new formation of professionals capable to think and operate according to the new time. Thus, with increase in contacts of Russian scientists and businessmen with foreign partners and taking into account all said above the question of vocational training of translators of professionally oriented texts (scientific and technical texts) is now actual more than ever. The article describes the use of competence – based approach in vocational training and tries to define concepts of «competence» and «competences» of a translator of professionally oriented texts. In the article the necessity to use competency – based approach is outlined in the course of vocational training as it manifests further effective professional performance. The researchers also define «competencies» of a creative translator of professionally oriented texts. In the carried-out analysis of scientific literature and taking into account the teaching experience the authors enumerate the main competences and competencies defining effective performance of a translator of professionally oriented texts

    Педагогічні умови професійної підготовки майбутніх інженерів-програмістів

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    The problem of professional training of future engineers-engineers in the technical university is studied. It is considered the implementation of pedagogical conditions that contribute to the improvement of this training. The ways of introduction of the offered pedagogical conditions in the process of professional training of students are offered.Досліджується проблема професійної підготовки майбутніх інженерів-програмістів в технічному університеті. Розглядається реалізація педагогічних умов, що сприяють удосконаленню цієї підготовки. Пропонуються шляхи впровадження запропонованих педагогічних умов у процес професійної підготовки студентів

    Methodic of professionally-oriented English-language competence formation in monologue-presentation of future designers

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    This paper offers the methodic of professionally-oriented English-language competence formation (POELCF) in monologue-presentation (MP) of future designers (FD). The relevance of the research is determined by social order of society to train professionals capable for professional foreign-language communication; the contradiction between the specified program documents requirements and current state of English-language learning in Ukraine; the need of future designers to have professionally-oriented English-language-monologue for effective foreign-language communication. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the developed and experimentally tested methodic. We can outline the results of the present study: the peculiarities of the POELCF are defined, which are founded the base of the corresponding Methodology; the author’s system of exercises for learning the monologue-presentation-report, monologue-presentation-advertising; the definition of monologue-presentation is proposed as the target type of monologue utterance of future designers; linguistic analysis of the “monologue-presentation” discourse was conducted; checking experiment results are submitted. We make a conclusion: monologue-presentation is the most demanded and convenient target type of monologue broadcasting of future designers, who are capable to rebuild our Motherland after the War against Russian invaders and consolidate all European community

    Development of professional tolerance in medical students through professionally-oriented foreign language training

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    Global sociocultural transformations in the modern world are associated with expansive digitalisation and its impact on human life. Given the advantages of digital technology development, a number of significant problems arise, in particular, social differentiation, commercialisation of socionomic professions, information consumerism, emotional estrangement due to the virtualisation of communication, a shift in value orientations, replacement of traditional moral norms with their destructive simulacra. There is a clear need for intensification of educational activities in higher education focused on the humanisation of public consciousness, the promotion of social cohesion and the development of the moral backbone of an individual. Hence, it is necessary to refer to the theoretical and methodological foundations of tolerance development in students. The aim of this article is to clarify the concept of professional tolerance of a doctor and describe the strategy of its development in students in the process of foreign language training. Considering the issue of professional education of future doctors, the authors note that the vector of students’ spiritual and moral development is determined by the values, attitudes, and norms of medical ethics and deontology. Herewith, the principle of tolerance is of the basic ones since professional medical practice is based on regular interpersonal interaction. The authors define the concept of a doctor’s professional tolerance as the willingness to provide patients with high-quality medical care regardless of the heterogeneity of socio-cultural factors and subjective personal aspects. This concept assumes the doctor’s tact, empathy, psychological flexibility and poise. The proposed strategy for the development of professional medical tolerance in students via professionally-oriented foreign language training involves the holistic formation of its cognitive, affective and conative components through the educational content and the parity in subject-subject interaction. In the development of the cognitive component, considerable importance is ascribed to supplementing the basic educational materials by authentic content of social and professional orientation. The connecting link of the development of cognitive and affective components is the identification and levelling of stereotypes and prejudices regarding socially significant diseases. The basis for the development of the affective component is pedagogical tolerance, a favourable educational environment, interactive activities at classes, and the facilitation of students’ reflection. The development of the conative component of tolerance is directly tied to the development of professional communicative competence of future doctors: the study and development of various speech clichés in the format of interaction with patients; revision of politeness formulas; practicing non-verbal communication means in playing out quasi-professional situations; mastering the speech norms “plain language” and “people-first language”


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    This study inquired into the problems related to the culture of cooperation among students of non-linguistic higher education institutions and the use of interactive technologies as a solution to these problems. The relevance of the research lies in its illumination of the contradictions among the need to build communication environments that correspond with the transformation and modernization of Russian education in the Russian Federation, the insufficient theoretical elaboration of this issue, the new requirements in the field of education (Federal Law on Education in the Russian Federation as of December 29, 2012, No. 273-FZ (as amended on December 29, 2017), National Doctrine of Education of the Russian Federation until 2025, Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education), and the inadequate preparedness of students to be subjects of their development in innovative educational contexts. This research was aimed at theoretically justifying the development of a cooperative culture among students using interactive technologies. Its methodological foundations were the provisions and principles of personality-oriented, competency-based approaches and the underpinnings of intercultural competence. The study’s theoretical significance is reflected by (1) its integration of pedagogical technologies on the basis of the cultivation of desired educational situations and the implementation of educational technologies in collaboration with interactive innovations and by (2) the transition from informational and explanatory education to the innovatively effective adoption of interactive technologies in the educational process, which also involves developmental and personal orientations. The research’s practical significance lies in its development and organization of experimental work on the evolution of the aforementioned cooperative culture. In the experiment, interactive pedagogical technologies for English teaching, such as case methods, project approaches, role play, business-oriented games, and debates were modified and tested. The ways by which these technologies can be effectively used in higher education institutions were formulated, thereby enabling students to cultivate business collaboration skills, which are important for their future professional careers.Este estudo investigou os problemas relacionados com a cultura de cooperação entre estudantes de instituições de ensino superior não linguístico e o uso de tecnologias interactivas como solução para estes problemas. A relevância da pesquisa reside na iluminação das contradições entre a necessidade de construir ambientes de comunicação que correspondam à transformação e modernização da educação russa na Federação Russa, a insuficiente elaboração teórica desta questão, as novas exigências no campo da educação [Lei Federal sobre Educação na Federação Russa a partir de 29 de dezembro de 2012, No. 273-FZ (conforme estipulado numa emenda em 29 de dezembro de 2017), a Doutrina Nacional de Educação da Federação Russa até 2025, a Norma Federal Estadual de Educação Superior], e a preparação inadequada dos estudantes para serem sujeitos do seu desenvolvimento em contextos educacionais inovadores. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo justificar teoricamente o desenvolvimento de uma cultura cooperativa entre estudantes que utilizam tecnologias interativas. Seus fundamentos metodológicos foram as disposições e os princípios de abordagens orientadas para a personalidade, baseadas na competência e os fundamentos da competência intercultural. O significado teórico do estudo reflete-se por (1) sua integração de tecnologias pedagógicas a partir do cultivo de situações educacionais desejadas e da implementação de tecnologias educacionais em colaboração com inovações interativas e por (2) a transição da educação informativa e explicativa para a adoção inovadora e eficaz de tecnologias interativas no processo educacional, o que envolve também orientações de desenvolvimento e pessoais. O significado prático da pesquisa reside no seu desenvolvimento e organização de trabalhos experimentais sobre a evolução da cultura cooperativa acima mencionada. Na experiência, foram modificadas e testadas tecnologias pedagógicas interativas para o ensino do inglês, tais como métodos de caso, abordagens de projetos, jogos de papéis, jogos de negócios e debates. Foram formuladas as formas pelas quais estas tecnologias podem ser utilizadas eficazmente nas instituições de ensino superior, permitindo assim aos estudantes cultivar competênEn este estudio se investigaron los problemas relacionados con la cultura de cooperación entre los estudiantes de las instituciones de educación superior no lingüísticas y el uso de tecnologías interactivas como solución a estos problemas. La pertinencia de la investigación radica en la aclaración de las contradicciones entre la necesidad de construir entornos de comunicación que correspondan a la transformación y modernización de la educación rusa en la Federación de Rusia, la insuficiente elaboración teórica de esta cuestión, las nuevas exigencias en el ámbito de la educación [Ley Federal de Educación de la Federación de Rusia del 29 de diciembre de 2012, No. 273-FZ (según lo estipulado en una enmienda del 29 de diciembre de 2017), la Doctrina Nacional de la Educación de la Federación de Rusia hasta 2025, la Norma Federal Estatal de Educación Superior], y la insuficiente preparación de los estudiantes para ser sujetos de su desarrollo en contextos educativos innovadores. Esta investigación tenía como objetivo justificar teóricamente el desarrollo de una cultura de cooperación entre los estudiantes que utilizan tecnologías interactivas. Sus fundamentos metodológicos fueron las disposiciones y principios de los enfoques orientados a la personalidad y basados en la competencia, así como los fundamentos de la competencia intercultural. El significado teórico del estudio se refleja en (1) su integración de tecnologías pedagógicas sobre la base del cultivo de situaciones educativas deseadas y la implementación de tecnologías educativas en colaboración con innovaciones interactivas y en (2) la transición de la educación informativa y explicativa a la adopción innovadora y efectiva de tecnologías interactivas en el proceso educativo, que también implica orientaciones de desarrollo y personales. La importancia práctica de la investigación radica en el desarrollo y la organización del trabajo experimental sobre la evolución de la cultura de cooperación antes mencionada. En el experimento se modificaron y probaron tecnologías pedagógicas interactivas para la enseñanza del inglés, tales como métodos de casos, enfoques de proyectos, juegos de rol, juegos orientados a los negocios y debates. Se formularon las formas en que estas tecnologías pueden ser utilizadas eficazmente en las instituciones de educación superior, permitiendo así a los estudiantes cultivar habilidades de colaboración empresarial, que son importantes para sus futuras carreras profesionales

    Організаційні та методичні аспекти навчання іноземних студентів

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    The article deals with language teaching methods and adaptation of foreign citizens, the teacher’s responsibility being to assess the student’s language level and abilities to gain further professional education in Ukraine.The assessment of degree of language skills traditionally is an uneasy problem for a teacher as it is assessed not only the set of the learnt words and rules, but level of formed communicative competence. The extremely important positive factor at foreign language learning is the confidence of foreigners at fact that they have qualitative final result that is in successful mastering of language and, as consequence, the future profession. Therefore, task of pre-professional training of foreign citizens is actualisation and systematization of conceptually-terminological frame in language of the future training. The main task of the teachers training profile disciplines to foreigners, is systematization of knowledge, received in their native countries, acquaintance with conceptually-terminological frame of their future profession either in the Ukrainian or the Russian languages. Subject training of foreign citizens frequently considerably differs from similar training of the Ukrainian entrants; it is possible to explain this by various approaches and requirements of the Ukrainian and foreign educational institutions.Considering scientists’ achievements, own experience concerning circumstances of successful language mastering by foreign students, we have isolated such psychological and pedagogical conditions: purposeful selection and structuring of the language teaching material contents according to cognitive students’ possibilities; regular and continuous motivation and stimulation of cognitive interest; realization of methods based on communicative and imitation-play approaches and directed on step-by-step foreign language masteringУ статті аналізується проблема професійної підготовки іноземних студентів, що навчаються у вищих навчальних закладах України. Подане нове розв’язання проблеми оцінювання комунікативної складової професійної компетентності майбутніх іноземних студентів у допрофесійній підготовці. Визначено стан сформованості комунікативної компетентності студентів-іноземців. Виділено організаційні складові, психологічні та педагогічні умови розвитку комунікативної складової професійної компетентності іноземних студенті

    Subject-related communicative language competence: Exploring future information technology specialists' learning and teaching

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    The need for IT professionals with fluency in foreign languages becomes increasingly critical as the Kazakhstani government implements steps to foster IT innovation. However, there are structural, geographical and professional imbalances in the interaction of supply and demand for IT professionals who can speak a foreign language in the   modern labour market   which is the main problem that is currently hindering the growth of the IT sector in Kazakhstan. The aim of this study was to assess the development of subject communicative language competencies (a) in linguistic or grammatical ability and (b) in discourse ability in first-year students for the proposed author's innovative learning technique in the educational process as well as the appropriate technological and systematic procedures. A mixed-research method was used in this study. The study involved 365 learners in the "Informatics" direction at the International University of Information Technologies in Almaty, Kazakhstan during the school year 2021-2022. According to the findings, the experiment participants did not develop subject-related communicative language competencies. The results show that the degree of capability formation is not satisfactory.  52.8% is the basic level, 41.6% is the production point  and only 5.8% is the high level. Positive dynamics shaping learners' subject-related language communication competencies were identified as a result of the implementation of innovative techniques. This paper contributes to the research on teaching IT students in developing countries and highlights the most important factors that contribute to improve the level of subject-related communicative language competencies of IT students

    The development of foreign language professionally–oriented communicative competence as an integral part of the future doctors professional competence

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    In the modern world, foreign languages have become not only a mean of international communication, but also a way to achieve a better standard of living. Without knowledge of foreign languages, it is difficult for doctors to get an education in a foreign university, to find a good job with the prospect of an internship abroad and, as a result, career growth. The purpose of the research is to give definitions of the term «foreign language professionally-oriented communicative competence», to consider the ways of this competency development at English for specific purpose lessons in higher educational medical institutions. The methodological basis of the research forms the principles of scientificity, systematicity and objectivity. The general scientific methods (of analysis, synthesis, comparative, systematization, generalization) have been used when writing the paper. The material has been presented according to the thematic principle. Comparative, typological and functional methods have been used for a comprehensive research of the topic. Theoretical analysis of the problem of foreign language professionally-oriented communicative competence formation of future doctors leads to the definition and differentiation of the concepts of "competency" and "competence". Special attention is devoted to the motivation as an important factor of students desire to learn foreign language. Motivation directs the student to a thorough mastery of professional disciplines, including foreign languages for specific purposes, focusing them on future professional activities. Authors study the most potential and promising ways for developing foreign language professionally-oriented communicative competence, which are used in the educational process of higher medical institutions: internet resources, textbooks. So, in today’s global world, the importance of English cannot be denied and ignored since English is the most common language spoken everywhere. With the help of developing technology, English has been playing a major role in many sectors including medicine, so health world requires English